established 1899 Haydn Symphony at Lenoir. The Oakraw Orchestra Delights Splendid Hickory Audience. The Oakview Orchestra concert at Lenoir College Monday night will be an event long remember ed by the music lovers of Hu-k -orv The selections were of the highest order, and were repro duced with a perfection of which the musicians might well be proud There is hardly another town of this size in North Caro lina that has home talent ti>t could render such difficult selec tions. Haydn's Symphony was „iven with the greatest of ease, j and was The chef douvre of the concert. The applause with which it was received attested its merit. Grieg's Norwegian Dance was another greatly enjoyed number. Chopin's Ballade in A flat was rendered as a piano solo by Miss Hallman, who always delight® the audience with her playing. Prof Karl B. Patterson, ren dered Bohm's "Leerende" and Wieniawski's "Obertass." Th great work which Prof. Pattersor is doing for Lenoir Allege and the city of Hickory in the train ing «nd upbuilding of our musical talent cannot be over estimated. He has had a splendid musical education, being at one time first violinist in the Orchestral Associa tion of Baltimore and again a member of the Hayden String Quartet of the same city. Mr. Locke McCorkle, a young man of Newton who has won great fame as a violinist, assisted the first violins. Mr. John Hen derson, of this city delighted the xxx^oooo % Business Locals- i °ooo JOOOOOOO New patterns in Percales anc Madras for shirts at I. A. Bowles. Sale or Rent-One twelve-room : lew lot of linen and linen finish suitings at J. A. Bowles. Mothers Bread received every iav at & Martin ». Men's Tan and patent, leather oxfords for sp HP* ** J. A. Bowles. Yrv our assorted cakes for Sun day dinner. w nitener & Martin. Spring Embroideries and laces | just in. J« A* Bowles. Galatea tor boys' wash suits at J. A. Bowles. Wanted everybody to know that L. E. Zerden at the Un derselling Store pays the highest price for all kinds of furs. Wanted, settled white woman to cook etc. Mrs. Henry L. Abernethy, 1 11 t f. Hickory. N. C. For Sale. —Five or six tons ol cut corn stover. Good feer f r horses and cattle. Miss Mary Rowe, Conover, N. C. Telephone Newton 96---2. We will guarantee to pay the highest market price for all fresh e r gs delivered at the Creamery t 1 is week, if the market is high } will give you the full benefit fci same. Send us your eggs. 2 I It. Catawba Creamei y Co. you want good shoe repairing it the right price and no 1 ther about about it. Call up P one No. 106 and have your '• >rk called tor and delivered. Shop under J. P. Little's store, fciroup Building, 14th., street. 2-l-2t, F. M. Thompson Rooms for Rent v th or without board. Also v H take some table boarders. »Jy a 5 minute walk from post 0 See. Apply at this office. K.iode Island Rfd eggs 50 cents per setting Dr. J. T. Johnson. THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT audience with a trombone solo. Mr; Loyd Whitener with the I clarinet, Messrs J. E. Barb and C. J. Ingold with cornets al rendered their parts perfectly. Miss Stecher as reader gave Shakespeare's popular play. The Tempest. Her interpretation of the characters was most perfect. Miss Stecher as well as Prof. Patterson has won the admira tion of the entire city.- .. At the close of the program, by special request, Miss Stecher aceompianed by Mr. Locke Mc- Corkle on the piano, sang the '"Rosary." Those who failed to hear this concert missed a rare treat. The audience was a large one, filling the auditorium. v •?- •{• *s* •{• •> -J* 4* + «?• *s* 4- +•> + «s* + LOCAL AND PERSONAL. •; •I* + ❖+ * + +*++ ++ * + * Mrs. A Bourbonnais and Mrs. Bell Barlow have returned from their visit t Florida and Cuba. Mr. Drayton Wolfe of Rutherfordton. attended the funeral of his sister-In law Mrs. R. W. Wolfe, Sunday. The Minervian Literary Society o' Claremont College will hold the anni rorsirv pxerrises on Washington Birthday, the 22nd. Master Tom Cilley gave a valentine party to a large number of his little girl and boy friends yesterday afternoon a the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L Cilley, and all the guests had s glorious time. Kindly notice the ad of the Moret2 Whitener Clothing Co. which announ ces their spring sale of clothing frorr Febr 16 to 24. Mrs. A. K. Joy has been quiet un well but is now recovering rapidly. Judge E. B. Cline is baek from War ren and Halifax County. He counti for a little rest before going east again. Mr. and Mrs. A.. M. West will leave Friday for a trip North. Mr. West goes ;o buy spring goods for the firn of the Thompson-West Co. Master Ralph Huffman, a sweet little boy, son of Mr. Albert Huffman, is at the point >f death as the Democrat goe* ♦•) press. Mr. S. G. Loir, spent a week in Sheridan, Ind., attend ing the funeral of a relative and executing some business transactions. Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Stire walt, of New Market, Va., are visiting their two sons at Le uoir college, Profs. W. J. and AI. L Stirewalt. The Demo crat enjoyed a pleasant visit from Mr. Stirewalt. A* Holy Trinity Lutheran church Monday Tvcht. * i»ro" and appreciative audience listened to a stirring ana well illustrated lecture by the Rev. A. ,J. Stire walt, missionary, of Japan. The Rev. Stirewalt having spent 41-2 years in Japan is well qualified to speak on the situation there Especially did he emphasize the point that the chief opposi tion there to the Christians reli gion is due to the misunderstand ing of the motive of the Christian workers. Having completed his mission in this country, that ol raising sufficient funds to put up a large college building in Japan, he will return sometime in March next. Notes from Gunpowder. Correspondence of the Democrat. Gunpowder, Feb. 14.—0n Monday eveuing Mr. Byrd Tuttle received a phone message that his mother, who lives in Alexander Co. near All-Heal ing springs, had received a serious stroke of paralysis that morning. He and his brother Rom, who had' been visiting him for the past three or four days, together with their auut, Mrs. Babel Shenill, started at once for the bedside of Mrs. Tuttle, but before they reached there her spirit had taken its ev rlasting flight, Her mortal remains were laid to rest today at 10 o'clock, at Three Fork Baptist church. We trust her spirit is as clean and pure as the s=now that this day covers her grave. Only about five weeks sgo Mrs Tuttle's mother, Mrs. Han nah Selenia Teague was stricken with the same, now a very common, disease snd died shortly after, an account of which appeared in the Democrat. A Beautiful Complexion Comes of Using Cydonia Lotion. Softens and whitens the skin; cures sunburn, chapped or roughened skin. The genuine has Burwell and Dunn Co.'s name and' label. Price. 25 cents. Fore sale by all medicine dealers, _ I HICKORY, N.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1912. Death of Mrs. R. W. Wolfe. The entire city was shocked Saturday morning when the news spread that Mrs R. W. Wolfe, wife of R. Wo'fe, had died at the home of Dr. Wolfe's par ents on Ninth Avenue. Mrs. Wolfe's sweet and gentle disposi tion attracted all who came in contact with her. She was ever ready to speak a kind word where it might cheer some sad heart. She was 22 years old. Two years ago she was married to Dr. Wolfe. Since their marri age they have made their home with Dr, Wolfe's parents here. She leaves to mourn her sad de partuie a heart-broken husband, father, three brothers and one sister, father «nd mother-in-law, one brother-in-law, two sister-in iaws, and a host of near ielative* and friends. lie 1 ore her marriage she wa? diss Des Ola Price, and made «ier home with her grandmother, t«lrs. Henkel. Mrs. Wolfe was a graduate in art at L.enoir College, md far a while taught a private jlass in art. She was also a latural born musician and was a wonder with the vi lin. enree weeks ago the writer hao wie opportunity of hearing thi& tome band plav. Mrs. Wolfe vith the leading violin, Mr. V'olfe, the father, with secona iolin. Dr. Wolfe with the guit«u and t.e daughter at the piano, inio ..and will play together nt r Oil eartti, but all will be re cited around the Throne whert ausic reigns supreme. As Dr. vlurphy so fittingly said in tht ucvice "We mourn not as thost vho have no hope." The funeral services were con lucted by her pastor. Rev. D. M oitaker, assisted by Dr. J. L. Murphy at the Methodist churci Sunday at 3, p. m. The high esteem in which the deceased vas held by the entire citj >vas shown by the large crowds which attended the funeral. In terment was in Oakwood Ceme ery. Almost the entire congre gation followed to the cemetery. The floral tributes weie beauti ful. A class of young ladies of the Sunday school sent a beautiiul wreath of roses. The pallbearers were Messrs W. M. Thompson, A. M. West *V. A. Rudisill, E. L. Flowers, W. I. Caldwell, and A. W. Cline. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. J. H. Wannetnacher Pastor, Sunday School - 9:45 a. m. Chief Service - - 11 a. m Junior League - - 2:30 p. in. Evening Service 7 D. ro. Morning theme:-Jesus Predict ing His Oncoming Suffering. Evening theme:-Seventh Peti tion. All welcome. A Carload of Kimballs Coming. The car load of Kimball Player pi anos and new 1912 styles of Upright pianos left the Kimball factory the Bth of February and should arrive in Hickory by the 18. Tuis exhibit ol Kimball instruments will be a snpple racnt of the advertising done last year in this district, when 8 car loads of pi anos were placed in this territory a 5 samples. We feel sure that Hickory would be the place for the Kimball piano store, as the Company expects good business from this block counties, for their factory man says this vicinity is as good as any of the 12 agencies in North Carolina which now have big Kimball stores. At the ministers meeting Monday the question of secui-i ing a laymen's missionary convention for this city wae brought up, and Secretary Padget was written to in re gard to it. The organization of an associated charities foi Hickory was likewise taken up- It was decided to get Dr. J. M. Gray, of Chicago, the noted Moody Institute teacher to come here hut he cannot be secured for a year vet. The famous*Goodyear Apple Farm, es Lizzie and Annie Jackson, of near Waynesville, N. C., is nor owned Virginia and Mrs. Belle Ramsay, by John Warrior, Esq., who said: j p Abernethy and Bessie King s Wild Cherry and Tar is the . best Cough Medicine. It is pleasant Kuiian were K ue ® . and effective, and I would not be Quotations on Love were g lve I without it." Even a slight cold is not at roll call. The readings from a thing of no moment. It may end in "Samantha at Coney Island" catarrh or pneumonia. Keep the given by Mrs. MoretZ and breathing apparatus opened and clean. " y _ tin.-* . • All diseases of the throat and bron- Mrs. L. R. Whltener While the chial tubes sre cured quickly and others weife busy with fancy pleasantly by Dr. King's Wild Cher- • work. Delightful refreshments ry and Tar. 25c., no cure, no pay. gouges were served. Sevanl Sold by aU medicine dealer*. 1 f IN SOCIAL I i CIRCLES. J Perhaps a hundred people attended the delightful "At Home" given by the Misses Wheeler Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Ker, of Washington State. The beautiful Wheeler homft was a blaze with electric lights, and the con servatory had been drawn upon to furn ish beautiful flowers and greens for effective decorations. The Only thing to mar the enjoyment of thfe occasion *as the illness of Miss Julia Wheeler and all deeply regretted that she wa s deprived of joining the throng ddwn stairs. / Mrs. Ker is a sister of the Misses Wheel er and Hickory people were delighted to meet her and Mr. Ker. The Misses Wheeler were graciously assisted in receiving by Mesdames T. A. Mott, Marvin Sherrill, H. D. Abernethy and E. B. Jones. * Rev, and Mrs. J. G. Garth entertained the elders and deacons of the Presby terian church Tuesday evening. Mrs, Jarth served an "elegant three-course dinner. Each guest had to find his place at the table by recognizing him self in caricature on the place cards, •vhich were the work of that genius. Mr. Bradshaw, the photographer. They were in black silhouette style, and in every instance strongly "favored" the originals. Those present were Messrs. N. M. Seagle, J. E Haithcock, H. M. Doll, H. E. and D. M. McComb, Dr. W. ii. Ramsay, Dr. T. M. Stevenson, Geo. ivillian, W. 8., K. C. and Dr. H. C. .vlenzies, Judge E. B. Cline, Geo. W. Hall, and Howard A. Banks. At the wind-up of the feast Dr. Ramsay made 4 little speech n which tie said he""Kati heard that it was Mr. Garth's birthday and presented him with a tin whistle. He was also the recipient of jews harps, hatchets and other useful presents. The evening was altogether a delightful one. Mrs. Royster entertained at bridge Wednesday afternoon with five tables. Mrs. Greene won the prize, a perpetual bridge score which Mrs. Beard bought back from Europe. Delightful refresh ments were served. sThe Do-as-you-Please Club crave a surprise party Saturday night to Miss Adelyn McComb, who is just sixteen years ' old. There were a number of pretty presents (riven, and the club had a gay old time. The Do as you Please club met Feb. 8 with Miss Millie Kate McComb, The meeting was called to order by the president after which the minutes were read and roll called by the secretary. There were five members absent. After spending a while in conversation on current news, delicicus refreshments were served by the hostess. The meeting adjourned until Feb. 15, when it will meet with Miss Gladys Reid. The Abel A. Shuford Chapter of the U. D. C. will hold its regular meeting Feb._ 19th at three o'clock promptly, at the home of Mrs. W. S. Abernethy. As this will be a very a very im portant meeting all members are requested to be present. The Traveller's Club met with .vlrs. N. E. Aull on Thursday, the Bth. There were 17 mem bers present, the guest being Mrs. Emma Taylor. The feature of the meeting was a very fine paper by Mrs. Patrick on "The Reverses and the End of the Struggle, having reference to the the lite of Waiter Scott which the Club is studying. As Mrs, Chad wick was sick there was no music. The club greatly enjoyed Mrs. Aull's hospitality. The Embroidery Club met Feb. Bth. with Mrs. A. L. Whitener. Fourteen members present/ Miss piano solos, beautifully rendered by Miss Marjorie Whitener, add ed much to the enjoynu n of the afternoon. The meeting Feb, 22nd. will be with Mrs. L. R, Whitener. Misses Elizabeth llolhrook and Harriet Kiddle entertain ed the Just Fur Fun club Thursday nigbt Feb. 8 at the latterV 4 home. After the ga had arrived they wert (old to look for sqsatt packa ge- vvhicb had been hidden throughout the parlor, dining room and hall. When all th. pikages had been found.the*' were opened and the girh ,fo iiid in theirs cloth to rrak ne tkties for the boys and tin' bo «r»rona to hem foi the girls. After they were all fia:>iied each yihl exchanged her tie with the boy that had au liuou to match it. l>eli cio is refreshments were t-en ed ind th entire evening \va> a delightful one. Byron King at Lenoir Collet Monday evening at 8 o'clocl Fe ». 19, this great lecturer at en *rtainer will appear in th Co auditorium. Byron Kir.; is entirely different from and f> ib >ve the ordinary lecturer. Ht is \ master, an artist, his sui jest will be "The Grace and Git ry f Workmanship.", tli does not just talk; he er tertains. His j h»-. s rones an ilia •trations are of the l.icrhr- 1 ord-r his nn°«pn l »t' on « hem is the work of a genius. He e it .cuular. a., hu nrist, a p!~ilosopher,a "who sfnw'* in one u an. Every se; in his anHience is a reserved se»» . This is his t ;ird visit. and w ire more anxi * hr,n ever fo* the. ne come. One rice t 1 I!—only 25 cent Cone, •'« if \ u ar-not please the is on Meeting at Baptist C hurch. M'\ R, . Gari&mJ. uj bu rn »od begai a me injar ntV Bamist church So? day nitrht and will preach even aft jrnoon at 3 and every nigM at 1 o'clock the rest of this wee I ani perhaps longer. Sundr; aft at 3 o'clock he uii sps ik to men, and all the men th e .iity of every church and r« church are corniallv invited t« hea- :vy - Mr. Garland is a cor verted tra r e\ ng salesman, arv 4 present the State evangelist of Vir Mi* messages t-ver\- wh sf»-m to appeal especialij to business men. WH/ HESITATE? Ai Offer That Involves nc Money Risk if Vou Ac cept This Offer We are so positive our remedy * co npletely relieve constipation, n ma ver how ehronic it may be, that w off*- to furnish it free of all cost if i fails. J jnstipation is commonly caused b; weakness of the nerves and mu~cles the large intestine To exp ;ct cure you must therefore tone up am strengthen those organs and resiur thsm to healthier activity. We want you to try RexiU Orderlie on our guarantee. They are earn liki candy, and are particularly goer for children. They seem to act d - irejily on the nerves and muscles c th • bowels. They do not purge o ca»jse other inconveniences We wil refund your money if they do pot over co ie curoaic or habitual Qpnstipatioi ani thus aid toreleive the nyriads o: asociate or dependent chronic ail ments. Try Rexall Orderlies at OUT rise. Three sizes, 10c , 25c , and 50c So i only at our store The Rexal) Stire. The Grimes Drug Co. China a Republic. The Manchu dynasty of Chin; a > licated , Monday after 3C y -ars of rule. Thpy will be erivfr protection. All the new Repub lican ruiers ot Cnina are Chris tians. Here is a message of hope and good c i >er from Mrs. C. J. Martin. Boob} Mill. Va., who is the mother qf eighteen hildren. Mrs. Martin was cured en sumach trouble and constipation off Jljmnberlain's Tablets after fiyeyearsof i.iffering, and uow reccomends these cblets to the public. Sold by all deal ers.-- ■ ' '* There wa? a slight fall of snow n Saturday night, which was nearly all melted on Sunday. ... i - Children Cry , 50R FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Democrat and Press, Consolidated 1905 Ivey Dots C jrresooiulence of the Democrat. West Hickory, Feb. 12.—The :ioid weather still lasts and is very favorable to the men who -"II wood and coal as both are ">nHy sales and bringing a high price. John Clay and his force of hands have had a cold time un loading several more car load of machinery that arrived at the I py mill the past week. While the weather was verv Mid Saturday evening, »t seems that Gapt C. K. Cole was kep * usy carr> i r g nasspneers fron he Ivey mill to Hiccory am »ack, C. C. Walker and family wtv lave working in the mil' here for several months moved ■ the new mill in East Hickorj st Saturday. Vfrs Sanders and fami'y moveH >?re from Lenoir last wppk. on Yoder one of the h mds at the nniH was para'yzeo las Friday, while he was at work in ■Ketmill. He was carried to Jef Tellers where he was boardinp wp are sorry to sav that hr ~ot any better at pre c ent. T. W. Marshall bought a va- t 'ot from G. H. Bolick ir T *st Hickory last week. This joined a vacant lot that Mr. irshall al eady owned, and he • >w intends to build a dwellitu »use on his lot in a few week?. Ritchev from Caldwell Cr. "is here last week visiting his •n-in-'.aw, W. P. Austin. *' r/'r* Uic hppn V>or several days visiting his brother, r' Mciverzie. "frp, Barbara Hahn, who hpc v. >n stayiner several monthf v>h the family of P. K. Baker, i- railed to her home in th» Mntry 'ast week to see he' sther, who is very sick. Vs. Candace Peese fixr fob's Fork is here at pre?n» • -•.•VINFF TVPV mill. N. A. Sherrill and family ive-i »' HiV ttere • to •*st week. • * Torace Huffman from Chai j > te has been here for several 1 -'s working in the mil'. Mr. Burt Abernethy and wif •m G*st">nia have been her rhc> past week visiting- Mr? V-ernpthy's «ister, Mrs. Mar; Arney. WJcs Froma Suttlemire to Eufola last Saturday to visit her father who lives there. irui ieorge M-i'le, tw* carpenters of West Hickory have over in Caldwell county fo th > oast week building a nev t theran church which the} hrsve thp contract to build. Williams who left heie sometime ago and went to Rock ingham to work ha>; returned arc is now workine in *h» Ivev mill He is boarding with his father, \v. Williams, I will close with best wisht-r for the Democrat. lOTA. Notice of Sale of Keal Estate Wth Carolina, Catawba County. By virtue of the Powers contained 1 in two certain deeds of trust exscutec Sv A. S. Miller and Dora S. Miller ,as wife, to C. M. Sherrill, trustee, on he Ist day of Nov. 1906, and ihe ?2nd day of June, 1907, respectively, md by virtue of the powers containec a that certain deed of trust executed J bv A. S Miller and Dora S. Miller, I his wife, to G. R. Wootten, trustee, « >a the 20th day of May, 1911, to ecure the payment of the sums of iSOO.OO, $200.00, and $200.00 re pectively, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in front of the 'ost Office in Hickory, N. C , on Sat irday/March 16th, at one o'clock P. vl. , the "following parcel of and situate in Hickory Township, Ca tawba couifty 'and State of North Caroli na. and bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at a stone, H. D. Wag ner's North east corner on the west margin of a new street a d runs North, 36 deg- East, 202 feet to J. W. Black welder's South-east corner, an iron stake: tlnnce North, 52 I 2 deg. West. 250 feet to a stake in J. W. Blackwel der's line; thence Soufh, 36 deg. West, 204 feet to H. D. Wagner's linejthence South, 52 1-2 deg, East, 250 feet to I the beginning. This the 14th day of Feb. 1912. C. M. Sherrill, Trustee, » G. R. Wootten, Trrstee. Bagbv & Blackwelder, Attorneys. 2-15-4t ; CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. j The Kind You Han Always Bought Bean the [ bignav.*re of C The Laymen's Convention. Hickory and uiawba Sent t Large Delegation Dovn. Both Lutheran laymen and ministers attended the first general convention of the Lay nen's Missionary Movement of the Lutheran church in the South it Salisbury, Feb. 7-6, in great a umbers from this section. Rev. )r Deaton, Rev. Messrs. Wanna* racher, M. H. Little, Stirewalt, loot, fritz, Mauney, Mrs. N. Q. ->eal, and Messrs. Alfred Moretz, ' Vrthur Moser, Squire S. L. Kill ian, and many others were there, tnd of 16 Lenoir collecre students the following were not d: Messrs, it. (J. Lake, J. L. Morgan, E. Z. ?ence, R. H. Yoder, E. Z. Eller C. E. Fritz. L. E. Bolick, M. M. Cipps, S. G. Lohr, E. L. Conrad, rrover Howard, J. A. Abernetny n ? Earnest Smith. All came back with a great up att,. Aii the speakers brought ispiring messages. President Vitz has been complimented on le scope and power of his ad ress on the Significance of the onvention, and Rev. M. L. 5 tire wait's on Missions in the Jjtrricuium of a Christian College {ripped the convention wonder uiy when he declared that 10 far as he knew Lenoir Coi age was the only one in the •ountry which actually taught missions in its course, and that 13 could lay claim to be a >rofessorof missions. Two powerful addresses were mde by Robert Speer, of the • tenan Boaru, of New ii K, and Mr. J. Campbell White, enerai secretary ot the lay len's movement. They had ist come from Chattanooga and jid of the 24 seminary students sere offering for the Congo field, nd of Mr. George Watts, of )urham, offering to pay all the tpenses of missions in a section L Korea" 1 which embraced a popu ltion of 250,000. Gov. Kitchm' opening address *as most happy. Rev. A. J. Stirewalt, of Japan, told of the cMinburg convention. Dr. S. P. uong, of Manstieid, 0., proved :) be one of the strong men 11 the convention. President fVitz was fortunate enough to secure him for the baccalaureate A idress at Len*ir commence ment, The meeting was held in the >pera house and there were 1000 delegates, while the big galleries »vere always filled with women, ihe editor of this paper spent lalf a day at the convention. Hickory mu ic people will be inter ested in the announcement elsewhere n this issue of the coming again of vir. F. B. Cox with another car load of Kimball pianos. A.t the Reformed Church Next Sunday. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Preaching at 7:00 p. m. The sermon at night will be of interest to the young, and espe cially to the voung men. The male quartette will sing me or more selections. * There is no better medicine made for x>lds titan Chamberlain's Cough Reme ly. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions, aids expec toration: and restores the system to a healthy condition. For sale by all deal ers. Mrs. Fred Speagle, of Gastonia, is visiting relatives here this week. The Free Sewing Machine. The Ladies are invited to call at Bowles & Ma tin's" any day next week md see a Lady Demonstrator actually nake any kind of flower on this wonderful Machine. LAST NOTICE —I desire to say to those who have not paid their taxes that the city of ficials are in need or funds and are pressing me to collect the balance due on taxes. Please pee me and get your receipt. P. P. Jones, City Tax Collect or. All Persons Indebted to the Estate of T. E. Field, Bank rupt, are hereby notified that unless pay ment is made to the undersigned Trustee before 12 o'clock noon Feb ruary 20th, 1912, all accounts, notes, etc. will be sold on that date at public outcry. Sale to be held at the steps of The First National Bank, Hickory, N. C. ' This February Bth, 1912, 1, 8, 2t. *| B. B. Blackwelder, Trusee of Estate of T, E. field, Bankrupt.

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