' | • # V* Kimball Pianos Go! "Share's a Reason" ' The day has about passed when people sim ply shut their eves and buy mr something, just because it's called | a piano. | The time-hon ored saying of ■ ; Abe Lincoln that | "You > can't fool I all the time" has become so pain fully true that it is mighty hard for some folks to sell their pianos. People nowa days like to see a "difference with a distinction," and they like the idea jj of "show me." We have shown you those things about the Kimball which differenti ates it from other makes and the people of Hickory like it. The Kimballs are going out into the homes rapid ly. Three selec | tions were made j] first day after the exhibit closed. j; If you like a I Kimball, take ad vantage of the fac tory price, at which these sam ples are being ] sold. Come early I while you can get a choice. B % For County Treasurer. I hereby announce mys alf a candidate for the office of county treasurer, sub ject to the action of the Democratic I 'imaries and County convention. I fc ave served as a magistr ate for thirty one years at a sacrifice to myself, and f ii ft Confederate soldier. It you think 1 am worthy I will appreciate your votes. w S. E. KILLIAN. March 5,1912. J >eroe Takes Least Gallons: Always Paint Devoe; it's the cheapest paint in lae world; never mind the price; it may or may not be more. Less gallons will paint the house; and the paint will outwear anything. Skip wear; you've got to wait, to find that out. It's the cheapest of ell; no matter about the price. N R Watklns, Lotl, Texas, used 13 [ £ Hons ou his house before; bought 13 g dlons Devoe for same house and had 6 O. B. Edwards, of Edwards & Brougli t n, printers, Raleigh, N C, used 3O gal lons paste paint on hie house; bought 30 g lions Devoe for same house and had 16 left That's how. tttgdd. Mr. J. F. Hudson of Bandy's township died Monday of pneu monia. He was a promineLf citizen. An infant of Mr. J. G.lscen hour of this city died Wednes day and was buried in Oal> wood cenoetry today. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S _C A S T OJR I_A. Diarrhoea When you want a quick curt wit how any loss of time, and one is ibUowstf by no bad results, us* Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera end Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and Is pleasant to *4f It ia equally valuable far cUdns. It ii ifa s latrv * * ♦ +++ + + + ++ + + + + LOCAL AND PERSONAL. * # + +** ++ +** + «?•**** + + •§•* + * Miss Lucille Little is visiting in Charlotte and Mecklenburg. Mr. Z. B. Buchanan was in Charlotte for a few days this week s Mrs. Norvell and family, of Blowing Rock, are spending the winter in Hickory. The Misses. Jackson, of Cul peper, Va., visited friends here this week. The beautiful Kimball exhibit is on in Fields old store. Hick ory music lovers can't afford to miss it. Mr. E. L Shuford was appoint ed by Gov, Kitchin a delagate to the National Civic Federation which met in Washington this week. He was prevented by business from attending. Mr. and Mrs. Crane are in London waiting for Rev. Motte Martin to join them before sail ing for the Congo. They en joyed their two weeks sea trip. Mrs. Crane was not sea sick at all. The biggest snow of the season came this week. Sunday morn ing found several inches of snow on the ground. This had begun to melt when a blizzard set in Tuesday night pilling the snow up 8 inches. Mr. T R. Walsh met with a painful accident Saturday. His young horse reared backward with him. throwing him off, while the horse fell on his chest, probably cracking one of Mr. Walsh's ribs.„ Mr. Walsh, how ever, is rapidly improving. Mr. Otis Moody, his friends will regret to know, has been desperately ill with pneumonia at the South Fork institute in Maiden for a week. Dr. White sides, of Maiden, and Dr. Price, of Hickory, are attending him, and he is making a game fight for life. m 30 Days Special Cut Price Sale AT J. F. ALLEN'S Ten per cent cash discount on all goods bought at this store for 30 days. I have a large stock of the best merchandise in town. Dress goods, Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, and ev erything. No matter what it is, you get 10 cents off the dollar or any part of a dollar. This dis count is a big saving to you. Think of it and come in and see if we don't save you something. Biggest Stock Good Shoes in Town J. P. Allen ojrecujj Good Hardware One of the most important details in the planning of your new house is the selection of the hardware. - , ~ forrishings must be durible, safe, artistic —must harmonize with the architecture of the house ar.d• tjbe irteror furnishings. The safest way is to get your hardware here. Cur hardware adds not onlv to the beauty of your house, but to it's selling value.' " Your choice of desigfi is very liberal —we offer many different patterns to select from. Before specifying your hardware, be sure and see us. We can save you money an* give you a more beautiful home. We sell Yale & Towne locks. Abernethy Hardware Co. • The young ladies of the KilT ian school will give a box sup per Friday evening March o The proceeds will go to the e rection of a new school building Everybody invited to come and bring friends. Mr. R. G. Mace, former edi tor of the Mercury and now con nected with the Charlotte Ob server, was here monday and Tuesday packing up. His fam ily have returned with him to Charlette. Hickory regrets to give them up. Mr. E. L. Shuford is strutting this week. It is not because he thinks he has got the State sen atorship cinched but because he is a grandfather. His daughter, Mrs. Lucile Shuford Bagby, of a fine little boy. Mrs. E. L. Shuford is with her. Miss Beatrice Cobb gives us the following names of the Bth grade who had perfect spelling lessons during February. These have not missed a single word during the month: Florence Sharp, Pearl Campbell, Grace Chester, Isabelle Morton and Harold Whitcomb. The Democrat was privileged a few days'ago to see a beautiful hand-painted set of china done at Claremont college by Miss Bessie McComb who is taking lessons from Miss Barringer, the gifted art teacher. A vase in cape jessamines and a card receiver in violets were particu arly beautiful. The Carolina and Northwes tern accomodation train, due here at 8:30 p. m. is being run as a local instead of a through freight, and the traveling public is complaining about it. Rev. Dr.' W. A. Deaton returned on it from Charlotte and Lincolnton Monday night. It left Gastonia at 7:10 and got to Lincolnton at 11. Leaving Lincolnton some where between midnight and 1 o'clock, the arrival at Hickory was 3:10 a. m, and Dr. Deaton says he didn't get to bed till 4 o'clock. He say the public is all trusting that the manage ment of the road will make the train a through freight again. The Democrat learns that some of the friends of Treasurer J. U Long, of CataWba» at present County treasurer, are trying to induce him to run for State sen ate, in the hope that the two Hickory candidates* Messrs. J. D. Elliott and E. L. Shuford might retire in his favor. We understand that Mr. Long would accept the nomination. Work on the chair factory is held up because the Southern Railway is very slow m putting in a side track to the new plant. The old plant is boxed, ready to ship—indeed has been for three months—at Elkin, and the new boiler is boxed ready to be ship ped from Cincinnati. But the shipments are delayed and jail work of manufacture made im possible by the long delay in building the sidetrack, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Whitcomb, of Oxford, Mich., are spending the winter here and are at Mrs. Chadwick's. Mr. Whitcomb is on the road for a large business printing house and business college at Saginaw and travels the entire continent. He is a delightful gentleman. Indeed Michigan seems to produce no other kind. The Democrat en joyed a visit from him this week. It is with great pleasure that we learn he and Mrs. Whitcomb may eventually make this their home. Mr. Roger Hall, who was re cently rather seriously burned by a powder explosion in the Du- Point Powder works, is in the city, the guest of his brother, Mr. W. A. Hall. Mr. Hall is a brilliant young chemist who is making good with the DuPonts.. After careful treatment in a Wil mington, Del., hospital. Mr. Hall spent some time recuperating at the home of Dr v and Mrs. Paul Murrill, the former a well re membered Hickory man. He is very much improved and will visit his parents in Lenoir before returning to work. Catawba College Notes. Last Wednesday there was an interested practicing by the baseball team under Coaeh Yount. The Athenaen Society Hall has just been repaired and re curtained, and is now quite a credit, both to the society and and to the college. On Wednesday, Professor Buehheit returned from his trip North bringing with him one new student, Miss • Charlotte Butler, from Lavisburg, Pa,, she is enrolled as a special student, he also enrolled three young men students for next year. On this trip, which by no means a pleasure trip, Professor Bueh heit secured $3,500 in cash and a number of additional promises which will probably amount to SSOO or SI,OOO. He expects to realize at least SSOOO for the col lege from this trip. But in ad dition to securing money for our institution Professor Buehheit made many friends for old Ca tawba. The people up north are becoming more interested in the College as they learned more about it. The Seniors most delightfully entertained in the college par lor on last Saturday night in honor of the Special Seniors, Town Seniors, and the Sopho mores. Several forms of a musement indulged in, the most amusing was cutting words and phrases out of magazines and pinning them to a paper in the form of an amusing letter. Some were very interesting in deed. In a contest in which the the answers were to be given by partes of the human bady, the prize, a silver paper weight, was awarded to Mr. Harry Fes perman. Most dainty refresh ments were served. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA For Women Who * , Of course yon use an antiseptic in ".amily and in the care of your own" son, and you want the bc:;t. Instead of what you have been n.- such as liquid or tablet antiseptics peroxide, won't you please try Past' a concentrated antiseptic powder to dissolved in water as needed. Paxtine is more economical, cleansing, more germicidal and m. healing than anything you ever used jiffi ANTISEPTIC IB! In the toilet— to cleanse and wb' fcei the teeth, remove tartar and prefsn decay. To disinfect the mouth, destroy disease germs, and purify the breatl' To keep artificial teeth and bridgewor clean and odorless. To remove nicotin from the teeth and purify the breat after smoking. To eradicate perspirr tion odors by sponge bathing. As a medicinal agent for loca treatment of feminine ills where pelvi. catarrh, inflammation and ulceration exist, nothing equals hot douches o/ Paxtine. For ten years the Lydia E Pinkham Med. Co. ! as been regular; advising their patient ito use it beoaus'. of its extraordinary cleansing, healing »nd germicidal power. For this pur pose alone Paxtmels worth its weigh In gold. Also for nasal catarrh, sor throat, inflamed eyes, outs and wounds All druggists, 25 and 50 oents a box Frial box and testimony of 81 women free on request* rniFAXTON Toner |BAIdN6-POWilElii Mutely Pure^^: jra To have pure and wholesome jf || food, be. sure that your baking | m powder is made from cream | fj of tartar and not from alum. (| | The Lmhel will guide you 1 Wi Royal is the only baking | yl powder made from Royal ]| jl Grape Cream of Tartar I Ki Mo Alum Ho Umo Phosphates % The Democrat has in its office a Flowers canning outfit, a gar den plow, with four pints, a spade and hoe for sale for cash at a bargain. Come in and look at them. ' ' your prescription here. ' MOSER & LUTZ Druggists Phone 17 and 317 "We're on the Corner." > i 1 had JQ saved fteaMl ; monev/>^^ : speiir^i^ I Would Be a Happy Man." When you feel like that come straight to this bank and open an account. It is the only cure. No matter how small the deposit it will be heartily welcomed. Then cut down your expenses and start on the road to fortune by adding to the account regularly. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Hickory, N. C. Capital $200,000 Surplus $40,000 Officers and Directors: A. A. bITUFORD, Pres. K. O. MENZIES, Cashier J. D. ELLIOTT, Vice Pres. J. L. CILLEY, Asst. Cash. Fresh Fish and Oysters 6 Every Day in the Week at E. C. JOHNSON'S ! . g ; I qwweaasßasgaeg ■* ■ - ———- 1 DEMOCRAT ADS BRING RESULTS Mr. E. L. Shuford is building a fine residence on his property on 12 Ave. just above Dr. son's house. A new street will soon be opened through at the rear.