| ik't jjdiu immw If • • tli with Hutton & Bour- f bonnaisCo. f W fhay aa ve the Material w w you want. It will pay x tk yj j to see them and 3K get their prices on JK Flooring, Ceiling, Sid- iag, Moulding, Casings, y|f etc. i£xam*iie the Qual- •jjj' fity and Workmanship of their Lumber. We W kiuw ti will please » $ you, Jad me prices are x right. All Orders filled 3K }'> Promptly. w* . ■ ■ ixxxx)00000c^^v>0000000(>0^ X PICTURE FRAMES X Twenty five of the latest cesigns O X« in mouldings. J. A. bwotes at X X Bowles & Martin knows how, © x Baby Carriages X Q If it's a cheap one, we have it, if O X it's the Best we have it Bowies & x V Martin's. O i)QO(XXX>OOOOOOOOQOOOdO(X)ol | Spring Opening | J You invited to j I) inspect, our large and ( 3 variedj line of Spring j J Woolens on display all C 5 week, Feb. 19th to 24th. N in our line will be v N this . season's Newest V $ Fabrics from domestic V $ and J foreign looms. V ff Competent cutters will V i| be in charge to advise / j ff as to correct style, etc. \ I Moretz-Whitener 8 Clothing Company.. j | The Quality Shop. ( DEMOCRAT ADS BRINGS RESULTS. \e Cause of Many Deaths aen is a disease prevailing in this — MS because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it—Leart dis ?ase, pneumonia, leart failure or lpoplexy are often '.be result of kid ley disease. II kidney trouble is illowed to advance ;bc kidney-poison ed blood will at ;E tiring catarrh of organs, 3 bladder, brick-du i urine, head ache, back ache, lame .ck, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervous ia®, or the kidneys themselves break nrn and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result om a derangement of the kidneys and tter health in that organ is obtained oickest by a proper treatment of the kid .»yg. Swamp-Root corrects inability to Ad urine and scalding pain in passing it, ad overcomes that unpleasant necessity being compelled to go often through *e day, and to get up many times during benight. The mild and immediate effeci ■ Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy . soon realized. It stands the highest be 4tne of its remarkable health restoring «opertieß. A trial will convince anyone. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is told by all druggists in fifty-cent and Ma-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all 4wotit, both sent free by mail. Address, Or. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. JThen writing mention reading this gen 4KMM offer in this paper. Don't make ItSf mistake, but remember the name, %HBp-Root, and don't let a dealer sell in place of Swamp-Root— do JOII will be diaappointed. Hon. E. Spencer Blackburn, of Elizabeth ton, Tenn., may run for congress from the first Ten nessee district since Mr. Sells, Kepublican, is out with his party. Blackburn will have at the convention a solid delegation from Carter county. This is an item gleaned by the Statesville Landmark's Washington corres pondent Mr. Blackburn is a brother of Hickory's able young physician, Dr. T. C. Blackburn. Holity Lutheran Church Notes Rev. J. H, Wannemaclier Pastor, Sunday School - - 9:45 a. m. Chief Service - - 11 a. m. Junior League - - 2:30 p. m. Evening Service 7 p. m. The Way to- THE quickest, surest and safest way to success lies through a bat k ac count. Obs -rve the success of ihe greatest me > of modernftirres. Only the comman >f unlimited money has made them 1 they are. You can b fuecfffful if you start saving now doil«r will open ;n ac count here ling what yon can to day. First National Bank Hickory, N. C. Capital $200,000 Surplus s4^oo Officers and Directors: A. A. fcUUFORD, Pres. K. C. MENZIEJS, tWrit-r J. D. ELLIOTT, Vice Pres. J. L. CILLEI, Asst. Cash. I | l§ .On r the repairs, alterations or overhauling tin Spring, be sure you get our estimates, prices on MILL ft WORK, SAS a-DOORS—TRIM—MOULDING—MAN- X TLES— ETC. U Lowest of prices, original designs, utmost value © for your money. Do it now. HICKORY NOVEL! Y CO. K 806 21st St. Phone No. 19. u The Catawba Co. Pastoral The Catawba Co. Pastoral Association of the E. L. c kurcri, meets with the Rev. John D. Mauney, of Hickory, on Monday after the 4th Sunday of *eb. 1912, at 10 a. IT. Program. A review of the S. S. hand book by the Rev, J. R. E. Hunt, by Prof. R. L. Fritz, of Lenoir college. Astudv of the sixth Art. of Augsburg confession, to be pre sented by the Rev, C, Luther Miller of Hickory, alternate the Rev. Jas. F. Deal of Lenoir. The Present Status of the Luther League in the south by the Rev. J. F. Wannemacher, of Hickory. An Exegesis of the Gospel for the Ist. Sunday of March or Reminiscere. by Rev. W. A. Deaton, D D.. of Hickory. Dr. W. A. Deaton, Pres. J. Alonzo Yount. St. Timothy Honor Roll for February. First gr de. Johny Miller, Guy Bolick. Second g>-ade. Alvie Sivrman, Larkin Flowers, Kearney Roof. Third gradf. Eula Flowers, Madge Sigmon, Fourth grade. Vasco Bolick, Lethco Bum erarner, Craig- Hawn, James Propst, Kenneth Yount, Russels Sigman. Fifth grade. Mabel Lai), Ruth Miller, Fay Roof, Florence Sigman, Kenneth Herman, Termn Herman, Ear nest Smyre, Clarence Herman. Sixth grade. Naomi R>of, Wortha Yount. Eighth grade. Lillie Hermon, Gracie Hartsoe, Miller, Myrtle , v igmon, Esie Yount, Paul Miller, Grower, Miller, Orin Sigmon, Adrin Sig mon. Ninth grade. Eva Holler. Mary Rcwe, Anna Rowe, Teachers ist or sediment itt Association Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OA3TO R I A ■ *§* * LOCAL AND PERSONAL. * * + Mr, Hyrle Yoder, of Greenville S. C. spent several days here last week. Miss Claudia Yount visited relatives near CM. Timothy Sun day. m Mr. McCoy Moretz, of Lincoln ton was in the city Thursday. Mr. W. L. Cline, of Co. t r R. 1. was in tit ciiy M u..y. Rev. J. A. Yount, of Core* « r t R. 1. was a visitor in this city, • n day. As fine a lot of horses as ever seen in Hickory, was unloadec Tuesday for the Hinkel Craig Live Stock Company. Mr. Reuben Bruner, aged 60, of the St. Stephens neignborhooc iied Saturday and was buried Sunday at St. Stephens. Mrs. U. S. Edwards and Mist cJula Mayes of Iredell county, Mho have been visiting relatives lere for the past two weeirs havt returned to tneir home. Winter seems to be broken Many Hickory people are making • .cit maidens. The weather foi c «e last lew days has been ideal. Mr. Geo. P. Bailey is digging jt the foundation for nis rev. ouse. Judge Council! is filling « tile Ironi yard of the lot be .A'een him and Mr. Bailey with dirt hauled from the foundation • i iVi . ii.acKweluer'd new store JuiJUllig. Mr. George P. Drum, of Nev\- -ji), is tne latest canuidate in ae tield tor thecounty treasurer .up. The race promises to bt iu exceedingly interesting one. uie Democrat has alread} icntioned as '»trier candidates), squire S, &. Kiilian and Messrs. 'V. L. Sherrill and W. ri. deli. Messrs. W. A. Self, of thi* my, and R. L. Huffman, of Mor ;anton, alter great diligence .ave secured' a pardon for Chas. -Varren, oi this city. Warren vajj trjecl in lVlorganton court toi is lite and Waa defended by these gentlemen. He was con cteu oi an assault with inten • rape, and sentenced to fivt v in the State's Prison. H« egan his sentence on Feb. 13th, all, and these gentlemen wert a Raleigh on r eb. 13th, 1912. a u sccurtd his parden, afte i jut one year's service of hi:- sentjnce. Never had a client uve more loyal lawyers. Here is a message of hope and good ■heer from Mrs. C. J. Mart n, Booby Mill, Va., who is the mother ot eigliteen children. Mrs. Martin was cured en st >mach trouble and constipation oti Chamberlain's Tablets after fiveyearsof suffering, and now reccomends these tablets to the public. Sold by all deal ers. Bixby, N. C. —1 know that Lee's Remedy is the best I ever tried. I ..unit nia a God-sent remedy in my oine. i have been trou. Ed with heai icnn from a chiG, but Lee's Heauac is the best of all. So will sa to my headache suffeerrs, "Try thi: 'reat remedy and be convinced." Mrs, T. C. Allet. Dy ail medicine dealers. VJi. Charlie Wht tie o u-uci at spti.t : un. I y . i . e in i\t;w ten-. Almost Lost His Life, S. A. Stid, of Mason. Mich., ,v uever forget his terrible exposure to r merciless storm. "it gave me a ireadful cold,.' he writes, "that caused severe pains in my cnest, so was hard for me to breathe. A neigh jor gave me several doses of Dr. King's New Discovery which broughi g.eat relief. The doctor said I was cn the verge of pneumonia, but to con tinue with the Discovery. I did so and .sed two bottles which completely cured me. ,; Use oniy this quick, safe, re iable medicine for coughs, colds, oi aay throat or lung trouble. Price 50c and SI.OO. Trial! bottle free. Guaran aeed by C. M. Shuford, Moser ant. Lutz. Grimes Drug Co. Mr. A. W. Cline spent Sun day with his parents near Con over. Don't Worry —bat. Memphis, Tenn.--Mrs. F' rr ? D. Looney, of thi.- place, sult'ei nis • eii *»t y*a , ; t ■t * Oai wuj, i am a, 1 havn't missed a Mn* r . 1 n-»n!i.v know how imx; . ' y it tide." L)i.: ' vi ; i . ,J* yoar !->mpioms-vfato.i n treat them. W hat you n- pi i strength. Cardui helps to get it, Take Cardui, because other tonics and medicines do not contain its peculiar and success ful ingredients, importe \ espe'* - -iliy for its manufacture. Hm ' Js':r | "O Ui W ill! tlit St-'ji W . tpproval. During this Jardui has benefited a mi lien vomen. Why not you? Try it woday. nssn I BAKING I I POWDER | ||- Absolutely Pure (pL Economizes Butter, Flour, 'it ¥ Eggs; makes t3ie fissl more | r appetizing and wltolesome p ifg The only Baking Powds? mad 6 | $8 from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar f ft The good roads advocates have placed the petition for a bond election to vote s6o, IKK) bonds for roads in HLkory township in the hands of Tax Collector P. P. Jones. In this they have d«»nt well. Mr. Joues knows every body and he is geffingr names hand over first. The required number is 301) and Monday Mr. •Jones had 220 on his paper. Only half a dozen men had refused to sign, the ex-chief tells us, since he has had the petition. A Beautiful Complexion Comes of Using Cydonia Lotion. Softens and whitens -ie skin: cures sunburn, chapped or toughened skin. The genuine has rßurwell and Dunn Co.'s name and label. Price. 25 cents. Fore sale by all medicine dealers. f J' M -JpJafTW Phone 17 and 317 "We're on the Corner.'' MOSER & LUTZ Druggists Dallas, Fort Worth, Galveston, Houston, and all Texas points. Alexandria, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, and all Louisiana points. Hattiesbnrg, Jackson, Meridian, Vicksburg, and all Mississippi points. all points North, East, South and West rlached BY THE THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THE QUEEIN & CRESCENT ROUTE FOR RATES AND FULL INFORMATION, CALL ON OR WRITE J. C. CONN, Division Passenger Agent, Read House, CHATTANOOQA. TENN. fsoo«5eoooe«oooQiooo«5©oo{s«i 8 Q S At the GRAND Theatre S Q 8 Q There will be given away each week to the Q © ladies, a 42 piece dinner set. Watch for circulars V V announceing it* V Q Q fORRR AAAOfIA aaAflflnflAnflaK A3 I ij SO ME LOST MIS TRAIN jjj and an important aDpointmentt See thot your watch jr jC keeps time. The cost of having it repaired is small, 3 2* . and correct time is important. £ 5 . Your watbh should be overhauled once in 18 months, jr Bring in your watch t day. ir J GEO. E. BISANER g Jeweler and Optometrist jl JH Inspector for the Southern and C. &N. W. Railway, m UUWWWiA W No. 36 was derailed Mo >% about two miles east of tovß near the Shuford cotton min. No serious damage was done and no one hurt. When the train rounded the sharp curve near the cotton mill the engine left the track, running fifty yards on the crossties. A shifting engine from the yards here was hasten ed to the scene of the wreck, and pulled the train back to the sta tion. The wrecking crew was called, and soon had the tracK lear. A Knock-Out Dr. King's New Medicine for colds, Cold Breaker, is now getting in some work. It is speedy, safe and sure. The price is only 25c. Convenient package. Find it at all medicine dealers. Wintry winds and wintry storms will soon work havoc with that tender skia —if you don't use" our NYAL'S HANDY LOTIONS which will effectively counteract the ravages of Jack Frost, it being a scientifically prepar ed lotion that contains see th ing, healing elements that bring quick, positive relief. Critics praise it—You try it.