itfE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Every Thursday HOWARD A. BANKS,Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Post Office at Hie Lory ssecoiid class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance fi.oc Six Months, " " 50 Three Months " " 2 5 Advertising Rates on Application THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FORF.C ADVERTISING EY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Thursday, July 27, 1911 HICKORY. Population with suburbs 6,017 Catawba County's largest city. INDUCEMENTS. Remarkably line climate, being lo cated on a high ridge 1164 i'eet above sea-level in sight of the Blue Ridge. Southern Railway and Carolina ana North Western. 18 hours from New York. Water from a pure mountain stream. Excellent schools and church es. Two colleges. INDUSTRIES. Wagon factory, three cotton mills, two furniture factories, three building material factories, pump factory, two knitting mills, two tanneries, collar factory, han.eis factory, canner factory, foundry and machine shop, ice plant, Bickerstick factory, two roller mills, foney value of factories §1,850,000 00. Annual output $2,250,000.00. A MENACE TO MANKIND. One of thermost insidious and subtle encroaches upon the vital ity and power of the Church is being made by "Pastor Russell," of the so-called Brooklyn Taber nacle. He claims to be the most popular preacher in the United States. While tne modern Prot estant pulpit is more or less' afraid to preach the doctrine of j eternal punishment of the wick ed, or asleep as to its importance, this man Russell is boldly pro claiming that it is not true, and in this fact doubtless lies his pop ularity, for it is of course a com forting doctrine, and removes one great incentive to goldiness. Worse than this error, however, is his teaching that Christ is not co-equal with God and that He had no physical resurrection, Hi? body in the tomb going off into gases. Russell has recently decided to go to London. He claims that his sermons are published weekly in 1000 newspapers, going to 10,- 000,000 homes. The Democrat office is constantly flooded with the offer of his religious poison free. One of his traveling re presentatives has called, offering his stuff in plate form for barely enough to pay for the cost to him. He gives away "space fillers." Some North Carolina papers are jumping at the bait, but we hope they will stop the use of it. Some of our people of fine character have been led away by his errors. "Pastor Russell'' is one of the most dangerous men in the world today. THE GUARANTEE FUND The fact that Hickory is get ting up a $200,000 guarantee fund to be used for local invest ments in new industries has at tracted widespread atten ti on from the brief mention of it which has appeared in the South ern papers. Among the indus tries which have offered have been a big bridge building plant, an overall factory, a chair fac tory and others. Hickory is an ideal place for manufacturing industries. La bor is reasonable, climate is fine, and power is available. Secretary Joy is doing a splendid thing in pushing this guarantee fund. THE CENTRAL HIGHWAY. The Democrat calls special at tention to the letter from Chair man Varner, of the Central High way, in this issue. Aug. 7is the day for doing work on the high way and we trust every Cataw ba farmer will do his part. We want to prove to Mr. Varner that he need have no fear that Catawba will not do as much as any other county for the road. Pale Cheeks or Rosy One. Pale cheeks, muddy complexion, dull eyes show a poverty of blood. Bloodine Liver Pills, will drive the im purities from the system, and enable your daily food to supply new, rich, red blood and rosy cheeks. Bloodine Pills cure Liver ills. THE LOCKHART-KITCHIN DISPATCH. The Demoerat deplores the fact that the sensational fight has at this early stage waxed so hot. We cannot believe that Governor Kitchin ever said to Mr.: Lockhart that he "didnt want anything done" bv the Legislature in the tight against trusts- We feel sure that Mr. Lockhart must have misunder stood the Governor. At the same time we think that Gov. Kitchin was not as militant against the trusts in the chief executive's office as his stump speeches led the people to expect. He says that the executive's functions must not overlap into the legislative. No, but - a little Wood**ow Wil?on ur gency in recommendations counts for a gocd deal. No Such Thing as "Equal" Protection. Senator Williams in Tariff Debate. I hear very much about pro .e.tion being "equal." There is ro protectionist under the sun who would vote for a protective tariff that is equal in its bearing on everybody In the first place, .ou can not make it equal, be cause there are some things which, from the very nature of them and the fact that they are luimeusiy t-xporied, can nut be protected to the extent of caus ing a rise in their prices, but if .ou could levy an equal-bearing orotective-tariff system of duties, a protective tariff of such a character as to put one dollar additional to What he now gets into the pocket of each cotton planter, one into the pocket of each wheat farmer, one into the pocket of each woolgrower, one into the pocket of each lumber .nan, one into the pocket >f each miner, one into the pocket of , ,>ach laborer, and one other dohar i into the pocket of each maunfac ! curer, what would you have done when you got through? You would haye a system of taxes by I which you would take one dollar from all the people of the Uuited States and give it to one fellow, another dollar from everybody *nd give it to another fellow, and so through the whole popu : lation, taking one from all and giving one to each, and when | you get through YOU would have , taken from each man exactly the | same amount that you gave back ; to him, less the cost of collectiDn and disbursement. Nobody I wants a protective tariff, except ■ j for the special advantage which it gives. If it operated eqjally as an advantage and equally as a j burden on each and every man, nobody would be assinine enough to want it, because it would be I merely swapping dollars with i everybody everywhere, less the . cost of collection, administration, and disbursement. I SIOO Reward SIOO > j The readers of this paper will be i ; pleased to learn that there is at least ! one area led disease that science ha? I I been able to cure in all its stages, and ' | that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ' j is the oniy positive cure now known to | the medical fraternity. Catarrh beinp 1 a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh 1 ! Cure is taken internally, acting directly I upon the blood and mucous surface ot the system, thereby destroying the fcundation of the disease, and giving the patient stiength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The Proprietors hav , =o much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Rev. B. L. Padgett and Miss Carrie Stockton were found in connecting rooms at an Atlanta hotel. The preacher had board ed with the girl's father during a meeting he held at King's Mountain, and at that time her father started to sue Padgett but compromised. Padgett claims the giri joined him of her own accord and that he was protect ing her. Accused of Stealing. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Me, boldly accuses Bucklen's Arnica Salve of stealing —the sting from burns or scalds—the pain from sores of all kinds the distress from boils or piles. ' 'lt robs cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and injuries of their terror," he says, "as a healing remedy its equal don't exist." Only 25c at C. M. Shuford. Mcser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Texas voted by 5000 majority not to put a clause in the State Constitution forbidding the saie and manufacture of liquor. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Bringing Folks Back Home. Correspondence of the Democrat. Seattle. Wash., Aug. 2-Thei "Back Home" movement to the South is much discussed in this city and in all the cities and towns of the Far West. Every where, in clubs, hotels and rail road trains you hear argument against it. It is the genera opinion that the movement will turn a tide home—seekers to wards the South which, hereto fore, has over-run the vVest and poured over into Canada. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad is trying to draw upon the congestion of home-seekers on the Coast for settlers to .go upon the ban en territory along its line in Idaho, Montana and sections east of here. Comercial Clubs, although they deride the "Back Home" move ment, are nevertheless rendoub thpir efferts to continue the movement, of people to this coun try. The high, officials of rail roads say nothing about it. bu l . from subordinates it is learned that they are seeking to develope a plan to counteract the "Back Home" call ?nd the demoraliz ing effect it is having on imigra tion form the South. A King Who Left Home set the world to talking, but Paul Mat hulka, of Buffalo. N. Y. says he always keeps at home the King of all Laxatives Dr. Kings New Life Pills—and that '.hey're a blessing to all his family. Cur* constipation, headache; indiges tion, dyspepsia. Only 25c at C M. Shuford, Mosir & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. The heavens are si.ll as bra s and the ear; h as iron beneath our feet. The cabbage fadeth and the snap bean is not, and there is no Irish potato for the digger. Cuts and bruises may be healed in about one-third the time reduired by the usual treatment by applying Cham berlain's Liniment. It is an antiseptic and causes such injuries to heal with out maturation. This liniment a'so relieves soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains. For sale by all deal ers. NOTICE. This is to notify any person or persons having any indebtedness or claims against me to please see me at once or within 30 days from date, this July 20, 1911. or all such claims will be void. JULIUS WHISNANT, 7 29 4t Hickory, N. C. Why not let a Monitor save you lialf your time, lialf your labor and all the worry, and iron in the shade of your trees or in the cool part of the house. See my agent, Mr. C. E. Hawn. AVERY WHITENER, General Salesman. HICKORY, - N. C. BUILDING MATERIALS. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, MANTELS, FLOORING CEILING, SIDINGS, FRAMING, FINISHED LUMBER, PINE SHINGLES, CYPRESS SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATHS, SASH WEIGHTS, GLASS. ] Estimates made from Plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in stock. Hickory Manufacturing Company, HICKORY, - N. C. Siletice 1 f ~, i _ ikf. personal questions c. tfoc of disease which surely progresses from bad to worse. W It has been Dr. Pierce's privilege to euro a » | aiv*it maty •women who have fccTsd a pc.u_e 1 I hv ic-ter TLA correspond wKr \ sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Jf A Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "/••••'.'vW | T) r Pierce's Favorite Prescription restores and regulates : J the womanly {unctions, abolishes pain and up and ; | p Uts t he finishing touch of Lalth on every weak woman I rf-O 0 who gives it a fair trial. .'Jv J / | It Makes Weak Women Strong, p i\ Sick Women Well. L You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alcoholic medicine OH KNOWN COMPOSITION. 1 RICH MEN AGRCfc | 5 k ib A/l Successful Men Are Agreed || k Upon One Important Point• || ■ . | §Ask any big business man how lie got bis start. V The answer is always the same. 1 hey all began X to save money. I hey nearly all began with small X Swages and could save only a small amount, but » they got the saviug habit, and prepared themselves 8 for larger opportuniti s. I! The saving habit is the most important factor in a man's success. Ask The Pirst *Satioiiul Bank to \ explain the many attractive features of the Sav- X Sings Department. Q Do not wait for a large sum to deposit, begin Q Now with any amount you hive on hand and V watch it grow. X X Four Per Cent interest paid on Savings Accounts X Compounded Quarterly. ft | First National Bank | Q HICKORY, N.C. 8 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $240,000.00 O a Money to Loan K your buildings burned to-night 3^.—47 F Iff* wou 'd they be a total loss to you? Art - N / * Hyou insured, or, are you just "Taking a\ jChances?" Isn't this a very important matter to you? Can you afford to lose |iJSter your house or store or barn by fire? An INSURANCE POLICY won't pre /AmSlto vent fire, but it WILL give you some \ ' -.JlflES' thing to repair the damage after it, and will only cost you a few cents a day. tell us you want to talk about insur- We will call and see you im mediately. Hickory Insurance & Realty Co. Mr. Carroll has done some excellent. service for us in his line. —Jos. G. Brown, President Citizens National Bank, Raleigh, N. C. The Business Building Service How to Make the Little Business Bigger. You know that if you could strike out and go to everv person in your neighborhood and tell them about your busi ness that it would result in new business for you. Our personal letter service takes your place. You can ask a thousand people to trade with you at a cost of just a frac tion above nothing. Write for hot weather prices on" busi ness bringing letteis. Advertising of all kinds written. Raleigh Advertising and Letter Writing Agency ERNEST R. CARROLL, Mgr. 206 Fayettsville St. Raleigh, N. C. f /Z} - he Bus ' nes s Work shop of North INCORPORATED Carolina Offers You a Splendid Chance. Here is the Opportunity for YOU to get the train ing tlint will fit you to hold the BEST position in the busiues? world. 'WRITE fO-DAY for the special Summer Offers. King's Business College, RALEIGH, N. C. CHARLOTTEN. N. C. also teach Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Penmanship, etc., By Mail Send for Home Study Circular 1 SHOES Guarantee work to be Satisfactory. Trices Reasonable. & Shop in Stroup Building, on 14th Street. : : : : GIVE ME A CALL. : ■ F. M. THOMPSON. j»Scti©ols and College^ .. r • C • arcd Ct" \G r•. IK fa ;■ ■■: i. M BINC. V- - 1 it tii;« rcf.t.Ji." I■» v"a:s. : 1 Zin the U. R., .V fi£"n R Hnctco^n£«Uha*i^ FIRp WALL, are the DSST for Ksalth.Sanitation. . V ?, n cJ v i Y r^D*'»?, IRE * 1703 bend for Catalogue or come and see., CtL. IL BINO-Alu. K... L.* o. LZt 19^ t LENOIR COLLEGE, ] I Hickory, N. C. j F Co-educa ion under best conditions and managament. Departments: f i College (Two A B courses.) Preparatory, Music, Piano, Violin, Voice, i \ Theory, history. Expression, Art (China painting a specialty.) Fifteen \ f Teachers 225 studi-ni!?. 12co ieet above sea-level. No malaria. Our A. I i B. Graduates enter graduate v\ork in Umvers-ity (.f North Carolina without J \ examination and complete A. M. degree in ore year. Steam heat, elcctre j f lights, shower batlis. turniture, bed-springs. mattresses, &0., in Dormi.o I A Highland Hall (Men) Boaid, heat ami light at cost JB.oo to j \ a month. Room rent #i.«o' a month. f Oakview Hall (Women) —Hoard, heat, ami light at cost, fß.ee a imonlh. Room rent #I.OO a month. Tuition for Session—College £4O; Preparatory $27 to £36; Music, Art, Expression, &e., $36 each. Hickory Business College in connection wit' I.enoir 11' College. Bookkeeping and shorthand each, onr graduates get ! f and hold positions. .\Vrite for free catalogue, f L • FRITZ, President. Claremont College. HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA. Opens September 5, 1911. Offers to Young Women and Girls Sr.j erioi Advantages in all College Studies Teacl ers S hctcd with great care Location unsurpassed. Additional Teaching Fore* for coming year. Con servatory of Music, among the best in the Sia.e Terms most re.iso ; 1 e. Before your daughter, investigate the advantages offerul at Clarernoii'. Wtite j. L,. MURPHY, Presicitnt. Has since 1894 given "Thorough Instruction under positively Christial influences at the lowest possible cost." RESULT: It la to-day with its faculty of 32, a boarding patronage of 3281 Its student body of 400, and its plant worth $140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA 1 $l5O pays all charges for the year including table board, room, lights, steanj hetif, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition in all subjects except music and elocution For catalogue and application blank address,] V. THOS. ROSSER REEVES, B. A.. Principal.® BLACKSTONE, VA. | South Fork Institute. 1 South Fork Institute offers instruction in the following departments: 3 § Literary, Piano, Vocal Music, Elocution, Commercial, Art and Bible. $ South Fork Institute is co-educational, prepares for entrance into the fH jj? best colleges, fits for the practical duties of life, employs only thoroughly S equipped teichers, charges moderate rates for high grade instruction, is 5 located in an ideal climate. The next session will begin Monday, August $ $ 28, 1911. * ° A 5 Before deciding where to send your son or daughter to school, write $ f for catalogue of South Fork Inititute to 0 S. J. HONEYCUTT, Principal, | Maiden, : : : : North Carolira. * TRINITY COLLEGE 1859 1892 1910-1911 Three memorable dates: The Granting of the Charter for Trinity Co lege: the Removal of the College to the growing and prosperous City of Durham- the Building of the New and Greater Trinity. 3 Magnificent new buildings with new equipment and enlarged facilities. Comfortable hygienic dormitories and beautiful pleasant surroundings. Five departments: Academic; Mechanical, Civil, and Electrical Engineer ing; Law; Education; Graduate. For catalogue and other information, address. K. L. fLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, N. C. Trinity Park School Established 1898. Location ideal; Equipment unsurpassed. Students have use of the library, gymnasium, and athletic fields ofTrinitv College. Special attention given to health. A teacher in each dormitory looks, after the living conditions of boys under his care. Faculty of college graduates. Most modern methods of instruction. Fall term opens September 13. For illustrated catalogue, address. W. W. PEELE, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College M lintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular courses leading to degree? Special courses for teachers. Free tution to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 13, ign. For catalogue and other information address JULIUS /. FOUST, President, 3-24 Greensboro, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA routef OF AOR/CULTURE AND MECHANIC The State's Industrial College Four-year courses in Agriculture; in ivil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engi neering; in Industrial Cnemistry; in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two year courses in Mechanic Arts and in Textile Art. One-year courses are both practical and scientific. Examinations for admission are held at all county seats on July 13. For catalog address * The Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C CATAWBA COLLEGE AND Preparatory School. Newton, North Carolina. Opens September 6. An ideal Christ ian college, though not sectarian. Healthful location. Safe environment. Best equipment and most efficient ser vice for the money in the state. Strong Courses. —Classical, Scientific, Business, Musical. Our Ideal.—The perfection of the individual. Our Aim.—Knowledge, culture and efficiency. Our Method.—Careful, personal su pervision. Both Sexes.—Reasonable rates. Write for catalog. J. F. BUCHHEIT, A. M. President. 1837 -1911 GUILFORD COLLEGE For Both Men and Women. Courses in Mathematics, Ancient and Modern Languages. History, Englfe*' Literature, Philosophy, and the Natura' Sciences. , Departmeuts in Bible Study Music.' Noted for thorough instruction, big" moral tone and home-like surround flocated in the healthful Piedmont Section of North Carolina. For catalog address, L. L. HOBBS, President, Guilford College, N. Carolina-