THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Every Thursday HOWARD A. BAIVKS, Editor and Proprietor Eutere- at the Post Office at Hickory s secoud class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ i.oc Six-Mouths, " " 50 Three Months «« " 25 - Advertising Rates on Application THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Thursday, June 22. 1911 HICKORY. Population with suburbs 6,017. Catawba Ccu ity's largest city. INL UCEMENTF. Remarkably fine climate, being lo cated on a high ridge 1164 feet apove sea-level in sight of the Blue Ridge. Southern Railway and Carolina and North Western. 18 hours from New York. Water from a pure mountain stream. Excellent schools and church es. Two colleges. INDUSTRIES. Wagon factory, three cotton mills, two furniture factories, three building material factories, pump factory, two knitting mills, two tanneries, collar factory, harness factory, canner factory, foundry and machine shop, ice plant, Eickerstick factory, two roller mills, [oney value of factories $1,850,000.00. Annual output $2,250,000.00. SHALL THEY ROBB CAT AWBA OF THE HIGHWAY. Hickory has observed with a feeling of self-satisfied security the contest between Statesviile and Mooresville for the location of the State Central Highway, and behold we now have a contest of our own. The issue has been raised by State President Varner (of the Highway) and State Geologist Pratt, and it seems to the Dem ocrat that they have gone a little out of their way to do so. If there should be two men who ought to be absolutely neutral on this subject it is Messrs. Varner and Pratt. Mr. Varner lambasts Cataw ba eo jnty as having the worst roads on the whole route except Madison. Now we know that our roads are not good roads butstill they are not "no roads." When did these gentlemen get the idea that Catawba was not awake on the subject of good - roads? What justice is there in his saying "if you people dont become aroused to the impor tance of this road;" "there is a probability of Catawba county loosing the Central Highway un less your people thoroughly wake up and get busy at once;'' "your people are a little slow to move and I hope they will not be so self-satisfied that they will let this great opportunity of secur ing a great central highway slip away from them;" and more to the same affect. When did Mr. Varner get so thoroughly infused with the idea Catawba is not "aroused;" that she is asleep and that we are "slow to move;" "self satisfied," "negligent," etc. Catawba citi zens have worked their heads off to secure a road tax of 20 cents on the $lOO, and secured it. How many other counties on the highway route have this? Be fore the State Central Highway was born, the Hickory Cham ber of Commerce organized, in a great roads meeting in Hickory, the Salisbury-to-Asheville high way. The Legislature held it up but if Catawba is robbed of the It is worse than useless to take any medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that is need ed is a free application of Chamber lain's Liniment. For sale by all deal ers. IjfILLS -THE- DANDRUFF- Central Highway, you can bet your bottom dollar it will come to life again. Catawba county was repre sented at the meeting in kaleigh which organized the State Cen tral Highway. . This is our record on the good '•oads question and we ask, in view of it, if any fair minded man can say that we are not aroused and awake to the im portance of the subject? We know, too, that our roads are not the worst on the Central Highway, and that some of our sister counties are just about Rip Van Winkley as we are. There is no better judge or no fairer man in the state than Mr. R. R. Clark, of the Statesville Landmark, who was in the scout party and who writes in his pa per: "Catawba roads will probably compare favorably with the roads of any county where modern im provements have not begun; and it is distinctly encouraging; that the county has levied a road tax of 2u cents on thesloo. Caldwell county took the hint as quick as Mr. Varner and Dr. Pratt gave them the wink: The Lenoir News says: "All we have to do to get this road is to make a good road from Lenoir to Taylorsville. As we have heretofore pointed out this is the natural routs and it is the one favored by Dr. Pratt." The News further quoted from a report of one of Dr. Pratt's speeches reported in the Greens boro News in which he stated that "the crest of the Blue Ridge highway was his hobby." So Dr, Pratt, who, as State Geologist, has the right under the law to locate the highway, is going to change the straight route for a roundabout one, be cause a mountain top highway is his hobby. By the way, Mr- Varner states that the Central Highway act de clares that the highway "may" pass through Catawba, As a matter of face the law says it "shall" pass through Catawba, and the law cant be changed un der two years. Two gentlemen who have trav eled through Alexander and Caldwell tell us the roads are worse than those in Catawba, so it is difficult to understand the sudden fierce attack of Mr. Varner and Dr. Pratt upon Cataw ba as a Highway county. We are in no way apologiz ing for our roads but merely protesting against being singled out for slaughter. A BIG DEAL. The sale of the Piedmont Wag on Works, as relited in this pa per, for more than $400,000, is the biggest financial deal in the history of the city. It will release more than $200,000 of capital in town to seek new channels of investment. Naturally this capital will be in vested here. There is opportunity here for various industries, such as a chair factory, shirt factory, pants factory, wooden novelty factory, etc. A leading business man tells the Democrat that tl.e money, labor, power, etc., are here but the skilled manager is lacking. There is immense opportunity here for the young man who will train himself to manage such indus tries as these. A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, de mands prompt treatment, with Buck- Icn's Arnica Salve to prevent blood Poison or gangreen. Its the quick est, surest healer for all such as also for Burns, Boils, Sores, Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Chapped Hands, Corns or piles. 25c at C. M. Shuford, Moser and Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. THF DEMOCRAT'S CON TEST. A $4OO piano, three diamond rings and 7 gold watches are being offered by the Democrat as prizes to the young ladies who shall receive the most votes before July 29th. It is an un precedented opportunity to gi i i something very valuable for a little work during the summer. Girls who are out of school for che holidays could find no bet ter way of utilizing their time.' The winner of the highest number Of voces gets the piano. The $2OO diamond ring goes to the one getting the second high est number of votes; the $l5O diamond ring to the third girl i \ the list and the $75. diamond ring to the fourth girl winner. The Democrat's territory is di vided up into seven districts and the highest vote getter in each district will receive a $l5. gold watch. Full information will be found on the first page and elsewhere in the paper. If there are any questions you wish to ask, come in and see Mr.W. B. Porcher. the contest manager. The people in Eastern Burke, and Southern Caldwell and Alexander will have an equal chance with those in Catawba county to take advantage of this unprecadented opportunity. WATCHING CATAWBA. The eyes of the State are on Catawba county. That our farm ers are ranked among the fore most in the state is evident. It is pleasing to the editor of the Democrat to get a note like this from Editor Clarence Poe, of the Progressive Farmer: "I was out of town last week and missed your paper containing the article by Mr. L. H. Seitz. Please send me a marked copy of it." Mr. Seitz has been writing about the Percheron horse. By the way, the Democrat would like to have more of our Catawba farmers write for its oolumns. Tell of your success, give your ideas. It will help some one else. A HUMAN INCUBATOR. The Charlotte News hears about a Cincinnati man who made a human incubator of him self and hatched three broods of chickens when three of his hens fell down on their jobs. The News refers this matter to the Democrat, as falling naturally to our kind of a narrative, as if the unusual must always be hard to believe. We see nothing incre dible in the story it quotes. The temperature of the human body is 98 degrees or thereabouts— about the same as that of the average Charlotte summer day. It ought to hatch eggs. The Democrat issued a special edition Saturday as soon as it learned that the sale of the Pied mont Wagon Co. was an accomp lished fact. It did not wish to keep its readers waiting till Thursday and Friday to hear the news. The special was sent to city and county readers and those in the near by towns. A Charming Woman is one who is lovely in face, form, mind and temper. But is hard for a woman to be charming without health. A weak, sickly woman will be ner vous and irritable. Constipation and kidney poisions show in pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch ed complexion. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulate Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complex ion and perfect health. Tiy them. 25c at. C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug store. This Coupon is Worth 15c Cash to You, Take it and ten cents to your Druggist and get a full size 25 cent bottle of TO BAC-TON HAIR TONIC. We do this to advertise, that you may test it at our ex pense. TO-BAC-TON is the greatest Remedy on the market for Dandruff, Tetter, hczema and all diseases of the Scalp. Cleans the Scalp and leaves the hair soft and flutfy. Please attend to this now while you think about it and while this offer is in force. It will soon be with drawn. TO-BAC-TON is sold under a guaran tee, so you run no risk. Sign Here No Street T0wn..... State And take it to vour druggist to-day while you think of it. Prepared by THE TO-BAC-TON MFG. CO. WINSTON'SALEM, N. C. TO NAME THE PARK. Beginning July 4th, the Civic League will conduct a voting contest to name the beautiful city park which the League ha* done so much to secure and keep up. The plan of the contest is described at length elsewhere in this paper. The League is in need of money for improving the park, and this is our chance to help them get it. The park is a lovely breathing apace and as Hickory grows, we will realize its value more and more. We appeal to the people to rally to the aid of the League. . SHALL WE HAVE THE FAIR? There will be a mass meeting at the Chamber of Comrfierce Monday night, June 26, at 8 o'clock to decide whether we shall have a street fair again this fall, and if so when it shall be held and how it shall be man aied. Every citizen interested in the welfare of the town should be present. Aberaethy-Henley. Granite Falls correspondence Charlotte Observer, 17th. Of keen interest to many friends throughout the State was the marriage of Miss Marie Hen ley to Dr. A. D. Abernethv to day at high noon at the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Terrell, which was simply and attractively adorned with cut flowers and growing plants. The bride, who is a beautiful blonde, wore a handsome cloth suit of leather color with hat, gloves and shoes to match. Miss Hen lev has been a member of the graded school faculty for a num oer of years and by her charm ing personality has made hosts of friends. Dr. Abernethy has practiced his profession here the past three years and during that time has been most successful in a business and social manner. Dr. and Mrs. Abernethy left on the 12:30 train for Blowing Rock, Linville and other points. On their return they will go to housekeeping in their elegant home on Moore street. "IN BITTER AGONY HE PRAYED TO DIE" Here to the record of one of the most wonderful cures of tciema that baa eve' come to our notice. We -otuiuend it to a! who are suffering from this >.•»Ta««ine di ease, or have little children with It. Mrs. llose Stouffs, of Greensboro, N. writes: "About four years ago my liti. '•oy broke out with Eczema, and suffered errlbly for two long years, lie was sore 'rom head to foot, the only paita of hio •ody free from the trouble being the ■alms of his hands and bottoms of his 'eet. lie could not walk, but crept on hif • and# and feet. He was lu such agonj e would pray to die. He had been doc ored by the beat doctors, and I never x|H*etwl anything to cure him. The only •ay he could get out was for me to put a Mow slip over his hend, with holes for in eye 3, nose and mouth. Hid clothes had i he changed two and three times a day. be itching was almost unendurable, and c night he would itch and scratch until didn't know what to do for him. A lend insisted on us trying t m. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. ••We bonjrht n bottle, and used it with :ch good results that we kept on, and to- IY onr child is entirely well." Vuii have only to imagine the angulsb that mother's heart, as she helplessly stebed her child suffering the torments ' Eczema, to realize the gratitude she rls toward Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy id Wash. riil* case demonstrates beyond all doubt at this great Remedy will cnre Eczema, ;) all troubles resulting from Impure, Ini ivi'riihed or Poisoned Blood. Even when i«-se afflictions have progressed to the age known as "chronic," Mrs. Joe Per m's Remedy will effect a complete cure used according to recommendation. It Is a purely vegetable compound, en rely free from harmful mineral Ingre !onts. It Is the best Tonic, Alterative, lood Purifier and Nervine ever put on •ie market, and for "run-down" condi ■on* in both men and women it stands • lthout a rival. Write for testimonials of cople anxious to tell how Mrs. Joe Per m's remedy cured them when everything ise, doctors Included, failed. In cases of external trouble, lnflamraa on, ulceration or itching humor, our Wash hould be used in connection with the lerucdy. For sale by druggists, or supplied on re* el l>t ot price, n.oo per bottle; 6 bottles ?0 00 b ■» nhy "Press prepaid for xn. Ml Kisort REM EOT CL. Klttrall. I. C. 'Squire S. E. Killian lias given to Mr. Cicero Cline for his his tory an item of interest relating to the first court ever held ir Catawba county. Just befor« the county seat was established, court was held in Crowder Town, a scope of country owned by a man named Crowder, later by the Wilfongs and then by the Robinsons. The court sat about a half mile from the Killian school house, near the Ramond Lutz property, and Leon Bollin ger's rock spring house was used as a jail.—Catawba County News. Wins Fight For Life. It was a long and bloody battle for life that was waged by James B. Mer shon, of Newark, N. J., of which he writes. I had lost much blood from lung hemorrhages, and was very week and run down. For eight months I was unable to work. Death seemed close on my heels, when I began,' three weeks ago, to use Dr. King's New Discovery. But it has helped me greatly. It is doing all that" you claim. ' For week, sore lungs, obsti nate coughs, stubborn colds, hoarse ness, la grippe, asthma, hay-fever 01 any throat or lung trouble its su preme. 50c & $l.OO, Trial bot tie free. Guaranted by C. M. Shuford Moser and Lutz, and Grimes drug store. Salisbury-Spencer 4th of Jiily Celebration. The business men and other representative citizens of Salis bury-Spencer have planned and perfected every arrangement for the biggest Fourth of July cele bration ever held in North Caro lina and are e>p >cting thousands of visitors on tnat day. the attractions booked are band concerts, reel races, speakings, reading of Declaration of I nc [®~ pendence, mule races, races b> some of the fastest horses in the State for handsome purses, base ball and other features. A. mon stel* parade of two divisions will take place at 10 o'clock. Work of getting: up this great event has been in progress two months and neither time nor expense is being spared to make it the star cele bration of the year in North Car olina. Senator LaFollette will be in the race for the Repjblican nom ination for the presidency. WOMEN MAY AVOID OPERATIONS 3y taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The "following letter from Mrs. )rville Rock will prove how unwise t is for women to submit to the 'angerrfof a surgical operation when s may be avoided by taking Lydix •I. Pinkham's Vegetable Compouiai. was fourweelcs in the hospital iud came home suffering worse . lian bel'ore. Ilere is lier own statement. Paw Paw, Mich.—"Two years ago suffered very severely with a &- I cooll not be on my feet fur * on £ time. My W&f jmb physician trea te a me" for seven months WM without much relief X and at last sent mo \ "=■ to Ann Arbor for an operation. I was there four week sand came home suffering *Sm worse tl ian before. W} : 7// .-V j/f )j My mother advised. [•'■/// /// ••• (ff Inm to try Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I did. Today lam well and strong and do all my own housework. I owe my health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and advise my friends who are afflicted with any female complaint to try it."—Mrs. Orville Rock, R, R. No. 5, Paw Paw, Michigan. If you are ill do not drag along mi til an operation is necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For thirty years it has been the stan dard remedy for women's ills, and has !»ositively restored the health ofVihou iands of women. Why don't you try it? Don't Wear Glasses Unless you need them, but if your sight is failing you need them badly. Eyesight is price less and delay is sometimes dangerous. If you lose your teeth you can get more but if you lose your eyes it will be a slow go. Therefore come in and have your eyes tested in the most up-to date style. I correct errors of refraction both simple and complicated, such as Presbyopia, Hypermetropia, Myopia, Astigmatism, etc., and by the use of Covelles Ophthalmic Cabinet with electric lights 1 can fit the same by day or night. Yes, life is too short not to have the correct time and the best eyesight possible. Now in regard to time pieces, the companies say they should be overhauled once in 12 or 18 months and never allowed to run over 2 years. EXAMINATION FREE AT * V High f s Hospital For Sick Watches, Glocks and Eyes 1230 9th Ave. HICKORY, IN. C. Schools and ..ami .-u#>wil!e. N C.. I'3S r r(, P arcd BOYB for Coll*co and fot Chri BINGHAM, l.B years, and ALONE In the U. S.. oU„! , D 1 lf2-.!■ weKtT from an v where ■witlun I 800 rules to any parent who, on in FREE ROUND TRJP TICKET . g TORY brick: rooms, separated by a paratJt spec lion, is not con vi need tliatns pairs oiunmm and Mfcty agaiust 1763 WAL bend C for Catalogue or come and see. COL R. BWCHAM, S«pt., E. F. D. N». 65 • | 9 | 2 Has since 1894 given "Thorough instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost. • RESULT: It is to-day with its faculty of 32, a boarding patronage of 328, Its student body of 400, and its plant worth $140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $l5O pays all charges for the year, including table board, room, lights, steam heat laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition in all subject* except music and elocution For catalogue and application blank address, « REV. THOS. ROSSER REEVES, B. A.. Principal. CATAWBA COLLEGE AND Preparatory School. Newton, North Carolina. Opens September 6. An ideal Christ ian college, though not sectarian. Healthful location. Safe environment. Best equipment and most efficient ser vice for the money in the state. Strong Courses.—Classical, Scientific, Busmess, Musical. Our Ideal.—The perfection of the individuf>l Our Aim.—Knowledge, culture aod efficiency. Our Method.—Carefu'., personal su pervision. Both Sexes.—Reasonable rates. Write for catalog. J. F". BUCHHEIT, A. M. President. Burke Superior court has been engaged since Monday in the trial of the case of C. W. F. Pat ton, of this county, against the Ritter Lumber Co. for damages for personal injury received at the company's works in West Virginia. Mr. Patton sued for $2,000. This (Thursday) after noon at 6 o'clock the jury return ed a virdict in favor of the plain tiff for sl,ooo.—Morganton Her ald. Led by Mrs. Drummond, a - stride a white horse, 60,000 "suf fragettes" marched through the streets of London Saturday night, The parade was 5 miles long. CHICHESTER S PILLS . THE I>IAM«.NI> BRAND. A liilct! A»k roup UronlM for /A r"h 1 I'klt'iei-ttrt Utunuad^rand/AX I lIIb In Ked and bold E\ —''•"***• sealed with Blue Rilibon. \ / W Wd Tate no other. Bur of your » I / - flf JrumH As k for Cin.CUKB.TES 8 IZ. Ot nI "ON» BRAND PILI.S, for 15 A~ ft y known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable "SOLD BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wcmen of North Carolina. Five regular courses leading to degrees. Special courses f or teachers. Free tntion to those who aj»ree to become teachers in the State, pall Session begins September 13, 1911. j- 0r catalogue and other information address JULIUS /. FOUST, President, 8-24 Greensboro, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA - COLLEGE Of AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARIS The State's Industrial College Four-year courses in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engi neering; in Industrial Chemistry; in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing." Two year courses in Mechanic Arts and in Textile Art. One-year courses are both practical and scientific. Examinations for admission are held at all county seats on July 13. For catalog address The Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C. Diarrhoea When you want a quick core without any lom of time, and one that ia followed by no bad results, us* .Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never full and is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It if famous for its cures over a lugs part si tb« world.

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