THE DEMOCRAT'S GALLERY OF LITTLE SWEETHEARTS—More to be Shown from Time to Time * : «sl*ra9 ' * WBsm V' o\3p« H m f Bl mm vjis-' .»iarg;iret Campbell, •pb;. is little Miss Margaret Camp hell, little daughter of Vlr. J. B. Camp bell' Sne * us a * lost °* sn^s anc * is deserving ot every one of them, as she is a very sweet little miss. She occu rs a fine position fri the Grand Baby Contest, and is a probable winner of 'the first prize. Her grandpa. ents and [friends are very industrious and ener tic. and do not intend to !ose a moment of time between now and th * close o! the contest. Contract for New Depot Let Southern Railway will Push Work At Once 1 The Southern Railway has let the contract to: the new Hickory depot, which secretary Joy is assured will be cf the s?-n:e class as Statesville's, only Hickory will have more shed room. The Elliott Building Co. has the con trac:. ani work will begin as soon as the material can be placed on the ground. OOOOOOCC oooc ooooooooocoooo jj BUSINESS LOCALS g OOOCOOOOOOOCOCXXDOCXXDOOOOOO If you want to be stylishly dressed without doubt or ques tion. call to see us. Martin & Clark Clothing Co. FOU KENi —sioom house and; one -ic' near Hickory Tan-1 ;i- : a at the Democrat office. Aui IT hire. Anywhere y% '• *'. l to go. C. T. Morrison, No. 145. SEI'IZ'S Improved seed corn at 3. L V/mteners; or H. G. Seiiz. Route No. 1. Hickory, N. C. 4 11-4t, Get that new straw hat from Marcin & Clark Clothing Co. FREE; Send postal to P. C. Wiest Co., York, Pa., and get catalogue describing Up-to date Novelties for Everybody: anti-sash rattles, 10 for 25c., anti-sink splash 10c.; stitch ripper 25c ; grape fruit knife 25c,; and many others. 4-11-2t FOR SALE—IO acres 2 1-3 miles from depot, on Catawba Springs road. 4-18-tf. Box 232. Martin & Oark Clothing Co. can save you money on your spring suit. WANTED:— Men and boys to learn Automobile business. Good position for competent men. Al so want agents for Pullman cars. Carolina Auto School, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED —A man that can furnish some capital, that is com petent to tike charge and manage an established business. Man must have knowledge of Dry Goods, Ciothii.g and Shoes. A fine opening for right party. Write with references, A. B. C., care of Hickory Democrat. 4-18-21. We rme the best SIO.OO blue ser Re .vu : you ever saw. Ms-tin & Clark Clothing Cc. r ;ora best strain S. C. • ynorns, Light Brahmas, • tv.iu'i Reds, White Fly jfks. -r'LOO for 15. Will ■ "■ge "or !. R. Ducks or • ggs. Mrs. Gordon Wil— - - ton, N. C. 4 4 3t. Ai.iil—9so-pound horse, J y s old, perfect. See 4-17-ti. I. L. Lanier. 1' SALE— A six room house 1 acres in East. Hickory, 'Highland), fine water, good orchard and outhouses. For tei rns apply to Edw. N. Hahn, 4-18-4t. Gastonia, N. C. Get it from Martin & Clark Clothing Co. Miss Helen Flowers. Of course we do not need to intro duce this little lady but for fear that there are some of you who do not know htr we will say that she is Miss Mary Helen Fiowers, the charming little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E L. Flowers, who is head of the Home Cannery Company, She stands well in the race and her position its due to the fact that her parents and friends have kept up an unceasing interest in her behalf. How the Vote Stands. DISTRICT No. 1. (Including all territory within the corporate limits of Hickory.) Mary Helen Flowers 1,000 Ruth Lanier 4,850 John F. Price 1,050 George Killian Bost 1 000 Henry R. Elliott 1,000 Ruby Eiizabcth Smith 1,000 Harry Gwin 1,050 Robert Lee Harris 1,350 Mary Belle Gwin 1,950 Bernice Morton . 1,650 Andrew Rudasill 1,050 Thomas Strieker Shuford 1,000 James Stanley Crouch 1,050 James Oliver Mosteller 1,000 DISTRICT NO. 2, (Including all territory outside of Hickory in Catawoa and ad joining counties.) Fred L. Sites i,OOO Alice Summerow 1,000 Claude Hubert Cline 1,000 Celia Margaret Isenhour 1,000 Luther Huffman 1,000 Virginia Wilson Clark 1,000 George Wi ey Sherriil 1,000 Coit Wilson 10,000 Ne'l Wilkinson 1,050 Margaret Rebecca Coon 1,050 Clyde Yount 1,050 Margaret Campbell 1,050 Frankie Lucile Houston 1,000 Conrad Lee Brittain 1,000 Virginia Lee Hefner 4,100 Bivian Drum. 1,050 Notice! Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Whereas, on the'24th day of March, 1910, A. L. Wilfong and Maggie Wilfong, his wife, executed to A.L. Rumgardnera certain mortgage registered in Book No. 92, on page 197, in tne office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Catawba County, North Carolina, to secure the payment of three certain notes and interest on same! And Whereas default has been made in the payment of the interest on said notes and in the payment of principal, all three of the notes being now due and unpaid: Now, therefore, by virtue of the powers contained in the al>ove describ ed mortgage, the undersigned mortga gee, will sell at public auction for cash at the steps of tne Post Office in the city of Hickory, Catawba county; North Carolina, on Saturday, the 4th day of May, 1912, at twelve thirty o'clock, P.; M., the following described property, 1 to wit: Lot No. 1, Beginning at a stone in L. H. Moore's line and runs with said Moore's lines South 87 East 10 poles to a stake; thence South 2 1-2 West 36 poles to a Stake; thence South 76 West 10 3-5 poles to a stake; thence North 2 1-2 East 391-2 poles to the beginning. Same being lot No. 2 in pint and con taining 2 acres, 1 rod and 17 poles. Second lot, Beeinning at a stone in L. H. Moore's line and runs South 871 East 15 1-4 poles to a stone, Dietz' cor ner; thence with the Dietz line South 2 l-2West3l 2-5 poles to a stake; thence South 76 West 14 17-25 poles to a stake; th.-nce North 2 1-2 East 36 poles to the beginning. Same containing two acres, three rods and thirty three poles. Third lot. Beginnig at a post oak, Dietz' corner and runs with Dietz line North 2 1-2 East 41.1 poles to a stake; thence South 76 West 25 7-25 poles to a stake: thence South 2 12 West 34 poles to a stake in Whisnants line; thence South 87 1-2 East 24 1-5 poles to the beginning. The same containing five acres, two rods and thirty poles. This the 2nd clay of April, 1912. A. L Bumgardner, Mortgagee. Bagby & Blackwelder. Attorneys. NOTICE All male persons in Hickory town ship outside of incorporated towns be tween the ages of 21 and 45 years who dj not pay their road exemption tax of SI.OO before May Ist. will be required by law to work four days on the .public roads. _ _ You can pay this to S. E. K1II1: Q or the undersigned. J. W. ROBINSON, 4 4 t tf. Road Supervisor. When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and is P l **?" 1 * w It is equally valuable few children. It m famous for It* cures ovet • Part •» mHF ' |||^B^ ; - v -\ J l '; '"'' &-- **£ V\ v / sr" jH B ' * i 1 Miss Ruth Lanier. We are pleased to introduce Miss Ruth Lanier, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Lanier. She occupies an enviable place in this race through the efforts or her parents and little brother, and when the closing night comes they do not intend that Miss Ruth will be far behind, if, indeed, she is not at the very top. | III! IW II ll 111 111 illll 111 I'll! l Hl'll IM—HIIMiHIIMIIW 111 111 IMI IIWIHIiIIIIPMIMI BON i MARC HE LADIES OF HICKORY The Bon Marche will pay Yo Do your Spring shopping in Asheville. The Bon Marche located here is the largest and most modern Department Store in the Carolinas. We have hosts of friends in every North Carolina town. We are not in competition with the Home Merchant, in fart some of them are our best customers, but we show a class of goods that is impos sible for them to handle. Every Fair-Minded-Person is open to conviction. Come to Asheville and we will convince you that our Varieties are the broadest. Styles the most up-to-date, Quality the highest and Values the best to be found outside of a City of one hundred thousand population. Come here at OUR EXPENSE. If you buy S3O worth of merchandise, we will pay your Railroad fare ONE WAY. If you buy fifty dollars worth of merchandise, or more, we will pay your Railroad fare BOTH WAYS. Remember there are 14 small Stores under one roof. Anything you could desire for women or children, except shoes. We also have an Exceptionally Good Mail Order Service. Titanic Sinks with 1,500 Men Striking an iceberg in New founland waters, the White Star liner Titanic sank in three hours Monday morning with a loss of life of 1.500, one thousand great er than in any previous ocean disaster. There were 2,200 pas sengers and a crew of 800. Wom en and children were saved first in boats which were latei picked up by the Carpathla. The Titanic cost $10,000,000 and was consid ered unsinkable. Among her passengers were John Jacob Astor and bride, Col. W. A. Roebhng. builder of the Brooklyn bridge; Maj.Butt,Pres ident Taft's aide and many other prominent men. ' Music lovers are asked to read the ad of the StiefC pianos in this issue. Are You Ready For your Spring Suit We have great values to offer you in our entire line of merchan dise, consisting of Ladies' and Gents' Wearing Apparel, Men's and Boys' Cloth ing Must go at rock-ottom prices Shoes of all kinds: Patent Leather, Gun Metal, Tan, Vel vet, etc. It will pay you to come and look our stock over before buy ing elsewhere. We save you from 25 to 50 per cent on every thing you purchase from us. Lookers are as welcome as buyers. Come and be convinced. The Store to Pin your faith to. THE Underselling STORE, L. E. Zerden, Prop. Miss Virginia Wilson Clark. We are pleased to be able to pre sent the picture of Miss Virginia Wilson Clark, the sweet little daughter of Mr. and Mrs Neal W. Ciark. Her parents and friends are energe'ic and enthusiastic in their work, and why shoulden't they be with a winsome lady to work for? Her friends hope to see her in the first place before the end of the contest and we are assured that Miss Virginia is not going to be far behind. COMING SOON! Harry Duvall's Big City Show A Show for ladies and children as well as gentlemen. In Hickory For OnC Week, Commencing MONDAY, APRIL 22. Admission 10c to all \ Removal Sale jj « For forty-seven days we will offer our entire stock N at greatly reduced prices. This stock includes new « Stieffs, new Shaws. new Bennett & Bretzs, new N KohJer & Campbells, and other makes of new pianos, and many different makes of second band N pianos that have been thoroughly repaired, re- Ti finished, etc. in our shop. N n All of these pianos are excellent bargains. We hope to move this stock rapidly and if the price Af jj has anything to do with the sale it will go quickly. JJ I CHAS. M. STIEFF, n jO 5 WEST TRADE STREET ff U CHARLOTTE, N. C. i/ Vj STIEFF BUILDING, 219 South Tryon Jj D St. opposite Academy of Music after June 1, 1912, « riictrir»t 1 Includes all territory within the x Corporate limits of Hickory. Oictrir't 0 All territory outside of Hickory in ~ Catawba and adjoining counties. Ruby Elizabeth Smith. Here is a raeiry little girl. The lit tle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. D, Smith. She is one of the dearest little tots in this contest and is the pride and joy of the whole family, to say nothing about a large circle of friends and ac quaintances, who say they intend tc see that she is not very far behind on the last night. pi iHif' Master George Wiley Sherrill. ft Look! who's here? Master George Wiley Sherrill, little son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sherrill, of Granite Falls, and sure that place is well repre sented with Master George entered as a candidate in this race. Never mind if he iS behind just now. Watch his standing before the contest closes. Now is the time and Poultry Powders Dr. Le Gear's Stock Powder guaranteed to make your horse fat and sleek. Dr. Le Gear's Poultry Powders guaranteed to make hens lay more eggs. You can DOW obtain Dr. Le Gear's famous remedies fipm MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists Hickory, N. C. "Satisfaction or money back." If You Don't Like One Shoe we "have plenty of other physically and financially We are specializing on Ladies and Childrens Shoes, and can prove that there are no better lines made than the '*Utz & Dunn" shoes for women and "Monogram" shoes for children. We absolutely guarantee every shoe that we sell. Let us show you. Save Your Cash Checks. Thompson West Co. "The Ladies Store" , Vou Who Want SIGNS See or Write B. L. Prevette 1226 12 Ave., - - Hickory, N.C. 5 Don't Forget It's 2 | Clothes Time 3 jg Now I don't mean clothes just "pulled from the pile"—you can M* 3* get that kind anywhere and at any time. You want sensible clothes Hj p —clothes that fit and have style. Therefore, why not come to a man iC SJ who will make you a suit exactly like you want it. My clothes are HZ ? made to your measure and a fit is guaranteed. iC g; Try me once. Let me convince you my clothes are better—and IC they cost no more. IC g I keep them pressed six months free. 9C P Send me your cleaning and pressing. Six tickets si; use at your IC I W. H. Clinkscales 1 | THE TAILOR § C Fields Building Phone 107 5 Master Claud Hubert Cline. This is Master Claud Hubert Cline of Conover. He is a b r ight little chap, carrying sunshine with him wherever he goes. His friends say-they do not propose to stop until he is on top of the heap. Those friends are working for him with all the energy they_can command, so look out for Master Claud before the end of the contest.