CASTORIA v rnttz jfe»je I A Dollar Goes a Long Way FJ lif Invested in Our Store, fj & . '• §J jy |We carry a full line of Dry » f- Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes j| I and everything handy in the if i home. 1 | Buy your groceries from us. | Housekeepers brag on our m flour. | Setzer Russell | § HAY AND FEEDS. S ; « I Call us when you want good hav and feeds of all kinds. We also carry a full line of poultry feeds. « City Feed Company, Fbione :-s s-s 271. |4CARLOADS4I 5 5""' L — J 5g JJL ■SE JU g Q k lA/e will have to arrive at our stabfe X 8 1I in Hickory on Saturday Feb-, 17 K ?1 4 car loads of well broken Virginia K and Tenneesee horsss, mares and t. K mules. This will be as good a lot as we haveever shown here, Q If yoa are nee > g a good horse, mare or mule see us before buying, lor we can suit vou. This lot will jfc & especially interest the farmers as they are ready tor work, 1 HENKEL - CRAIG \ : Live Stock Company, jb » j our Sewing Machine can be Fixed 1 it drops stitches, breaks thread and needles, dfttws good*, 'ecds slow, chokes under Foot, runs heavy, has knocking oc osb motion, piece lost, broken or worn out. All parts for aif 'iftkes. We duplicate and repair under guarantee. You do not live too far for us to come and repair it at your home. Addres:—SEWlNG MACHINE REPAIR SHOP, M C. D. Owen, Aigr., = >ox 372. Phone 320. Hickory, N. C. DEMOCRAT ADS BRINGS RESULTS. A Sensation in Watauga. Boone Democrat. A prisoner's in jail! was the startling news that spread thrw* the village Saturday afternoon, and the truth it was, but inves tigation revealed the fact that the prisoner was one caught ir Watauga by a deputy Sheriff from Caldweli and only stopped over night there, and our jail re mains empty. Mr. Wade H. Bowman has received an appointment in the civil service and will begin work Thursday handling mail on the C. & N.-W. Ry. The Conover Tribune, after being suspended for several months, has again found its way to our office. The editor, Mr. A. L. Bargei, is an enter prising newspaper man and deserves success with his paper. A treat is in store for all who have or have not beuru Dr. Jtyron King, who is to ,e at Lenoir College Feb. 19. Uussell- Con well says of liim: A genius, a man of highest rank in his profession, a king i ihe platlorm." ures Blood, Skin Diseases, Eczema, Greatest Blood Pur ifier Free. Is your blood is impure, thin, dis eased, hot or full of humors, if you have b.ood poison, cance r t carbuncles, eaibg sores, scrofula, eczema, itch ing, rising and bumps, swelling or uating sores, scabby, pimply skin, ulcers bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Bo tanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. L'ruggists or by express sl. per large bottie. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B, is especially advised for chronic, deep stated cases of blood or skin diseases, as it cures after all else fails. Sold by Moser & Lutz. For a pain you will find Chamberlain's Liniment excellent. It allays the pam, removes the soreness, and soon restores tlie parts to a healthy condition. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all dealers. The United States has said to the powers in a diplomatic note to the German ambassador, "Hands off China." Germany will act with the U. S. That 42 peice dinner set River away every week by the Grand : theatre, is a dandy. Heavy impure blood makes a mnddy. pimply complexion, headaches, nausea indigestion. Thin blood makes yon weak, pale, sickly. Bnrdock Blood Bit ters makes the blood rich, red, pure —restores perfect health. John R. Early, the N. C. leper will be fenced in on an acre of land in Washington State at Summit. His wife and three small children are with him. The withdrawal of Lafollette from the presidential race is predicted soon. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal disease —croup. Has beeu used with success in our family for 8 years."—Mrs. L. Wliitcare, Buffalo, N. Y. V Some Lady will get a 42 peice dinner set given away at the Grand Theatre every week. ONLY ONE "BEST" Hickory People Give Credit Where Ciedit . is Due. People of Hickory who suffer with sick kidneys and bad backs want a kidney remedy that can be depended upon. The best is Doan's Kidney Pills, a medicine for the kidneys only, made from pure roots and herbs, and one is backed by willing testimony of Hickory people. Here's a case: H. W Jones, 620 Eight Ave.. Hickory, N. C, says: "I was aunoy ed by my kidneys for quite a while ard at last I procured a box of Doan's Kidney PiUa at Moser & iutz's Drug Store, in order to see if they would help more than the other preparations I had tried, I was surprised and de lighted with the results. My entire system was toned up and my kidneys were restored to a normal condition. One of my children has also used Doan's Kidney Pills and thinks as highly of them as I do.'' For sale by all dialers. Price SOc. Foster-Milburn Co,, Buffalo. New York, sole agents lor the United States. Remember the name —Doan's — and take nr other. Do you know that more real danger lurk 9 in a common cold than in any other of the minor ailments? The safe way is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a tlioruglily reliable preparation, and rid yourself of the cold as quickly as possi ble. This remedy is for sale by all deal ers. HIDES. Prices paid at the Hickory Tan nery: Green Hides 10c per pound. Partly curee hides 9c. Green Salted Hides 10c 4 * Dry Flint Hides 16 to 18c 44 Dry Salted Hides 14 to 16c 44 Tallow 6c per 44 Ryt Straw 40c " Cwt. Charlotte Automobile Show. Plans are being rapidly ma tared for the opening of the Charlotte automobile show which will be given at the Auditorium Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, February 26-28. The dis play of more than SIOO,OOO worth of machines of probably 50 makes and styles is assured. The some of $2,000 will be spent in arranging and decora ting the big .auditorium, and a high class musical programme will be rendered each afternoon and evening. The railroad are co-operating, and special rates will be given to Charlotte. He Won't Limp Now No more limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, Ga. "I had a bad sore on my instep that nothing seemed to help till I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve," he writes, "but this wonderful healer soon cured me." Heals old, running sores, ulcers, boils, burns, cuts, bruises, eczema oi piles. Try it. Only 25 cents at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Catarrh Which usually commences with cold in head. Hay Fever, rapidly in fefits the mucous membrane of the throat, and leads to graver compli cations, unless promptly attended to. We recommend King r s Sarsaparilla in. teraally to purify the blood, and di rect treatment with Dr. King's Catarrh Remedy (a douch comes with each bottle.) It gains a foothold from vhich it is hard to dislodge. With treatment of these two medicines any ordinary case will yield quickly— the very worse cases will be greatly se lieved. The price, $1.00; three for $2.50, and guaranteed. Sold by all medicine dealers. The Piedmont. Married on Saturday of lasi week at Sugar Grove, N. C. Mr. J. C. (Pete) Mast to Miss Ada, laughter of Mr. John Madron, »f Johnson county, Tennessee. .Vlr. Mast is the owner of the vVatauga Telephone system, a farmer and prosperous citizen, and the bride is hand some and attractive and accomp lished. —Boone Democrat. This is tlit season of the year wlier uotliers feel very much concerned ovei the frequent colds contracted by thei: children, and have abundant reasons foi it, as every cold weakens their lung?, lowers their vitality and paves the waj for the mo«t serious diseases that so of ten follow. Chamberlain's Cough Rem -■dy is famous for its cures, and is pleas entand safe to take For sale by ali dealers. Forest Men to attend Re- union. Correspondence of the Democrat. Macon, Ga., Feb. 15 —Following is an expert from a letter re ceived at the publicity depart ment of the Reunion to be helc in Macon, May 7-9. This com pany of Nashville, Tenn., i g Known as Troop A. Forrest's Calvary and is the only organ zed company of that organizs vion inexistance. Following is tne except: This company was organized in 1896 and attended the reunion at Richmond in that year. They are uniformed as in 1881, Eaton jackets and enameled brim caps with letter B. In 1796 it num bered 103 members and one negro. Thirty Tennessee Reg iments are represented in the Company, 4 'They belong to the Tennessee State Guard and are armed with Springfield Rifles. They expect to bring 60 men and one negro to Macon. The company has participated in all the parades of the United Confederate annual reunions since 1896." The Company is in Nashville, Tennessee. The Thrice-a-Wed Edition OP THF New York World Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly No other Newspaper in the world gi/es so much at so low a price The great Presidential campaign will soon begin and you will want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record for im partiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-a-Week edition, which comes every other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-a-Week World also abounds in other strong features serial stories, humor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a first class daily. The Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only SI.OO per. year, and this pays for 156 pipers. We offer this unequalled newspaper aod The Hickory Democrat together for ore year for $1.65. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A SUNDAYJCHOOL. Letton Vlll.—First Quarter, For Feb. 25, 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Matt, iv, 1-11 j Mark i, 9*ll—Memory Verses, Matt, iv, 3, 4—Golden Text, Heb. ii, 18. Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. The record of the baptism is found in Matthew, Mark and Luke, but most fuiiy in Matthew. In Luke ill. 23, we read that Jesus begun to be about thir ty years of ape. and we caunot but wonder at the lowly and submissive life of aH those thirty years at Naza reth. How can we ever murmur at limitations and humiliations in our Uvea as we think of this life lived for UH? He came from Nazareth, where He had been brought up (Luke iv, 10). and after His return to heaven He called Himself "Jesus of Nazareth" (Acta xxii. 8). yet Nathnnael said. "Can there any good thing come out of Naz areth?" afterward acknowledging that out of Nazareth came "the Son of God. the King of Israel" (John i, 46 v 49). He came to Jordan, river of Judgment, yet there was nothing in Him to be judged. Others were baptized of John confessing their sins, but He bad no sins to confess. We do not wonder that John said to Him. "I have need to be baptized of Thee, and comest Thou to me?" But our Lord's "Suffe it to be so now" has helped many »■ humble follower to submit to seemlnK ly unnecessary things that the right eousness of God might be seen in the:, nnd others won to Him. This and that other saying, "About Mv Father business." His two first recorded u; terances. are good for all of us in orr daily life. A» He came up out of the water something happened from tb: skies— the heavens were opened, and the Father testified. "Thou art My be ioved Son, in whom I am well pleased ' At the same time the Spirit of God de scended in bodily shape like a dove upon Him. The Father had told John that It would be so, and John bare rec ord that He was the Son of God (Job 1, 33. 34). The one who sent John a Is* testified that the one on whom tb> Spirit would descend and remain wouii Himself baptize with the Holy Spirit Then what hinders ns thus to be ban tlzed? Luke tells us that Jesus wns praying when the heavens were op£i: ed. He seems to have prayed alwa.V; uud about everything and sometime all night. He fasted too. Is where we fail? Consider the othei six places where we rend of the heav en being opened and always see Him *elf. Consider well every place where as here, the Father. Son and Holy Snirlt are seen or mentioned, as in Matt, xxvlii. 19; II Cor. xiil. 14: Heb. ix. 14. See in John xiv, 17. 23. how the Spirit and the Father and the Son make the bodies of believers ihelr abode or mansion and to their •Whom shall I send, and who will go .'or us?" Let us gladly answer, "Here tm 1; send me." remembering Hi* words. "As My Father hatli sent Me. «*ven so send I you" (Isa. vi. 8; John cx, 21). When Spirit filled we may then ex ,>ect to be specially attacked by tlit devil. As our representative Be waf led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Both Mark and Luke say that He was forty days of the devil. Matthew and Luke say that He fasted forty days ind forty nights; that He did eat noth Ing. Thus did Moses on two occasion? ind Elijah once, and these three we find on the Mount of Transfiguration, md we hear them speak of the devil's nost awful piece of work, the death of Jesus. He Is the fearful adveisary of 'Jod and man and has been at wcrk •is such ever since he deceived and •onquered Adam and Eve, and he wili* not cease till he shall be shut up in the ;;it for 1.000 years. As the devil tempt ed Eve on the line of the lust of the lesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride >f life (1 John 11. 16) and won the day he tempted the Lord Jesus, but was defeated. Eve had everything that :he Lord saw that she needed, yet she tte the forbidden fruit. The Lord Je us. having fasted forty days and be ng hungry, yet overcame by the •.ords. "Man shall not live by bread , •lone, but by every word of God" Luke lv. 4). The devil's ambition to ie as God conquered Eve »Isa. rly. 14:. ien. iii. 5). but the Lord Jesus con piered by the words. "Thou shalt nov empt the Lord thy God." Adam and! ♦Cve had been given dominion over alt hlngs (Gen. I. 26-28>. but they lost it iy giving heed to this great enemy, ud he has ever since been the god of tills world (II Cor. lv. 4>. The Lof-df esus, the last Adam, knew thai some lay He would restore the dominion to nan. and tin* kingdoms of th's work'-, ill be His kingdom (Rev. xi, 15). So [e could say to the great adversary Get thee hence. Satan." If Is written' Thou slialt worship the Lord thy God md Him only shalt thou serve." " Wc -pad In Luke that "when the devil had i»nded all the temptation he departed from Him for a season." and Matthew,-' and Mark tell us that "angels came •*nd ministered unto Him." We must emember that the same great adAer --jry Is still going about seeking whom, ne may devour. But with the arniof .■rovlded for us and by the sword and fhp blood of the Lamb we. too, may je overcomers. seeking nothing for ouT elves. walking humbly with our God rnd worthy of the kingdom and glory to which we are called (Eph. vl; Rev. xii. If we resist the devil he will flee from ua. for God is with ufc. .* KILLTHBCOUCHI ANDCURETHCLUNefI ™DR.KI«C*S MDlSCO'tmi •wC&HSsgte o »r '*> All THROAT AMD UINC TROUBLES -I'4/tANTEED SAT/SFACTORS | I My Doctor Said I j "Try Cardui," writes Mrs. 2. V. Spell, of Hayne, KC| " I was in a very low state of health, and was not able to B p| be,iip and tend to my duties. I did try Cardui, and toon F' £g began to feel 'better; 1 gat be .up and help do my B I housework. J continued to take the medicine, and woW t 8 am able to do my housework and to care for i&y children, I 111 and I feel as though I could never praise Cardui tTWigfi B g for the benefits I have received," ft [CARDUI I Cardui is successful, because It Is made especially tor fi women, and'acts spec fically on the womanly coustitiitkMw B f Cardui does one thing, and does ft weU. That explains B |y the great success which it has had, during the past 50 years, >B I in helping thousands of wealr and ailing women back to I I health and happiness. If you are a woman, feel tired, dull, and are nervous, | I cross and irritable, it's because yon need a tonic. Why not B I try Cardui? Cardui builds, strengthens, restores, and acta ■ I in every way as a special, tonic remedy for women. Teat B J it for yourseli Your, druggist sells Cardui Ask Ua, BUILDING MATERIALS. : mm mm—gaanaaMMitei DOORS, SASH, LiLINDS, ' " - i- . FRAMES. i MOULDINGS, MANTELS, "" •" FLOORING * ~ CEILING, SIDINGS, ... , .•- if J V FRAMING, " " v": * .* . FINISHED LUMBER, SHINGLHS; . ....... JYPIiESS SHINGLES,;. .. PLASTERING LATHS, •> i % ' 9 - > SASH WEIGHTS. " GLASS. Estimates from Plans. Good supply • Material in jstock. Hickory M anufacturin§ HICKORY, - N.Tf - » H* 4 Wood's Seeds For 1912. - Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tella al about the best - l ;A *' •- ; . Garden and Farm Seeds. v Every fanner and gardener should have apcopy-of'this cata log, which has'long fceeh recog nized as a standard authority, for the lull and' complete ipfoiy xnation which it gives. We are headquarters iot . -i , . Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed *' Potatoes, Seel Gats, .Cow Peas, . Soja Beans ana all Firti Seeds.' « , * " ' Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed free on request. - Write for it; '~ T. W: WOOD & SONS,; /, v Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. « CHFCHESTtR S PILLS t TilE DIAMOND BRAND*. A Ladles! A>b'your Dru(lit foe /A t'lilfchet-terfe I'Hfti in tied'and mttiillc\V/ boxes. with Blue' Ribbon. \ / Take no other. Boy of V yvrs known Safest, Always Keli.l.l* Old BV DRUGGISTS EVffiWHEat p 6ST OARDB, Hickory Views. Th«kkidlh4t,you pay 2 fors cents for, at 4 for 5 cents by at tEe Democrat office. Send your mail orders t^ A. W, CLINE, Hickory, N. C. ■' . f ■ — : 1 SUBSCRIBE FOR ; THE DETIOCRAT y ' % A. v «- V. .V- —* •"* • PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. W. B. RAMSAY, , ! Dentist. bftce:' OVER POSTOFFICE Dr. K. A. Price. .: PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day, .' Office at residence, 143011 th Areas*, 'PHONE No. 94. Palace Barber Shop ALL FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN Hot and Cold Baths LADIES Face Massages and Shampooing a your homes. D. F. CLJNE, j " Phone 190. Proprietor i Dr. J. G. BIDDIX DENTIST Office: Over Sirger Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C - Dr'. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lute Dfaf Store* V-X*■ .»• Hickory, N. C. • In health, sickness or distrea* Our bread is easy to digest. Phone 238 CITY BAKERY /j . Seaboard Air Line tyilway. Schedule Effective Jan. 1, 1912 Leave Lincolnton, N. C. East Bound Train No. 46, 8:62 a. m., daihr ' " 132, 5:53 p. m., «• West Bound Train No. 133, 11:20 a. m., daily „ " - " 47, 5:55 p. m., " For further information aoolv: iAa ivx.K, jr., .b. IJLkS, . , 'T. P A. D. P. A. JBCharlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. Carolina & North-Western R. t Schedule Effective Oct. 22,1911. Daily Northbound. Pass. Mixed No. 10 No. 60 Chester Lv 765 a m 100 pa Yorkville 8 42 2 26 Gastonia 9 30 4 J5 Gastonia 5 40 **' .Lincolnton 10 26 6 46 Newton 1106 7 4§ Hickory - 1215 pm 830 4* .Lenoir 130 9fishm Mortimer 2 63 Edgemont Ar. 306 Southbound. No. 9 No. CI Edgemont LvT 12 00 m Mortimer 12 08 Lenoir - 123 700 a m Hickory 2 30 8 26 Newton 3 06 9 15 Lmcolnton 3 43J 1005 Gastonia 4 40' 11451 Gastonia 4 56* lisOpm Yorkville 5 391 150 • Chester Ar. 6 25| 360 CONNECTIONS. Chester.—Sou. Ry., S. A. L. and L. ft C. Yorkville.—Southern Railway. Gastonia.—Southern Railway. Lincolnton.—S. A. L. Newton and Hickory.—Southern R. ft. E.;F. REJD, 0. P. Agt, , Chester, S.C > r

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