Ul!1 h - i s 'ed on all subscriptions to The Democrat turned in before Wed m. This offer ends Wednesday night This offer announced here is most liberal. Exactly twice as many votes will be issued on each and every subscrip tion to Ihe Democrat during this week, both Old and New Subscriptions will count on this offer. IMPORTANT TO CANDIDATES ~ . SfltT 38 P f HbliSl,el belOW r Wil ! n " te ! he announcement ol thedivisions of remaining days of ,be contest into different periods with a vote schedule for each period. Double votes this »eek. which sa I Oil per cent increase over the regular scale, next week will be aSO per cat increase. The last three days of the Contest, the regular scale of votes will prevail We told vou last l- that never again during the content would you be able to secure more votes for a club of subscriptions. When we told you that we raeani exactly what we said. We proposa to keep our word, i'ou will note that each week the schedule decreases. "A word to the wise is sufficient." The Double Vote Scale Thesooer cent Scale TU r» « 0 , From July « W, at 9 p.m. • From July 20, to July 26 a«t 9 p. m. From July 27 to the close oTthe contest July 29 at 8 p. m. 1 HE DEMOCRAT . THE DEMOCRAT THE DEMOCRAT Time Price NC V(ftes b ' Ti Price °Votes b T . Old Subscribers. New Subscribers. One Year SI.OO S,(XX) 10 (XX) One Year $1 00 3,750 7.500 o ? nce - Votes. Votes. Two Years • 2 (K) 14,000 28,000 Two Years 200 10.500 21,000 ~ ~ Three \ ears 3 00 28,000 50.000 Three Years 3.00 21,000 42,00 1 ~ 14,000 Four Years 4.00 40,000 80,000 Four Years 4.00 30,000 60.000 vTa^T 8 ~ Five Years 5.00 50,000 1(X).000 Five Years 500 37,500 75,000 Five Yean ~ ~ t'Xi oS'nJK £n'!Kn Six \ears 6 00 t»4,000 128.000 Six Years G.()0 48,000 90,000 Siv Ypai «m oo'SnS E2'2S2 Seven \ears .OO 80,000 160.000 Seven Years 7.00 60,000 120,000 Seven ~ 7'™ SS2!» S'SSS | hisrht ) ears 8.00 M0,0(10 2C0.000 Eiffht Years' 8.00 75.000 150,000 ~ ~ am 2\ine 1 ears 9.00 124,000 248.000 Nine Years 9.00 93,000 186,000 NinpVpnr? - - - 8.00 50,(»0 100,000 len \ears 10.00 150,000 300,000 Ten Years 10.00 112,500 225 000 Ten Year? '" _ joJJq Tb'mi 150 000 ———————l | Contest Closes July 29th, 19 11, at 8:0 O P. M. FOR FURTHER IMFORMATION WRITE, CALL OR'PHONE, CONTEST MANAGER, THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT HICKORY, N. CAR. 1 There Is a Reason I INVtSTIOATE ■ liv the "Building & Loan Way" is the BEST to Jf build or buy a HOME. I As an Investment. B There is nothing equals the "BUILDING B & LOAN." Our stock pays you net 6 per cent ■ interest, compounded annually, payable at matur ■ ity, FREE OF ALL TAXES. ■ Now is the Time to Join. B 1911 "C" Series Now Open. ■ Let us explain the working of our Associa- B tion, and we feel sure you will become a share- B holder with us. Full information will be cheerfully B given. Call, write or phone our office. I The First Building & Loan Assn. B G. 11. GEITNER, J. D. ELLIOTT, ■ President. Vice-President. B G. 11. WOOTTEN, R Sec. & Treas. 0 Our Loans to-day are over One- P quarter of a Million Dollars. kIKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: vf/ /jjy is touched by nothing so deeply as by Xv the present of % A Pony To Ride. /| Let us help you to make your boy % Happy . 35 $ We Now have at Our Stables JIN HICKORY, 35 IIEADf lv on ' es ' a lot of nice driving and saddle horses and a few mules, /A 8 are full - y P re l ,are d to fill your wants in iiC and Surries. We carry a number of Vf/ standard kinds Buggies arid Surries and by bm ing . i l,u quantities we are in a position to sell you •lS (^ ,[i V QV l l* an dealers buying only a few jobs at a j vfi/ Live Stock VI/ Company. * LOCAL NEWS. Born to Mr. and Mr 3. James Shuford, a son. Mr. Geo. L. Lyerly is attending the hardwarp irrn's convention in Ashevilie. Rev, Mr. West, of Wadesbore, is visiting his son, Mr. A. M. West this week. Miss Ethel Stroup. of Dallas, visited Miss Mattie May Stroup last week. Miss Dorthy Dixon, of Char lotte, is visiting Miss Mary Mathews Doll. Mrs. A. A. Shuford, Jr, is spending the summer with her mother in Waynesville. Mr. A. A. Miller and son Geo. H. left Monday morning for a week at Blowing rtock. Miss Martha Moore, of Char lotte, is visiting Misses Eliza beth and Adelyn McComb. Mrs. Tom Dixon, and niece, Miss Arthur, of Charlotte, are visiting Miss Amelia McComb. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, of El Paso Texas, are the guests of Mrs. Hayes parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Clinard. Mrs. H. M. Doll had as guests this week Mrs. W. E. Wilson, and daughter, Miss Eva Wilson, of Sherrills Ford. C. T. Morrison wishes to sell the use of the refreshment ear from Hickory to Asheville and return on July 19. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Abernethy have returned to Hickory and are now occupying their new home in South Hickory. Mr. Aldis Henderson,of Okla homa City, Okla. is home on a visit of several weeks to his mother. Miss Lula Norton left Monday for New York where she goes to assist in buying the fall stock of millinery for Ivey's wholesale department in Charlotte. The four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Cashion of West Hick ory died last Saturday July 8, and was buried on Sunday at Arney's Chapel. Dr. J. L. Mur phy conducted the funeral. Miss Mattie May 'Stroup left Saturday for Glen Alpine to visit Miss Mattie Harbison. From tnere she goes to Weaverville to visit her uncle, Rev. W. E. Poov ey. Mr. James Shuford and Mr. Wade Shuford drove over to Al kalithia Springs Saturday. The latter returned Monday but the former will remain for a weeks visit. There will be a special com munication of the Hickory Lodge, No. 343, A. F. and A.. M. on Monday evening, July 17 at 8 o'clock. There will be work in the M. M. decree. All Ma sons are corciaily invited. Miss Helen Munroe, of Milford Tex. is spending: two weeks with her cousins. Misses Coline and Mary Munroe. Other visitors at their home are Rev. C. W. Max well, of South Boston. Va., and Mr. James H. McDuffie, of Co lumbus, Ga. The corn crop in the South Fork section is said to be almost destroyed bv the storms. The demonstration work of Messrs. Cardon and Wilfong there is a complete failure. The Holy Communion will be administered at Bethlehemi Ev. Lutheran church Sunday. Ser vices to begin at 10:30 a. PI. Services preparatory to the com munion Saturday 3p. m. Rev. F. K Rutz pastor. Distressing- news reaches Hick ory of the sudden illness of Mrs. S. F. Watson *hile attending the Normal school pt Emory and Henry college in Virginia. A note from her, written from the hospital at Abingdon, Va., says she was ordered there by a physician and that she has in termitent fever and other com plications. The Democrat earn estly hopes Mrs. Watson will soon be herself again. The Democrat installed this week an Eclipse folding machine made by the Eclipse Folding Co. of Sidney Ohio. It is the best machine ofits kind the market affords. It takes about 6 hours to fold the Democrat by hand and this machine will now do it in three-quarters of an hour, and it will be more neatly folded than in the past. The machine was in stalled by Mr. C. A. B. Tise, one of the clever mechanics of the company. Any one is welcome to come insee the folder workingon Thursdays. Mr. W. D. Roberts, secretary of the Back Home movement, paid the Democrat a pleasant visit last Ssturday. Mr, Roberts is doing the South great service. He recently sent out 500 letters to Southerners in the West and got 84 replies from men who said they were homesick for the mag nolia and the pine cone. Five persons from Ohio landed here with him tne day he was in Hick ory. He had induced them to come home. He will address the Hickory Chamber of Commerce next Monday evening and he should have a large audience. He is doing a great work for our section and must be backed up in it. Hickory to Get a New Doctor. Correspondence of the Democrat Bandys, July 11,—The drought was broken last week. Monday and Tuesday we had good rains, with some showers since. Corn and cotton are growing since the rain; cotton has begun to bloom right along. Most or the wheat is threshed through these parts. The rain surely came in good time for the farmers to get their peas sowed. 1 notice most of the farmers ai e cutting in their peas with disc harrow. They seem to be coming up good, and are looking fine and healthy. An aged woman, Lue Martin is failing very fast, .We are glad to know that Mr. A. A. Hudson is on foot and has been at work some. Mr. E. E. Chapman went to Newton last Monday and took oath as deputy game warden for Bandys, We all wish him well, as some of the folks are raising cane about having to put up their dogs. Thed don't seem to like it very much either. The fellows call him Mr. Chapman the "Doer Man." An accident happened while Mr. William Cook was plowing in his corn this week; not noticing the small kid at the end of the mule while turning, knocked the kid down and stepped on its hip causing a bad looking bruise but not serious. According to the kitty dids we will have frost first of October. That is some what early for frost, isn't it? Dr. J. J. Hicks and family are attending the saints meeting in vour town this week. He is also having his residence repaired, and is expecting to move to Hick ory this fall. We will miss Dr. J. J. very much from our neigh borhood. The Corn Club boys are in good heart about their corn. It sure is looking fine. It loolfs now like some one from this section is going to carry off a prize. Most of the folks are talking of laying by corn pretty soon, not saying anything about their cot ton "case ye neber do get done plowing cotton", says de lazy ne gro. "JOLLY RILL." The present incumbent. Pi of. G. E. Long, was reelected countv superintendent of education, and Mr. W. C. Feimster attorney. Mr. Long has made a very effi cient superintendent and the Democrat congratulates him on his reelection. For that distressed feeling after eat ing, belching and nausea between meals, take Bloodine. It cures Dys pepsia by strengthening the digestive organs so that they are capable of ful sMC\ng their function. NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property* Mo nroe Hollis, and wife Rosa Hoi lis, haviDg on the 22nd day of July 1910, executed to George R. Wootten, Tiustee, a Deed of Trust on the premis e? hereinafter described to secure a loan of two hundred and sixty ($260.00) dollars, from the First Building and Loan Association of Hickory. N. C., which said Deed of Trust is registered in book 96 at page 168 in the j office of the Register of Deeds, in and l for Catawba county.—And the said Monroe Hollis and wife, Rosa Hollis i having made default in the payment of said loan as required by the conditions expressed in Said Deed of Trust and the bond running therewith, the un dersigned, Trustee, under and in ac cordance with the powers of sale con tained in said Deed of Trust, will on Saturday, the 22nd July, 1911, at 12 o'clock Doon, at the steps of the First National Bank, in the City of Hfckory, N. C., this being the point designated by said Trustee, for the sale of said property, sell at public auct ion, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, namely: — Beginning at a stake in the line of lot No. 7 and running North 65f East 50 feet to a stake, in the line of lot No. 9: thence South 25£ East 177 ft. to Second Avenue; thence with Second Avenue South 64f West j; 50 ft. to a stake in the line of lot I No. 7; thence North 25* West 177.6 ft. to the beginning. Being lot No. 8 of a plat of lots made for Hick ory Insurance & Realty Co.. by J. E. ' Barb, Surveyor, Jan. 1909, and con- J veyed by said company to Monroe , Hollis, by deed dated the 19th day of ' February 1910. ' This the 20th day of June 1911. ( GEORGE R. WOOTTEN, j Trustee. 1 A. A. WHITENER, Atty. 6 22 4t Certificate of Extension. ■ Treasury Department. Office of Controller of the Currency. ( Washington, D. C. ' July 1, 1911. | Whereas, by satisfactory evidence ( presented to the undersigned, it has \ been made to appear that The First j National Bank of Hickory, in the city { of Hickory, in the county of Catawba, \ and State of North Carolina, has com- [ plied with the provisions of the Act of j Congress "to enable National Banking c Associations to extend their corporate \ existence and for other purposes," ap- i proved July 12, 1882; » Now, therefore, I, Thomas, P. ( Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller £ of the Currency, do hereby certify that 2 The First National Bank of Hickory, t in the city of Hickory, in the county j of Catawba, and State of North Caro- ' lina, is authorized to have succession j for the period specified in its amended j articles of association: namely, until t close of business, July 2, 1931. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this first day of ( July, 1911. ] Thomas P. Kane. ( Deputy and Acting Comptroller t 7-13 4t. of the Currencj. Sheriff Wiley's Remains ex humed. Taylorsville special C harlotte Observer 7th, Mr. Eugene Lentz, son of the mayor of Hickory, yesterday ex humed the remains of his grand father, the late Sheriff Wiley of Caswell county. Sheriff Wiley died twenty-three years ago on a farm one mile from Taylorsville owned by the late R. Z. Lin ney. Years ago Mr. Wiley was the ; richest and biggest-brained man in Caswell county. He with sev eral other prominent officials of the county became involved in the murder of "Chicken" Stev ens, whose only crime was that he was a Republican, and Re publicanism in those days in North Carolina meant criminali ty. Governor Hoiden occupied the gubernatorial chair at the time, and his subsequent im peachment resulted largely from this trial. An inexorable fate seemed to l pursue Mr. Wiley and his col -1 leagues ever after, and friends, riches and renown turned to dust and ashes at their touch. He lived at Statesville for a while connected with the ware house; at Hickory as policeman and finally died in poverty at Taylorsville. His remains will be placed by the side of his wife who died ten or twelve years ago at Hickory. Thus rest the ashes of the last actor in one of the most stirring tradegies en acted in North Carolina history, in which were involved the hon or and lives of more than a doz en officials, from the one who oc cupied the Governor's chair to the smallest county officer. Catawba Aroused. Newton News. "If Cataw ba doesn't get on the central highway route,'' says The Charlotte Observer "it will be throught no fault of its county commissioners, as is evidenced by their determination to appropri ate the SSO a mile authorized by the highway act." The good road's people of the State, hav ing been told that Catawba is a backwood county without roads or interest in building roads, are watching us. We've got to make good or confess we are all they have said about us. The commissioners have set an ex ample in progress for every citi zen. We have got the wealth to build roads and the Lord them. And it's "Now for the central highway from the river to Burke." Let's make a show that will be credi table to the county. When you feel a cold coming on don't delay, but immediately take Bloodine Cough Checker, the celebrat ed throat and lung remedy. It stops the cough, relieves the irritation, and cures the cough.