ED. MM HQ, Clothing, Shoes Hats, Men's Furnisnings Trunks, Leather Goods BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S DEPT., SECOND FLOOR Largest and best equipped Clothing and Furnishing Goods store in the Carolinas. When in the city make our store headquarters 8 and 10 West Trade Street Chorlotte, N. C, NOTICE. By order of the Mayor and Board ot Alderman of the City of Hickory, no tice is hereby given "that an annual elec tion for Mayor, three Aldermen, and three School Trustees, will be held al the City Hall in said city, on Monday, the 6th day of May, 1912, and that J. H, Hatcher. A. P. Wliisnant, and L. S. Sherrill have been appointed as in spectors or judges of said election. It was further ordered by the Mayoi and Board of Aldermen that another e lection should be held on said date tc determine whether or not an additional tax of ten cents on the hundred dollars of taxable property, and thirty cents or the pole, should be levied, —Which saic tax, if so voted, should be used foi Graded School purposes, and to be ap portioned and used as directed by tne Trustees of said Graded School. All electors who favor the increase or the leveying of said tax; will vote t printed ballot "for the School tax," and those opposed to same, will vote t printed ballot "against the school tax." It was further ordered by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen that a new registration be had, which said new registration should apply to botl. of the elections above named, and al! electors desiring to vote in said elec tions will be required to register, — The registration books will be kept op en from the 3rd day of April, 1912. and remain open up to ai.d including the4th day of May, 1912, which said registration books will be kept open by W. L. Glin ard, the Secretary and Treasurer of thi City of Hickory, and by law, the regis tra. J. A. Lentz, Mavor of the City of Hickory. W. L. Clinard, Sec. and Treas. A. A. Whitener, City Attorney. 41 Municipal Primary Called. By authority vested in the Executive Committee, we call a Primary to select candidates to be voted for on Monday, May 6th. Mayor for one year Three Aldermen for two years Three Scoool Trustees for two years. Primary to be held on Saturday, April 20th at the City Hall, from twelve noon to 7:30, Every voter is invited to take part in selecting these Officers. Geo. E. Bisanar, J. F. Abernethy, S. M. Hamrick, CHICHESTER 8 PILU . TIIE IMAMO.VD UKANII. A /ft 1 Ills in Red and Gold inetaJic\\F _*X Si?**?- sealed with Blue Ribbon. W Trl no other. BUT of voir V jc jrsas Ow nr yean known as Best. Safest, Always Reliable —r 'SOU BV DRUGGISTS fVEOTHERf /V 25 BIG NEW SHOE STORE L Sells Them Cheaper \«k For Men, Women and Children • \ New Firm > Ne w Shoes, New Styles, Wv ko S* comfort, The For Women Zenith xhe Red Cross, Charles K. Fox, and the Julian Kokenge Shoes. For Men A The Florsheim, the Snow, and the Crossett Shoes SEE OUR WINDOWS Byram=Charles Co. aHta 42 E. Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. —l Stetson Hats excel in appear ance, in work manship,in wear. Your Hat Should be one of our "Fiancis" Straws in the new shapes or a Stetson which we have a generous assort ment in all the new shades and blacks. Try us for your Spring Hat this time and see if you are not more than satisfied. Moretz - VVhitener Clothing Company "The Quality Shop" Our product is good printing— ind good printing pays. Why not tt y us with y.-tur next order? The Democrat Job Printing De partment. y Mk i! LjUwiU When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is follower by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Choiera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and ie pleasant to take It is equally valuable for children. It L j famous for it's cures over a '».>• « QUEEREST PRISON IN WORLD Arizona County Jail la Blasted Out of a Mountain of Solid Quartz Rock. When the authorities of Graham county, Arizona, decided to look about for a place in which to confine crimi nals, they found a natural depression in the side of a hill. This was enlarged into what might be called an artificial cave, divided into four compartments. The cave was excavated parallel to the side of the mountain in which it was made,, and daylight admitted by holes blown out of the wall with explosives, the windows being guarded by a net work of heavy steel barß. The en trance to the depression was also closed in the same manner, and a vestibule or porch of masonry built out from It to provide quarters for the sheriff and his assistants. This vesti bule is also divided into compart ments, which are connected by gates of steel bars. The only way of enter ing the prison is through the vestibule of masonry, and in order to escape the inmates would have to cut their way through three sets of bars which are an inch in thickness, as the win dows are so high up above the rock forming the floor of the cells that they could not reach them. It Is necessary, however, to have a very secure place, as the criminals in this part of the country are of a most desperate class, and the inmates frequently Include murderers and highwaymen. The mountain which has thus been turned Into a prison is composed of solid quartz rock, and the excavation was made principally by the use of explo sives. The jail is located in the town of Clifton, the county seat.—Wide World Magazine. Reinforced Conv.-*ete of Old Rome. Although concrete has been used tor many centuries, it is generally sup posed that reinforced concrete is a modern invention. This, however, has been disproved, according to Porular Mechanics by the finding of bronze reinforcing rods in the concrete »oof 3t an ancient Roman tomb, and in the discovery of reinforced concrete in :he construction of one of the walls 3f tne old palace 4 the Louvre, Paris. The reinforced concrete In the lat :er dates back only 300 or 400 years, Dut created much comment because :he walls were thought to consist en :irely of ashlar and quarry stone. The liscovery that the stone casing con :ealed a core composed in part of ro tiforced concrete was made while workmen were piercing the wall for in elevator installation. England's Oldest Newspaper. Besides being the government's best journalistic property, the London Ga sette is also the oldest existing Eng ish newspaper. It published its first lumber in 1665. In that troubled year .he court was at Oxford on account of .he plague and the paper bore the lame of the Oxford Gazette in conse luence, not changing to its present itle until the twenty-fourth number. Ve can get some idea of the cost of unning it from the statement of one if its rivals that the rival's charge for 'entertaining spies for information" fas $2,500 in the first year. How To Stop Stubborn Cough We don't mean just stop the irri tation in your throat—but cure the underlying cause. Cough syrups cannot do this. It takes a constitutional tonic body builder to do the work properly— and cure you to stay cured. Vinol is the remedy you need. HERE IS PROOF Mrs. Minnie Osgood, of Glens Falls, N. writes:-" After trying several rem edies for a bad cough and cold without benefit, I was asked to try Vinol. It worked like magic. It cured my cold and cough and I gained in health and strength. I consider Vinol the most wonderful tonic and invigorator I ever saw." If we cannot stop that cough with VlNOL—our delicious cod liver and iron tonic—which is made without oil—we will not charge you a cent for the medicine you buy. This seems like a pretty fair proposition—and ought to be ac cepted. Don't you think so? With this understanding we ask you to try a bottle of VINOL. For sale by Moser & Lutz. Prof. Staley's Tribute to Ay cock. Written for the Democrat. The last words of- Charles B. Aycock, just as he passed in the great beyond, were these; 1 have determined, if such a thing is possible, to open the doors of the schools to every child.'' His death was a fitting end to a life spent in the cause of education. He died as he had lived, filled with the lofty purpose of giving the benefits of education to every child. It wis not given him to see the accomplishment of this high pur pose, or to see the fruition of his hopes. But it was given him to see a great educational move ment, and to be a mighty leader in this movement. He set in motion forces which will goon in every-widening circles of in fluence, He could have said with Horace, "Exegi monumen tum aere perennius." I have built a monument more lasting than bronze." The mantle of this great edu cational leader should fall cn us, and we should catch the same enthusiasm which led him to give his best efforts to the cause of universal education. If the future history of our state is to be what we have it to be, we must determine that the | schools shall be open to every child. We must catch the vision of what it will mean to North Carolina to educate every child within her borders. We must come to realize that the most im portant thing we can do is to pro vide for the education of every child in Hickory, every child in Catawba county, every child in North Carolina. CHAS. M. STALEY. Residence Burned The residence of Mr. E. C. Burns on Brookford street was burned to the ground Tuesday. The furniture and household goods were nearly all saved The fire company responded quickly, but owing to the distance from the water line, before hose could be gotten to the house the .fire was beyond control. Mrs. Burns was preparing din ner when the fire originated somewhere in the overhead ceil ing. It is supposed that it caught from a defective stove flue. Mr. Burns had sold the prop erty only a fewdajs ago to Mr. E. L. Shuford. The loss is partly covered by $4OO insurance. By the heroic efforts of the firemen, the residence of Mr, P. E. Reinhardt, adjoining Mr. Burns, was saved by keeping the roof covered with wet blankets. YOU RISK NO MONEY Our Reputation and Money are Back of This Offer We pay for all the medicine used during the trial, if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipation. We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us in any way whatever, if you accept our offer. Could anything be more fair for you? Is there any reason why vou should hesitate to put our claims to a practical test? A most scientific, common-sense treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which are eaten like candy. They are very pro nounced, gentle in action, and par ticularly agreeable in every way. They do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, flatu lence, griping, or other inconvenience. Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persons. We urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at ovr risk. Three sizes, 10c., 25c., and 50c. Remember, you can get Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store The Rexall Store. The Grimes Drug Co. Napoleon on Shakespeare. It is a fact that the great emperor >f the French had a very poor opinion »f Shakespeare's plays. According to Thibaudeau, in his "Bonaparte and the Consulate," Napoleon said one day: 'Shakespeare was forgotten even by .he English for two hundred years, un- J1 Voltaire took it into his head to yrite him up, to please his English riends; and ever since people have cone about repeating that Shake ipeare was the greatest author that iver lived. I have read him, and there B nothing in him that approaches Jorneille or Racine. His plays are tot worth reading." TRUTHFUL REPORTS. Hickory Reads Them With Uncommon Interest. A Hickory citizen tells his experi ence in the following statement. No better evidence than this can be had. The truthful reports of friends and neighbors is the best proof in the world. Read and be convinced. Mrs. A. Wezen, 1443 Ninth Ave., Hickory, N. Car., says: "Doan's Kianey Pills proved beneficial to me and Ido not hesitate to recommend them. My kidneys were out of order, and I suffered from backache. I finally used Doan's Kidney Pills pro cured at Moser& Lutz Drug Store and they made me strong and well. This remedy gives quick relief." The above statement must carry cenviction to the mind of every read er. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy —ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. We zen had —the remedy backed by home testmony. 50c all stores. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props. Buffalo, N. Y. "When your back is lame, remem-\ ber the name." i Lands Of the Old Testament. What are the principal riv ers and seas and why is each one notable? 1. Arnon—Where Israel con quered Amorites. Empties into the Salt Sea. 2. Cheber—Where Ezekiel saw his vision. Cherith—Where Elijah was fed by the ravens. 4. Euphrates. Flows into Babylon. 5. Jabbock Where Jacob wrestled with the Angel. Empties into the Jordon. 6. Jordon —Where Jesus was baptized. Empties into the Salt Sea. 7. Hedron—Crossed by the Savior the nicrht he was betrayed. 8. Nile—Where Moses was hidden by his mother. It empties into the Great Sea. 9. Red Sea —Crossed by Israel on dry land. It is between Egypt and Arabia. 10. Mediterranean Sea—Wes tern boundary of the land of Promise. 11. Dead Sea—Where Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. It is in the land of Canan. 12. Sea of Galilee—Where Jesus taught and worked mira cles. It is in the Holy Lodd. SADIE MENZIES. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened tyr Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for much sickness and suffering, f therefore, if kidney trouble is permitted to continue, serious re sults are most likely to follow. Your other organs may need at tention, but your kid neys most, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of. order, you can understand how quickly your en tire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con vince you of its great merit. C. The miid and immediate effect of Swamp-Root t the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most ing cases. If you need a medicin? you should have the best. « Sold by in have a sample bottle pamphlet telling yon nooxot t>w«n.p-R«ot. how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mis take, but remember the name, Swamp- Root, and don't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root—if you do you will be isappointed. Notice! Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Whereas, on the 17th. day of June j 1908, B. L. Marlow and Beatrice L, Marlow, his wife, executed that certain deed of trust to C. M Sherrill registered lin Book 77 of Deeds, 011 page 351, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cataw hi County, to secure the payment of the p>iucipal and interest of a certain note thai day give., to the First Building & Loan Association of Hickory: And whereas:, on the 22d. day of N«»- veniber, 1909. B. L. Marlow and Beatrice L, Marl >w, his wife, executed that cer tain deed of trust to G. R. Wootten reg istered in Book 77 of deeds, on page 582, in the office of Register of deeds for Catawba County, to secure the payment of the principal and interest of a certain note that day given to the First Building and Loan Association of Hick ory; And Whereas, since the execution of the deeds of trust mentioned, the prop erty hereinafter described has been conveyed by B. L. Marlow and Beat rice L. Marlow to Ed Norris and others, subject to said deeds cf trust; And Whereas default has been made in the payment of the weekly interest for thirity days and in keeping various other stipulations contained in said deeds of trust: Now, therefore, the undersigned trustees, by virture of the powers con tained in tne deeds of trust heretofore described, will sell at public auction for cash at the steps of the First National Bank of Hickory, the place designated by the trustees, on Saturday, the 4th. day of Mav, 1912, at twelve o'clock noon, the following described property, to wit: Beginning at a stake, 55 feet North of the Southeran Railway tract, and runs north 2 3-4 degrees East 439 1 2 feet with J. B. Johnson's line to a stake; thence North 85 1-4 degrees East 300 feet to a stake, S. D. Camp bell'line; thence South 2 3-4 degrees West 439 1-2 feet to a stake in a new street; thence South 85 1-4 West 300 feet to the beginning corner. The same containing three acres, This the 2nd. day of April, 1912. C. M. Sherrill, Trustee. G. R. Wootten, Trustee, Bagby & Blackwelder. Attorneys. NOTICE' All male persons in Hickory town ship outside of incorporated towns be tween the ages of 21 and 45 years who dj not pay their road exemption tax of $l.OO before May Ist. will be required by law to work four days on the public roads. You can pay this to S. E. Killian or the undersigned. J. W. ROBINSON, 4> tf. Road Supervisor. IXI LLTHECOUGHI I AMP CURETHE LUNGS NDSMfINCS '"ColdS FSgjg ALL THROW AND LUHG TBOUBIK rioST! I BAKING I I POWDER J> Absolutely Pure 1 Economizes Butter, Flour* | I Eggs; makes the food more | 7 appetizing and wholesome | L The only Baking Powder made '|| x[ Jtrom Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar | See the Baby Contest article in Mr. L. S. Jones of Newton this issue. was in the city Tuesday. /MH imThe Doctor In prescribing for you looks for certain results figures on the pre scrip, ion being filled with pure, Cur prescription department will give you the service the doctor j| /7 looks for—our drugs are fresh I yr powerful and certain in their action. Im\ f Compounded by experts— our pre -1 /l scnptions are carefully checked MOSER & LUTZI Druggists Phone 17 and 317 "We're on the Corner." Hickory Seed Co. Field Seeds and Produce ' > r We have on hand a good stock of grass seeds, con sisting of Orchard Grass, Red Top, Blue Grass, lied Clover, Sapling Clover, Tall Meadow Oats Grass, Kape, Vetch Cow Peas, Soy Beans, Seed Irish Potatoes, Cab bage Plants, eto. We want your trade and will give you good, clean seeds. We are in the market at all times for all kinds of Country Produce and pay the highest market prices for same —and we pay all cash. Agents for Cyphers' Incubators, DeLaval Separa tors. Machines in stcck at all times. WE NEED One million Sweet Potato Plants. 1,000 bushels Chufas for fall deliver*. 5,000 bushels Seed Sweet Potatoes for spring 1913. Will contract for different, kinds of seeds. If in terested, see us. Hickory Seed Co. Your Success I Depends largely upon the printing you use. The public is not going to patronize you if you represent your business with poorly printed advertising literature. Such print ing does not make an impression on intel ligent people - and there's where you lose business. The way to hold your present patronage and gain more is to use GOOD printing. Our printing is guaranteed to give satisfaction- We use good ink —good paper, — and then the printing itself is done in an intelligent manner. We can print anything—ai.y time. — for anybody— auywhere. Outside of general commercial printing, wo print books, periodical publications, charts, souvenir post cards, calenders, calender blotters, order blanks, by-laws and constitutions. We can furnish visiting cards, weeding an noucementB and invitations either in plain printing or engraving at moderate prices, HICKORY DEMOCRAT Job Printing Department ■ 'i

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