BSS^^HMi m•- » ~ M ■ V/XXfl : i m^M * B ? UAni i H * H k B^' K § HAY AND FEEDS. I ('all us when yon want good hav and feeds of all kinds We als» carry a full line of poultry tjf feeds. § City Feed Company, * *5 ?feoae j-! !•> 271. 7TS6 L 4 Cak LOADS 4 | i. - s g \tj l.&vt to arriveat our stable X ft if i.. i itkory on Saturday Feb., 17 N $ 4 car loads of well broken Virginia O y. and horsss, mares and %j K mules. Thi& will be as good a lotas X we haveever si own here, X ■ If you are needin a fjood horse, mare or mule see Ak Sus before buying, fo we can suit vou. This lot will JC especially interest the farmers as they are ready for V § work ' —. § | HENKEL - CRAIG | 3 Live Stock Company, b iooooooooosios Your Sewing Machine can be Fixed H it drops stit hr s, breaks thread and needles, draws good', feeds slow, chokes under foot, runs heavy, has knocking cr iosk iii« piece lost, broken or wor > out. All parts for «»J1 makes. We duplicate and repair u tder guarantee. iou do not live too far for us to come and repair it at your home. Addres:—SEWlNG MACHINE REPAIR SfTOP, M G. T). Owen, iVi«r. f Box 372. Phone 320. Hickory, N. 0. DEMOCRAT ADS BRINGS RESULTS. Deoate at Lenoir. In Lenoir College auditorium the question of the initiative, re ferendum and recall for North Caroiit*a will be discussed by the Mfchei classmen of Charlestonian Literary Society, Thursday, Feb. 22. Messrs. M. M. Kipps and R. C. Hoke representing the affirma tive, and E. Z Pence and J. L. Morgan the negative. These men are making every effort to place before the public a thorough argument both for and against these laws. The public is cor dially invited. Stops itching instally. Cures piles, eczema, Halt rheum, tetter, itch, hives, herpes, scabies—Doans Ointment. At any drug store. City Recorder D. B, Smith, ei Charlotte, will be in the race for Congressman Webb's seat this fall, it is said. v Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Lczema, Greatest Blood Pur ifier Free. Is your blood is impure, thin, dis eased, hot or full of humors, if yov have blood poison, cance r , carbuncles, fitting sores, scrofula, eczema, itch >. g, lising and bumps, swelling or sup uating sores, scabby, pimply skin, ulcers bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Bo tanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon al. soies heal, aches and pains stop anc the blood is made pure and rich Druggists or by express $l. per largt bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B, B. B, is especially advised for chronic, deep seated cases of blood or skin diseases, as it cures after all else fails. Sold by & Lutz. The Democ -at learns from Mr. C. li, oyKes that he is not ai candidate f«»r the Legi.— ta\ re Jrom Catawba county, Ol iOL j»t\ however, he would obey •lis j. rty's cali if he should, be ionii ateo. For a paiu you uud Liniment excellent. It allays the par*, removes the soreness, and soon restore? the part 3 to a healthy condition. 2s ami 50 cent i>oUle* for sale by all dealer*. Solictor Kobt. R. Reynolds is in Lite congressional race in the •iounuiii district for Mr. Gad der's seat. Heavy impure blood makes a mnddy, pimply complexion, headaches, nausea indigestion. Thiu blood makes yoi. .veak, pale, sickly. Bnrdock bloou bu yers makes the blood rich, red, pure —restores perfect health. Mr. A. Q. Kale, of High Shoals, ana Miss Kate burgin, ol Lui coin ton were recently married Dr. Tho mas' Electric Oil is the bes remedy for that otteu fatal disease —croup. Has been used Witn succe=t ..a our family for 8 years."—Mr>. L, Wliitcare, Bullalo, N. Y This is th% season ut the year when mothers teel very much concerned ovei .ue frequent colds contracted by tlici. children, and have abundant reasons to. it, as every cold weakens their lungs, iuwert their vitality and paves the wa\ tor tke moit seriuus diseases that so of ten tollow. Cliauiuerlaiu's Cough Rem edy is famous tor iu> cures, and is piea.->- cntand safe to take. For sale by al. aealers. Hickory may have to wait awhile yet for her public build ing on account of the presett yoticy ot economy in Congre*:-, u Mi" will get them in t; t sweet by and bye. ONL* UNL u 6hjST' ilickory People Givt Credit Ciedir is Due. .People of Hickory who suffer with sick kidneys and bad backs want * kidney remedy that can be depended upon. The best is Doan's Kidne- Pills, a medicine for the kidneys only, made from pare roots and herbs, and jne is backed by willing testimony oI Hickory people. Here's a case: H. W Jones, 620 Eight Ave.. Hickory, N. C, says: "I was a noy •d by my kidneys for quite a while anv; a last I procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at Moser & J. utz's Drug Store, in order to see if they would help more than the other preparations I had tried, I was surprised and de lighted with the results. My entire ,ystem was toned up and my kidneys •fere restored to a normal condition. One of my children has also used Doan's Kidney Pills and thinks aa highly of them aa I do." For sale by all .lealera. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co,, Buffalo. New York, sole agenta lor the United States. Remember the name —Doan's — and take no other. Do you know that more real danger lurks in a common cold than in any other of tlie minor ailments? The safe way is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a tlioraglily reliable preparation, and rid you reel f of the cold as quickly a 9 possi ble. This remedy is for sale by all deal ers. HIDES. Prices paid at the Hickory Tan nery: Green Hides 10c Partly curee hides ic. Green Salted Hides Ik* *' Dry Flint Hides 16 to 18c Dry Salted Hides 14 to \6e " Tallow 6c r Rye Straw " t. For a mild action of the bowels, a single dose of Doan's Regulets is enough, treatment cures habitual constipation. «5 cents a box. Ask yewr druggist for TlwA Mr. Jones House Burned, The insurance had lapsed for only two weeks when the house of Mr. J. P. Jones on Ninth avenue caught on fire, and the entire top was burned off. The fire department was out prompt iy but the flames had got too great headway. The fire start ed in the cook room up-stairs where Mr. Jones son and family had just moved in. It is sup posed a detective flue was the cause. The loss is very heavy on the Messrs. Jones and they lost practically everything they had. The father was sick in bed when it occurred, and cried like a child as he saw his property go ing up in smoke. He Won't Limp Now No more limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, Ga. "I had a bad sore on my instep that nothing seemed to help till I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve," he writes, "but this wonderful healer soon cured me." Heals old, running ores, ulcers, boils, burns, cuts, cruises, eczema oi piles. Try it. Only 25 cents at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Mr. R. G. Mace was in the city .his weeit. He has decidec tot to continue with the Albe narle Cnmicle as editor, and ha> xcepted a position with tht circulation department of the Jnarlotte Obseryer. We wish iim much success in his new vork. Catarrh Which usually commences wit! cold in head. Hay fever, rapidly in ects the mucous membiane of the throat, and leads to graver compli .rations, unless promptly attended to. Ve recommend King's Sarsaparilla in .ernally to purify the bkx>d, and di rect treatment with Dr. King's Cataxrl Remedy (a douch comes with eacl jottle.) It gains a foothold from vhich it is hard to dislodge. WitL reatment of these two medicines am ordinary case will yield quickly— .he very worse cases will be greatly se ieved. The price, $1.00; three for 42.50, and guaranteed. Sold -by all medicine dealers. Tbe T&rics-a-tfeti! Elitiot OF THE New York World Practically a Dailv at the Price of a Weekly No other Newspaptr iu the world gives so much at so low a price The great Presidential campaign will soon begin and you will want the news ccurately and promptly. The World long since established a record for im partiality, and anybody can afford its i'hrice-a-Week edition, which come? very other dav in the week, excep Sunday. It will be of particular value o you now. The Thrice-a-Week Worlc slso abounds in other strong features, serial stories, humor, markets, cartoons; m fact, ?verything that is to be fount >n a first-class daily. a iie Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $l.Ol jer. year, and this pays for 156 papers >Ve offer this unequalled newspaper an The Hickorv Democrat together fo ore year for $1.65. Mortgage Sale of Land, By virtue of a mortgage Deed ex ecuted on the 27 dav of August 190 i ly E. C. Burns and wife E. J. Burns, o W, W. Deitz, for 250.00 and ws due 27 day of August 1910 an registered in book 85. page 571 an upon default of payment I will sell a public sale for cash on Saturday Feb 16 1912 at the Post Office in Hickor at 12 m the fpllowiog property, one House and lot in Hickory N. C. Beginning at P. E Reinhardt S. E. corner and runs S. 169 1-2 feet to a ake thence East with J. F. Propsts line 281 feet to a stake thence NoitL 186 1-2 feet to the beginning. Con taining one half acre more or lest. This 16 day of January 1912. W. M. DEITZ, Mortgage. Notice of Sale of Real Estate under Mortgage By virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by B. L, Marlowe and Beatrice Mar lowe to S. D. Campbell on Dec. 11th. 1909, to secure the payment of $6OO, due NOT, Ist, 1910, and default having been made in payment of the same, the undersigned mortgagee will sell at pablic auction to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Post Office in Hick ory, N. C., on Tuesday, Feb. 20th., at 1 o'clock p. m. the following real es tate being in Catawba county, Hickory Township, and bounded as follow;: Beginning at a stake 730 ft. from the North bide of the Southern railway, runs N. 2 1-2 E. with North margin of a street 1778 ft, more or less to a stake on vT argaref Fry' line; then S. 87 1-2 E. with her line 420 ft. to a stake on | Tr«td~ st. then S. 2 1-2 W. with Trade t» or less tc : >h.?n about N. i niiege st 420 ft. to the DSfnnning. Containing 18 acres, nore or less. From the above 7 acres has been released the boundaries to wHI appear from the deed of tnst h"ld by the Budding St Loan Association. This Jan. 15th., 1912. S. D. Campbell, 1 IS 4t. MirtfiiH, SUNDAY SCHOO'. Lesson Vll.—First Quarter, f * Feb. 18, J912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIiS. r « v "* f '• . is t „ Ts*t the Lesson, Luke iii, I*l7. Memory Versos. 18. 17—Ooldsn Text, Matt, iii, 2—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Steams. Tba first two verses of our lemon la trod ac* us to seven men who were, la a certain sense, great men. but onljr one was truly grt'at. Caesar. IMlate, Herod and Philip were great in tba eyes of tbe world of poUtics ss earth rulers. Anuaa and Caiapiias as high priests were great In tbe eyea of re llgious people, but only of Jobn could It be truly aald "great in tbe eye* of tbe Lord." "not a greater prophet tba a Jobn tbe Baptist" (Luke 1. 10; vil. 28>. He waa also Oiled wltb tbe Holy Spirit from bia birth, so be muat bare apen? [da time in tba wildernses wltb Ood it) a very special way. We read aevon time* in Num. lv tbat tbe priests began tbeir ministry when about thirty years of age, so we Judge from verse 23 of our Ifesoa chap ter that John, aa wall aa Jesua. began tbeir public ministry at that age. He knew when to come forth and begin because "the word of Ood came unto him/' So the word of tbe Lord came unto him In whose aplrlt and power be went forth (I Kings xvii. 2. 8i Prom Oea. it. 1, where we read that "the word of the Lord came unit Abratu." bow many time* we tlud this statement and bow much it means of definite commission from haaven. How very strong it Is In Escrk. i. 3. where we read, "Tho word of tbe Lord cam* expressly unto Eseklel. tbe priest.* LJuless we each, for ourselves bear Hi* voice in His word His book is not to us what it might be. This gospel ma> be said to begin and and with "repent ance and remission of sins" (verse 3 I, 77; xxiv. 47). Tbe gospel that does not proclaim tbe remission of sins by the blood of Jesua la not tbe gospel of the grace of Ood. but a pervendon of the gospel of Christ (Gal. i. 0, 7). ffvery truly penitent soul, having reeved th» Lord Jeans Christ and tbua tuvln* been made a child of Ood and recsfret: tbe forgiveness of sins, la commission ed to aay to every unsaved parson. Through this man la proclaimed unto you the forgiveneaa of sins" (1 Jobn 11. 12; Jobn L 12; Rev. xxii. 16; Acts xlii. 38. 30). Tbe herald of the Messiah was pre dicted In Iss. xl. 3; Ma), lit 1, bat iu both places In connection with great blessing upon Israel John ssid of himself that he was sstther ths Mes siah nor Eltjsh. bat Jast ths voles of which Issish hsd spoksn to prepare the*way of the Lord (John i, 19-23). Both John and Jesus Christ saffsrsd at ths hands of those who should have received them (Matt. xvli. 11-13), so the kingdom thst. wss at hand and would have corns if ths Msssiah had been received did not come and still awaits the return of tks King to bits* Israel. and not tiit thsu shall ail flssh see ths salvation of God. It is after the Lord shsll have comforted J STUBS lem. when He shall bs reigning in Zion. thst all the ends of the ssrtb shall sss ths salvation of oar God (Iss zlix. 6; Hi. 7-10). This is the age ©1 worldwids svangailsstiou that from si nstions ths elect ehurch osj bs gath ered and prepared to administer wipL Him as Joint heirs the affairs of tb* kingdom. In every age true repent snce most be followed by fruits meet for repentsnce. We mast prove to pso pie by oar works ths reality of oat faith. God roads ths heart, hat poo pie rsft£ the illustrations in oar lives Ths illustrations In soms books srs s poor that tbey do not help tbsstorv It Is svea so in oar lives. "Not ever, one thst ssith. •• • bat to ths dosth." oar Lord said, isd slsewbe; it Is written thst "faith without work is dsad" (Matt vti, 31; Jaa. ft. 20. Ws are dslivsred from ths westh t corns without any works of oars, bu' wholly through Jesus, ths Bon of God raised from tbe desd (I Thess. t 10i Tet. as s tree is knows by its fruit s« tbe believer should bs known by bW actions. If we are new creatures is Christ we abould walk in newness ot lifs, msnlfssting ths fruit of the Spirit (Boos. vi. 22; Gai. v. 22). Tbe «ss« tlons of verses 10. 12 and 14. "What shsll we dor remind us of the ques tion in John vl. 28, v *What shall ws do that we might work tbe work* ot Godr Our Lord replied. "This is tb* work of God. that ys bsllsve on Bin whom Hs hath sent" Thus only est salvation coots to any one. Beim saved, what then? "Do justly, low mercy and humble thyself to wsil with God" (Mic. vi, 8, margin). Show sincerity by love to others BS opportu nity off srs and aa God gives tbe ablli ty. To tbe people, ths publicans, tb soldiers. He gave a separata answer suited to their circumstances. Ws sr not to look around and eousidsr what others are doing, bat esch for himself ask. "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" Concerning our looking at or thinking of what others are doing, we need the Lord's word to Peter. "What la that to thee? Follow thou me!" or the word In I Thess. Iv. 11. "Study to bis quiet and to do your own business and te work with your own hands-" Aa ths people wondered at John It waa his delight to point them away from himself to the one whom he esms to announce, of whom he spoke aa "one mightier than I. the latebet of whose *boss I am not worthy te unlooee" (verss 16). sod of whom he s little later cried. "Behold, the Lamb of God" (John I. 20. 30). Instead of wa ter baptism He would baptise with the Holy Ghost and with Ave. KILL.™* COUGH AWCUBIWUIIKH ■mDRJDIKS NEwmscovm ra "VOLDS P^raaMmifun MjUITWKMIAIttUHICTIIOUBUS *l'4*AAfr£EO SAT/S&CTOAS I . MONEY ***»«&» 1 § 5 . V wsH*r> Stubborn Case I was under the treatment of two doctors," writes Mrs. R. L. Phillips, of Indian Valley, Va., "and they pro nounced my case a very stubborn one, of womanly weak ness. I was not able to sit up, when I commenced to take CarduL I used ft about one week, before I saw much change. Now, the severe pain, that had been in my side for yc irs, has gone, and 1 don't suffer at all. lam feeling better than in a long time, and cannot speak too highly of CarduL" OARDU I WomarftTonic if you are one of those ailing women who suffer from any of the troubles so common to women. Cardui is a builder of womanly strength. Composed of purely vegetable ingredients, it acts quickly on the womanly system, building up womanly strength, toning up the womanly nerves, and regulating the womanly system. Cardui has been in successful use for more than 50 years. Thousands of ladies have written to tell of the benefit they received from it Try it for your troubles. Begin today. BUILDING MATERIALS. IGORS. SASH, BLINDS FRAMED MOULDINGS, MANTELS. FLOORING' VEILING, SIDINGS, FRAMING, FINISHED LUMBER, \NL SHINGLES, CYPRESS SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATHS, S SI! WEIGHTS. GLASS. Estimates n ade from Plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in stock. Hickory Manufacturing Company, HICKORY, - N. C. Wood's Seeds For 1912. . Our New Descriptive Catalog •ia fully up-to-date, and tells all about the best Garden and Farm Seeds. . Every fanner and gardener Should have a copy of diis cata log, which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it gives. > I We are headquarters for srass and Clover Seeds, Seed •: fotstoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all Firm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed free on request Write for it Tiw. WOOD Ct SONS. SoedsDon, - Richmond, Va. CHICHESTER S PILLS TBI DIAMOND BRAND. A U4ImI AikxrarDninlMfor A £n Ka Ckl-*h«#.ter»a W»«.aJßnio4/A\ C4Mn Jill* in Bed tad Uold m«».Uc\V/ V boxes, sealed with Blue Ribboa. V/ I W jf DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for *& V» ■ known u Best, Safest, Alwsyi Reliable —r*Som BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE POST CARDS. Hickory Views. The kind that you pay 2 for 5 cents for, at 4 for 5 cents &y mail or call at the Democrat office. Setod your mail t~ A. \V. CLINE, Hickory, N. C. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DEHOCRAT PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. W. 5. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office: OVEIf i'ObiOFFICE. Dr. K. A. Price. 1 1J \ bK lAi\. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue. 'PHONE No. 94. Palace bai ber Shop ALL FIRSI'-vi*A>> WOkKMKN Hot and v old Laths race Massages and Shampooing a your homes. U. t. LINE. Phone lbO. Proprietor; Dr. J. C. BIDDIX DLN i IST Oftice: Uver linger sewing Machine Office. HICKORY, N. C. Dr. I. A Wood, DEN i 15T Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. In health, sickness or dictreso Our bread is easy to digest. Phone 235 CITY BAKERY Seaboard Air Line Railway. Schedule Effective April 9th, 1911 Leave Lincolnton, N.- C. East Bound Train No. 46, 8:50 a. m., daily 41 44 132, 5:48 p. ra., «• West Bound Train No. 133, 11:14 a. m., daily 44 47, 5:48 p. m., 44 For further information apply: JAS KER, Jr., H. S. LEARD, T. P A. D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. Carolina & North-Western R. R. Schedule Effective Oct. 22,1911. Daily ~ ~ Northbound. Pass. Mixed No. 10 *o. 60 Chester L.\ 755 a m 100pm Yorkville 8 42 2 25 Gastonia 9 30 4 15 Gastonia 5 40 Lincolnton 10 26 i 46 Newton il Uo 7 48 Hickory 1215 pm t> 30 Lenoir 1 30 9 55|a m Mortimer 2 53 Edgemont Ar. 305 Southbound. No. 9 No. 61 Edgemont Lv. 12 00 m Mortimer 12 08 Lenoir _ 1 23 7 00 am Hickory 2 30 8 25 Newton 3 05 9 15 Lincolnton , 3 43] 10 05 Gastonia 4 40 11 45J . Gastonia 4 55 12 30 p m Yorkville 5 39J * 150 Chester Ar. 6 25) 350 CONNECTIONS. Chester.—Sou. Ry., S. A L. andL. &C. Yorkville. —Southern Railway. Gastonia.—Southern Railway. Lincolnton.—S. A. L. Newton aud Hickory.—Southern R R, E..K *EID, G. P. Agt., Chester, S.C