ED. MEM CO. Clothing, Shoes Hats, Men's Furnisnings Trunks, Leather Goods BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S DEPT., SECOND FLOOR Largest and best equipped Clothing and Furnishing Goods store in the Carolinas. When in the city make our store headquarters 8 and 10 West Trade Street (Jhorlotte, N. C, NOTICE. By order of the Mayor and Board of Alderman of the City of Hickory, no tice is hereby given that an annual elec tion for Mayor, three Aldermen, and three School Trustees, will be held at the City Hall in said city, on Monday, the 6th day of May, 1912, and that J. H. Hatcher. A. P. Wliisnant, and L. S. Sherrill have been appointed as in spectors or judges of said election. It was further ordered by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen that another e lection should be held on said date tc determine whether or not an additional tax of ten cents on the hundred dollars of taxable property, and thirty cents or the pole, should be levied, —Which saic tax, if so voted, should be used foi Graded School purposes, and to be ap portioned and used as directed by the Trustees of said Graded School. All electors who favor the increase or the leveving of said tax; will vote { printed ballot "for the School tax," an: those opposed to same, will vote i printed ballot "against the school tax.' It was further ordered by the Mavoi and Board of Aldermen jJjgj jj new registration be had, which sai new registration should apply to botl of the elections above named, and a' electors desiring to vote in said elec tions will be required to register,— The registration books will be kept op en from the 3rd day of April, 1912. an remain open up to ai.d including the4tl day of May, 1912, which said registratioi books will be kept open by W. L. Glin ard, the Secretary and Treasurer of th City of Hickory, and by law, the regis tra. J. A. Lentz, Mayor of the City ol Hickory. W. L. Clinard, Sec. and Treas. A. A. Whitener, City Attorney. 41 Municipal Primary Called. By authority vested in the Executive Committee, we call a Primary to select candidates to be voted for on Monday. May 6th. Mayor for one year Three Aldermen for two years Three Scoool Trustees for two years. Primary to be held on Saturdav, April 20th at the City Hall, from twelve noon to 7:30, Every voter is invited to take part in selecting these Officers. Geo. E. Bisanar, J. F. Abernethv, . S. M. Hamrick. CHICHESTER 8 PILLiS , ""IE l»IAMONI> BKANDT Red and Gold n:rtiil:c\V i sealed with Blue Ribbon. VV |~l €» TH A 0 "® "° other. Buy of your * I L nr !:Ask for CIII.Cin;H-TFR * I ~ H I>IAWM» 11KA.M) PILLS. O. y ;,ts known as Scst, Safest. Always Reliable —r -SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE /V ii: 810 NEW SHOE STORE L Sells Them Cheaper \ j\p- 'Wk For Men, Women and Children \ New Firm, New Shoes, New Styles, V\ an( * est °* c °mfort. The For Women Zenith '. Red Cross, Charles K. Fox, and the Julian Kokenge Shoes. For Alen A The Florsheim, the Snow, and the Crossett Shoes SEE OUR WINDOWS Byram=Charles Co. 42 E. Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. " T "" , ■ I Win, MET & WAIT I The Home of Good Merchandise | SILK DRESSES We received another shipment of silk dresses a few days ago and they are the prettiest yet,mostly change able silks, but a few neat check effects, all hand- I somely trimmed. I $9.50 and $9.98 G SHIRTWAISTS I The new Dutch or Square Neck, beautifully trimmed in lace and embroiderv, short sleeves. I 98c. I Handkerchiefs | A marvelously delicate new fabric, with the fitness of gossa imer, the softness of thistledown and wonderful strength and j durability. The line hemstitched finish, 24 stitches to the j inch, wild delight you; dainty and delicate colors that are ! absolutely fast, cross bar bordered and plain effects. I Curtain Scrim The curtain fabric that will wear and laundry satis factorily, white or ecru, plain weave and stripe effects. Bc, 12 l-2c, and 15c. | T " Send us your mail orders. They will be given 1 prompt and careful attention. 209- 11 West Trade St. j Charlotte, IN. C. I Opposite Presbyterian Church Phone 2333 QUALITY' Mill Bouwts lA , , ts j -Tii.. HI II —1 1 yl / I* - I M j, gjj&k VV UI f" / / Ai That represents the high \ ( est grade quality through \ v it out —in designs, in * materials used —last but not least, low prices. Let us quote you on the trim, sash, moulding, doors, mantles, etc., you'll need for repairs, alterations or : building you plan. i We Save You Money. I —__ Hickory Novelty Company j i f S =========== 8f OUR MILLINERY STORE Is a Veritable beehive of Activity Hundreds are buying and admiring our stylish and beautiful hats. We invite you to call and look over our line. MISS MARY ROSEBOROUQH 1335 UNION SQUARE m Sfc COUNTY NEWS If it gets by- Easter without a bad frost, the fruit stands a good chance. This is so far the case. Thirteen hundred voters in Catawba county have not yet paid their poll tax. All who do not pay by May Ist will not be able to vote this fall.— Newton News. Little Lalie Summerrow, 3- y ear-old daughter of Mrs. Lee Summerow, has had a marvel ous escape from death from poi soning, having secured medicine from a room in the Piedmont hotel, and even swallowed raw alcohol. Her mouth and throat were fearfully burned, but she is now considered past danger. —Newton News. Endorses Mr. Shuford's Views. Newton, April 15. -Our popu lar pastor, Rev. W. M. Biles, Drenched another interesting and nrofifqble sermon Sunday on pro hibition. On npxt Sunday the commun ion will be administered. Wednesday s class of Orphans from the children's home at Win ston-Salem will be here and jrive an entertainment Prof. H. \ A. Hays will be with them. ' The delegatess to the Lay" men's convention at Iliekorv are Mr. A. J. Barwick, G. H. Philips and the writer. The writer hopes, while up there to put in some good licks for the treasurer ship. I want to endorse those fine views laid down in last week's Democrat by my friend and fel low-Democrat, Mr. E. L.Shuford as a eood foundation on which to build the Catawba County Demo jcratic platform. I believe that ! every. Democrat and Republican, too. for that matter, could readily stand on such a platform. And I want to say right here, too, as I have said heretofore In the Newton papers, that I think it is high time that Democrats should qtfit fighting each other, as it may work great harm to the party.S Just at this time there are ! great, as well as grand, issues at | stake and there is a great oppor- I tunity in these in the near fu jture for us, both in the county, ! state and nation, if we will onlv take advantage of it and work in harmonv together. G. 0. DRUM. Don't be surprised if you have an at tack of rheumatism this spring. Just rub the affected parts freely with Chamberlain's Liniment and it will soon disappear. For sale by all dealers. Southern Railway low Rates. The Southern Railway offers ex tremely low round trip rates to Macon, Ga., on account of Annual Reunion United Confederate Veterans, May j 7th-Bth and 9th, 1912. On account ol tlvs occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Macon, Ga , on May 5-6-7 and Bth 1912, with final return limit May 15th with privilege of extension of final limit until June sth by per sonally depositing ticket with special agent at Macon not later than May 15th and upon payment of 50 cents per ticket at time of depositing. Stop overs will be permitted at Atlanta and several other points within limit of ticket, either going or returning trip, or both, depositing ticket with agent lat points of stop over. Arrangements : have been made to sell side trip tick ets from Macon to large numbers with in a radius of five hundred miles at greatly reduced rates. The following 1 round hrip rates will apply from stations named: Statesville - $7.30 Hickory - 7.50 Moreanton - 7.80 Mocresville - 7.00 Cornelius - 7.30 Newton - 7.30 Shelby - 6.30 Rutherford ton - 6.00 Forest City - 6.30 Reduced round trip rates on same basis from all other stations on South ern Railway. Arrangements are now being made for the operation of two special trains to take care of the move ment from North Carolina, one start ing at Raleigh and one at Charlotte, N. C., leaving Charlotte about 7:30 p. m., Monday, May 6th, arriving at Macon early Tuesday morning. May 7fh. These trains will consist of first class coaches and Pullman Sleeping cars, exact schedule to be announced latter.- Passengers from branch line points can use regular trains to junc tion points, connecting at such junc tion points with the special trains. For detailed information in connec tion with rat s, reservations, schedules, etc., apply to any agent, or, R H. DEBUTTS, Divison Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. For any itching skin trouble, piles, . eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald head, herpes, scabies, Doan's Ointment is highly recommended. 50c. a box at all stores. The Enterprise says that Mr. Grover, Cleveland Little suc ceeds Mr. L. H. Phillips, re signed, as cashier of the Shu ford National Bank. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought a + + + + + +++*++ ++* + + t LOCAL AND PERSONAL. + + + +++ *+ + + Mr. Howard A. Banks spent Sunday in Asheyille with his mother, who has not been well lately. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilfong returned to the city last Satur day, after an absence of ten days visiting friends and relatives in Columbia, Savannah and Jack sonville. Mr. C. W. Ellington, proprie tor of the City Bakery, has put in one of the prettiest soda foun tains ever seen in this section and will serve his customers with cold drinks this summer. The California Fruit Co. has put in a beautiful soda fountain, recently shipped from Chicago. Their tables are due to arrive this week and they will have one of the prettiest ice cream parlors in the State. The revival services at the West Hickory Methodist church are growing in interest. Rev. O. P. Routh is being assisted by Rev. Geo. Fink of Whitnel. Mr. Fink is an evangelist of great power. The Democrat has received a handsome invitation to the com mencement of the N. C. Medical College May 5. Among this year's graduates are Glenn Long, lof Conover, and Brady Milas Raymer, of Eufola, Rev. J. D. Harte pastor of. the first Baptist church preached the ' annual sermon to the Hickory Commandery Knights Templar No. 17, Sunday Apr. 7 at 11 a. m. A special musical program was rendered as follows: Prelude | Tannhauser March. Anthem— : Come see the place where the ! Lord lay. Miss Kathryn Gwalt ney, soloist. Solo—Awake Trium ! phant Morn, Mrs. J. D. Harte. i Offertory—Good Night i ___ | Almost A Miracle One of the most startling changes , ever seen in any man, according to W. B, Holsclaw, Clarendon, Tex., was effected years ago in his brother. "He had such a dreadful cough," he writes, "that all our family thought he was going into consumption, but he began to Dr. King's New | Discovery, and was completely cured by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 218 pounds. For many years our family has used this wonderful remedy for coughs, and II colds with excellent results." It's 1 quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. Price 50c and SIOO. Trial bottle free at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz, Giimes Drug Co. A Former Hickory Boy Giv en Florida Honors. John F. Setzer representative to the State Council of the Junior Order of American Mechanics, re turned this morning, byway of Tampa, from Plant City. Mr. Setzer was elected Warden of the State Council and placed on the finance committee.—St. Petes burg. (Fla.) Evening Indepen dent. A Good Doctor ! cf South Carolina said: '*l have used Dr. King's Remedies a great deal in !my practice and find that they give perfect satisfaction on both myself and patients. I heartily reccomraend them. W. R. Clyburd, M. D.' 1 And they still grow in favor because they cure. Guaranteed by all raedi ! cine dealers. The cotton has been rolling in and the,fertilizer rolling out this week. Wednesday Mr. William Whisnant, one of the county's biggest farmers, came in with 22 bales of the staple, and other lots almost as large have been sold here. The farmers have been taking advantage of every min ute of fair weather to hustle up their delayed work. Newton News. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened b; Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for much sickness and suffering, f therefore, if kidney trouble is permitted to continue, serious re sults are most likely to follow. Your other organs may need at tention, but your kid neys most, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your en tire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con vince you of its great merit. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distress ing cases. If you need a medicine 1 vou should have the best. fifty-cent ancfone-do£ lar sizes. You mav nSsj have a bottle pamphlet how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing, to Dr. Kilmer & Co Bmghamton, N. Y. Don't make any misl take, but remember the name, Swamp- Root, and don't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root—if you do you will be disappointed. Baking Powder If Where the finest biscuit, j] fl cake, hot-breads, crusts p j| or puddings are required & | Royal is indispensable. ! j| Royal is equally valuable S] - in the preparation of plain, jy substantial, every-day jj | foods, for all occasions. | ■lf The only baking powder made I I from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar r j4 No Alum —Mo Limo Phosphates jfe A team of nine men goes to Mrs.Strachan, and little daugh Gastonia on the 22nd to repre- ter, or Salisbury, visited Mrs. K sent the local military company C. Menzies last week, in the rifle shooting. _ Lieut. We are requested to say thai Keever has been detailed as Guy Kennedy didn't go the ware assistant range officer. Mr. house and get the cap that hui Seapoch at practice this week him by explosion, as intimatet made 47 and Mr. Newton 45 out i n our i as t issue, but that it wa: of a possible 50, brought to him by another hoy ,•• Prescript ion Work . . requires scientific accuracy tlie )results are to be as tlie physician 1 expects. I Our prescription work is so I exact and our drugs so fresh and # I pure that often practicing pliysi jlßiil / I sians recommend that their pre \\ m ■ scriptions be compounded by us You insnre securing pure, fre?h • drugs and no substitution when you briug the prescription here. » ■ Reasonable charges. MOSER & LUTZI Druggists 4* Phone 17 and 317 "We're on the Corner." HiGkory Seed Co. Field Seeds and Produce We have on hand a good stock of grass seeds, con sisting of Orchard Grass, Red Top, Blue Grass, Red Clover, Sapling Clover, Tall Meadow Oats Grass, Rape, Vetch Jow Peas, Soy Beans, Seed Irish Potatoes, Cab bage Plants, etc. We want your trade and will give you good, clean seeds. We are in the market at all times for all kinds of Country Produce and pay the highest market prices for same —and we pay all cash. Agents for Cyphers'lncubators, DeLaval Separa tors. Machines in stock at all times. WE NEED One million Sweet Potato Plants. 1,000 bushels Chufas for fail delivery. 5,000 bushels Seed Sweet Potatoes for spring 1013. W ill contract for different kinds of seeds. If in terested, see us. [ Hickory Seed Co. I Lime your Land f 1— f? . Now is the time to lime your soured land. k O Do it now and next season your crop will be larger Q an d better. We are agents for b Blue Ridge Ground Limestone v 0 which is the finest made for land. d V . . , It is cheaper than prepared lime, for the 1? freight i B less. v Price $4.50 per ton. O See us before you buy. h 8 ' & X Shuford Hardware Company x Y HICKORY, IV. c. h **®®oooopooooeooooo