THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ I.oc Six Months, " 5° Three Months " " 2 5 Advertising Rates on Application T HiS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY T"E GENERAL OFFICES . NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Published Every- Thursday HOW A ZD A: BAXKS, Editor and Proprietor Entere~ at the Post Office at Hickory as second class matter. HICKORY. N. C., JAN. 25,1912. DEAR SISTERS. There are two men in this county whom the Democrat wish es to pat on the back. One is Mr, W. 0, Feimster and the other is Mr. Geo W. Cochran. Both are from Newton. The reason we wish t"> commend them is that th-iy are al ways working to keep Newton and Hickory on friendly terms. Both towns are occasionally a bit inclined to be green-eved of each other, Hick ory eying Newton's court house with jealousy and Newton Hick ory's growth. Butitisa standaff. Both are coming towns, and we are sisters. Feimster and Coch ran are always saying in their polite way: "Madame Catawba, you ought to be proud of these two nice, sweet girls, not to speak of all the younger children. The old est is so cultured and refined and prettv and the younger is such a good girl to work—always got her pium arms in the dish pan helping mother do the workh," Feimster talked like this at the Hickory Chamber of Commerce banquet and Cochran ever and anon does the like in his news paper. It's the correct chat We can't help falling out with each other sometimes. All nor mal, healthy sisters do that. But we must always kiss and make up. Newton, darling; you sweet thing. Smack, smack, smack. Whenever you need to borrow our coal oil can, come over and get it. HICKORY AND HEALTH. The address of Dr. W. $. Rank in, of Raleigh, Secretary of the State Board ot Health, was the ablest of its kind we ever heard. Dr. Rankin martialed the facts concerning the preventability of disease in a masterly manner. His speech teemed with startling statements, One and a half mil lion people die in the United States every year and 40 percent of these deaths are preventable. We are shocked at 5,000 murders annually, and yet 25,000 deaths occur from lack of proper quar tee alone. Dr. Rankin ought to be sent foi everywhere there is a desire to clean up, to save little children and to live longer. He reels off yards of remarkable statistics without ever looking at a note. Dr. Rankin does not accept the report of Hickory's death rate of 8 1-2 in every 1000 per year against the ayerage of 15 in the country at large. He says it is too remarkable to believe. He is going to investigate personally. If it is true, or near true, it is a great asset for us. But Hickory is uncleanly in spots. We need to tune up to the air and the climate we have. Of this, more anon. It was with deep regret that the Democrat announced last week that the Rev. J. S. Moody and his family would leave here for Arizona to make their future home on account of the health of Mr. Moody's son, which de mands a very dry climate. Mr. Moody has been a strong force in the religions and in t .•liectual life of the community. H > is a man of the highest schol ar hip. Under great difficul ties he has built up the Epis c >oal parish here and leaves a in nument to his energy and zeal i«: the beautifully remodeled little c • irch. We will long miss h m nd his delightful family. Click of the Mercurj', says h jfives babies the likes of us or, y milk when we go to preach in* at his place. But we don't ike skimmed milk, Reverened. OUR FORMIPABLE RIVAL, j We Jest a valued farmer sub seriber this week because wi would not sell him the D -*nn »cra for less than a dol! v J. y That is little enough for a week y home paper. We cut the p r ice to half for preachers, but for nobody else. He said he could get the Kansas City Star for iess than SI.OO. He is going t> ci? out both the Demerit anit»- Progressive Farmer at $1.50 an take the Kiusas C*t/ "Angels and ministers of grace defend us!" John Brown, Dred Scott, Petfer, sunflowers and grasshoppers! What can the Kansas City Star tell our friend about the price of butter and cab bage on the Hickory market where he trades? What can it tell him about the death of the pioneer merchant, the last fire, the meeting of the county com missioners or the election of con stable in Hickory township? Take the Hon, Mebane's paper, or Uncle Frank William's paper, or Rev. Jesse Click's milk bottle, !if you are going to quit us bu the Kansas City Stai You'll need a Lick telescope to read a Star that far away. Hickory, which runs a Cream ery which is fast attracting the attention of the whole country, will be especially interested t> learn that the Southern Railway has, under President Finley's or ders, planned, a schedule be ginning Feb. Ist. foi a Dairy Spe cial, which will run all over the roads territory, to give lessons in dairying. It will be under the directions if the Southern's dairy agent, Mr. C. M. Morgan, of Washington. Ihe Special is fit ted up with a complete dairy, and stereoptical lectures will be given at the various stops. This is another commendable work by the Southern for the benefic of the South. The Albermarle Chronicle an nounces that Mr. R. G. Mace, recently editor of the Times-Mer cury, has become editor and business manager of that paper. The Chronicle is fortunate. Mr. Mace is one of the finest men we have met with in a newspaper lfe of 22 years. We predict a great career for the Chronicle un der his guidance. We wish to commend Con gressman E. Y. Webb for in troducing his bill to forbid the shipment of liquor into prohi bition states. And we also want to ask the four senatorial candi dates in North Carolina if each one will support and vote for it, if elected. There will be a convention in Raleigh Jan. 2G, 27 and 28 to stimulate the temperance sen timent of the people. Capt. R. P. Hobson, Kev. P. A. Baker and Hon. Jno. G. Wooley will speak. All friends of temperance are invited to be present. The Democrat hopes Catawba county will be well represented. Mr. J. D. Elliot in his neat lik: speech at the banquet, fittingly referred to Hickory's passengei service on the Southern and Carolina & Northwestern Rail ways of 12 passenger trains a day. It is a great service. The F. S. Royster Guano Co's plant at Tarboro was destroyed by fire, causing a loss of SIOO,OOO. The Democrat regrets this dis aster. The Royster guano is an excellent fertilizer, much valued in this section, and advertised now in this paper. Try it. Gladden Acquitted. The jury refused to believe the story of John Ross, who accused Frank Gladden, a white painter, of forcing him to help murder the Dixon family in Cleveland county, and Gladden was acquit ted. Ross was convicted and will be electrocuted. Rheumatism. i This is often a disease of the blood though not always It attacks usually the joints and tissue and causes a de posit of uric acid. In its acuit stage it is one of much pain and suffering.' i sometimes affecting a large par* or even all the body. When near the I heart it is dmgerous to life, We are j thankful to say there is a proper treat ment Dr. King's Sarsapariha—inteT nally to eradicate the poison from the blood. Dr. Kings Nerve and Bone Liwment- externally, to give life to ihe stiffened, painful joints and tissue, by all medicine dealeas. A TRIBUTE. MRS. HANNAH SELENIA TEAGUE. 'Twas \#ith sad hearts we la d to r \=t the a mucn icvp J and highly respected lady o?' Ciidwell County **n- the even ing of the sixth of January 1912, I- Ait'orh Baptist church, at 1 o'clock p. m The services were conducted ny Rev. Mr. Shaver. M Tpayrue was a woman of the Confederacy, of which she was ornri, She aided in the gr- c t s- rugle f»»r rights. She wa« born September fifth, 1820, died January fifth 1912. b-?ing 85 yaars and four months old. Sne joined the Baptist church in her youth and was a constant and faithful until death. She being paralyzed with a sec ond stroke, could not speak but in action she told us where she was going and that she was ready: she sat dumb but not mo tionless and pointed to Heaven ; above as much as to say she ! wai.ted to meet us up there. Asleep, asleep, blessed sleep. ''From which none ever wake to weep." Thou art gone: a precious friend. Thy good work is at its end. Many are the years that's passed. Thy destination is reached at tast. When first were the trials be gun Of this life -thought to be fun. Eighty s'x years and more have passed. But the question to be asked: '"Was she ready? Was her work done? v I answer, yes: her race was run. • Rist thou! a rest serene vV here mortal eyes have never seen. Where mortal flesh doth not corrupt, Where sinful acts does not till up, Where pain and sadness en ters not And where no sorrow mars the lot, Where death can never enter, Where all joys makes their center. When called she willingly o beyed, And in the ground her bed they made. In sweet repose we leave thee, We !:now Satan's lost his fee. Because we heard one say— ''l've seen her in the month of May, I've seen her in December's days, She's fairer now as here she lays Than in spring time any where In summer or autumn fair." Thou art "at rest," 'twas truly said, As thou art now among the dead, But with the living so it be Thou art with Christ: He is with thee! Thou from us hast ever gone To the angels thou hast flown, We bid thee now a long fare well, When we will meet 'tis hard to tell. But when the t'me shall draw nigh- I mean the time when we must die, — To die like thee in love in peace, Whene're oar hearts shal' ever cease. Rest though in peace, undis turbed. In mansions that are quiet su-i perb. Where angles sing, and ever cheer For sll the world shall gather there. The grave —it seems, but sand and clay- But heaven is not far away, For when in Cnrist we doeth die 'Twas only our bodies that rhere lie; Our souls are very far from there Far from pain .and earthly caie. True, thy bed of clay was made But God upon it a cover laid; 'T was—or at least it seems so— For thee a cover God sent in snow. The snow was white and seem ed so pure There was a resemblance in you 'tis sure. You are cold and silent, 'tis true, But we know the work which thou did do. , Thou' you gone, your mem ory stays, Its hand upon our memory lays, A noble woman such was she And shall aiways in our mem ory be. "RATTLER," Notice. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Sarah L. Bumgardner, (dead) late of Ca tawba County, N. C , this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 11th. day of December, 1912, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, All persons owing said estate will make immediate settlement. This the 11 day of December, 1911. Robert A, Bumgardner, * 11 4t * « Adistrato Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co , Elect Officers. Statesville Landmark, 12th.. The old board of directors and officers of the Henkel-Craig Live Stock Company were elected tor another term at the meeting ol the stockholders held on north Center street. The directors are Messrs. W. A. Thomas, C. b. Tom'in, C. V. Henkel and D. J. Craig, of Statesville: Har per, of Wilkesboro; Robt. b. Reinhardt, of Lincolnton; J. v. Heilig, Salisbury; T. S. Coffey and L P. Henkel, Lenoir; ». L. Henkel, D. M. Boyd, Harvey and Chas. Geitner, HICK \ry; H. J. Dunavant, KnoxvlHe, Tenn; M. A. Carpenter, Gastjma. Mr. L. P. Henkel is President, T. L Henkel and H. J, Dunavant, presidents. D. J. Craig secretary and treasurer. The company had a very satisfac tory business the past year ano the usual 8 per cent dividead was paid. Constipation is the cause of manv ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all deal ers. South Fork river was frozen over last week for the first time in twelve years. New Hope tor Consumptives. King's Wild Cherry and Tar, for Coughs, Colds and LaGrippe. Even for Consumption in its early stagts, this wonderful remedy is a panacea Have you a cold and cough? Stop it NOW. Have you tightness in throat and pain in chest? Get rid of it NOW.. Are you hoarse? L)o you fear bronchi tis? Don't wait when you get relief so easily. 25c. Taste is good and al ways guaranteed to cure or money back, by all medicine dealers. Mr. Yoder's Orphingtons. Edgar D. Yorters famous White Orpingtons won again at trie Guilford f oultry Show at Greens boro. Greensboro is a hot bed oi White Orpingtons, but Mr. Yoder won 2nd cock, 2nd. hen 3rd. pullet, Ist. pen, silver cup for best pen White Orpington, club ribbons on Ist. pullet with only 6 birds. His birds are at tracting so much attention be cause of their beautiful color and true type of Orpington. He has ordered a trio from England from the famous Miss Carey farm to introduce some new blood into his flock, so he can keep in the lead with these popular birds. Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Eczema, Greatest Blood Pur ifier Free. Is your blood is impure, thin, dis eased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cance r , carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itch rng, rising and bumps, swelling or sup uating sores, scabby, pimply skin, ulcers bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Bo tanic Blood Balm (B B B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express sl. per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B, B. B, is especially advised for chronic, deep seated cases of blood or skin diseases, as it cures after all else fails. Sold by Moser & Lutz. At the Methodist Church. Preaching every Sunday at 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p. m. Sun day school at 945 a. m. Ep worth League Meeting every Tuesday evening at 7 30, Pray ermeeting every Wednesdav evening at 7.30 Mission Study Class meets every Mond y ■ - ing at 8.00 o'clock >»t t of the members. ONE MILLION DOLLARS FOR A GOOD STOMACH The newspapers and medical jour nals recently have had much to say relative to a famous millionaire's offer of a million dollars for a new stomach. This great multi-millionaire was too bus 7 to worry about the condition of his stomach. He allowed his dyspep sia to run from bad to worse until in the end it became incurable. His misfortune serves as a warning to others. Every one who suffers with dyspep sia for a few years will give everything -he owns for a new stomach Dyspepsia is commonlv caused by an abnormal state of the gastric juices, cr by lack of tone in the walls of the stomach. The result is that the stomach loses its power to digest food. We are now able to supply certain missing elements - to help to restore to the gastric juices their digestive power, and to aid to restore the stomach strong and well. We know that Rexall Dyspepsia Tab lets are a most dependable remedy for disordered stomachs, indigestion, and dyspepsia. We want you to try them and will return your money if you are not more than satisfied with the result. Teree sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and j SI.OO. Remember, you can obtain j Rexall Remedies in this community only at oui store The Rexail _to The Grimes Drug Co. Does Not Like The West. Mr. J.A. HildebranJ has re turned from Montana to his i.ume at Pene ope. He tried life at Taft and at Missoula, the samtj place Rei Buck Bryant tried out. At one of these places there are 38 bar-rooms, and after a thaw about 27 dead men either killed or frozen, or both, *ere found lying around the bar-rooms. Mr. Hildebrand savs the west is too rough for him, si he cam^ 1 back-home. RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE Doctors Could Not Help Mrs. T empleton—Regained Health through Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. Hooper, Nebraska.—"l am very glad to tell how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped me. Forfive years I suffered from female troubles so I was scarcely able to do my work. I took doc tors' medicines and used local treatments but was not helped. I had such awful bearing down pains and my back was so weak I could hardly walk and could not ride. I often had to sit up nights to sleep and my friends thought I could not live long. At my request my husband got me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and I commenced to take it. By the time I had taken the seventh bottle my health had returned and I be gan doing my washing and was a well woman. Atone time for three weeks I did all the work for eighteen boarders with no signs of my old trouble return ing. Many have taken your medicine after seeing what, it did for me. I would not take SIOOO and be where I was. You have my permission to use my name if it will aid anyone."—Mrs. SUSIE TEM PLETON, Hooper, Nebraska. ThePinkham record is a proud and peer less one. It is a record of constant vic tory over the obstinate ills of woman—ills that deal out despair. It is an established fact that Lydia E. Il)Y Pinkham's Vege ta- S / \ \ ble Compound has re- If I^7 J* J stored health to thou- 11 ¥ II sands of such suffer- rA Jjj\ ing women. Why ill don't you try it if you needsuch a medicine? Mr J. W. Bowles has bought for $2500 the house of J. E. Abee on Eightn ave. DO IT NOW Hickory People Should Not Wait Until it Is Too Late The appalling death rate from kid" I ney disease is due in most caiies to the fact that the little kidney troubles are usually neglected until they become serious. The slight symptoms give place to chronic disorders and the suf ferer goes gradually into the grasp of dropsy, Bright's disease, gravel or some other serious form of kid..ey complaint. If you suffer from backache, head aches, dizzy spells; if the kidney secre tions are irregular of passage and un natural in appearance, do not delay Help the kidneys at once. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially for kidney disorders —they cure where others fail Over one hund r ed thou sand people have recommended them Here's a case at home: • Mrs W M Deal. 1819 Tenth Ave . Hickory, N C., says: "Down's Kid nay Pills, which I obtained at Moose & Lutz's Drug Store, are the mo t re liable kidney medicine I evr used, Thy gave me prompt relief fr >m a constar-t pain in my back ana im prove my condition in every way " For sale by all dealers Price 50c. Foster- Milburn Co . Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States Remember the name —Doan's— and take no other ROYSTER FERTILIZER HITS THE SPOT EV£RY TINEA The explanation is simple;they are P 1 eve®?ingredienthas topass the #1 ! /est of our own Mboratories • / a 1 theresnohit or miss aboutßoyster/1 1 Fertilizers. ■ / f " 1 1 nr x 11 -*r Sales Offices M Jjf || nSw. TarWo N.C. ColumbmS.C. € f 1 Baltimore Md. , Macon Ga. Columbus 6a. 1 , Dr. Pierce's Favorite Fresci iptk»i |g> Is the best ol all medic;.- * i>t th* cure c disease?, £&&&£!& disorders and weaknesses p-cnliar to woinen. It is the ? onJy preparation of its kind rie/ised by a regularly gradu- raMgA ated physician —an experienced and skilled specialist in the diseases of women. Hp It is a safe, medicine in any condition ol the system. THE ONE REMEDY which contains no alcohol «wiH no injurious habit-forming drugs and which creates no craving for such stimulants. *THE ONE REMEDY do good that its makers "" arc not afraid to print its every ingredient on ■ j )[" each outside bottle-wrapper and attest to the truthfulness of the tame under oath. It is sold by medicine dealers everywhere, and any dealer who hasn't it can get it. Don't take a substitute of unknown composition for this medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION. No counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the druggist who says something else is "jost as good as Dr. Pierce's" is either mistaken or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such a man is not to be trusted. He is trifling with your most priceless possession—your health may be your life itself. See that you get what you ask for. ICHESTOL f, (A CHEST OIINTMEMT) (' A valuable external remedy for Croup, Colds. Sore Throat and all A* congestion of the throat and lungs. Especially Effective in Croup and Pneumonia As its base and medicinal agents are quickly absorbed by thr s'- and produce relief just as quick By Using Chestol Externally and King s \V* Cherry and Tar Internally ,y you have two of the very latest and best known remedies in »K, ff field of medicine for all throat and lung troubles Ea h package guaranteed. oVresidents in Davi Ison co n ty said they haven't had such weather since the 80's. The farmers are well fixed and s; y they don't mind it. Five inches of grow in Fayettville with the thermometer standing at 10 is the coldest weather wit esse i there since 1899 Reports fr m the Brushy Mountain section showed 8 below zero, the coldest weather in mary year?. Mitchell and Avery Coun ties reports 6 t-;« v z- ■. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of Catarrh Ahat can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY &CO Toledo O We, the undersigne , have kn wn F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Crtarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting dhectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. sent free. Price 75 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con , stipation. The Thric -a-Weck Edition OF THE New York . orid Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly No other Newspaper in the world gives so much at so low a price The great Presidential campaign will soon and you will want the news accurately and promptly The Wcrld long since established a record for im partiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-a Week edition, which comes every other dav in the week except Sunday It will be of particular value to ycu now .he Thrice-a- World also abounds in other f .-atures serial stories, humor, m - * - croons: in fact, everything r-■ t und in a first class daily The Thrice a Wee Wn M regular subscription pnee is o\;ly 3l/ > ye«r a'd this pay c f r '56 p We offer this unequal e i new :r>ap r n The Hickory "* m-i'r ' one year for $1 .65 Still i inn f . ge pa»s n ' t> i •• » The p o > J C -ompanioa; c t.i y ;l accept yearly subscript; $; up to of v; b Of it?. - ; V(U - on April ] 'I i large i subscription-- rn -v weeks o! th who are unabi.- o ti • « o.b scriptions beu-n Jar: a y j -j.v this opport j ry to • panion for a. ou .r fill - - i the old pi ice I vo f ti - periodica! r for :n Youth'.- Con pe ion wo • i: suffici-• t » >.e5T j every oi i to keep ycu u- *• oa news acd tv i,i t=i th to give youaniUtl ntm- ji .. nh useful krowledge. The new depart ments have become indispensable features of the pa. er. The page de voted to the interest of bo\ ir. school and college always has a article of ex pert advice on athletics by some one who speaks with authority, whctl.r it is football, baseball, skating, swi iuir.g. or other vigo rous pastime J h pue for girl? suggested useful occupations at home and profitable occt.paticns in e community, withcut fogttticg iat girls like to be ornamental as well seful And there is tae f>m.i pag*, I /hich in the course of a yea;' fi i tht jlace of a dora/stic encyelop: na Subscribe now,—to da' -w :iie The - mpanion may yet be hail t- r >A 75 THE YOUTH'S CO..if . ,'JN 144 Berkeley Str Jo.. New Subscriptions receiv a Office THE WORLD 1912 Edition Ui this compact rolume at valuable tad later estlng information, a coapl«U up-to-date Hbrao in itself, you win find accurate particular* of tfc. fecial session* of Congress, the elections, eeaatr. •tatistics tad com pari soot, reciprocity, tba PaMil Canal, market*, crop*, lncraaae ia price* of *UpW products, coat of llrlnc, aerial ae hi er estate, and diaaaters, scientific diaooveriee. explan ations aad innovationa of 1»11. wan. intamatfaaet diaagreementa and other great Matorical areata, growth of the Ualted States, increasing popula tion and wealth of countries, State and ■uJtf paUtlea. Congressional records, sporting reeoMs currency, weigh ta and measures, weather forecast*, unirersitiei and schools, religious orders, lad ay tries, commerce, railroads, shipping, debts at nations armite and nariea of the world, banking, money, taxes, insurance, political parties, storrt societies, dubs, births, marriagea. dirorces aad deaths woman suffrage and 10.000 Other Facta and Klgrorea W» te Data of erery day interest and ralue to everybody. No merchant, farmer, laborer, business mam, housewife or budnes woman, school boy or sahaal girl should be without a copy at the valuable ltll reference volume of useful Information. Mce 25c. '-"(Wait of Buffalo aad Pittsburgh, MsJ ®f mall. S6c. Address The New Tork WaaM. Ma* Tork.