THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Every Thursday HOWARD A. BANKS, Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Post Office at Hickory s secoad class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ Six Months, " !' £ Three Months " " " Advertising Rates on Application THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO * BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Thursday, May 11, 1911 HICKORY. Population with suburbs 6,017. Catawba County's largest city. INDUCEMENTS. Remarkably fine climate, being lo cated on a high ridge 1164 feet above sea-level in sight of the Blue Ridge fbuthern Railway and Carolina and North Western. 18 hours from New York. Water from a pure mountain Stream. Excellent schools and church es, Two colleges. INDUSTRIES. Wagon factory, three cotton mills, two furniture factories, three building material factories, pump factory, twe knitting mills, two tanneries, collai factory, harness factory, canner factory, foundry and machine shop, ice plant, pickerstick factory, two roller mills. Money value of factories 11,850,000.00. Annual output $2,250,000.00. GRADED SCHOOL'S GOT THE CRAMP. We again call attention to the crowded condition of our school. Not one of us but wants our children to have a better educa tion than we have. They will need it. The struggle for exis tence becomes harder for each Individual as the "years go by, and the artificial conditions of modern life increase. In Hickory school it takes 13 years to complete the grammar school course which in other town? takes only 12. This is due to our handicap. Prof. Staley is point ing out the trouble in an article ~ in this issue. Read it, and let us hear what you think about it. The Democrat would be glad to hear from our people on this subject. Our school is sick—and bad off too—with the cramp. How shall we cure it? HOWDYE, UNCLE JESSE. Uncle Jesse Click, who has had the worst case of homesick ness we ever heard tell of. du ring the past year at Lincolnton where he edited the Times, is back home, to help brighten up our esteemed neighbor, the Times-Mercury. We are glad to have Uncle Jesse back. He belongs in Hick ory. "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." His old home and his best friends (are of whom we ara one, albeit one of his younger friends) are here. We have all all a long dis covered a sort of pathetic long ing for home in Uncle Jesse's writings in the Lincoln Times and we are glad he's back. Uncle Jesse is one of the most vigorous writers on the State press. He raises pepper in his garden and uses a right smart of it in his copy. Our old Boss Man on the Char lotte Observer, Joe Caldwell, used to say to us that he reckoned that man Click up in Hickory must tote artillery all the time he wrote such savagerous pieces. Uncle Jesse sassed the Obser ver one time, we recollect, and the Old Man stopped the paper's exchange with the Mercury, but the latter's editor wrote him such a nice letter, saying he couldn't get along without the Observer, that he started her going again. He never-missed reading the Mercury. You know you f em a concep tion of a man before you see him. We, too, expected to see a man with a Jack Chinn or Jesse James cast of countenance when we took acquaintance with Brother Click. But lo and behold we met one of the pleasantest, sof test speaking, mildest mannered gentlemen, and one safe on the road to heaven by the river route —ajdeacon in the Baptist church. We are glad he's come home. It will make the Mercury and the Democrat both better papers —for the latter will have to hus tle to keep pace with Uncle Jesse, for he's a good mixer. Don't let the baby suffer from eczema, sores or any itching of the skin. Ointment gives instant relief, cures nuicldy. Perfectly safe for children. All druggists sell it. WHOSE BROTHER IS FMR / OTHER? Since Rev. A. C. Dixon, of the Moody church, Chicago, has been called to the Metropolitan Taber nacle in London, which, we be lieve, is Spurgeon's old churchi all the papers are saying that he is "Tom Dixon's brother." No, Tom is A. C's brother, and the preacher is just as famous and much greater than Tom He nev er rocked the boat like Tom. MAYOR LENTZ. The Democrat wishes to convey its congratulations to Mayor J. A. Lentz, and to assure him that it will try to give him all the iid in its power to make Hickory ;hebest governed city in the 3tate. We are publishing else jvhere a sketch of his career, [t is a story which should encour ige every young man to believe ;hat well directed effort w.ll bring success. Mr, Lent* start id with little and has become one jf the solid business men of the city. Hickory may well be assur ed that it will have the sama en ergy devoted to it which has nade the mayor successful in his own business. A SINKING FUND. The city election is over. The leat of the campaign has burned out Good men have been de feated. Good men have been e lected. If we had any criticism it all to offer it would be that che fight was personal and not over issues. That sort of a fight is always fierce. You can hardly jick out a successful Hickory business man for mayor or al lermen without getting a good man. Why not let us make our battles over issues? One of the crying needs of out nnnicipal government today is a sinking fund. The city is $151,- 000 in debt and no sign of a sink ing fund. Not a business man in dickory is doing business on that principle. No man incurs a debt mless he provides a way to pay it in a specified time. Yet Hick >ry is piling up debt for a couple •)f generations yet unborn to pay —if they can. We have laid $35.- 000 worth of beautiful streets, vhich may last 20 years, but which ourown shoes and our own horses' shoes will wear out be fore our grandchildren are born *ho will have to pay for them. The bond issue act of 1907 provides that: "The mayor and board of al lermen are empowered whenever t shall be necessary to do so, for :he satisfaction and payment of .he principal or interest of said jonds, to levy a special tax each /ear upon all subjects of taxation jpon which said mayor and board low have power to levy a tax iccording to law. Said special tax shall be used to create a sink ing fund for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds, and shall in no case ex ceed 15 cents on the hundred dollars worth of property real and personal and 45 cents on the poll" 1 We do not believe any city can make progress without going into debt but it certainly ought to provide for paying off the debt. Perhaps the city could take building and loan stock for this purpose. It seems to us that the present administration could start off no better than by taking a positive stand along this line. A beautiful Jersey bull calf, oat of imported Oxford Raleigh by Viola of Ingleside, arrived here last week and was taken out to the Dutch Dairy Farms by Mr. W. R Lutz, who ordered it. It was four months old. ONLY ONE BEST Hickory People Give Credit Where Credit is Due People of Hickory who suffer with sick kidneys and bad b*cks want a kidney remedy that can be depended upon. The best is Doan's Kidney Pills, a medicine for the kidneys only, made from pure roots and herbs, and one that is backed by cures in Hickory. Here's Hickory's testimony: H. W. Jones, 620 Eighth Ave., Hickory, N. C., says: "I was annoyed by my kidneys for quite awhile and at last I procured a box of Doan's Kid ney Pills at Moser & Lutz*s Drug Store, in order to see if they would help me more than the other preparations I had tried, I was surprised and delighted with the results. My entire system was toned up and my kidneys were restored to a normal condition. One of my chil dren has also used Doan's Kidney Pills and thinks as highly of them as I do." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York sole agents for the United States. Remember the name —Doan's—and take no other. THE FARMERS CHANCE. Tie Democrat noted list week the offer of the Hickory Chamber of Commerce of $3.00 toward cons traction work for every tele phone added to a new line into Hickory from the country. The Chamber will give $3O for in stance if ten farmers will link up with a new line. A new line has been built into the Catawba Springs section with 30 u«ers already. There should be another line out toward Bar ker's school house, one into the Hop Creek neighborhood, one j down the railroad to Oyama, and others. This is a good chance for farmers to get busy while they can get this help from the town. Secretary Joy in his letter to farmers published below points out the opportunity in a telling way: Dear Sir:—The Hickory Cham i ber of Commerce, with a desire to bring all of our rural citizens in closer touch with Hickory's business, social and professional ife, sought the officers of tl|e dickory Electric Co., to see what :ould be done to incite the build ng of more farmers' telephone Jnes. About 75 or 100 farmers are already connected up with Hickory, and are realizing the so cial as well as the business ad vantages in having this service. Eight, or ten, or fifteen miles from town no longer means iso lation, when wife, or daughter, or sister, can take up the receiver and talk with friends and rela tives many miles away. Or jt may be that a physican's services are urgently needed. The father hurriedly hitches up his horse for a long drive after a doctor, har assed by the fear that his child might die before he returns; the mother works with alternate hope and fear, looking at the Clock every few moments while she calculates the slowly diminishing dme when the doctor could rea sonably be expected. What a relief to know that this agony of suspense can be minimized through a telephone call, day or night. From a Twientieth Century business standpoint, a telephone is necessity to the farmer, for a farmer in this day and genera tion is also a business man, and Hickory is a business town. Jt is the desire of our organization to bring every one of these two classes of business men in closer touch. The farmer, and nis home (if he has a telephone), if he wishes to buy, can find out che cost of anything he needs by celephoaing to Hickory mer chants. If he has anything to sell he can ascerta n the prices and market conditfons before leaving home. If the market and prices are favorable, he can then and there deliver the goods. If not. he can wait for a more favorable market. The telephone is, in "I HAD NERVOUS DSYPEPSIA 8 YEARS' Mr. B. M. Medlin, of Creed more, N. C. thus relates bis experience: "1 was flow with nervous dyspepsia for eight years I weighed 185 pounds and it reduced me t -118. I could not touch solid food. I tu lle ve it would have killed me. 1 had t live on sweets and the lightest diet. Ha *erere nervous spells nearly evry day. Doe ton could not even relieve ine. 1 was v> weak that for three months I was not abli to walk across the room. I was persuaded to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy and it cured me. Can eat anything, and aa much aa 1 warn." A feeling of heaviness In the stomach after eating, lagging appetite, nausea or sickness or stomach, frequent vomiting, acute pains, irritable temper, nervousness, twitching of muscles, sense of danger and great restlessness are nature's danger signals pointing to impaired ~ digestion. If you have any of above symptoms, yoa need MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY: It will restore natural digestion by stim ulating an increased flow of gastric Juice, induce sound sleep, refreshing rest, and make you sonnd and well. No matter of how long standing your trouble, Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy will positively cure you. It will give you back the snap and Vigor and ginger of other days— mate yoa feel fine—give yoa ambition—make yoa "fit" In every way. For twenty-three yeans this great remedy has been curing thousands or people af flicted with chronic Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Sour Stomach, Nervousness, Rheuma tism, Catarrh, Female Troubles, Blood Poison, and all ailments resulting from Impure, Impoverished or Poisoned Blood. Aa a Tonic, Alterative, Blood Portlier and Nervine It never fails to give Satis faction, and it Is especially valuable In cases of Nervous Prostration and In somnia. It is without an equal for "run down" conditions in both men and women. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy is scientifi cally compounded from purely vegetable Ingredients of great medicinal properties. It positively contains no opiate or nar cotic. no Todide of Potassium or other mln ernl—nothing that is in the least harmful. Let us send you grateful letters from liv ing witnesses who nave been cared. in cases of external trouble, Inflamma tion, ulceration or Itching hamor, oar Wash should be used with the Remedy. For sale by druggists, or supplied direct on receipt of price, 11.00 per bottle; 9 bot tles for J6.00; l dozen by express prepaid for by * m vu. JOE moors REMEDY «. nttuß. I. t Hickory Company. We offer 50 bushels small Irish Potatoes suitable. for seed at 50c a bushel. . 11 want One Million Sweet Potato Plants by May 10th to 15th. See us for Particulars. FOR SALE—IOO bushels feed oats, 50c a bushel. Hickory Seed Co. short, a time saver and a money saver, and in order to include more of our farmers to put up branch telephone, lines, we will give $3.00 for every telephone put in on new lines. For exam pie: If 10 farmers, shall install a new lire, the Chamber °f Com merce will donate ij>3o.oo to help in the construction of that line. And now, Mr. Farmer, it is up to you. After you get your line complete, yon can be con nected up with over 400 tele phones at a flat rate of 50 cents per month. As a social propo sition and as a business proposi tion we think this should appeal to you and every member of your family. If it does, get busy, or ganize your line and the Chamber of Commerce will see that you get your $3.00 per phone. Respectfully yours, Hickory Chamber of Commerce, A. K. JOY, Secretary. Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps? No, Never. Its foolish to fear a fan cied evil, When there are real and dead ly perils to guard against in swamps and marshes, bayous, and lowlands. These are the malaria germs that cause ague, chills an£ fever, weakness, aches in the bones and muscles and may induce dead ly typhoid. But Electric Bitters des troys and casts out these vicious germs from the blood. "Three bottles drove all the malaria from my system," wrote Wm. Fretwell, of L'icama, N. C., "and I've had fine health ever sin%c." Use this safe, sure remedv only. 5Qc at C. M. Shu ford, Moser & Lutz, and Grimes Drug Store, Re-Sale of Valuable Land. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Catawba county, N. C., made in the Special Proceeding therein pending, wherein Mahala Her man, and others are the Petitioners, and G. W. Raby is the Defendant, the undersigned as Commissioner, will re sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, in front of the First Nat'l. Bank in the City of Hickory, N. C., on Saturday, June ,H*th, 191!, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following tract of land, lying and being in Hickory Township, Catawba county, N. C., ad joining- the lands of Lafayette Stine, William Propst, and others, and bound ed as follows, vis: Beginning at a large white-oak the beginning corner of the old tract, and runs S. 3 1-2 W. 1215-6 poles to a stone, Mrs. Rebecca Newton's corner; thence S. 3 1-2 W. 28 l-3poles to a stone thence along her line S. 85 1-4 E. 28 1-3 poles to a stone, her corner; thence S. 85 E. 50 1-2 poles to a stone, Eliza Bolick's comer; thence N. 1-2 W. 40 poles to a stone; thence S* 88 E. 20 poles to a stone; thence Nv.. 1-2 E. is 2-5 poles to a large pine stump; thetiipe N. 57 1-4 R 14 5 6 poles crossing Snow-creek to a white flint stool; thence N. 55 1-4 W. 123 1-2 poles to the beginning, and containing 63 acres more or less. This is the "Daniel Bolick land," about 3 1-2 miles from Hickory, N. C., and is being sold for division among the Owners thereof. This is a valuable tract of land and anyone wishing to see same before sale day will call on either Mr. E. C. Herman, who lives on the lanfe or on the Commissioner, Mr. I, C. Huffman, and either will take pleas ure in showing you over same. Bidding to begin at $lBBl.OO. This being a final sale. This the 4th day of May 1911. L. C. HUFFMAN. Commissioner. WAITER C. FEIMSTER, Attorney. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. K. A. Price. . PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue. 'PHONE No. 94. Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. ELLIOTT BUILDING CO 'lncorporated) Successors to J D Ellioit, Hickory, N. C. J D Elliott. Pres and Treas J Worth Elliott, V-Pres H F Elliott, Secretary Write for estimates. Chnrhces and ' School buildings a specialty. Dr. J. C. BIDDwT DENTIST Office: Over Singer Sewing Machine Ofiice. HICKORY, N. C DR. w. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office: OVER POSTOFFICE. W. L. WHITET Architect Office over Grimes Drug Store Hickory, N. C. Palace Barber Shop ALL FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN Hot and Gold Baths LADIES Face Massages and Shampooing a your homes. D. F. CLINK, Phone 190, Proprietor.,' Crouch-Blanton. Miss Fannie Crouch, a charm ing young woman of this city, was married Thursday night to M£ H. C. Blanton, manager of the telephone exchange at New ton. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. Stanlev Crouch. The wed ding was a simple but pretty fit>®e affair. The groom vas atteded by his friends, Messrs. J. P. Botfd and Bruce Puett, of Newton They will visit Ashville and Blacksburg, S. C. before return ing home, PROTECT The Health of Yourself And Family. Pope's Herb is prepared to provide*a dependable household remedy, based upon the principle of purity of blood in ruring freedom from diseases. It 4s a medicine for maladies such as Rheu matism, Liver Complaints, Constipation, Fever and Ague, Female Disorders, In digestion, Lumbago, Kidney Derange ments, Catarrh, Sick and Nervous Head aches, loss of Appetite and all ailments arising from inactivity of the Liver and Kidneys. It is a purely Herbs, Barks and Roots Compound. It is put up in chocolate coated Tablets pleasing and easy to take, (or can be dissolved in water.) Mrs. J- C. Meads of Hyatts ville, Md. says: "For years Ihave suffered with Back ache, Headaches, Neuralgia, and Nerv ousness and extreme Fatigue. I tried m»;iy remedies without relief. Four months ago a grateful friend induced me to write to Pope Medicine Co. Washington, D. C., for a box of Pope's Herb Compound Tablets, the very first dose of two tablets gave me relief. I used not quite a $l.OO box and I am en tirely cured of the pain in my back and haveno more headache." Dr. J. V. Hennesey, a vromin ent Physician gnd Surgeon of Albany, A. 1. in oart says: "As a Blood Purifier, Liver Kidney and System regulator I prescribe Pope Medicine Co's of Washington, D. C. Herb Compound, as I have done for the past 20 years, and 1 have found it to be fa great remedy which seldom if ever ails. There a,re thousands of letters from users of Pope's Herbs, that have been benefited and curec jy its proper se. Pope's Ilerb Compound Tablets are put up SM) in a box, "six month's treatment," and will be sent post-paid on receipt of 11.00. Each box contains a printedguarantee binding us to re und the purchase price if the remedy fails to benefit, also full directions. Guaranteed by the Pope Me lie ne Co., Inc., under the Pure Food and Dri gs Juue, 30 i 906 No 34956. for terms to agents In unoccup e. trrritorry, address POPE MIiUIULN E CU., Pope Ftuildine, Washington, D. C. Wanted! Stove Legs from King ' Heaters. Home Canner . Company. BUILDING MATERIALS. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, MANTELS, FLOORING CEILING, SIDINGS, FRAMING, FINISHED LUMBER, PINE SHINGLES, CYPRESS SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATHS, SASH WEIGHTS, GLASS. Estimates made from &ans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in stock. Hickory M anufaeturing" Company, HICKORY, - N. C. k."—■ - i&ILLTHE COUGH AWDCUREmLUMCS •MTDR.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY "CUGGGIII AU TOUCHAMD LllUg TBOUMK C{ VAX**™* 0 SAr/sMcro/?r Fads for Weak W Nine-tenths of ail the sickness of women is due to some derangement or dis cose of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured—is cur ',H every day by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. It acts directly on the organs affected and is at the same time a general restora. tive tonic for the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the pri\ ac » of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and local treatment so imiversaily insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to every modest woman. We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of those peculiar affections incident to women, but those wanting full information as to their symptoms and means of positive cure are referred,to the People's Com* JM mon Sense Medical Adviser—looB pages, newly revised and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt of 21 one- vSnhJB Ba cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only; or, in cloth &jjj| binding for 31 stamps. * Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. 1 Fall Into Line! piii mi 'i i 1 ■ l l hi ■ 111 i g 9 Every day the house-keepers who use o g v § our Hour are increasing, both in and out g 2 © | of town. o 3 . « a S $ Seal of Carolina and Blue Ridge £ # . Superlative Patents. y $ Catawba Valley §' A Whole Wheat Flour. g © 8 g I ® | hickory MiHing Gompany » A # ¥}One-Fifth of all the Motor Cars n Built in America in 1911 H will be Ford Model T's Vj TT has been estimated from the reports of Motor Car Manufacturers N X that 150,000 automobiles will be built in America in 1911. Out of n Sat this immense quantity, 30,000 will be Ford Model T's, built by the Ford j) Motor Company. There is a reason for this exceptionally large num- Q /▼ ber of Ford cars, for this Ford popularity. The aemand for a car of |\ \i Ford design and Ford quality has been so great that a yearly output jj XI of 30,000 Model T's has been required to supply the demands of buy- (l #7 ers. Ford design and construction, Ford quality in material, strength, " durability and service, economy in up-keep'and low purchase price it II are features that have caused Ford to manufacture this season one- n /▼ fifth of all the cars built in America. Write for our Model T descrip- T\ tive catalog. il » Touring Car $825 Fully Equipped, F. M O. B. Hickory. & n Q C. T. Moirison Motor Co. § Hickory Novelty Co. | x Manufacturers of | v Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mould- g a ings and Building Ma- o I teriaL 8 Dressing, Re-Sawing, Lipping, 8 and any kind of custom work X Q doDe on short notice .*. . % ft §Come and see us before you place your order. K 2lst St. Phone No. 19. BHWMMMKBBWBQMMBMMKMBMmMHiBa ' v ' A Dollar Goes i if Invested in Our Store. | We carry a full line of Dry I Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes I and everything handy in the | home. I Buy your groceries from us. Housekeepers brag on our flour. Setzer 0 Russell FOR JOB PRINTING Go to The Democrat Office. - Equipment Up-to-date Work Guaranteed Promptness Assured V