—a . . • > | . . I ! j. MonaLisa—a repro- ' | ? j%&J duction in tke original - MI colors of tke famous | Y | pain ting ,witkout any I printed matter and fine enougk to frame, is attacked as a souvenir to our keau- | Style Catalog of Ready-to-Wear r Garments for Spring and Summer wkick will ke mailed you free upon your reouest. Tke souvenir is more tkan worth the troukle of writing for, and tke catalog will skow you ketter garments for the money tkan any catalog you kave ever kefore received. ' . Wnte Aui me catalog today-it will be sent post paid, your' name will be put on our mailing list and this catalog will be mailed to you in & short time, containing absolutely the correct style for the coming season. Write today to the exclusive Ready-to- Wear Shop. PURCELL'S Charlotte - - N. C. —————-—■— ——— I I m REDUCTION "In Our Stock of | Clothing I 5 Hats, Shoes, Ladies i | Skirts and Coats, etc. jj ; For 15 Days. Beginning Jan. tj 27. Ending Feb, 10, : S In order to reduce our stock preparatory H to our Spring Showing wa have decided ; to make this sacrifice in prices lor the ij next 15 days beginning 27th. ;i . . Remember we are not offering you job lots to select from, but our entire stock of merchandise, and h which is complete and strictly up-to- late. • Every thing marked in plain figures from our i regular selling price. Briug your pencil and make any selection you w T ant. { - We can fit anybody. All sizes, styles and i { quality. • ~ I Remember the cut in Prices for 15 days | only, Beginning Jan. 27, 1912. j The UNDERSELLING STORE I ; L. E. Zerden, Prop. Hickory, N. C. I 4 CAR LOADS 4 8 } | life will have to arrive at our stable wf in Hickory on Saturday Feb,. 17 g • I 4 car loads of well broken Virginia k and Tenneesee horsss, mares and & mules. This will be as good a lot as g| O we haveever shown here, S| ■£% If you are needing a good horse, inare or mule see us before buying, for we can suit vou. This lot will K . '■% especially interest the farmers as they are ready tor X )% work, O * HENKEL - CRAiG " | Stock Company. | SUBSCRIBE FOR 1 ~ THE DEHOCRAT I PREPARE for them today 1 by putting all your valuables in our safety deposit vaults. ® Abrclute safety against fires, thieves or any other calamity. Access to our vaults at any time. Come in and let us show you around. First National Bank | Capital acid Surplus $240,000.00 g Officers. A. A. Shuford, President; K. C. Menzies, Cashier; J. D. Elliott, Vice President; J. L. Cilley, Asst. Cashier. 1 PfROXIBE CREAM | . - -1 CU |4 ■■■■■■■ ■° raag3^?sa ®jj Yes we have it. Best thing on earth j£ 13 for chapped hands, face and lips. Try a box 25 cents at l*J §| "We'er On The Corner" J§ I MOSER & LUTZ Druggists 3 Bj Hickory - - - - N. C. jjj JXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxx MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY^ i b.XEW SPlilN'G GOODS AIiIMVING DAILY Ale 11 J. F. ALLEN'S^ | Not only the newest, the prettiest, the best l>uttlie& )\ price is the lowest and the goods the most t X —Merchandise of integrity—you get the best /j lIOR SUIIS AND DRESSES* . A You surely know about Serges for the spring, - specially Cream, White Hairline, Blaek and Blue, 450,£ ; Q'Bsc and 95c; also Suitings 25c and 45c, Also elegant? ; J line Cotton Suiting, Auto Cloths, l'oplins, Noisette,t f L'ique, Linens (colored and white.) C \ Qii RE AT STOCK WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES AND\ I I ELGVSCINGS _ _( j Beautiful 27 iuch Flouncing, 25c; 45 incii, 50c, V I 5T 75c and 95c. £ r * And a great stock of goods shown at the lowest V i X prices in the Old North State. We want your trade V \ )?and will give you more than I can ieally afford to fori I xyour money. # BJ. F. ALLEN* X rsOOOOoooooockx XXXXXXX>OO> HQW! Whether you want to tour Texas for g|- V pleasure, or investigate the farm and (1 i \I I business opportunities there, this is your j| o«d great chance lo goat tii3 teas* cost. it I I Tourist fares toTexas )l /Jf nov/ ia effeet daily via Memphis and Cotton Belt Route Fares from: Birmingham Atlanta Chattanoogo - - To & Itlontgamery Dalton ft Rome s 3?|? $32.50 . T jurist tier.: 901 cr 1 -: fvom practicrstiy all points 3 £'.-u*thc~st, to leuj. Cior.ovea allowed free,one ..th- ojugc-.drctur.-Infj trip-aad you cao • Writs" todry~L will '. jli you exact »u/a H. H. Softer., DH. I'Mtrar" 1 Af—'t, * l . F. Af-i, PaiMager Agent ICj W. 9lk M.. IfaklUaoog*. Una. ' ' \ LOCAL | >m ' J I?- 1 0. P. ftonth tl 'f - his a', " i\ -\ a' U Fii 5 - ii \-s .* :, -r-f.'f.- V, E. V. t , i;aV. c N«>. 1• ' C -•. 1 ! hi ' : ■- 1 u'lEy. Q- « :i ,'''A. Vv .*••••• f.wf M.OI-- • frri- 5 u v Jic ' JJi t':)crc 'iiiti rtntv.' your subscription. Mr. David Drum, who lives 8 miles from here on the Springs road, is desperately ill with pel jagra. I. it Conn-y Gamble was opt rated at btatesviile Friday for appendicitis, and stood the the operation splendidly. It is thought he will be home early. Mr. W. M, Harrison, of Hud sop, will rent a place near Hick ory and move here. He will teach penmanship and do illus tration work of various kinds. Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. &A. M. will meet in regular comunieation on next Monday night at 7:30. Work in the third degree. A full attendance is desired. Cards have been sent out from i Salisbury as follows: Mr. Hen i ry Grinnell Tyson announces the ! coming marriaere of his daugh j ter, Elizabeth Russell, to Rev. ! Carroll Irving Morgan, Tuesday December 26, 1911, Salisbury, N. C. A meetinc was called at the Chamber of Commerce rooms ! Tuesday evening foi the purpose 4of organizing a debating club, owing to the inclement weather only a few were present. A meeting was called for Thursday evening at 8 to perfect the or eanization and elect officers : All the young men in the cit\ who are interested a debating or literary society are urged tote ; present at this meeting. Mr, and Mrs, B. N. Wood, of * Oxrsard, California, came in Sun »i dav a week ago to visit his wife's - t j brother, Mr. W. H. Smith, who f' 'e f 't itiet before he came in. Mrs. •! Wood's father had died and Mr. ! Smith got home in time to talk ' with his father a day before he t j was stricken, His home is in f Cam, Michigan. Mr. Wood's « home is in Oxnard, California. 11 When he went there 40 years [ ago it it was a mere village, i Now it has a population of 350,- i 000. Mr, Wood says he likes £ Hickory and may spend the win ® i ter here. He says the weather I here is like winter time in OX f nard. ■" 1 ■ STOMACH 1110UBLES —— Cured By Vinol— Here is Proof Seymour, Ind. —"I was troubled with , a chronic stomach trouble, and five ! weeks ago it got so bad I had to give i up work. I had Lried various medi j cines without relief, and was finally induced to try Vinol. After taking the first bottle I was greatly benefited. Am now on the third bottle and ready I to resume work. Am rapidly gaining i in weight and strength." Edw. Nie ! man. j It is the curative medicinal elc i ments of the cods' livers, combined i with the strengthening properties cf i tonic iron contained in Vinol which ,! makes it so successful In restoring 1 perfect digestion and at the same time it builds up the tired, over i worked and run-down system. ; Try a bottle cf Vinol with the un derstanding that your money will be ' returned if it does not help you. * For sale by Moser and Lutz > Druggisst. Hickory, N. C. I Greatly Reduced Rates to Chat- I tanooga, Tenn., and Return I via Southern Railway on Ac- I count of Laymen's Mission- airy Movement of the Pres- I byterian Church in the > United States, Friday i 6-8, 1912. \ On account of the abeve occasion, the Southern Railway will sell round I trip tickets from all points to Chatta ' nooga, Tenn., at greatly reduced ' rates, tickets on sale February 4th-sth k and Bth with final return limit Febru ary 13th. 1912.. Th following round trip fares will D - from points named: Charlotte $llBO f oncord 12 35 Salisbury 1-1.70 Hieh Point J2.70 Greensboro 13.15 Davidson 10.65 Statesville 10.90 Winston-Salem 12 35 Rock Hill 11.60 Hickory 9 95 Low round trip tickets from all other points on Southern Railwav. For further er information, schedules, Pullman ac commodations, etc., apply at nearest :igent or write, R. H. DEBUTTS. Travelling Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N C. NV.-ttce: —\ * • ••'"' ;—rc; r fi to nv riK»m tor several i weeks with sickness, I have re turned to my old stand, where Tiy friends and natrons can sret first class work on shott inotice and at reasonable prices. 11-25-tf C. F. Whitlow. . | ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Crape Cream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE Mr. A. w. (June spent s>unday Mr . a . Kuwe, 01 Uoiover, ith his parents in the country. wa s a visitor here Saturday. Mr. R. G. Mace, editor o! the Rev. J. P. Price of Granite • A) bermarle Chronical, spent a alls, was in the city Monday. ' rtB y here wee^« - ;■ : I -sm j - 7 L j TUrnriO Fashion in chains and fobs I I nulL 0 same as in hats, shoes and clothing. j We carry the very latest—at all prices. Call in and look over our ex tensive and beautiful stock. BE RIGHT UP-TO-DATE. GEO. E. BISANAR I "Watch Inspector Sou« and 0. & N. W. Rys ; I FOR TWO WEEKS j Th (J A j"t Sh Big Bargains in ji Clothing 1 ——aaa ;■ $6.95. At $6.95 we are offering fj Suits of exceptional quality |j (mostly small size) worth up to p $12.50 each at $6.95. i! L.L_J _I_UWI ■ II !■■■■■ I II I I !■ ■II 111 111 II I 111 I $8.95. At $8.95 we are offer- !; ing Suits worth up to $15.00 ! and $lB.OO each. These are j mostly odd Suits one or two of r j a kind. | * Other unusual values in high [j priced Suits. Let. us show you our stock. • 1 Moretz - Wiener j Clothing Company I ——— _ „ I : x> >OOOQOOOXX x>ooooocx>o: Talk: it Over VVllhp Bowles and Martin § if it is a Drugget, Rocker, Bed maltrefs or q anything from parlor to kitchin, we i-.aveQ it. You have the cash. Come if yo xwi r 1 time, we can arrange that |/ l! r . BOWLEG 5 Manager, £ 5 • ■—- - x XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXKX/^