f. ■X The "editor of the Avery Vim, tells of being shown an apple that was gathered from the tree two years ago, and is still in a good state of preservation. It is of the "missing link" variety. The apple is of a reddish brown color and is slightlv shriveled.— Watauga Democrat. When you want a quick cure without ■ny loss of tinif, and on; that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It ia famous for its cures over a Urge part of the civili*ed world. There is a Reason INVESTIGATE Why tlie "Building & Loan Way" is the BEST to build or buy a HOME.. As an Investment. Tliere is nothing equals the "BUILDING & LOAN." Our stock pays you net G per cent interest, compounded annually, payable at matur ity, FREE OF ALL TAXES. Now is the Time to Join. 1911 "C" Series Now Open. Let us explain the working of our Associa tion, and we feel sure you will become a share holder with us. Full information will be cheerfully given. Call, write or phone our office. The First Building & Loan Assn. G. H. GEITNER, J. D. ELLIOTT, President. Vice-President. G. H. WOOTTEN, Sec. & Treas. Our Loans to-day are over One quarter of a Million Dollars. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx J You Are We!l Guardetl | as to quality when you f | be upon as 4 J being the best of its f A kind in addition to being strictly correct in design. f i See my display of new andj seasonable articles in f # Jewelry. a J GEORGE E. BISANAR J | Jeweler and Optometrist j C //5 ' //V;" 7 The Business Work shop of North INCORPORATED Carolina Offers You a Splendid Chance. Here i.i the Opportunity for YOU to get the train V!? , you *9 hold the BEST position in the business world. WRITE fO-DAY for the spring Offer. King's Business College, RALEIGH, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. "We also teach Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Penminship, etc., By Mail. Send for Home Study circular. I^HcaTofTSd! % . is touched by nothing so deeply as by ik the present of ?!' A Pony To Ride. SK /IV I- e t us help you to make your boy tfv /K Happy. J We Now have at Our Stables My jVIN HICKORY, J5 HEAD® 'IS of Ponies, a lot of nice driving and VI j % saddle horses and a few mules, cjy ittk e are fully prepared to fili your wants in V Buggies and Surries. We carry a number of V?/ ?|J standard kinds Buggies and Surries aud by buying in ar^e quantities we are in a position to sell you cheaper than dealers buying only a few jobs at a-^|^ >«S t!me ' W Henkel^Craig Live Stock W /(V Company, Aycock Strong in Watauga. Boone Democrat. Mr. James Hartness, a poli tician of no mean standing in North Corolina, came up from Statesville last week and spent a few hours in Boone Saturday talking over the senatorial situ ation in North Carolina with his friends here. He espouses the cause of our Senior Senator,_ Mr. Simmons, and is of the opinion that he and Gov, Kitchin are the only two senatorial possibilities. That may be true, but evider tl.v in Watauga ex-Governor Ay cock has a very stiong- following and if this has any significance, it will certainly be a three corn ered contest at hast. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Hicanoca as Name For the New Park. Mr. Gilbert Suggests New and Striking Name. To tlie Editor of the Democrat I wish to suggest a name for our new park, which is new and unique. Besides being original it smacks of Indian, in keeping rith Catawba. In short it repre sents the first in Hickory (HI), first in Catawba (OA) and first in North Carolina (NO CA) HICANOCA, pronounced as its several parts are pronounced in the words from which they are taken HI CA NO-CA and accen ted on the first and third sylla bles. Some one may say this is not patriotic and that it should have the name of our distinguished citizens, and the like: but who is more patriotic than he or she who who can truly say "This is my own, my native land"? and if Hicanoca does not stand for that, what does? Are you progressive? Have we up-to-date ideas? Do we want to flatter men by using their names, when, no doubt, it would not voice the sentiment of the majority of our people? I say no. Nor do we want such common-place names as Fern •'ell etc ' Call it HICANOCA P \RK, and let everybody vote for it on July 4th. Then no one will have cause to complain or feel slight ed. Of course the Civic League wishes to raise that S3OOO, and it is honed that Hicanoca Park will be the magic words that will get the money for them. Yours for progress, W. L. GILBERT. Hickory, June 23, 1911. PARK NAMING CONTEST. The Park Naming Contest will begin in Union Square Park July 4th at 9 o'clock p. m. The remaining evenings, July 5, 6, 7, 8, it will be held in the Chamber of Commerce, For hours of vot ing,- conditions and names sug gested see Moser and Lutz's window. Ice cream and cake will be served in the park on the evening of July 4th. Suggest names to the Park to Mrs. E. L. Shuford, Mrs. W. B. Councill, or Mrs. C. C. Bost. Names suggested: Elliott Park. Robinson Park. Cline Park. Lentz Pa*-k. Fern Dell Park Sleepy Hollow Maple Wood Park. Claremont Park. Shuford Park. Menzies Park. Ingold Park. The committee to take of the voting is: Mrs. E, L. Shuford. Mrs. W. B. Councill and Mrs. J. L. Cilley. Mr. Rufus Isenhower, city ed itor of the Durham Sun, and a recent graduate of Lenoir Col lege, was struck one blow with a cane by R. A. Wright, a Durham millionaire Friday. Isenhower had written an article accusing Wright of claiming both New York and Durham as his resi dence, and in this way evading listing his full taxes. The blow did no damage. Wright threat ens to sue the Sun. FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN ni en sufferi nff from any form of Illness are invited to promptly com municate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women. A wo man can freely talk of lier private ill ness to a woman; thus has been es tablished this con fidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken. ~ , , Never has she pub lished a testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never has the Company allowed these confidential letters to get out of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest. Out of the vast volume of experience which Mrs. Pinkham has to draw from, it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge needed 111 your case. She asks nothing in re turn except your good will, and her advice has helped thousands. Surelv W woman, rich or poor, should be g ad to take advantage of this gener ous offer of assistance. Address Mrs. I inkham, care of Lydia I£. Pinkham Medicine Co., Xiynn, Mass. Every woman ought to have Lydia E. Pinkham's 80-page Text Book. It is not a book for general distribution, as it is too expensive. It is free and only obtainable by mail. Write for it todav. IN MEMORIAM. (Mr. Monroe Townsend.) Monroe Townsend, son of Ja cob and Cardine Townsend, was born the 13th day of March, 185b and died June 12th, 1911, aged 5o years and three months. _ He was born of Christian b? 1 ents and brought up * n of the Tennessee Synod. 1 here fore his parents had him bap tised in early infancy, In his early youth he received his ch»t echetical instruction, and having acknowledged his baptismal vow he was confirmed to the Evange lical Lutheran church by the im position of hands and prayer on the 26th day of November, 1871 by Rev. C. Moretye, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran church, n this faith he lived a faithlul member to his death. He was born and died in Watau ga county in which he knew no enemies. He stayed with his mother till he was 19 years of age. His mother says he was a dutiful and loving t>on. At the above age he came to Catawba county and was joined in holy wedlock to Diana C. Hol ler in 1876 in which union he lived a kind, faithful and loving husband to. his death. There now lives to morn his absense a wife, mother, step-father, 3 brothers and 5 sisters with many other relatives and friends. He strived to live obedient to God through all; temptations. He fought sin on every hand with a soldiers bravery. He loved peace with all men, met all with a hearty greeting and a joke for all, large or small. If he had a foe he knew it not. He often expressed to his wife readiness to die when God saw fit to call him out of his misery on earth to his other home in the mansions on high. The evening of his death just before retirring for the night he discussed of the doctrine of the Church and asked his wife to re main faithful in her faith in God; then spoke of his pastor and of the able sermons he delivered on Sunday evening at Mt. Olive church and how he hoped those reckless young men would heed to his kind warning and take hold of the mighty truths set forth them and £ght voliantly for the blessed reward promissed to all who will come. And now here we will say adieu to this dear one of whom we have no fear but that he is witn his God in peace. This by, His dearest friend. Pbourasf'.sra au>] Blood Diseases Tiic cause of rheumatism is excess jjic aciil in the blood. To cure rlieu -oiatU.ii this acid must be expelled from .he rystim. Rheumatism is an inter ns r.l durcase and requires an internal •t t:Rubbing with oils and llnt !»eius may rsse the pain, but they will :o more cure rheumatism than paint ..•ill change the fiber of rotten wood. Ci.rt-K Rheumatism To Stay Cured. Science has discovered a perfect and complete cure called Rheumacide. Test ed in hundreds of cases, it has effected marvelous cures. Rheumacide removes lie cause, gets at the joints from the nsifle, sweeps the poisons out of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates the bowels and kidneys. Sold by drug gists at 50c. and $1; in the tablet form it L'JC. and 50c„ by mail. Booklet free. Bobbitt Chemical Co.. Baltimore. Md. t.ets At The Joints From The lunlde. . ' "Ttcu^s For Sale in Hickory by Moser& Lu tz Druggists NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property* Monroe Hollis, and wife Rosa Hol lis, having on the 22nd day of July 1910, executed to George R. Woctten, Tiustee, a Deed of Trust.on the premis es hereinafter described to secure a loan of two hundred and sixty ($260.00) dollars, from the First Building and Loan Association of Hickory. N. C , which said Deed of Trust is registered in book 96 at page 168 in the office of the Register of Deeds, in and for Catawba county.—And the said Monroe Hollis and wife, Rosa Hollis having made default in the payment of said loan asj-equired by the conditions expressed in Said Deed of Trust and the bond running therewith, the un dersigned, Trustee, under and in ac cordance with the powers of sale con tained in said Deed of Trust, will on Saturday, the July, 1911, at 12 o'clock noon, at the steps of the First National Bank, in the City of Hfckory, N. C., this being the point designated by said Trustee, for the sale of said property, sell at public auction, to the ! highest bidder, for cash, the following 1 described property, namely:— Beginning at a stake in the line of lot No. 7 and running North -65f East 50 feet to a stake in the line of lot No. 9: thence South 25i East 177 ft. to Second Avenue; thence with Second Avenue South 64$ West j 50 ft. to a stake in the line of lot "No. 7; thence North 25£ West 177.6 ft. to the beginning. -Being lot No. 8 of a plat of lots made for Hick ory Insurance & Really Co.. by J. E. Barb, Surveyor, Jan. 1909, and con veyed by said company to Monroe , Hollis, by deed dated the 19th day' of February 1910. This the 20th day of June 1911 GEORGE R. WOOTTEN, Trustee. A. A.WHITENER, Atty. 6 22 4t The Southern Dairy Expert. Correspondence of the D L T W ashington, D. C., June 20 To assist in the development of the dairy industry through Hit the South, the Southern Railway has appointed Dr. C. M. Morgan as i;V dairy agent. He will give his attention t> all the territory along the line of the Southern. He is a graduate of the lowa State Agricultural College and also is a graduate veterinarian. L 3 taught and did pratical work -n the development of the live stocK industry in the Northwest and i hen spent three years in the Philipines for the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture. Since Sep tember 1910 he has been special agent in South Carolina and Georgia of the Farmers' Co op erative Demonstration Work ot the U. S. Department of Agri culture, devoting his efforts to live stock development in that territory. In naming Dr. Morgan, the Southern is following its policy of aiding in the general develop ment of its teir t>ry. Mr. W. C. Feimster spent yes terday at Chapel Hill consulting with Dr. Pratt in regard to the central highway in this county. He was commissioned to go down by the Boosters.—Newton News. Chlldre»n Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORS Herberet Beaver has a hen that has made her nest with a partridge, and he is very much undecided as to which to Jet have the right-of-way when both are ready to set. —Siler City Grit. Constipation causes headache, iupsea, dizziness, launguor, heart pal naation. Drastic physics gripe, sickeu weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan s Regulets act gently and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask vour druggist. j KILLS Don't. Wear Glasses Unless you need them, but if your sight is failing you need them badly. Eyesight is price less and delay is sometimes dangerous. If you lose your teeth you can get more but if you lose your eyes it will be a slow go. Therefore come in and have your eyes tested in the most up-to date style. I correct errors of refraction both simple and complicated, such as Presbyopia, Hypermetropia, Myopia, Astigmatism, etc., and by the use of Covelles Ophthalmic Cabinet with electric lights 1 can fit the same by day or night. Yes, life is too short not to have the correct time and the best eyesight possible. Now in regard to time pieces, the companies say they should be overhauled once in 12 or 18 months and never allowed to run over 2 years. EXAMINATION FREE AT Highf s Tor Sick Watches, Glocks and Eyes 123 9th Ave. HICKORY, IV. C. YOV TRY llSii rrHE QREATEST REMEDYI W La IN THE WORLD ' r ' f tHPUB£ BLOOD. .] 4 v, ... •- ! fete «* rrvES NEW LIFE AND BI RO ELDERLY PEOPLE, DELICATE WORN A AND TENDER BOYSAND r j W t\ Mm4lm vffl out ft. "*•*' «lalh«H / 1 KIDNEY, UVIR NRFTLALV 1 N H DER DISEASES* CATARRH, UD I | 1 TSTHMA. RHEUMATISM, fl Lj ill COUT, LA GRIPPE, CON. IhJ V 9 IPL SUMPTION. DYSPEPSIA. #M SSF !ICK* CONSTIPATION, HEART ' - D DISEASE. MALARIA. I&'F #% IW» NERVOUS DEBILITY, F J!J" F ■ VITUS DANCFCRT^J^I a* BLOODINE^^^I fiXj \ BOSTON. MASS. Y «Al_ %§ WW vowj" BEtUN. |i: I RrsV f - MOWTREAJ-ij Ml \ ll Sold by Grimes Drug Co. !®\ We Know MNgjlil -BLQGDINE. IT REMEDY J mu> To Regain Your Strength r and Energy. R LIFE AND Sopor* of the Head PHyelcl&st £N ? t | I WOMEN, A a Loading New York Hoapitui P *>!**.- Q on the Curd of Catarrh. V . I "A few years ago we considered thai fli A we were doiD * well if we cured ten pc - *TAM»i"i ill cent, of the cases of catarrh brout.n SEaSS" 111 W to us, but since the introduction*of "Bloodine" into our hospital we cui^ Mr £% more than 90 per cent, of all the cases 1 ofCatarrhin its various forms broup't «*■» WW to us. Catarrh of the Head, Catar-h of the Eyc3, Catarrh of the Bladuor and Uretha, Catarrh of the large in testines, Catarrh cf the Larynx. Pelvis Catarrh, Catarrh cf the Throat,, an-! Catarrh of the Stomach are quick / cured with "BloOdine." It builds nr:\v tissues, eives new energy, new life, new blood and strength to any part of the body attacked by the Catarrhal germs." » Bloodine is a powerful tonic, nour ishing food medicine, composed ci valuaole tonio stimulants obtained from vegetable drugs. "Bloodinu" contains no narcotics or other danger ous drugs which merely deaden pain temporarily, but give no permanent rohef or cure the cause of your diseaso. "Bloodineisa powerful body builder and blood maker; it is the best remedz known to the medical profession to enrich thin, watery blood and supply new, rich red blood to the whole body. FREE - To prove the wonderful merits of BLOOJDLNE we will mail i large sample bottle for 10 cents in sit ver or stamps for postage. Address, THX BLOODINE COBPOBATION. Boston, Mass. This Coupon is Worth 15c Cash to You. Take it and ten cents to your Druggis and get a full size 25 cent bottle of TO - HAIR TONIC. We do this to advertise, that you may test it at our ex pense. TO-BAC-TON is the greatest Remedy on the market for Dandruff, Tetter, Eczema and all diseases of the Scalp- Cleans the Scalp and leaves the hair soft and fluffy. Please attend to this now while you think about it and while this offer is in force. It will soon be with-j drawn. TO-BAC-TON is sold under a guaran tee, so you run no risk. i Sign Here No Street Town State And take it to your druggist to-day while you think of it. Prepared by THE TO-BAC-TON MFG. CO. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.

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