ED. MELLON CO. Clothing, Shoes Hats, Men's Furnisnings Trunks, Leathef Goods BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S DEPT., SECOND FLOOR Largest and best equipped Clothing and Furnishing Goods store in the Carolinas. When in the city make our store headquarters 8 and 10 West Trade Street Chorlotte, N. C. i NOTICE. By order of the Mayor and Board of Alderman of the City of Hickory, nq tice is hereby given that an annual elec tion for Mayor, three Aldermen, and three School Trustees, will be ai the City Hall in said city, on Ittanday, the 6th day of May, 19J2,. aafrtbat J. H. Hatcher. A. P. L. S. Sherrill have been as in spectors or judges of election. It was further ordered by the Mayor and Board of Alderm£»;that another e lection should be held on said date tc determine whetbir or not an addifciona tax of ten cents on the hundred dollars of taxable property, and thirtv cents or. the pole;"sh6uld be said tax, if voted, should be used foi I naded School purposes, aad to be ap portioned and used as directed by the Trustees of said Graded School. All electors who favor the increase or the leveying of said tax; will vote t printed ballot "for th* School tax," aad 1 those opposed to same, will vote a printed ballot "against tfre school tax.* It was further ordered by the Mavcn and Board of Aldermen that a new I registration be had, which said new registration should apply to both of the elections above named, and all electors desiring to vote ia said elec tions wijl be required to register,— The registration books >vill be kept op en from the 3rd day of April, 1912. and remain open up to axd including the4th day of May *9*2, which said registration books wdl be kept open by W. L. Clin & the Secretary and Treasurer of the My of; Hickory, and by law, the regis- J; A. Lentz, Mayor of the City oi Hickory. * W. L. Clinard, Sec. and Treas- A- A. Whitener, City Attorney. 4j Mittiieipal Primary Called* Sy authority vested in the Executor* Committee, we call a Primary towilect May 6th tBS t0 be V ° ted f ° r ° n Mayor for one year Three Aldermen for Three Scoool Trustees.far.jwo years Primary to be held«on Saturday April 20th at th? C% Hall from twelve noon to 7ss •' Every voter is invited to take part sa selecting Officers. Geo. E. Bisana»^ J c R iu Ab u rne^'' o. M. HanjrtCK. sswiiii A3 is* BIG NEW SHOE STORE k Sells Tbem Cheaper , For Men, Women and Children \ New Firm, New Shoes. New Styles, Vv ' V and best of comfort. The J Por Women The Red Cross, Charles K. Fox, and the Julian Kokenge Shoes. Por - iVlen e Florsheim, the; Snow; and the Crossett Shoes SEF i OUR WINDOWS IWfe&k. Byram-Charles Co. Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. - i _T— —————— 1 W 1 1 ' ' ma h odb EACE LOT AND TRADE WITH The New Cut Price Store, !! 1 V The T. E. Field store house has been cleaned up and painted. You would not know it. It is now being;filled up with Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, and Shoes. Every thing atcut price and theTVlotto of this store 1 "'More Goods for tjbe Same Money; Same Goods for Less Money," 7 Eight hundred pairs of shoes at bargain prices—Cut to the quick—Must be sold. Everything in the store at cut price. If we cannot sell you goods for lesF, don't buy from us, but trade elsewhere and hitch in our lot, pass right through just the same and leave your packages ia our store until you go home. We will buy your Eggs, Chick ens and good Butter. The Store for the Folks Douglas Taylor, Mgr. Ask your wife what bothers her most of all in her household work durirug the summer, and she will tell you—flies. They get into everything-make trouble work-distress-disease-or even death-wher sver they gx We sell ttebest screen wire for doors and windows, wtfr spring hinges, screws, knobs, hooks ano£ey&s. Abernethy Hardware Company. "^gg|n^Our : || ~ j?? Prices From th e "connecting link" 'Op between, your needs and the supplying of them with the highest grade of MILL WORK. Best quality—just what you want for repairs or altera tions in mantles, trim, safih, moulding, doors, etc, GET OUR PRICES. Hickory Novelty Company The Democrat is sl. per year. The People and the Picture Show. Those who believe that the great Common People," as Abra ham Lincoln called them, cannot appreciate the best in all lines, should have been present the other night, when after due advertisement, Longfellow's "Evangeline" was shown at the moving picture theatre. Motion less, absorbed,one crowded house after another, watched the piteous story which the genius the poet evolved from one of our most pathetic dramas of history, move before their eyes. The sweet face of the "little maid 01 Acadie," praying at her window on her bridal eve, the sturdy, handsome lover, the black-robed priest, the brutal English soldiery, the indian runners, the trail by canoe and the sighing "forest primeva'," all these were there. Not more still was the hospital when "all was ended" than the little theatre that night. It is such things as this that show whether our people really wish to have scenes of crime, brutality, sick ening sentimentality displayed before them. Our moving pic ture shows can be not only en tertaining, but instructive and, with such management as ours, will be what we wish. Notice! Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Whereas, on the 17th. (lav of June, 1908, B. L. Marlow a'.:d Beatrice L, Marlow, his wife, executed that certain deed of trust to C. M Sherrill rtgistered iu Book 77 of Deeds, 011 page 351, in the I' office of the Register of Deeds for Cataw b*i County, to secure llie payment of the piiticipal and intvrert of a certain note I thai day give . to the First Building & Loan Association of Hickory: And whereas, on the 22(1. day of N«>- ! vember, 1909, B. L. Marlow and Beatrice IL, Marl >w, his wife, execute ! that cer i tain deed of trust to G. K. VYootten reg istered in Book 77 of deeds, 011 paere 1 582, in the office of Register of deeds for • atawba County, to secure the payment of the principal and interest of ? certain note that day given to the First j Building and Loan Association of Hick ory; And Whereas, since the execution of | the deeds of trust mentioned, the prop erty hereinafter described has "been j conveyed by B. L. Marlow and Beat j rice L. Marlow to Ed Norris and others, i subject to said deeds cf trust; And Whereas default has been made in the payment of the weekly interest for thirity days and in keeping various other stipulations contained in said deeds of trust: Now, therefore, the undersigned i trustees, by virture of the powers con i tained in the deeds of trust heretofore described, will sell at public auction for cash at tlie steps of the First National Bank of Hickory, the place designated by the trustees, on Saturday, the 4th. day of Mav, 1912, at twelve o'clock noon, the following described property, to-wit: Beginning at a stake, 55 feet North of the Southeran Railway tract, and runs north 23 4 degrees East 439 1 2 feet with J. B. Johnson's line to a stake; thence North 85 1-4 degrees , East 300 feet to a stake, S. D. Camp- I bell' line;thence South 2 3-4 degrees I West 439 1-2 feet to a stake in a new street; thence South 85 1-4 West 3CO feet to the beginning corner. The same containing three acres. This the 2nd. day of April, 1912. C. M. Sherrill, Trustee. G. R. Wootten, Trustee, Bagby & Blackwelder. Attorneys. Southern Railway low Rates. The Southern Railway offers ex tremely low round trip rates to Macon, Ga., on account of Annual Reunion United Confederate Veterans, May 7th-Bth and 9th, 1912. On account ot th's occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Macon, Ga , on May 5-6-7 and Bth. 1912, with final return limit May 15th with privilege of extension of final limit until June sth by per sonally depositing ticket with special agent it Macon not later than May 15th and upon payment of 50 cents per ticket at time of depositing. Stop overs will be permitted at Atlanta and several other points within limit of ticket, either going or returning trip, or both, depositing ticket with agent at points of stop over. Arrangements have been made to sell side trip tick ets from Macon to large numbers with in a radius of five hundred miles at greatly reduced rates. The following round hrip rates will apply from stations named: y Statesville - $7.30 Hickory - 7.50 Moreanton - 7.80 Mocresville - 7.00 Cornelius - 7.30 Newton - 7.30 Shelby - 6.30 Rutherfordton - 6.00 Forest City - 6.30 Reduced round trip rates on same basis from all other stations on South ern Railway. Arrangements are now being made for the operation of two special trains to take care of the move ment from North Carolina, one start ing at Raleigh and one at Charlotte, N. C., leaving Charlotte about 7:30 p. m., Monday, May 6th, arriving at Macon early Tuesday morning. May 7th. These trains will consist of first class coaches and Pullman Sleeping cars, exact schedule to be announced latter. Passengers from branch line points can use regular trains to junc tion points, connecting at such junc tion points with the special trains. For detailed information in connec tion Tvith rates, reservations, schedules, etc., apply to any agent, or, R H. DEBUTTS, Divison Passenger Agent, ~ Charlotte, N. C. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the S/&/J s? " Signature tf "Life and Speeches of Ay cock" to be Published. "The Life and Speeches of Charles B. Aycock" is the title of a new book now being prepared for publication by Mr. R. D. W. Connor and Mr. Clarence Poe as sisted by the numerous friends of the late ex-governor. The book will not only give a graphic and picturesque account of Gov. Aycock's personality, character and career, but it will also con tain the cream of his public ad dresses and political speeches, including the speech he nad pre pared for delivery in Raleigh, April 12th, and his which many regard as unsurpassed by him in all his life. The book will be brought out in handsome form from the presses of Doubleday, Page & Co., of New York, any will sell cloth bound at $1.50 a copy. That it should have a place in the book-case of every North Carolinian and be red by the children in every North Car olina home, goes without saying. The publishers have determin ed to offer liberal terms to agents, and that it will be one of the best selling book propositions ever offered in North Carolina, is easy to foresee. Dr. Albert An derson, Raleigh, N. C., is busi ness manager of the proposition and all requests for agent's terms should be sent to him. It may be said in this connection that Dr. Anderson, Mr. Connor and Mr. Poe are all doing their work as a labor of love and with out rewc rd or hope of reward. The publication of the book is being rushed with all pjssible speed and it is hoped to have it ready for delivery wither; a few weeks. In order ro make the most life like possible characterization of Gov. Aycock, Mr. Connor and Mr. Poe are asking his friends in eveiy pare of the Siate to send them any authentic reminiscen ces, incidents, anecdotes and con versations ot any Kind regarding Governor Aycock tnat will shed light on his character, personali ty, and power. Any readers re calling any such incidents will confer a great favor upon the editors by writing them at once, FOR THE STOMACH Here's an Offer You Should not Overlook. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles by aiding nature to supply the elements the absence of which in the gastric juices causes in digestion and oyspepsia. They aid the stomach to digest food and to quickly convert it into rich red blood and material necessary for overcoming natural body waste. Carry a package of Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets in your vest pocket, oi keep them in your room. Take one after each heavy meal and prove our assertion that indigestion will not bother you. We know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are and what they will do. We guaiantee them to relieve indi gestion and dyspepsia. If they fail we will refund your money. Three sizes: 25 cents, 50 cents and SI.OO. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at our store The Rexall Store. The Grimes Drug Co. Lenoir College News. Pres. W. Granville, Ph. D. f L. L. D.. of Pennsylvania college, Gettysburg, will deliver the lit erary address Tuesday evening May 21. Dr. Granville was a prominent professor in Yale Uni versity before coming to his present position. He is a learn ed man, an author of high stand ing and a most interesting speak er. In the address of Dr. Gran ville and the sermon of Dr. Si mon Peter Long, of Mansfield, Ohio. The people of Hickory .will have a fine opportunity to enjoy the best the county af fords. The college is to be con gratulated on securing these two eminent men. Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this .UOntry most dangerous because so decep i 111 1 fIUJIVVV tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it—heart dis ease ' P neum °nia, IIINBPV Ul\ heart failure or (Jps. r a P°plexy are often m V the result of kid- VlfeSj 11 \ « n ? y disea se. If j\\ u W kidney trouble is =? v IN allowed to advance ~~ thekidney-poison ed blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of ibe bladder, brick-dust or sediment in l iie urine, head ache, back ache, lame OBCk, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervous *Bß, or the kidneys themselves break iown and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always resuH atom a derangement of the kidneys and setter health in that organ is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kid neys. Swamp-:*oot corrects inability to lK>ld urine and scalding pain in passing it and overcomes that unpleasant necessity off being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during The mild and immediate effeci at Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy It soon realized. It stands the highest be- Catue of its remarkable health restoring properties. A trial will convince anyone Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a ■ample bottle and a book that tells all about.it, both sent free by mail. Address DF. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y! When writing mention reading this £en- Wooa offer in this paper. Don't make yy mistake, but remember the name, BWBmp-Xoot, and don't let a dealer sell 2* something in place of Swamp-Root— ifitt to Uiiappiiated, JBAKINGPOWDEII Fure^ro o To have pure and wholesome ? |J food, be sure that your baking | m powder is made from cream 1 || of tartar and not from alum. § W The Label will guide you I M Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal |/ i|T Grape Cream of Tartar I || Ho Alum No Lime Phosphates |j Both Messrs. Bailey and La nier are putting Cortright singles on their new houses and the In g Id Hdw. Co. has in a carload of the shingles. Five new members received the first degree in the I 0. 0. F. lodge, Nc. 206, last week. .. Prescription Work .. m requires scientific accuracy if the ' results are to be as the physician '' ■ expects. Mr >. I Our prescription work is so 4| I exact and our drugs so fresh and If'' I I pure that often practicing physi- Irl l[^§ m scriptior.s be compounded by us J #•- | You insure securing pure, fresh drugs and no substitution when •-' 'V' you briu g the prescription here. Reasonable ibarges. MOSER & LUTZI Druggists Phone 17 aud 317 "We're on the Corner." ffi»OQQ00006000e00000008«^ fi I i 'S b Straw Hats! | v All Shapes! V 0 Latest Styles! § 1 1 The Underselling Store | OUR MILLINERY STORE Is a Veritable Beehive of Activity- Hundreds are buying and admiring our stylish and beautiful hats. We invite you to call and look over our line. MISS MARY ROSE BO ROUGH 1335 UNION SQUARE fp&^GOOOOOOCOCOGOOCeOGOCe^ | Lime your Land I ——. I Q Now is the time to lime your soured land. Q Do it now and next season your crop will be la 1 8 0 better. We are amenta for V Q 0 v Blue Ridge Ground Limestone jj O which is the finest made ' for land. |) Q It is cheaper than prepared lime, for the v Q freight io less. \ © Price $4.50 per ton. j| O See us before you buy. • U k jj v Shuford Hardware Company x Q ' • HICKORY, N. C. U «008006000C08050G08C«^ The Lome Canner Company is making preparation to fill the order of the U. S. Government for 700 outfits. Mr. Flowers is being assisted by Mr. A. W. Cline and Miss Mabel Hight. We note with pleasure the success of this home institution.

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