Established 1899 A Hicxory Stick For Roosevi It jig Crowd Gathers in Rain to Hear the Colonel In a downpour of rain Monday at 10 o'clock Col. T. Roosevelt made a speech from the rear end of his car t> a crywd ot 800 or 10)0 men under umbrellars. At Asheviile 1500 had gathered un der the shed. At every station a long the line there were throngs. Hickory, under Secretary Jy's. ' genius, nude a hit when it pre-| sented the wielder of the Big I Stick with a big hickory stick,; and he seemed immensely plea.-?-1 ed with the gift. Messrs. W. A , Self, P. A. Setzer and C L. Sykes, who boarded the Colone.'.* train at Morganton, were trie committee which went from o to present the stick. O . j streamer was written: 4, T. koose-! velt;'' on another "The Big; Stick," and on a thrd: "Hickory j Dees Things." . . i Mr. Self presented the stick in his usual facetious way ana re-! minded the distinguishe 1 Dutch-! man that the Catawba Uuica were akin to the Pennsylvania j Duich of whom he had recent y J heard. In reply the ex President j "Bully ! i'he real Staff," and said that the stick reminded him of Old Hickory, the greatest citi zen ever born in Nor* h Carolina, "who," he added, "would have voted for me if he were living today" He declared that if he were nominated, as he expected to he, He was coming back to North Carolina and appeal for some of its electoral votes. He was giv " en an ovation as he came and went, and more Democrats than Republicans participated in the local honors to the lion hunting statesman. Southern Dairy Car Here May Bth. Washington, D. C., April 19, -Tne "Dairy Instruction Car" of the Southern Railway Com pany will spend from April 25th to May 15th in North Carolina, the itinerary including stops in all parts of the state served by the Southern Railway. While in ' North Carolina, the State andj Unite! States Department of; Agricihtuie and the North Caro lina Agriculture and Mechanical College will lend their hearty co operation, having arranged to send representatives on the tour to assist in the demonstration and lecture work. Following is the schedule of stops in this sec tion, the demonstrations and' lectures to begin at the hours indicated: Mooresville,May 4th, Saturday. 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. Taylorsville, May 6th. Monday, 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. Statesville, May 7th, Tuesday,! 10 A. M., 2 and 7:30 P. M. Hickory, May Bth, Wednesday, 10 A. M.. 2 and 7:30 P. M. Morganton, May 9th, Thurs day, 10 A. M, Marion, May 9th, Thursday, 2 r M. All the latest models of diary machinery are on the car, with pictures of the best dairy animals, charts telling how to feed, how to handle milk and how to make! larger profits from dairy pro ducts. It is equipped with a fine stereopticon lantern and fifty or more views are flashed on a screen. The car is in charge of Dr- C. M. Morgan, the South ern's Dairy Agent. One of the most popular features of the mett ngs is the |ree testing of milk samples ""ought to the car by owners of tows. Those in charge of the tour invite the people to take advantage of the tests. Closing Exercises of the Grad ed School. Fnday afternoon, April 26, at ? 0 the primary grades will nave their closing exercises in tu> sehoji auditorium. On Mon fJay night, April 29, the grammar grades and the l school grades will have a carnival of A° ng tne Academy of Music. s mali admission will be charged or his, in order to defray ex -5 a^ if On Tue;day mornii g '•ill ~0, at 10:30, o'clock, me * aduating exercises by the t ', event [ i grade will be held in school auditorium. The e aauating class this year is the f the school has ever ten boys and eleven girls. cold i ltt ' e son had a severe Cli-irnv i W - as . re commended to try fort •, r ,',V Cou g h Remedy, and be as wni'i bottle was em pti e( i h e was 29Dnwij Sfc o er '" writes Mrs. H. Silks, This r m nK t Sydney, Australia, tmedy is for sael by all dealers. THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT - V i CANDIDATES' CARDS For Sheriff, ftJ !|fl? y au i louu r ce m y self a candidate of C?t" a » ,U "A atlon fcr t,ie office of Sheriff ■ County, tu >ject to the Demo cratic primary and county convention R. LEE HEWITT. Mr. Cline foi Treasurer, To the Voters of Cfatawba County: Gentlemen: —I hereby announce my self a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subjectto the action of the Democratic primaries and convention. Yours very truly, C. H. CLINE. For County Treasurer. I heteby announce myself a candidate for the ol 1 fee of county treasure r, sub ject to the action of the Democratic prnniries and County convention. I nave seived as a magistrate for thirty one yt sirs at a sacrifice to myself, and am a Confederate soldier. It you think I am w .rihy I wiil appreciate your votes S. E. KILLIAN. March 5 1912. W. L. Sherrill for co; nty Treasure. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Tnasur* er, subject to the action to the Demo cratic Primary and County Convention. Respectfully. Walter L. Sherrill. Catawba, N. C., March 27. 1912, E. D. Gamble for Register of Deeds. To the voters of Catawba county: I hereby auuounce myself candidate for renoniination for the office of Regis ter of Deeds, subject howover, to the primaries and convention. This Aprli 9th 1912. Newtaji, N. C. E. D. GAMBLE Mr. Rabb for the House. To the People of Catawba County: I wish to announce myself a candidate for the house of representatives, sub ject to the action of the democratic primary and convention. I served you two years ago and feel that I might be able to serve you agiin to better ad vantage, having had experience in the office. I make this announcement in deference to the wishes of numer ous friends who have urged me to ask your support. G. W. Rabb. Newton, N, C. April 1, 1912. Mr. Long for the Senate. I herebv announce myself for the State Senate, subject to the action of the Democratic prima ries and convention. If nominated and elected, will serve all the people to the best of my abilitv. As to United State Senator, I will sup port iu the State Senate the candidate receiviug the largest number of votes in the Democratic Senatorial primaries in Catawba and Lincoln Counties, J, U. LONG, Announcement Good morning, friends; how are you all this morning? Friends, I hereby declare myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer, subject, however, to to the action of the Democratic primaries and countv conyention soon to be held. Friends, I want your vote. Friends, 1 need your vote. Friends, I will appreci ate yoi r vote. Friends, will you give me your vote? Realizing that I will neitlie? have the time, opportunity nor money t wage a successful campaign, I shall bt compelled to rest my candidacy mainly upon its merits, but trusting that you will give me your support, and thanking you in advance for the same, I remain as ever. Yours for the plum. GEORGE P. DRUM. To the Voters of the City of Hickory. I heieby announce that I am a can didate for reelection for mayor of the citv of Hickory. If reelected I will have introduced at the next session of Legislature a bill giving the citizens of Hickory an opportunity to vote upon a charter providing for commission form government. I would favor a charter placing city officers upon a salary basis and other ftusihess methods that would enable the city to create a sinking fund for the paying of her bonded in debteaness without increasing the rate of taxation. J. A. LENTZ. Mr. Elliott Candidate for State Senate To the Voters of Catawba and Lincoln Counties: I am a candidate for the nomination to represent you in the State Senate. My experience, as your representative in 1909, will enable me to be of more service to you in the 1913 Legislature than I was the first term. As the United States Senatorship will undoubtedly be decided by a Demo cratic primary, my views on this im portant question should not be used I against me. I will vote in the State Senate for the Democrat receiving the majority of votes in Catawba and coin counties, regardless of my indi vidual preference. My candidacy is subject to the ap proval by the Democratic primaries of Catawba county. .ATT J. D. ELLIOTT. HK:KORY, N. C., THURSDAY. APRIL 25,1912 WHAT IS ADDRESS OF MOST POPULAR BABY IN HICKORY AND VICINITY? \ ■ All Contest R cords Are Being Broken by the Rulers of the Household. \ v Six Special Prizes Free on Saturday Six $5 Gold Pieces for Largest Number of Yearly Subscribers Sent in. APPLIES ONLY UNTIL SATURDAY NiGHT MAY 4 - ... K I V -JF Do Not be the Only One Who Has a Pretty Baby to be Left Out of This Contest—lt is Never too I ate to Nominate a Baby. THREE LARGE PRIZES GOTO EACH DISTRICT Grand Opportunity to Carry Off Special Honors of this Great Race—Outside Terri tory Getting Active and Voting Grows Heavier Each Day-Who will be the Lucky Winners of These 6 $5 Gold Pieces May 4—A Free-for-All Contest from Beginning to End Come in and Get a Subscription Book— Will Your Favorite "Honey Bunch" Get its Snare of the Gold? All contest records for North Carolina will be broken by the Baby Contest now being conduct ed by The Democrat. There have been contests of many different characters for the "grown-ups," piano contests, trip contests, e c., but never be fore has there been a contest for the rulers of the household. And what is home without a baby? Never before has any contest plan or idea so captured the pub lic fancy as the present, it has been said on all sides that the list of nominations in this great race is thoroughly representative of the first and finest families in Hickory a*d vicinity and that any baby in the list may justly feel proud of the company in which it finds itself. This is ex ceedinzly gratifying to the Con test Manager and speaks volumes for the excellent standing this newspaper enjoys in tais com munity. With so many distin guisheded families interested, it is not to be wondered at that the interest becomes intense. Of course there are only a few of the babies in this race, com paratively speaking, and it is by no means certain that among them appear the names of the final winners. The mothers, fathers and friends of these little darlings are interested in seeing their babies come to the top and it behooves the parents and friends of the babies who are not in the race to get them in as soon as possible, as there is not a chance like this every day. Do not be the only one who has a pretty baby to be left out of the contest. You have just as *ood a chance to win as anyone.. Come in at once and get a sub-1 I scription book. You will find, the work interesting and con-j genial, and you will be surprised ( it the success you will meet with j if you enter this race with a determination to win. Every body loves a dear little baby and everyone is going to help you if they can. _ _ If you love your baby, dear mother, and the little tot's name appears in the list of contestants io something to help your little aoney-bunch win. If the gold is not an incentive the honor should be. Your baby, of course, is the only one. That is the feeling you should haye. If there is anything you do not understand about the contest, call up the Contest Manager and be enlightened. This race is in its very earliest infancy, but it is going to fairly hum with the coming of the ap proaching weeks. There are any number of fathers and mothers interested in this great race vho appreciate at its fullest the op portunity knocking at their door. They mean to see their little darling crowned the most popular baby of Hickory and surrounding country, and are bending every effort in this direction. It may mean the sacrifice of some little time and labor on their part to secure the title and cold for their little sweetheart, but they know that in the end if they be successful the reward will be well worth the effort. This is a race of equal opportunity knocking no more loudly at Mrs. Smith's brown stone mansion, than at the humble home of Mrs. Jones. It is simply a question of you doing just a little more work than the others. We get nothing in this world we do not strive for, but the harder we are compelled to strive the sweeter is success. If you have started in this race you are in it to win, of course. You can if you will si ON just a little greater ambition, a little persistency in tie work, that's all the elements that spell sue cess in a contest of this kind. Don't be a laggard. Today is the day, this ia the accepted time, and in justice to the friends who are interested in the welfare of your baby, and are casting ballots in his oi her favor, you should not -hesitate a moment, but throw youraslf into the fray determined to dc or die. There are so many people in this world who \ a e brilliant qualities, qualities which from an ascetic point of view make tham stand out above their neigh bors, but who lack sand and the necessary staying po vers. They cannot take up a proposition and see it through thick and thin. They lack the bulldog grit to hang on until they triumph or succumb. They lack the cling ing ability which knows no let go, no matter what comes. They work when things go smoothly and to their liking:; when it is otherwise they fold their tents and fade away as qiietty as the Arabs of the desert. ,They are fair weather sailors who enjoy a calm sea. Do not forget about the gold pieces which we are going to give away on Saturday, May 4. to the mothers bringing in the largest number of yearly sub scriptions, These $5.00 gold pieces go to each district. All subscriptions turned in to date and all that are turned in before Saturday night, May 4, count on the special prize. Send a Picture of Your Baby to the Democrat. Would you like to see your little baby sweetheart peering at you from the columns of this paper? If you have a good picture of your baby, one that is satisfactory to you just send it in to the contest office and we will reproduce it in the paper. We will return the photo to you in as good conditions we receive it. It will be best to get in as soon as possible as it is to be a case of "first come, first served" in this matter. If you haven't a picture of your baby that is satisfactory, come to the office and get an order to have one made— without cost to you. Mr. C.M. Hardin, Hickory's able photographer, has been appointed official photograper of The Democrat Baby con test and will take pictures of all the contestants free of charge. Come to the contest office and get an order. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. J. H. Waimemacher Pastor, Sunday School - - 9:45 a. m. Chief Service - - ll a. m Junior League - - 2:30 p. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome to all. Last Sunday at a regularly called m e:ing of the congrega tion it was unanimously decided to build a commodious and modern brick parsonage on the lot on the south side of the churcn. A committee to investi gate whether it is to be built of solid brick or brick veneer, was appointed. The building to co3t about $3500.00 and to be built this coming summer. • , A Good Doctor o' SDuth Carolina said: ' 1 have used Dr. King's Remedies a great deal in ray practice and find that they give perfect satisfaction on both myself and patients. I heartily reccommend them. W. R. Clyburd, M. D.'' And they still grow in favor because they cure. Guaranteed by all raedi tine dealers, Wheat Selection for Improv ing Both Yield and Quality. Let sny farmer walk through his field of wheat, and he will find that all the heads are not alike, even if sown from the best standard varieties of seed wheat. He will find that some heads are longer than others, some broader, some with more grains to the head, and some tighter in the chaff and so on. It has recently become fully known that most of these varia tions, unless are directly induced by a patch of richer soil are strictly and fully inheri table, and are transmitted to : their progeny in full vigor and perfection. If farmers who are spec ally interested in improving their yield and quality of their wheat will go throgh their fields a\, harvest lime, and pick out the best he ids from their fields, and tl rash and save them for stock seed, they will find that it will i esult in a considerable im prove ment in the yield, quality and uniformity of the crop pro duced another season. Even if the farmer only picks out enough heads to make a bushel and a half of select seed, this would give him enough to sow an acre and a half for the next season, and they will produce a super ior grade of seed. The pro duct of this should give nim sufficient seed to give him a good start t awards his full seed ing for the following year. We are following out this method of selection on our own farms, and we hope by this means of eventually increase the yield of different varieties of wheat which we offer, materially; but farmeis can accomplish very generally the same results for themselves, if they will follow out the practices above indicat ed, and increased yields per acre of ail wheat sown can very soon come to be realized, pro vided this method is generally practiced in - the saving and selection of seed wheat-Wood's Crop Special published by T. W. Wood& Sons, Salesmen, Rich mond, Va, Ivey Items. West Hickory, April. B—Good roads seems to be the general topic of talk and discussion. H. Fulbright and family moved from West Hickory to Long View one day last week. They moved to the house that Mr. Tul bright recently bought from Mr. J. E, Fry. L. C. Pierce and family moved into their new dwelling house near the Ivey mill one day last week and Jim Smith and fam ily from East Hickory moved into the house vacated by Mr. Pierce and R. W. Williams and family moved into the house va cated by Mr. Fulbright. Married at the residence of the brides father, Mr. Wiley Jones, last Thursday evening, April 4, Miss Pearl Jones and Mr. Tom Barkley. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. N. W. Crook. The board of Alderman at | their regular meeting held April 11st ordered an election to be i held May 7, to elect a mayor, 3 ! aldermen and 4 school trustees j for the said town and they also j appointed P, Berry Registrar and iH. A. Heavner poll holders for ! said election. Mr. Byrd Britton and wife! from Bandy's township was here Saturday and Sunday visiting Mrs. Britton's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Hicks. There has been preaching at the Methodist church here every night during the past week. The service was held by Mr. Routh, the pastor. W. Ritchey was hefre Saturday visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. P. Austin. D: C. Leonard from Altaaista, Va. is here at present visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Leonard. IOTA All members of I/O. O. F. of this city are requested to meet at the ball the 4th Sunday in this month and march in order to the First Methodist church where th i annual sermon will be preach ed by Rev. D. M. Litaker at 11 o'clock. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. Hit Kind You Han Always Bought Boars the Democrat and Press, Consolidated 1905 Abel Shuford as a Good Roads Man. Raleigh News and Observer. Allusion was made yesterday to the fact that Hickory township had voted a 650,000 bond issue for improving the roads. This, together with the news hat ths township of Newtcn had voted a like sum, and that t lese two town ships were going to make such a showing of good roads in their town -8 .ips as would cause the whole county to improve the roads, is the best piect of news that has come from Catawba since it received Vance's banner for rolling up the biggest Democratic majority of any county in the State in 1876. The success of this bond issue was not secured without effort. Nothing goods ever happens. Whenever any good work is accomplished or any good thing occurs, you may be sure it did not happen of itself, but back of it were progressive men who made sacrifice to bring it about. Things that drift, drift backward, never""for ward. It takes effort and sacrifice to do anything good. Referring to the bond issue of Hickory township, the Hickory Democrat says: "Mr. A. A. Shuford spent the whole of Monday at the polls on the south side. If all our public men took as much interest in the public welfare as he does, we would have a better and a cleaner and a more progressive world." In a long life, Mr. Shuford has been one of the most progressive men in Catawba county. He is not as young as he used to be, and, therefore, spending the whole day at the pollb working for good roads, meant that he was making a sacrifice for a good cause When Mr. Shuford stands at the polls, it means that he is not merely marking time. It means that he is working and* bringing things to pass. If we had plenty of men like Abel Shuford, who would make sacrifice and work at the polls all day and use theur influence, it would not be many years before we would have good roads in every part of North Carolina, Catawba and Good Roads. Raleigh News and Observer. The people of Catawba county are stirred up on the subject 01 good roads and are determined to have them. On March 9th of this year, Newton township car ried an election for a $50,000 bond issue for good roads and on last Monday Hickory township did the same thing. These town ships embrace the two largest towns in the county and the pro gressive people of these two townships are determined to make such gdod roads in their townships that when the people of the whole county have had first hand acquaintances with the great economy of good roads by actual use of them, there is latle doubt that the entire coun ty will vote a large enough sum to give Catawba county good roads in every part of the county. Catawba is progressive in every way and the example of its two leading townships in tak ing the initiative in this matter is commended to the people of every other part of the State. Notice! Sale of Valuable Real Estate Whereas, on the 26 day of July, 1907, A. L. Wilfong and Maggie Wilfong, his wife, executed to C. M. Sherrill, Trus tee, that certain deed of trust reg's tered in Book 77 on page 266, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ca tawba County. North Carolina, to se cure the payment of theweekly interest on a loan that day made by the First Buildng & Loan Association of Hickory to said A. L. Wilfong, the payment of the principal and the performance of various stipulations mentioned in note given by A. L. Wilfong and Mag gie Wilfong; and in deed of trust. And whereas default has been made in the payment of the weekly interest for thirty days and in keepping various stipulations contained in said deed of trust and in the note: Now, therefore, the undersigned trustee, by virture of the powers con tained in the deed of trust 'heretofore described, will sell at public auction for cash at the steps of the First National Bank of Hickory, being the place des ignated by said trustee, on Saturday the 4th day of May, 1912, at twelve fif tee o'clock p. m., the following de scribed property, to wit; Lot No. 1. Begining at a stake, cor ner with lot No. 2 in plat in H. L. Moore's line, and runs South 87 de grees East 14 1-4 poles toa stone, Dietz' corner; thence with Dietz line South 2 1-2 degrees West 31 2-5 poles to a stake in Dietz line; thfence South 76 de grees West 14 17-25 poles to a stake, corner to lot No. 2 in plat; thence North 2 1-2 degrees East 36 poles to the be ginning: Containing two acres, 3 roods, and 33 poles more or less. Lot No. 2. Beginning at an old corner with Martha Dietz, known as the postoak corner but now down, and runs with Dietz line North 2 1-2 degrees East 41.1 poles to a stake, corner with the above lot; thence South 76 degrees West2s 7-25 poles to a stake in Ezekiel Wilfong's line; thence South 2 1-2 de grees West 34 poles to a stake, Eze kiel Wilfongs corner in Martha Dietz line thence with Dietz' line South 87 1-2 de grees East 24 1-4 poles to the beginning. Containing five acres, two rods ana thirty poles- This 2nd day of April, 1912. C. M. Snerrill, Trustee. Bagby & Blackwelder,Attorneys Sprinj Session of Tenrj. Synod Fine Addresses Heard in Old Zion Church The spring convention of the North Carolina conference of the Tennessee Synod was held in Zion church, the Rev. B. L. Stroup, pastor. It was one of the best conferences we have ever had the p'eisure of attend ing. All the pastors with the exception of one were present. Nearly every congregation in the conference was represented. There were so many laymen pres ent, on Thursday especially, that it looked pretty much like a lay men's convention. The women, ioo, had turned out in large num bers. Promptly at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday the conference ser mon was preached by the presi dent, Rev. G. P. Price, choosing for his text, 2 Cor. 7-1, after .vhich conference was formally >pened. During this session Rev. W. D. Wise read an excel lent paper on: "The Lutheran's Idea of Church Membership as Compared with Other Denomi nations." At the evening ser vice Rev. A. K. Beck of Dallas preached a sermon on "Con science" to an appreciative au dience. Thursday v evidently was the red-letter day for the community. At all the services the house was oacked. At 11 a. m. the Rev. J. H. Wannemacher preached to a crowded house on the theme, "The Secret of Christian Happi ness, after which the Lord's Supper was administered. At the afternoon service the Rev. J. L. Cromer of Maiden presented the Lutheran's idea of the Chris tian's life. The evening ser vice was in charge of the "Mis sion Band" of Zion church. After a brief service of this band Rev. Prof. M. L. Stirewalt made a stirring address. The sermon on Friday a. m. was delivered by the Rev. Enoch Hite of Lincolnton on church loyalty. The sermon was well received. At 2:30 p. m. the Rev. J. A. Dietz delivered an able and well prepared address on "The Place of Lutheran's Catechism Life." In the evening the Rev. J. F. Deal preached the sermon. Two business sessions were held each Jay, and throughout the great harmony prevailed. The women of Zion church deserve praise for the fine dinners they served. Invite us back. NO CAUSE TO DOUBT A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee We guarantee immediate and pos itive relief to all sufferers from con stipation. In every case where our remedy fails to do this we will return the money paid us >or it, That's a fra~k statement of facts, and we want you to substantiate them at our risk. Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like candy, are particularly prompt and agreeable in action, may be taken at any time, day or night; do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive looseness, or other undesirable effects. They have a very mild but positive action upon the organs with which they come in contact, apparently act ing as a regulative tonic upon the re laxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus overcomiug weakness, and aiding to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children, old folks, and delicate persons. We can not too highly reccommend them to all sufferers from any form of consti pation and its attendant evils. That's why we back our faith in them with our promise of money back if they do not give entire satisfaction. Thiee sizes: 12 tablets 10 cents, 36 tablets 25 cents and 80 tablets 50 cents. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Hickory only at our store The Rexall Store. The Grimes Drug Co. Seaboard Air Line Low Rates. The Seaboard Air Line will sell round trip tickets from all stations in North Carolina on May Sth, 6th, 7th and Bth good tct return until May 15th, subject to extension by paying SO cts. at Macon to June stb, the rate will be one cent per mile for the miles trav eled, the route will be either via Ath ens or Atlanta, following is rate from a , few of the principal stations: Rath | erfordton, $6.00; Shelby, 4.00? Lin colnton, $5,60; Charlotte, 6.60; Mon roe, $6.60; ano corresponding low rates from all other stations. We would like to arrange this trip for all going in a body, we will provide spe cial day coaches or pullman on appli cation, for further information write the undersigned. James Ker, T, P. A. Charlotte N, C. T. S. Leard, I G. P. A, Raleigh, N; C.