XJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXX I We Make Home | I Beautiful. § o - * Here is :i store that appeals to the refined. The O o very J | pearr.nce, the quality and the wonderful O 0 care exercised in the selection of our furniture, V • i-uirs and carpets, make this a store of commenda o tion. If you could only see our line of rugs, see X how reason nMe we sell ioods, now careful we ar© cS to see that YOU are pleased, it would iuapress you * /\ O at once. * Write us today a-:d let us send cuts or illustra- X tions of what you want. We pay the freight. rS Q Everything for the Home. Q | Lubln Furniture Co. * 0 CHARLOTTE, N. C. X &XXX>OCXKXX>OXXXXXXXXXXXX> J PAINS' PLUS BRAINS. The heart of a coat is i s shoulder. It's the burden -1 bearer, the baiance-wheel, th 3 shock-absorber. When the shoulder's wrong, all's wrong. If more men knew how their l coats twitch asLut and askew, more men would wear "HIGH- I ART" Suits. The shoulders of these coats are neither wadded nor pad ' ded, but formed 3n j re-formed with the "art that conceals \ art"—naturalness. It's pains plus brains. Sit on a "HIGH-ART" Suit, yes, sleep in it. Then, a i brisk shake, and it rebounds from crease and crumple like I magic. Lut don't just read the claims, see the clothes. "Tryers" i are e\ery bil as '.vekome here as buyers. Yo J miss the finest collection of clothes ever brought to . gether in Hickory ii you fail to see our spring stock before ? you buy. Blue Serges, Browns, Greys and Tans in all the latest cuts \ $lO.OO to 530.00. Furnishing goods of every description for the shrewd i buyer. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Company, "THE QUALITY SHOP." | Refrigerators! | We Carry the Best on the Market Buy - I A LEONARD' "CLEANABLE" I [j With Round Corners and you need not h have any fear of hot weather. j CALL IN AND SEE IT. j |1 Shu ford Hardware Co. : mi, _ _ [l_ JTiie democrat is $l. per year. * * * LOCAL AND PERSONAL. + + The brick is being hauled in for Hickoiys rew passenger sta tion. The Southern express company will fuftiish free transportation for clothing and supplies for the Mississippi flood sufferers. Rev. Alonzo Yount and Miss Louise Glendmeger were mar ried in CharlottelSunday. They left for their home in Boone' The Southern's dairy special will be here next Wednesday and will give exhibitions at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m in th 2 car at a place to be selected. Shuford Whitener was taken to Ashville yesterday for special bath treatment. He is quite weak, and may be taken to Johns Hopkins. Miss Prue Thomasson has re turned home from Charlotte and Gastonia where she has been visiting. She was accompinied home by her sister, Mrs. J. B. Measham. The Smith shows here for the benefit of the fire company are drawing great crowds. The trained tigers and lions, the elec trical living pictures and the Busy City are very fine. A tigei made a vicious attack on his ' trainer Monday night. Every one who is interested in the public library is requested to meet at the library at 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon May 4th. This meeting is for the purpose of seeing what can be done to increase the usefulness of the library to the people of Hicko ry. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to cany out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Presbyterian Church Notes. The pastor will preach to the child ren next Sunday morning on the sub ject "Lent to the Lord." Regular services at night, 8 o'clock. Rev. J. G. Garth will preach in West Hickory next Sunday at 4 p. m. The elders and deacons will meet at the study on Monday night at 8 o'clock. The Ladies Missionary society will meet at the church at 4 o'clock next Monday afternoon. REPORT OF TE CONDITION OF Tbe First National Bank AT Hickory, N.C. in the State of North Caro linn, at the close of business April 1912. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $633,222,42 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 3,272.06 (J S. Bonds to secure circula tion 100,000.00 Other bouds to secure Postal Savings $500, c00 5,000.00 Bonds, Securities, etc 3,000.00 Banking House Furniture & fixtures 14,000.00 Due from National B inks (not reserve agents, 54,892.08 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Companies ,and Saving Banks 7.239.50 Due from approved Reserve Agents 27.838.04 " Checks and other Cash Items 1,973.27 Notes of other National Banks 900.00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickles, and Cents 537.88 1 Specie 24,703 Legal-tender notes 1,375 26,078.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 percent of circulation) 5,000.00 TOTAL 882,953.25 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $200,000.00 Surplus fuud 40000.00 Undivided Profits, less Expen ses aud Taxes oaid 11,384.52 National Bank Notes outstand ding 100, 000.00 Due to other National Banks 39,016.93 1 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers 10,826.20 Dividends unpaid 62.50 Individual deposits snbject to check 364,660/9 Dema d certificates of deposit 46,814.* 8 Certified checks 500,00 Cashier's checks outstanding 3,031,53 Postal Saving Deposits, $156.00 156.00 Bords borrowed 27,000.00 Mole? and bills rediscounted 39,500.00 TOTAL 882,853.25 State of North Carolina, County of Catawba, ss: I, K. C. Menzies, Cashier of the above named bank, do .solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. K. C. MENZIES, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th dav of April 1912. G. W. WARLICK Notary Public. Correct—Attest: » A. A. SHUFORD, ; J. D. ELLIOTT, J. L. RIDDLE, Directors. Boys Play Duets: a Girl on Roads Unusually Attractive Graded School Commencement Two boys, Clyde Herman ana Leon Gilbert playing a piano duet and a girl, Annie Keinhardt, reading an essay on good roads wero features of the graded school commencement Tuesday when Supt. Staley'd finely train ed eieventn tzxade was graduated. One could tell trom the parents present whose images to see re flected Irum the greenery girt atage. i'ue girls were beautiful in tneir wnicj dresses witn double-white Lands around their Grecian-shapeci ntads. The boys were manly and handsome. The ciass colors in purple and white streamed from the center of tne room and the class year was on a shield over the stage. The class aid its own decorating. Tne essays and orations were sinkingiy original.- Kerley Elliott delivered a fine address oration on ''Aviation," and went up into the air in elo quence. Adelyn and Millie Kate McComb rendered a brill iant piano duet and Louise Jones read a studious composi tion on the History of the Bible, Claud Abernethy brought down the house by his easy oratorical presentation of the Catawba County Creamery, which in two and a half years has made Hick ory as famous for butter as Fox River. Kate Elliott and Adelyn McComb placed a stirring dutt, "The Cilvary March," antt Miilie Kate McComb told of tne Hickoiy Graded Schools, pointing out especially the crying need lot more room, and for which there is to be an election on May 11 to add 10 cents 011 the hundred to the schol tax in order to build a new school building, and for which every man should vote. Frank Allen, who made the highest grade in his studies, and won the Catawba college scholar ship, won a brilliant oration from his life motto: "Don't give up the ship" Supt. Staley and his corps of teacher's are doing fine work considering their handicap in the congested building. The school, Mr. Staley said has grown from 242 children nine years ago to to 660 now. The graduates num bered 21. The undergraduates had their exercises at the Academy 01 Music Monday night. The fea ture was the singing of the songs of various nationality by differ ent grades of the school. The songs went fine but the audience simple shouted when the entire school sang Dixie. Class roll: —Claud Shuford Abernethy, Frank Field Aden Emma Miriam Bonner, Elviu Loy Bumgarner. Howard Folk Council], Kate Worth Elliott, Kerlev Commodore i'Mliolt, Leslie Fox, William Leon Gil bert, Hesther Hendley, Clyde Little Herman, Louise Leven thrope Jones, Hal Little, Adelyn Amelia McComb, Millie Kate McComb, George Allen Moser, Annie Rebecca Reinhardt. Sadie Esther Seaboch. Jennie Etta Reinhardt, Ora Anna Sublett, Virginia Louise Seller?. I suffered for many years with ner vous and sick headache. Tried many m ?dicines and several doctors. Noth ing cured me until I got Lee's Head ache and Neuralgia Remedy It is simply worth its weight in gold. I MRS. JNO. W. SPRINKLE, Charlotte, N, C. The p. ioe is 25c. at all medicine dealers. The city was grieved when it learned of the death of Mr. John M. Shuford, only in his 65 yea , at the Richard Baker Hosti a! yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, although the news was not un expected as Mr. Shuford had been ill with Bright's disease for a long time. He was a son nf Johnathan and Catherine Shuford and a brother of Mr, A. A. Shuford. His son Dr. J. H, Shuford, was unceasingly at his side during his last days. Af ter moving in from the country, deceased was in the dry goods business here in partnership with Mr. S. L. Whitener who later bought him out. He was a modest man but of finest Christian integrity. A fuller no tice will appear next week. Escapes An Awful Fate. A thousand tongues could not ex press the gratitude of Mrs. J. F. Cox. of Joliet, 111., for her wonderful deliv erance from an awful fate. "Typhoid pneumonia had left me with a dread ful cough," she writes. "Sometimes I ha: such awful coughinp spells I thought I would die. I could get no help from doctor's treatment or other medicines till I used Dr. Kings New Discovery. But I owe my life to this wonderful remedy for I scarcely cough at all now." Quick and safe, its the most reliable of all throat and lung medicines. Every bottle guaranteed. 50c. and $l.OO. Trial bottle free at C, M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Dr. George E. Flowers Office at the Campbell residencs Long View. Calls answere I night and day, rain or shine. Phone No. 506 A. How to Cure Chronic Colds _ and Bronchitis Blucvale, Ont., May 4, 1910. "1 was sick for two years with a chronic cold and bronchitis and a consequent run-down condition. I received no benefit from doctors,, and had to give up work. VINOL was recommended and from the sec ond bottle I commenced to improve I gained in weight and strength, my cold and bronchial trouble dis appeared, and I am at work again. I want to recommend VINOL to anyone who is in need of such a - medicine." — THOMAS HIGGINS. It is the combined action of the curative elements of the cods' livers • aided by the blood making and strength creating properties of tonic iron contained in VINOL which makes it so successful in curing stubborn colds and bronchitis. VINOL is a constitutional rem edy for chronic coughs, colds, bron chitis and pulmonary troubles, not a palliative like cough syrups. Try a bottle of VINOL. If you don't think it helped you, we will return your money. For sale by Moser & Lutz. The commissioners on Monday at Newton will appoint the five members of the road commission for Hickory township, agreer upon before the vote which car ried the $50,000 bond issue. Eacl district nominates its own roar commissioner. Hickory whicl pays 86 percent of the tax wil ask for K. C. Menzies, as com missioner at large and for N. S Dasher, as the Hickory towr commissioner. The other dis tricts will ask for C. Harve Geitner; Shu ford L. Whitener, agreed upon by the rival factioi in the Baker Mountain neighbor hood; in the northeast district there is a contett for the place between squires Huffman an J. W, Mouser. The ablest en gineer obtainable will be secure? and under him will be the sup erintendent of construction an supervisor. The latter place wil be given up by Mr. J. W. Robin son, The board secured wil doubtless serve without pay. Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and n _ bladder remedy, be I —-—' -rzj 'i cause °f hs remark 3 11 & bl e health restoring E*l ir properties. Swamp -1 U rKV/ _/■ Root fulfills almost JI X fs/ 1 every wish in over ! \vl\ [j|(f coming rheumatism. V !]i pain in the back, kid ,|'p)i Ui|[[ neys, liver, bladdc; n I and ever}- part of the . urinary passage. It —"" corrects inability tc hold water and scalding pain in passingit. or bad effects following use of liquor, win? or beer, and overcomes that unpleasan: necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liveT or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor oughly tested in private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kid- « ney or bladder trouble. When writing mention fsßltSSia reading this generous, jbSSSSjjjllSgSgs?j offer in this paper ana 1 send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hone »vauip-iwut. Biughamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles are sold by ill druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad Jress, Biughamton, N. Y., on every bottle The town election will be held Monday. The non-partisan pri mary last Monday named J. A Lentz for reelection as mayoi; C. C. Bost, W. S. Stroup, anj J. C. L. Cilley for new alderman, and H F. Elliott, J. S. Leonard and E. L. Shulord for school committeemen. Mayor Lentz got a splendid unanimous endorse ment. Against this ticket, how ever, an independent ticket appears today, which is based, it is said, on a demand tor a better distribution of the offi cials over the city. It is as fo lows: Mayor, P A. Setzer; Aldermen, C. C. Host, R. B. Fry and W. A. Rudasill and school trustees, H F. Elliott, S. L. Whitener ano J. S. Leonard. There is an ef fort to Recorder Russell for renominafion, though the best sentiment wishes him re tained on account of his fine rec ord-in punishing blind tigers. Or course the liquor element' would lend its aid in the effort to unseat him. It is said the aldermen, who elect, are evenly divided, 3 and 3, against and for Russei * The mayor would decide the tie. Mr. E. L. Shuford is most promi nently mentioned for the place among new names mentioned. The Democrat, however, who is one of his brst friends, hopes he will not Mr. oppose Russell now. There was never a time when appreciated the real merits of Cnam berlain's Cough Remedy more thin now. This is shown by the incress; in sales and volunteeriy 1 from persons who have been cure i Jjy it. If you cr your children £ e troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and become acq lainted with s good qualities For sale by all deal-1 ers. | THE TRUTH ABOUT I GOOD CLOTHES; C First, you want style that will stay stylish, then fit, v . tar and workmanship must be in your suit. Well, i}, als JH what I offer. Each suit guaranteed to wear, to fit and tfj t0 stay stylish. Now I charge no more for a suit KJ absolutely to your measure —all wool fabric—ihe ben C of workmanship —than others ask for a ready-made N| Take just one look at my woolens— you can't go wrong g —when the prices range from $16.50 to $50.00. 1 W. H. Clinkscalesi c! Fields Building Phone 107 g I DO PRESSINC. j I If you BREW I ■ vteEtiSfx What to Give—That's the Question We solved it long ago for people in just such a position as you. Call and let us talk it over. Between us we will be able to pick a useful and agreeable gifi, tint will give the greatest delight to the re cipient as well as yourself. GEO. E. BISANAR Jeweler and Optometrist The Store for Sporting Goods If you play base ball, we sell the leading makes of gloves, bi masks and bats. Tennis balls, rackets and nets—no matter what sport you like, we have every l ' l ®' may need. Oar prices, too are considerable lower than you will pay elsewhere. If you are planning a fishing trip, you cannot find a more complete assortment off i ig tackle, lines, rods, reels, poles and bait of all kinds than you will find here. Abernethy Hardware Company jJ ; Spring Time Weather *C CALLS FOR SPRING TIME CLOTHES. WE HAVE THEM. Martin & Clark. ' The One Price Gothiers. i