Gunpowder Items Gunpowder, N. C., Ap'. 10. — Rev. J. W Kennedy filled his reg ular monthly appointment at Rocky Mount Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Prior to this * neat little Easter program was ren dered by the children. Sunday school was organized to meet £t 10 o'clock. Mr. J. W. Clay, of Hickory, ac companied i>y his wife and child, was present and presented the object and workings of the Lav men's Missionary movement. lie made quite an interesting and enthusiastic speech which was well received He also extended an urgent invitation to all to at tend the great Laymen's Conven tion to be heid in Hickory April 17th and 18th. Messrs. J. H. and G. W. Sherrill were elected dele gates to the convention. Mrs. F. T. Sherriil and babe, of Lenoir, spent several days ast week visiting relatives. Mr. Azor Woods, of Hickory, spent Easter v. ith Master Ralph Sherriil. There was a box supper at the Sherriii school house Saturday night, the object being to ra'se funds to buv belis lor the Meth odist and Lutheran churches The proceeds were not very flit tering. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Yount and little daughter, of Hickory, spent East j r with Mrs. Yount's pa rents, Mr. ana Mrs. Babel Sher riil. Mr. John Hal'man. who had been in Canton, N. C., for sev eral months, came home a few days ago to rest, uu awhile. Mrs. Fannie Smathers and her little chil«i, of Canton, N. C., are visiting her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ha 11 man. The farmers are very much be hind with their work on account of the rainy weather this spring. Heavy, impure blood makes a mud dy, gpimply complexion, headaches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale and sickly. For pure blood, sound digestion, use Burdock Blood Bitters. $l.OO at all stores. Holv Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. J. H. Wdnnemacher Pastor, Sunday School - - 9:45 a. m. Chief Service - - 11 a. m Juni;r League - - 2:30 p. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. The Danger After Grip lies often in a run down system, weak ness, nervousness, lack ot appetite, energy and ambition, while disordered liver and kidneys often follow an at tack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the glorious tonic, blood purifier and regulator of stomach Liv er and kidneys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strength en the nerves, build up the system and restore to health and £x>d spirits after an attack of Grip, If suffering try them. Only 50c. Sold and per fect satisfaction guaranteed by C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz, Grimes Drue Co, A Deputation at Palm Tree Palm Tree Methodist church, in Lincoln county, near Henry, will send delegates to the Lay men's Missionary Convention in Hickory April 17th and 18th. They are: Squire John J. John son and Mr. C. L. Heavner, prin cipals, and Messrs. W. O. Houser and S. M. Linn, alternates. Messrs. A. A. Whitener and Howard A. Banks visited this church Sunday, driving 15 miles through the rain. The Quarterly Conference was in progress and Presiding Elder S. B Turrentine oreached a sDiendid sermon in tne morning on the relation of the Sunday school to the church. A fins dinner was served in the grove, after which the Hickory laymen spoke and invited the church to send delegates. Mr, Whitener made a most eloquent plea for missions. The zealous pastor, Rev. N. M. Modlin, will be sure to he here. This is a fine oid country ! church and it is where the Hoyles I got their religious training. One |of the leading stewards is Mr. Hoyle. Mr. D. A. Prop>r, a mem ber, has a son on the Africa In land Mission field, with which mission Mr. Ban* s is connected as editor of Hearing and Doing-, the organ of this mission. It was la pleasure to be in fellowship with this congregation dunng its celebration of the Lord's Supper. In driving over there we lound the roads to be in very fine con dition, Mr. D. A. Abernethv needs to be especially commend ed for the splendid condition in which his roads were found to be. The split log drag had been over them only a fev days pre vious. We over the stretch of new sand-c'ay road at Brook ford for the first time, and it is a thing of beauty and a joy for ever. It is great to think that we will have 50 or 60 miles of this road within two or three years after we vote the $50,000 bond issue. Mr. Whitener is a beautiful | driver and knew where to find the good roads, as if by inspira tion. Master Manly Whitener was a small but very interesting companion in travel. It Looks Like A Crime to seperate a boy from a box of Buck len's Arnica Salve. His pimples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains and bruses demand it. and its quick re lief for burns, scalds or cuts is his right. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healable and doesitquick. Unequaled for piles, only 2a;; at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz, Grimes Drug Co. Miss Claudia Yount spent Sun day with her parent? near Cono ver. The System Needs Some sort of a tonic in the spring time. This lack of energy and * 'tired feel ing "is a common ailment at this season. Perhaps you have in mind some Spring Medicine you would like to take. If you can get Dr. King's Iron Tonic Bitters, take that—don't hesitate. No cure, no pay. By all medicine dealers. NOTICE! NOTICE! Bond Election in Hickory Township. Notice is hereby given that, in pur suance of an order made by the Board of Commissioners of Catawba County at their regular meeting on Monday, March 4th, 1912, and in accordance with law. an election will be held in Hickory Township on the 15th. day of April, 1912, on the question of issuing bonds of said township to the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000 . for permanant road improve ment to run for a period of twenty years and to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi-an nually on the Ist. day of January and July of each year, for which election a new registration of the voters of said towrship has been ordered by said Board. The registration books will be open at the regular polling places in said township, to-wit—North Hickory and South Hickory precincts—, for twenty days next preceding the 15th. day of April, 1912, when and where all qualifiei voters will be given oppor tunity to register for said election. At sai ■ election, those favoring the issuing of bonds as proposed, will vote a ballot on which shall be printed or written the words "For Road Bends", and those opposing the issuing of bends as proposed will vote a ballot on which shall be printed or written the worcis "Against Road Bonds I '. E. D. Gamble, Clerk Ex-officio of Board of Com missioners of Catawba Countv. 3-21-41 Notice! Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Whereas, on the 24th day of March. 1910, A. L. Wilfong and Maggie Wilfong, his wife, executed to A.L. Bumgardnera certain mortgage registered in Book No. 92, on page 197, in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Catawba County, North Carolina, to secure the phyment of three certain notes and interest on same! And Whereas default has been made in the payment of the interest on said notes and in the payment of principal, all three of the notes being now due and unpaid: Now, therefore, by virtue of the powers contained in the al>ove describ ed mortgage, the undersigned mortga gee, will sell at public auction for cash at the steps of the Post Office in the city of Hickory, Catawba county; North Carolina, on Saturday, the 4th" day of May, 1912, at twelve thirty o'clock, P. M., the following described property, to wit: Lot No. 1, Beginning at a stone in L. H. Moore's line and runs with said Moore's lines South 87 East 10 poles to a stake; thence South 2 1-2 West 3ti poles to a Stake; thence South 76 West 10 3-5 poles to a stake: thence North 2 1-2 East 39 1-2 poles to the beginning. Same befng lot No. 2in plat and con taining 2 acres, 1 rod and 17 poles. Second lot, Beginning at a stone in L. H. Moore's line and runs South 87 East 15 1-4 poles to a stone, Dietz' cor ner; thence with the Dietz line South 2 l-2West3l 2-5 poles to a stake; thence South 76 West 14 17-25 poles to a stake; thence North 2 1-2 East 36 poles to the beginning. Same containing two acres, three rods and thirty three poles. Third lot. Beginnig at a post oak, Dietz' corner and runs with Dietz line North 2 1-2 East 41.1 poles to a stake thence South 76 West 25 7-25 poles to a stake: thence South 2 J-2 West 34 poles to a stake in Whisnants line; thence South 87 1-2 East 24 1-5 poles to the beginning. The same containing fivr acres, two rods and thirty poles. This the 2nd day of April, 1912. A. L Bumgardner, Mortgagee. Bagby & Blackwelder. Attorneys. Slderly people use Dr. Miles' Lax ative Tablets because tbejr a re mild.