Established 1899 Death of Mr. Thos. E. Fields. Hickory Pijneer Mercbaot Passes to His Long Home. Broken in fortune and with a broken heart over t e distressful ending of a sad t d age, the spirit of Mr. Thomas E. Field took its tiignt for a happier i u:d last night. Mr. Field has i>e« n in poor health for several years, and his inability to gwe his j i al energetic attention to his busi - ness was the cause of his recr- t failure. Grieving over this, has tened his>**4- . Mr. * as one °f the j1 j neer mAhaffts of this city, and many af*i ts present successful merchants gofrtheir start under him In his ,gjbnger years he was one of theffiding merchants of this part ißuhe state. He ca:ne here wiiSpis brother, R. 11. Field frorrfOCernersville in 1870 and about -j&yvars Uter the brothers disWVefl partnership, the latter gfciog to Charlotte where he recently died Mr. Field was a brave veteran, be longing to C* F • T'.ve*ity—ixth N. C. Raiment. He mirried a daughter of Harrison Wilson in IS7O. and ?even daughters and a son survive. The funeral will be held this afternoou at 3:30 o'clock at the Methodist church, of which he was a steward. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO § Business Locals. R OCOC DOOOOOOO Bargains in Real Estate. Nice four room dwelling in West Hickory near the Baptist church. Price $650.00. $150.00 cash balance in several years. Nice 5 room dwelling barn, (ther out buildings about 2 blocks from E'iiott Hoisery Mill, Price $750 00 part cash, balance easy terms, A 5 room dwelling and large lot in Highland on one of the Main streets. Price 1000.00 1-3 cash. Balance on easy terms, A real pood nice 8 room dwel ling 'barn and orchard, con venient to C. & N W. Rail Road shops Prjce 1750.00 about j 1-3 cash, balance easy terms. A 4 room dwelling house on 22nd street $750.00 easy terms. A 5 room dwelling on Mrin St., Long View Price 850. One modern 8 room dwelling. water sewer. Electric lights, large lot on McC-idam St., con crete side walk. Price $3500.00, part cash, Baigain in 2 strong cottages on large lot, fronting 3 street about 6 blocks from the center of town. Price SIIO.OO. Farms For Sale. One 45 acre farm on North side town, nice, almost new dwel ling and plenty of buildings. Price $3000.00. A 40 acre farm, good dwelling etc. South of town. Price $1250, A 67 acre farm, fine orchard west of town at 2750 00. One 8 acre parce 1 af ! and about 1 mile ot town, has fair dwe - ling and barn. Price 575.00. SEE HAITHCOCK The Real Estate Man Wanted —You to write us be fore making your choice of a business school. - We can save you both time and money. In struction strictly individual. Po- j sitions secured- For catalogue address Brown's School oi Short hand, 915 Realty Building, Char lotte, N. C. 12-7 6t "Ferndell" rolled oats best on earth, 2 packages for 25c. Whitener & Martin. Wanted, settled white woman t> C'>ok etc. Mrs, Henry L. Abernethy, 111 tf. Hickory. N. C. HOSIERY, hats and cap- under regular Laniei Mercantile Co. ft' \ tmnksand suit ca a es from Lanier Mercantile Go, y,w '.v iat io acres land near Hickory Se-.- I x. Lanier at once. AN" T lot radii small stock Mdse. lor ic.tnt lot. or improve J property close 111 Box 232, Hickory. Fancy cakes, cheaper than the makes. Try them for cuiniay. V\ & Martin, THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT Ivey Dots.' Correspondence of tire Democrat. I West Hickory, Jan. 15, Sev | era] car loads of new machinery arrived at the Iyey Mill during the past week. John Clay, as si tant machinist, has been working a number of .hands loading the machinery and plac ing it in the new part of the mill. . yfer McKenzie, from Rocking ham was here last week visiting his brother Make McKenzies. It' this cold weather continues much longer, C. P. Kale will n*ve t.> employ some one to help m■{! weigh up coal to keep the oi u - u led. He «ays he has he— .'v~pt bu c y all tie t ; m*\ and t n em' t k**ep UD with the or» de«». v. r » Stafford and others vvh«» , 'inrunave been busy •.( t coal. H. i->. who wai nig; t Vspiftrilng here for several moved td Kind's Mountain rcffl&Plttg |®o, was here last week Siting and snaking hands with friends. Charley Bradley, who had I been suffering with consumption for several months, died here Wednesday, and was buried t Friendship church on Fridav. ! We had been very ill for the two weeks and death was not u.i-1 expected. E. B. Brown who was overseer ot spinning at the Ivey Mill ever since the mill started untill about j a ear a*;o when he resigned and went to King's Mountain to take! eharge of the Kloth mills asj superintendent, was here last | week on a visit to his many friends. While here h.e was the guest of hi 3 sister in-law, Mrs. Arney. Kelley Chapman and family moved from here to Brookford last week to work in the mill there. J. W. Marshall has been quite sick for several days, but is ini* proved. R. C. Mann is n»w night watchman at the mill. J. P. El- Jerdad filled thg pla:e for sever al" years t>ut resigned a few days a s o. A. T. E more recently sold some'vacan lot 4 that he owned in Longview, to J. P. Whitener. The consideration was $125. Mr. Whitener intends to build on the lots and move here in the near future. Success to the Democrat. IOTA. Get your clothes made to measure at Harris and Littles. Ask for Taylor Tayloring and get the. benefit of aro lane values at submarine prices. 1 11 4t UNDERWARE and sweater? at reduced Price. Lanier Merchantile Co. Buckwheat flour also self ris ing at Whitener & Martin. Pail a-ce-a guaranteed to make hens lay. Whitener & Martin. FOR SALE, vacant lot in Longview. I. N. Lanier. Dr. Hess stock food on trial see Whitener & Martin. The number to secure china « ahinet- at Sledge's store is 160. Piease present same in the next 1° days. W. Sledge If you Want good oysters and fresh fish, call on E. C. Johnson. Wanted everybody to know that L. E Zerden at the Un derselling Store pays the highest • price for all kinds of furs. Cabinet Maker. I am row located on 1406 Eleventh Ave., where lam pre pared to do all kinds of cabinet work, and upholstering and to make your old furniture look like new. Screen doors, windows and mantles a specialty. You cannot add a nicer piece of furn iture than a nice cabinet mantle. Call and see me before buying elsewhere. Packing and ship ping house furniture. G. A. Critcher, 1114t. Hickory, N. C, HICKORY MARKETS. Quoted weekly by Whitener & Martin. Hens, per lb 1J C - Eggs, per " c - Butter per lb -J 3 Creamery Butter Apples, eating Z.UU Cooking Apples * Sweet PotatoesJJ o ,*" ■ Irish Potatoes $1- * bu. Cabbage, per lb.• 4Dried Beans, per bushel HICKORY, N. C., THURSDAY. JAN JARY, 18 1912. _ A | IN SOCIAL | CIRCLES. J The Embroidery Club was pleasantly entertained Jan. 11th. by Mrs. A. S. Abernethy. Not withstanding 4, a1l out doors" was in the icy clutch of winter most of the members were present, and Misses Helen Gra ham and Belle Barlow were guests of the hostess for the afternoon. The opening chapters of ; "Samanthy Allen's" new book j "Coney Island and a Thousand |Other Isles,'' were read and | much enjoyed during the work i hours. Miss Ruth Abernethy assisted her mother in serving •iehcious dainties. The next meeting will be with Mrs. T. M. ilenkel. Mrs. James Shuford enter tained her Bridge Club Wednes day Jan. 10. Mrs. R. P. Freeze, Mrs. J.. A. Gaither and Mrs. Crowell all of Newton were guests of honor. Dainty re freshments were served. Jan. 11 The Travellers' Club held the first meeting of 1912 wi«h Mrs. J. L. all en joyed Miss Seagle's account of * .Vaverley," the initial novel of the series that are related to moJern romance as are the creili >ns of William Shakespeare to ail crarrtttic literature. "Over the Sea" was sung by the ct.orus and Miss Ramsay played "Charlie is my Darling " b'»i n noted Jacobite songs, re late. t "The Young Chevalier. Miss Ramsay reaq\an interes ting on '' Scott^ Person- Cttflreot even ts were of varied interest Refreshments in courses were served. The next meetinsr «hll be with Mrs. F. B. Cline, Jan. 18. Friday evening the two Bridge Clubs united and en tertained their husbands and friends at the home of Mrs. R. G. Grimes. From the eight tables Miss Schenk gained the prize for the ladiehandker chiefs bordered with Armenian lace. Mr. Grimes the gentle men's prize, a pen knife. Oys ters with chicken-salad and cof fee closeda delightful evening. Wednesday Jan. 3, the Hick ory Book Club entered portals of the New Year at Mrs. H. D. Abernethy's home. All mem bers were present except Mrs. A. A. Shuford, Jr. who is visit ing her mother at Waynesville. Mrs. J. G. Garth and the hos tess' sister, Mrs. T. Hood of Greensboro were welcome quests New-Year's bells and Jonquils were the decorations. After dis cussion of books and current events, Mrs. Abernethy spoke in detail of two books. The Brok- Road by A. E, W. Mason dealing in a vivid and unique manner with the English problem in India and Marie Clane by An dronix, a French seamstress who obtained thereby the prize for the best novel of 1910. In the dining-room, New Year's greetings of friendship and good cheer were the day's crown of hospitality. The next meeting will be with Mrs. H, C. Menzies Jan. 17. The Abel A. Shuford chapter j of the U. D. C. will hold the regular meeting on Friday Jan. 19th at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. S. Abernethy, j that date being the time ap-l pointed for celebrating the birthdays of Lee and Jackson. Appropriate papers will be read and important business will be transacted. A full attendance is urged, Mrs. James A. Martin, Sec. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars re gard for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo 0. We, the undersigned, nave kn~wn F. J. Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. " WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Crtarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting diiectly upon- the blood and mucous surfaces of the systern. sent free. Price 7 5 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. I The Weaiher in North Caro lina the Past WeeK. Wilmington had the wors* snow storm since 1901. On Sat urday the mercury registered 14 degrees above zero, the lowest record since 1909. At Siler City the record was 12 above zero The rural mail carriers failed to make their first trip in eight years. Sunday was the coldest day Hickory has experienced in many years. The mercury registered 6 above zero, the lowest record for several years. Business has practically been on a standstill. The roads are frozen so that it is almost impossible for a horse to travel. At Windy, City, a suburb of Hickory, the themonaecer went o 2 below zero. Mail carrier Hawn says Snow creek was en tirely frozen over Tuesday, and the Catawba river almost frozen over. v The people of Hickory are be holden to Mr. T. W. Chambliss, the circulation manager of of the Charlotte Observer for an excel lent four column write-up of this city in Tuesday's* paper. The salient points of the town are put to the front in a telling way, A map of Hickory and Catawba and a picture of the Old Hickory tavern adorn the article. 4 ■ Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtue of a mortgage Deed ex ecuted on the 27 dav of August 1909 by E C Burns and wife K J. Burns, to W, W. Deitz, for 250.00 and was due 27 day of August 1910 and registered in book 85, page 571 and upon default of payment I will sell at public sale for casb on Saturday Feb 16 1912 at the Post Office in Hickory at 12 m the following property, one House and lot in Hickory N C. Beginning at P, E. Reinhardt S. E. corner and runs S. 169 1-2 feet to a stake thf&ce East with J. F. Propsts line to a stake thence North 186 12 net to the beginning. Con taining oqfb half acre more or less. This lfl6|ay of January 1912. ;>W. M. DEITZ, % Mortgage. Notice of Sale of Real Estate under Mortgage By virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by B. L. Marlowe and Beatrice Mar lowe to S. D. Campbell on Dec. 11th 1909, to secure the payment of S6OO, due Nov, Ist, 1910, and default having been made in payment of the same, the undersigned mortgagee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Post Office in Hick ory, N. C., on Tuesday, Feb. 20th., at 1 o'clock p. m. the followiug real es tate being in Cataw>a county, Hickory Township, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake 730 ft. from the North side of the Southern railway, runs N. 2 1-2 E. with North margin of a street 17 7 8 ft. more or less to a stake on Margaret Fry' line; then S. 87 1-2 E. with her line 420 ft. to a stake on Trade st. then S. 2 1 2 W. with Trade st 1828 ft. more or less to stake in College st; then about N 87 1-2 W. with College st. 420 ft. to the beginning. Containing 18 acres, more or less. From the above 7 acres has been released the boundaries to which will appear from the deed of trust held by the Building & Loan Association, This Jan. 15th., 1912. S. D. Campbell, 1 18 4t. Mortgagee. Will Stay. For pain in back or Chest, King's Anti-Pain Plaster touches the spot. 'Tis especially good to protect the lungs with one of these on front and back. They are 25 cents and theii curative and protective power is very great. Sold by all medicine dealers. The Grand moving picture Fri day night gives "The Toss of a Coin" and "The Plains Scross Nestor." When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause ofanxietv. Thousands of moth ers use it successfully. Sold by all dealers. Mr. Frederick M. Seagle, one of Hickory's best boys, who is a successful druggist in Gastonia, was married on Jan, 10 at Dan ville, Va., to Miss Lillian Stall ing. Mr. Seagle is a son of Mr. N. M. Seagle and the bride haslmany friends here. Miss Sadie Wither spoon of thi* city attended the marriage, stopping in Lexington on her return to visit her grand mother. r Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S : CASTORIA j LOCAL j Three boys saved No. 12 from what doubtless wouid have been a bad wreck Sunday afternoon, near tfee cotton mill this side of Hickory. Tbey found that one of the heavy rails had been broken squarely in two, and flagged the train just in time. Cold weather and a faulty rail seems to have made the break. —Catawba Coun ty News. Col. Thomas N. Wood, U. S. M. C., and Mrs. Wood are expected to visit Hickory for a few weeks as the guest of Mrs. Eugene De- Forest Heald, who has taken a house at Hickory for the win ter. Col. Wood has many re latives and friends in "The CM North State," his ancestor, Richard Henderson, being one of , its earliest settlers. His great grandfather, Michael Rodgers of .Wake county, was sent to North CirolWa by General Wash ington to lay out the city of Ral eigh and owned the extensive plantation known as "The Cross Roads." TheT E. Field bankrupt sale was held Friday. Mr. Fields half interest in the two store buildings adjoining his own was bought for the R. H. Field heirs, who own the other half, by J, F. Allen, who paid $5,200 for it. The half interest in the rear lot 150 by 50 was bought by A. P. Whitener for SI2OO. The hall interest in a2O acre tract of un improved land in Caldwell coun ty was bought by Mr. Brinkley for $75 and Mr. Allen sold him the other half at the same price. For a mild easy .action of the bowels a single dose of Doan's Regu!ets is enough. Treatment cues habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist for tbem. The Washington correspondent of the Charlotte Observer under date of Jan. 1 13 says; "J. P. Yount has asked M«\ Webb to protest to the Inter-state Com merce Commission against the refusal of the railroads that en ter Newton to fix rates on cotton seed to that point. The inter state commissioner ordered L rate for Newton, the same that Shelby and Charlotte get. time ago, but no rates have been given the agents and no ship ments can be made. The com mission told Mr. Webb today that it coulden't force the rail road to provide rates, and the only way to do that is to go to court" SIOO Per Plate was paid at a banquet to Henry Ciay, in New Orleans in 1842 Mighty cost ly for those with stomach trouble or in digestion. Today people every where use Dr. King's New Life Pills for these troubles as well as kidney and bowel disorders. Easy, safe, sure Only 25cts. at C M. Shuford's, Moser and Lutz and Grimes Drug Stores. Mrs. Margaret Moser, who lived with her mother, Mrs* Elsza Bowman in Whittenburg township, died Monday night after a third stroke of paralysis. She was a sister of Q. M. Bow man. and was a fine Christian character. She was buried at Shiloh church, where the funeral sermon will be preached on the fourth Sunday in the monuh. DO IT NOW Hickory People Should Not Wait Until It Is Too Late The appalling death rate from kid" ney disease is due in most cases to the fact that the little kidney troubles are usually neglected until they become serious. The slight symptoms give place to chronic disorders and the suf ferer goes gradually into the grasp of dropsy, Bright's disease, gravel or some other serious form of kidney complaint. If you suffer from backache, head aches, dizzy spells; if the kidney secre tions..are irregular of passage and un natural in appearance, do not delay. Help the kidneys at once. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially for kidney disorders—they cure where others fail. Over one hundred thou sand people have recommended them. Here's a case at home: Mrs. W. M. Deal, 1819 Tenth Ave., j Hickory, N. C., says: "Doan's Kid- I nay Pills, which I obtained at Mooser I & Latz's Drug Store, are the most re liable kidney medicine I ever used, Thy gave me prompt relief from a constant pain in my back and im- I prove my condition in every way.'' For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. ■ Foster-Milburn Co,, Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name —Doan's — and take no other. Democrat and Press, Consolidated i9CS , Holy Trinity Sunday School. r The Sunday school of Holy ! Trinity Lutheran church has el ected the following officers: Supt. J. A. Moretz, assistant |Supt. A. L. Moser, secretary, iGrover Huffman, treasurer H. E. Whitener. The annual report showed an i with an average attendance of 160. The Sunday school raised for all purposes $555.50 of which amount S2BO. was for benevo lence. The splendid progress the school made during the past year is both satisfactory and encour ging. It is conceded to have I been the best year in the history Jof the school. With bright pros | pects for the future, with an I able staff of officers, excellent and efficient teachers, and with departments to take care and to instruct old and young, the school during this year will undoubtedly surpass all her former efforts and prove a great power for good in the city of Hickory and else where. The Church Council of Holy Trinity convened Jan. 9 and elec ted the following officers: Presi dent, Rev. J. H. Wannemacher; Vice-pres., Mr. J. S. Propst; Secretary, Mr. P ; C. Setzer; Financial Secretary, Mr. J. S. Leonard; Treasurer; J. A. Moretz. Gaither Hawn, Claud White ner and Leslie Cansler were appointed ushers for the year and Summie Miller Librarian. Lhe treasurers report showed that the church is in a good fi nancial condition and the every member canvass resulted in put ting the church on a sound finan cial basis. The receipts for the year amountedto about $18,866. ; for all purposes. The members with the coun cil expressed themselves as well satisfied with the conditions of the church, and the pastor heart ily thanked them for loyally sup porting the work of the church. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in r£ i 3 orng the system -to a healthy con dition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. Sold by all dealers. Presbyterian Church Notes. The regular services next Sun day, the pastor preaching. % Rev. J. G. Garth will preach at West Hickory at 4 o'clock next Sunday afternoon. The Covenanter lesson will appear in the Democrat next week. The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., says, "I firm ly believe Chamberlain's Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recom mended it to my friends and they all agree with me.'' For sale by all dealers. The Hickory Music club met Tuesday with Mrs. J.L. Murphy. There was a full attendance and the occasion was most enjoyable. When buying a cough medicine for children bear in mind that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is most effectual for colds, croop and whooping cough and that it contains no harmful drug. For by all dealers. Notice has been received here of the death on Saturday, Jan. 13, of Mr. Charles Nelan Graves at Rush Hospital, Philadelphia. A Beautiful Complexion Comes of Using Cydonia Lotion. Softens and whitens the skin: cures sunburn, chapped or roughened skin. The genuine has Burwell and Dunn Co.'s name and label. Price. 25 cents. Fore sale by all medicine dealers, The annual banquet of the Chamber of Commerce will be held at the Hotel Huffry tonight and promises to be as fine affair as it v, as last last year. Besides the excellent speeches on the program Secretary Joy has some thing fine in store as a side line. Do you know that fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles, due to cold or damp, or chronic rheu matism, and require no internal treat , ever? Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely and see how quickly it gives re lief. For sale by all dealers. Judge E. B. Cline has gone to i.Warrenton to hold his first court Annual B.and L. Mpffing Held. astoEle^felttftntej. The 23rd. annual tafceting ""of the stockholders of the Ffrst Building and Loan Association was held in Thornton's Academy of Music Tuesday nighgt and was the largest meeting in years, 5000 shares being represented in person or by proxy. The an nual election of officers was as follows: G. H. Geitner, president; J. D. JSlliott, vice president; A. A. Shuford, S. E. Killian, W. B. Menzies, J. A. Martin, J. A. Lentz and C. rj. Geitner, di rectors, and Bagby and Black welders attorneys. A resolution was adopted to the effect that an adjourned meeting of the annual meeting should be held at the office of the association on Feb. 16 to take steps toward changing the con stitution in reference to the el lection of the attorney in the fu ture, investing this power with the directors. There are in effect 6,323 shares of stock worth $258,765.76. Special Services. At the church of the As cension, next Sunday at II a. m. the Rev. John S3. Moody will de liver an address of special in terest to men. It will be his final address of that character. S übject, "what shall I do with Jesus that is called Christ." In the evening, there will be a special service for all the breth ren of the Hickory churches who may desire to attend. Dr. Murphy and his congregation promised to unite wiih the mem bers of our parish and a hearty welcome awaits all who are dis posed to come. Subject of the evening address; "The wondrous unfolding of the Son of God m Scriptures in the Church and lh the Soul," or " Jesus and His matchless Epiphanies.'* It is hoped to have a Cornet accom paniment for the evening* Service. Remember the hour 7.30 p. m. The Hickory Creamery is shipping butter, cream and eggs to the big ho tels in Florida this winter, in big am ounts. Following the brilliant ban quet which the Chamber of Com merce holds tonight, there will soon be a business meeting to elect officers. The Democrat hopes that both President Nich olson and Secretary Joy will hold on. The Chamber has been phenomenally successful while they were at the helm during the past two years, and it means a great deal to Hickory that they continue with it. Frightful Polar Wiods blow with terrific force at the far nort ■ and play havoc with the skin, cau« ing red, rough or sore chapped hands and lips, that need Bucklen's Arnica Salve to heal them. It makes the skin soft and smoothe. Unrivaled for cold sores, also burns, boils, sores, ulcers, cuts bruises and piles. Only 25 cat C. M. Shuford's, Moser and Lutz and Grimes Drug Stores. -> Mr, Carr Bowman has return ed to his home in Alexander county after a short of explor ation trip in to the west to see how he liked it. He says there is plenty of money out there, and while wages are good it also costs like smoke to live. ,He went to St. Lonis, Evansville, Chicago, and many points in Indiana and Kentucky. Carr is a shifty boy and turned many an honesty penny, making his way back home by fireing on an en gine. But he likes home the best, for he says the west is an awfully wicked country. A Girl's Wild Midnight Ride To warn people of a fearful forest fire in the Catskills a young girl rode horseback at midnight and saved many lives. Her deed was glorious but lives are often saved by Dr. King's New Discovery in curing lung trouble, coughs and colds, which might have ended in consumption or pneumonia. ''lt cured me of a dreadful cough and lung disease," writes W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex., "after four in our family had died with consumption, and I gained 98 pounds." Nothing so sure and safe for all throat and lung troubles Prise 50c. and SI.OO. Trial bottle ree. Guaranteed by C. M. Shuford, Moser and Lutz and Grinds Drug Stores.