K I JUST _ . . heumfladg IT CURES Rheumatism aud Blood Diseases The cause of rheumatism is excess uric acid in the blood. To cure rheu matism this acid must be expelled from •the system. Rheumatism is an inter nal disease and requires an internal remedy. Rubbing with oils and linn ments may ease the pain, but they will no more cure rheumatism than paint will change the fiber of rotten wood. Cures Rheumatism To Stay Cured. Science has discovered a perfect and complete cure called Rheumaeide. Test ed in hundreds of cases, it has effected marvelous cures. Rheumaeide removes the cause, gets at_the joints from the 'nslde, sweeps the poisons out of the svstem tones up the stomach, regulates tiie bowels and kidneys. Sold by drug gists at 50c. and $1; in the tablet form at Sc. and 50c., by mail. Booklet free. Babbitt Chemical Co.. Baltimore. Ma. Get* Vt The Joints From The Inside. . . KhcuntQCidg For Sale in Hickory by Moser& Lu tz Druggists J Gits Bakery j We knead our Bread well. . f You need our Bread to keep well, v 4 Our Motto Is Quality. f 4 Phone 235. f Iprescnptions. We point to our Prescription De partment with considerable pride. Here the utmost caution and depend ability prevail. Send vour next one to us. "WE'RE ON THE CORNER." rtfcoeer & Huts, IDruggists To Provide j Shelter | for the wile and little ones is a sacred duty. But this us ually involves a systematic plan of saving; and the habit of saving often has its begin ning in a small savings ac count. We gladly open ac counts with those who apply. Four per cent Interest paid on Savings Accounts. Com pounded quarterly. First National Bank HICKORY, N.C. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 5240.000.00 Money to Loan at all Times. THE ANIMAL YOU NEED. We have a fine lot of Horses and Mules which we have been using this summer—hardened and ready for use. A CAR LOAD OF Bickford and Huffman "Farmer's Fav orite" Drills. Splendid line of buggies and surreys. Live Stock Co. The Clay Printing Co., re vived four of the latest model Oliver Typewriters last week. One for their own use, one k-r RecorderD. L. Russell, one for Rev. J. L Murph:, and one for atawba Coilege, at Newton. These gentlemen tell us that more Olivers are 1 eing sold in this territory than a 1 other makes put together, wh h certainly speiks well for the 0 iver. Wood's Fall Seed Catalogue just issued —tells what crops you can put in to make the quickest grazing, or hay, to help out the short feed crops. Also tells about both Vegetable and Farm Seeds that can be planted in the fall to advantage and profit Every Farmer, Market Grower and Gardener should have a copy of this catalog. It is the best and most com plete fall seed catalog issued. Mailed free. Write for it. T. W. WOOD G SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Local News: Miss Roche Michau, of Greens boro, is visiting friends. Mrs. J. W. Elliott has gone to Bluemont for a few days. Miss Annie Laurie \bernefeh? is visiting Miss Hazel Elliott this week. M'ss Hughes, of Newbern, is visiting Miss Ada Schenck at Mrs Rovsters. Miss Elizabeth MeComb ha; *one to Rutnerfordion to visi elatives. Miss Lena Henderson, of Mon -OP, is visiting her sister, Mrs J. A. Moser. Mr. Een Anderson, of Wash ngton. D, C. is spending a few lavs in town. Hickory is sending an immense crowd to the Soldiers reunion in Newton today. Mr. Shuford Whitener haf some nice Golden Wyandotte eggs for sale. Mr. S. L. Whitener and family spent a few days in Mo Dowell county this week. Miss Margaret Rose Smith and Miss Sallie Martin have returned from a visit to Wiison. Mr. and Mrs. Cox and daugh ter are visiting at J. D. Elliott's. Mrs. C o x is Mr. Elliott's sister. Mr. R. J. Rvnolds, of Winston, en route to Linville, was enter tained by Mr. J. A. Martin Tues day. Mrs. Russell Sherrill and chil *ren are visiting at Mr. A. A. Shufords. Dr. Sherrill will be here Sunday. Two of the daughters of Mr. G. W. Sherrill, of Gunpowder, who have had typhoid fever, are getting much better. Hickory regrets to lose Mr. C. C. Fulton, Mr. White's able young engineer in charge of the street work, to Charlotte. Mr. K. C. Menzies and sons, Don and Stirling, left Monday evening for a ten days trip in the mountains in their new Buick touring car. They will take in Slowing Rock, Asheviile and other mountain resorts. Miss Minnie Gwaltney is also in the party. ECZEMA CURED Pimples Disappear and Com plexion Cleared Over Night New York. —Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made by the Woodworth Co. 1161 Broad way, New York City requesting an ex periment package of Lemola the new skin discovery, which is mailed free of charge to all who write for it. It alone is sufficient to clear the complexion over night and rid the face of pimples in a few hours. On the first applica tion of Lemola the itching will stop. It has cured thousands afflicted with Eczema, Teeters, Rashes, Itching, Ir ritation, Acmes, Scaling and crusting of skin, sclaps of infants, children and adults. It is good for the preservation and purification of the skin, sclap, hair and hands for the prevention of the clogging of the pores the usual cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness and also the treatment of ourns, scald, wounds, sores, chappings as well as the toilette and nursey. Mr. John Buchannan has bought a Buick automobile and leaves cut for Blowing Rock Sat urday, Children Cry . FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Mr. A. A. Killian, aged 75, Coil federate veteran, good citizen, faith, ful Baptist and for 20 years a work man at the Piedmont shops, died Fri day and was. buried Saturday from the Baptist church. Pastor Harte officiat ed. His wife, who was Miss Mary Propst survives. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S cAST O R I A SPECIAL Cut Prices ON SHOES At Allen's To further reduce my Shoe Stock I will give Special Bargain Prices for 15 Days. Also bargain prices on all Summer Dress Goods. AT ALLEN'S. Miss Caddie Starnes and little ; ster, Morrine, are visiting re latives in Tennessee near Cum berland mountain. Rev. M. L. Stirewalt has re trrned from his vacation in tne West and is supplying the bin col nton Lutheran church at tne present time. "Catawba Springs has had a boom this season under the ex cellent management °f Mr. Neai Sample, of Chester. There are now 125 guests there. Mr. Frank Harper, of Green ville, S. C., will move here Oct. 1 to make his permanent home. He travels for the Bak ing Powder Co., of Cincinnati. Ohio. Judge Cline was jn the city last week* At Wilmington court he sentenced a white man to the electric chair for wife murder. A negro tried for the same of .fense got 20 years. Messrs. Joe Murphy, Frank AJc.Corob, David and Weston Tavlor, the Councill boys, John Aiken, Sam Hahn, and Ronde Buchanan and others are on a camping trip near the Grand father. Messrs. M, & and Ivey Smitl have bought Gardner's barbe shop at Morganton and will take charge the first of the week The former has been with tne Palace shop. Hickory regrets t lose him. Mrs. Boyden still remains critically ill at her home in I hit city. Dr. J B. Councill, of Salis bury, stopped over to see her on his return from Waynesville Monday. Mr. D. J. Boyden of Knoxville is expected Saturday. Rev. L. L. Moore, pastor of the Taylorsville Presbyterian church. Mrs. Moore, and children, Eliza ind Wilson, spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Bank* Tuesday. Miss Lula Matheson came with them and spent thf same time with her sister, Mrs J. L. Stevenson. "MTBLOOD IN FINE CONDITION" Every sufferer from Blood Poison siiou d read wbat Mrs. G. F. Aledlin, ol Weidoii, N. 0., says of her experience: "1 was a terrible sufferer from Blood Poison. It the skin would be broken, the flesh would be come inflamed, itch and buru, and develop into sores. Before the birth of oue of my children, my whole body became fearfully swollen, and I was in a serious condition generally. 1 used Mrs. Joe Person's Rem edy and it cured me. My blood is in fine condition. I believe if it had not been for Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy 1 would have died. Its value Is priceless." Away back in the days of Moses it wag said, "In the blood thereof is the life," and never were truer words spoken. This vital fluid is the essence of life and health, and when It becomes impure, impover ished or poisoned the result is debility, weakness, loss of vitality, energy and life Itself. Without good blood, good health Is Impossible. f * MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY Is a sure specific for all troubles due to impure. Impoverished and poisoued blood, such as Eczema, Old Sores, Scrofula, ana the long train of attendant ailments, in eluding Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Stomach Troubles. Nervousness, Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Female Troubles, and general "run down" conditions in both men and women. It feeds the blood, drives out every ves tige of poison, tones up the nervous sys tem, Induces sound and refreshing sleep, and brings the entire body back to its natural healthy condition. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy Is scientifi cally prepared from purely vegetable in gredients. It positively contains no opiate or narcotic of any kind, no lodide of Potas sium or other mineral— Just a compound of helpful herbs, nature's own remedy for hu man ills. As a Tonic, Alterative. Blood purifier op Nervine, it Jms no equal. It quickly con quers Nervous Prostration ana Insomnia. We don't care how many doctors have said you couldn't be cured—Mrs. Joe Per son's Remedy will cure you if yon will only give it a chance. N Write us for tes timonials from people, who expected long a f°. *° ' ,e dend, hut are living today nnd glad to tell how this Remedy cured them. In cases of external trouble, inflammn. tlon, ulceration or itching humor, our Wash should be used with the Remedy. For sale by druggists, or supplied direct on receipt of price, $l.OO per bottle: 6 bot tles for $5.00; 1 dozen bv express prepaid for $lO 00. by MR JSC PERM? REMEIY CO.. KJttrtK. R. C Mr. J. A. Sellers, wife and four daughters, of Cheraw, S. C.. have moved to Hickory on ac count of the climatic and other advantages. Mr. Sellers has been a very successful business man and may retire. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AS TOR | A Mr. J. E. Webb has sold a fourth of an aere on the Lincoln ton road to Mr. C. C. Bost for $lOO. CASTOR IA Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always BniigM Slgootor. of \\ hy not let a Monitor save you • half your time, half your labor aad all the worry, and iron in the shade ! of your trees or in the cool part of the house. See my agent, Mr. C. E. Hawn. AVERY WHITENER, General Salesman. • HICKORY, - N c . xxx 00000000 Business Locals- y JOOOCOO XICO^-XJOOCXJOOOCOC ine Photographs. — W. J. Slim son, who nas bought out Mr. on«»s Photographic Studio. op sire the First National Bank, now ready for bus int ss. Everybody is cordially irvited to all and see specimens of work. 10 It W. J. Slimson. Telley'sTna. for ice Try - it. Wnitener & Martin. Wanted-Salesmen and collect - ors to take charge of our assets n Alexander county. G'-od posi- the right man. Address Singer Sewing Machine Co.. S 10 5t Hickory, N. C. You cannot find any better line v»f Shoes than ours v Harr s & Little ibr Rent-Six room cottage corner B'h ave. & 16ih street. J. W. Shuford. Help Wanted sawyers and saw mill laborers. Good wages aid weekly. Apply to J, A. Cook, i 6 Bt. Lilesvil'e, N. C 'atawba creamery butter al ways fresh at Whitener & Martin. Southern Books Exchange of Raleigh has retired after 25 vears of success. Mr. M. M. Smith offers free to any young man who will run an old boot store in N. C. ten thousand oooks. A fine opportunity. 6 8 t. f Standard dress goods at Harris & Little's. Panocea for your chickens. Now is the time. Guaranteed Whitener & Martin. Hight the expert watchmaker and registered Optometrist, guarantees the best of satisfac j tion in his line. Over 20 years experience. So look for the new watch sign. 1230 9th. Ave. Wanted —Salesman and cc.llector to locate at Morganton. N. C. Good business to start with. Ac dress Singer Sewing Machine Co., 8 10 5t Hkko.y, N. C. Mr. W. L. Wolff fas returned from Charlotte and Monroe. DRAMATISTS, ACTORS AND OPERATORS all unite in the production of the ar tistic scenes which are used by us. Our plays are written by the best Dra matists. These plays are then pre sented before the camera by noted actors. The photos are made by ex perienced operators. Just think of all this knowledge and skill Which Costs so Much Money but which is yours for ouly 5c and 10c at GAIETY THEATRE. Watch Us Grow! « , July 1910, July i9ii Butter Sales $783.52 Butter Sales $2728.24 Cream Sales 431.60 Cream Sales 422.95 Egg Sales None Egg Sales - 505.80 Total $1215.12 Total $3656.99, If vou are keeping cows or chickens why not join the Creamery and get the highest prices for your butter—fat and eggs? Over one hundred farmers market their products through the Creamery, why not you? It will pay you to inves tigate. Purely co-operative, handled economically, absolutely safe, working for the farmers interest. Join us now. We need the products of 500 more cows and five thousand hens lavine every day. For information, ask any of the officers J. W. ROBINSON, Pres. H. P. LUTZ, Vice-Pres. 1 D. M. McCOMBS, Treas. W. J. SHUFORD, Sec. DIRECTORS. W. P. Bumgarner, W. R. Lutz, L. H. Seitz, and the Officers. Catawba Creamery Association, HICKORY, N. C. "WATCH US GROW." if it were not true. Most certainly ~ J and taste yon can come with confiii tl; ,. e Thompson-West Co |ONE CAR LOAD § .fm. | § Smoothest Horses, Mares and Q Mules ever Shipped to h b Hickory. j| || Just Received at A. S. Abernethy's Stable X |AO HEAD FOR SALE! | X We want to close them out in two x weeks. Some of them are extra heavy x horses ranging from two to six years X old. We are willing to swap and ask 8 H vou to call before you buy or swap else- X " where. v 8 TERMS: Cash or Good Note. | lABERNETHY & SHELL,\ b AT ABERNETHY'S STABLE. K feosoeo»»8eo806coooeo6oa^ NESS COLLEtiE (Incorporated) Capital Stock $30,000.00. A School with a Reputation for doing High-grade Work. One of the best equipped schools in the >outh. The Largest The strong t faculty. More Graduates in Positions than all other business schools in the St'ite Bookkeeping, Shorthand and English. Fall opening Septeml er s th, ion. Write fur handsome catalogue. King's Business College, RALEIGH, N. C. . ' • CHARLOTTE, N. C. also teach Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Pemuansliip, etc., By Mail Send for Home Study 1 ircular 1 ON THE ONE HAND JLtf" is it better to pay a fair price for a P 4 * r our l°ng wearing shoes I than to pay a little less and be compelle i to buy three or four pairs durin S the same time a v Pai " 1 ° Ur Sh ° eS WiU • §& TiIOMPSOIN-WEST 00. Are You Insured? ) J 0 h»jLM your buildings burned to-night y /would the y be a total loss to you? Are pP-" J' ji you insured, or, are you just "Taking R( fr IMIJSI/PGJX^G Cbances?" Isn't this a very important Mfo_ mat ter to you? Can you afford to lose -■ your house or store or barn by fire? An WSURANCE POLICY won'tpre ffl yftm vent f " e » but it WILL give you some ( tbir.g to repair the damage after it, and W will only cost you a few cents a day. Call us up—our Phone is No. 292 and tell us you want to talk about insur koptuciw. We will call and see you im mediately. Hickory Insurance & Realty Co.

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