School Suits Now is the time. Mothers are asking themselves, What kind of suit for the boys this fall? and I where is a good place to buy it? We are prepared to give you the answer and show you some unus ually desirable patterns and line values in well made shape retaining suits, WOOL SUITS, that will wear aud press well, in Blue Serge and Fancy Suits and odd pants. Knickerbocker Suits at $2.00 to SIO.OO per suit. We invite your inspection. MoretZ-Whitener Clothing Co. j THE QUALITY SHOP p Before You Buy Your Winter J jr :-: Suit :-: j. If Examine our new stock. (1 uds arriving every D day. Big lines of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Caps, LL etc., also Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings. : : JJ n We can certainly save you money —anywhere J] u THE Underselling Store W U. 6. ZERDEiN't Prop. |/ 1 Fresh Home - Made | | CANDIES 1 Jjj Made every day by Expert Candy-Maker jg 2j When in town drop in and see our § 2 line or if at home phone to 286 and jjj 5j we will deliver ai Lenoir or Claremont S| 2J Colleges or anywhere within one rnile Jjg Jj| of Union Square. 5 W Fresh Fruits Always on hand. (t I CALIFORNIA FRUIT COMPANY | C At Flannigan's Old Stand }v Just "Drugs" Isn't Enough You Want "Good Drugs." Drugs that are new and fresh and that will give you the best satisfaction. Such Qualities cost you no more when you come here for them. MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists. Phone 17 & 316 "We're on the Corner." Local News: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse War lick—a son, the first boy. Mr. P. M. Dellinger, was a visitor to the city Saturday. Miss Lola Powell and Mr. Lon F. Deal were married in Newton Sunday. The county Farmers Union meetsat Mountain View Saturday ul 11 o'clock. The Arndt fsmily will hold a reunion at the home of Mr. D. F. Arndt in Caldwell township Sept. 9. Miss Lola Barringer was mar ried to Mr J. Smith Campbell at ner home near Clarenmnt Wed nesdav by Rev. E. W. Fox. The City Bakery again broke its record last month, making 9000 loaves and 22.500 rolls, an increase of 400 and 3500 respec tively. Mr. A. W. Oline, who has been with the Hickory Seed Co., leaves Tuesday for Timmonsville, S. C., to accept a position with the Du- Bose Clothing Co. Mr. J. W. Mouser was made president and Miss Emma Lutz secretary-treasurer of the county teacheis organization at Newton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sledge and Miss Lucy have returned from Louisburg. their old home. Mr. Sledge also went North and laid m a fine fall stock of goods. Messrs. J. A. Bowles and A. M. West are two Hickory mer chants lately returned from the north where they replenished stock for their stores. The Methodist Foreign and home Mission Society of the Statpsville district met in New ton Tuesda>. Miss Clara Bowles read a paper on "Young Women's Place in the Misson Work." There will be a meeting of thf Executive Committee of thf Classis of North Carolina in th* First Reformed church, Lexing ton, N. C., September 11, to dis solve the pastoral relation be tween Rev. W. H. McNary and the Upper Davidson charge. For bowel complaints in children i always give Chamberlain's Colic, Choi era and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. It is certain to effect a cure and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. No physician can prescribe a better remrdy. For sale ! by all dealers. That Preston L. Yourit, of Ard more, Okla., was carved to tieatl by a neighbor, J. E. S.'rr« !s ar.o oerhaps C. D. Denison also if evident from letters show d t ■ the Newton News by Mr. D. E | Link, of Conover. Them*n left Ard more on Aug. 17 for Modi! i and quarreled on the way. Sorre! I laims self-defence and Deniso? hat he had no part in the kil ling. Both are in jail to be trier Sept, 14. An Indian saw th cwo men trying ta, bury Youn 1 lear an old road. Yount, his wife and six children left the state last November. Diarrhoea is always moie or less orevalent during September. Be pre pared for it, Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diairhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be dependad upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by all dealers. - Mr, Jerome B. Thornton, a brother of Col. .\larce)lus E. Thornton, of Hickory, is it the point of death at Brown wood, Texas. He may be already lead, as the doctors have given up all hope of his surviving. He had cancer of the stomach, of which his mother died in 1898 at Atlanta Ga.,where he was reared, He is aged 59, and was associated with the Walker- Smith Company, at Brownwood. He leaves a sister, Mrs- B. Cren shaw at Atlanta and another at Tenwelle, Ga., Mrs. Dr. Clinton C.Jordan and another at Jack sonville . Fla. The latter about ten days ago got his foot crushed on his engine, he being a loco motive engineer. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST O R J A m^ Bring the Young: Polks If you can't take a trip to Europe or Californja. anyway you can get acquain ted with the actual scenery, and prac tically without trouble or expense. A.n Education in Itself Don't miss the educational advantages now being offered you by the cinemeto grapli, the triumph of modern science. Come yourself aud bring the children too. GAIETY THEATRE. Mrs. Callie and son, Eugene, who have been visiting Mrs. Henuerson have return* 1 home to Texas. Mr. Noah Propst, who the contract for the Central Highway from the c.ty limit out. is doing some good work. In cutting down the steep grade about three miles out he struck a good deal ot sott rock and had to blast it out. A good culvert will be built under the fill where the branch crosses it. Ohlidren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 8 FARM FOR SALE! X A ten-acre Truck Farm, one-half mile out of the Q 5 Highland Incorporation on the tipiingb road. Will A \ pell cheap, one-half cash, balance in one year. N Good 3-room house and barn and % dandy spring, N in cultivation. Nearly all new lan i. . 0 1 • Also a good 65-acre far i one milf from High- N land Incorporation. orchard and spring. 0 N Good location for market and school. See ri J. a. ICENMOUR, X First y at. "Bank Bldg. Union Square HK'KORY, N. C. —i — : (t No one's education is complete if he has not learned to save T) W his hard-earned dollars. How many times in your life have you N ff wished you had the money you knew you had thrown away V\ N Dollars planted in the bank are like seed planted in the ground; | A they grow. il D We pay a liberal interest consistent with safety. fl (T MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BASK. T\ jj Hickory Banking & Trust Co. « D HICKORY, IN. C. H 1 JUST RECEIVED | P A New Shipment of Fall Models in Royal Worces- || jig tor and Bon lon Corsets. Hie best wenring* and f|j fitting medium priced corset made. j|| us show you. ||ji Prices $1 to f3. |j Thompson- West Company. S f Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Click went ito I ircolrf-n Monday to attend jibe Meafntr Click assau.t trial. Tbisca?e resulted in a mistnal j at the previous trial. 1 Ellis You"t was pceidentally hat not seriously shot in the knee Sunday on Mr. Frank A er ! nathy's faim by Walter Auer ! nathy. The boys had got out the i gun to shoot a hawk ana in breaking it down to examine the shells, the accident occured. In health, sickness or di tress Our bread is easy to dig'st. Rhone 235 CITY BAKERY We Get Right Inside of a Shoe before we admit it to our shelves. We want to know of what and how it is made. Good looks alone will not satisfy us no matter what price inducements are offered us to place an order. The shoe you buy here will wear as well as it looks and will keep those good looks till the end. Can you afford- not to wear tkat kind? "Utz & Dunn" for Ladies; ' Pull man" for Men; ' Monogram" for Children THOMPSON-WEST ( OMPAMY 4lßtni>ergatten,t «s Airs. H. D. Abernethy, II ifa\ PRINCIPA f School Will Open, |' !# September 18, ion.% % J; ™ 4r KXXOQOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOQOQOQ fi FOR - j g Opening of the | Hickory Graded School j 8 SEPTEMBER 4TH. i X We have on hand School \ g Books, Tablet , Pencils, Book 1 X Satchels, Book Strap, Pencil ! v Boxes, Chalk, Colored Cray-, X on, Ink, Pens, etc. I Q The biggest and best line I X of Pen and Pencil Tablets in 9 Hickory. Don't buy your i X Tablets until you see what! X you can get at | r fHE £OOK §TORE The Van Dyke Shop, j Sxxxxxxxxxyxxxxxxxy >OOOOO I I I To Provide j I Shelter for the wile and little ones is a sacred duty. But this us- P ually involves a systematic | plan of saving; and the habit of saving often has its begin ning in a small savings ac count. We gladly open ac counts with those who apply. Four per cent Interest paid on Savings Accounts. Com pounded quarterly. it ——————————————————— ;• First National Bank HICKORY, N.C. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $240,000.00 Money to Loan BIG A 1) CI ION OF 50 Beautiful Residence and Building Lets in the Town of Catawba on Main St. Saturday, Sept. 9th, at lOo'clock . Terms of Sale, one-third cash: balance in six and twelve months. : : : : ; : ; Two fine lots will be given away. Secnre your tickets at Catawba before the sale. : : : Campbell & Buchanan