The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been ,n use for over 30 years, has home the signatured //V i s, m f Q made under his per* B "»Pervtelon since itsta&ncy. Ali Counterfeits, - S2 - What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing: Sy*ops It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms end allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, "ures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TH« eCHTAUR COMPANY. TV MURRAY STRrrT. rtw YORK CITY. | A Dollar Goes | | if Invested in | IWe carry a full line of Dry i « Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes I | and everything handy in the 1 home, I j Buy your groceries from us, 2 I Housekeepers brag on our ■ & flour. j| Setzet ££ Russell | SNOW KING BAKING IE POWDER The Housewife's Greatest Friend. You have but to try it to convince you that it is the best on th«* market. For sale in Hickory by I I W Wnitener & Mart n ( • E - a Johnson '4 Bost & Newton SfEC/STEAEO Shell Grocery Co, I Your Sewing Machine can be Fixed 'f it drops stitches, breaks thread and needles, draws goods, I'MNIS slow, chokes under foot, runs heavy, has knocking o: i jss motion, piece lost, broken or worn out. All parts for ail -'nakes. We duplicate and repair under guarantee. You do iiot live too far for us to come and repair it at your home. Addres:—SEWlNG MACHINE REPAIR SHOP, M. C. D. Owen, Aigr., ''ox 372. Phone 320. Hickory, N. C Now is the time and Poultry Powders Dr. Le Gear's Stock Powder guaranteed to make your horse fat and sleek. Dr. Le Gear's Poultry Powders guaranteed to make hens lay more e £gs. You can now obtain Er. Le Gear's famous remedies from MOSER & LUTZ, Drufgsts Hickory, N, C, "satisfaction or money back." ' Catawba County Canning Club. Dear 01 ub Members: I feel sure you are a 1 reader* of The Tiiiu-8-Mereury and sine the E iitor is kind enough to al low me the space I will writ you a short letter. As some of you already know i have nut visited all of yoin homes up to this date, but will do so ut my earliest opportunity. lam indeed encouraged wit! the good and interesting work you have done and are still do i"g. I just received letters from the Assistant in Girls' Demon s', ration Work and Agent it charge asking for reports of wha' lias beeu done. It is necessary that each of you should write me just wha' you have done. Also ask for any information you desire. Wishing you- all the success von desire in your present and future work, I am, Very truly yours, MAUDE E. EKARD, Collaborator Catawba Co. Recent marriage licenses were: Bur ton Sronce and Miss Ruth Rudisill; Fred Young and Miss Mattie Rogers; Clarence Fulbright and Miss Minnie Sronce; and Sunday Mr. E. Wilson Drum, a brother to Messrs. C. D. and Van Drum of Newton, was married to Miss Bertha Drum. Accidents will happen, but the regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for such emergencies Two sizes 25 and 50 cents at all stores. Mr. J. W. Jung, the new but termaker at the creamery, is taking hold of the business in a very satisfactory way, and hat> able help in Mr. Holgen Fetch, a native of Denmark. Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, will lead to chronic constipa tion. Doan's Regulets operate easily 25c a box at all stores. Miss Corrie Seaboch has re turned home after a stay of 19 months in Portsmouth, Va., and will makef her home with her grandfather, Mr. Calvin Hahn. WhatTexans Admire is heavy, vigorous life, according to Hagh Tallman, of Sanantonio. "We find he writes," "that Dr. King's New Life Pills surely puts new life and en ergy into a person. Wife and I be lieve that they are the best made " Excellent foi stomach, liver or kidm y troubles, 25 cts. at C. M. Siiuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Mr. N. 0. Fansler, one of the pirtner's of the Lanier Mercan tile Co., and a most genial gen tleman, was here recently. The Demons Of The Swamp are mosquitoes. As they sting they put deadly malaria germs in the blood Then follow the icy chills and fires of ! fever. The appetite flies and the strength fails; alsomaldria often paves the wav for deadly typhoid. But Elec tric Bitters kill and cast out the ma laria germs from the blood; give you a gives you a fine appetite and renew your strength. "After long suffering," wrcte Wm. Fretwell, of Lucama, N C., "three bottles drove all the ma laria from my system, and I've had good health ever since." Besi for al) stomach, liver and kidney ills. 50 cts. at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Mr. Preston Boyd, of Newton, a splendid young printer has ac - cepted a position with the Demo crat. TRUTHFUL REPORTS. ————— % Hickory Reads Them With Uncommon Interest. A Hickory citizen tells his experi ence in the following statement. No better evidence tnan this can be had. The truthful reports of friends and neighbors is the best proof in the vrorld. Read and be convinced. Mrs, A. Wezen, 1443 Ninth Ave., Hickory, N. Car., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills proved beneficial to me and Ido not hesitate to recommend them. My-kidneys were out of order, and I suffered from backache. I finally used Doan's Kidney Pills pro cured at Moser & Lutz Drug Store and they made me strong and well. This remedy gives quick relief." The above statement must carry cenviction to the mind of every read er. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy —ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. We zen had —the remedy backed by home testimony. 50c all stores. Foster-Mi'- burn Co., Props. Buffalo, N. Y. "When your back is lame, remem ber the name." NOTICE All male persons in Hickory town ship outside of incorporated towns be tween the ages of 21 and 45 years who dj not pay their road exemption tax of $l.OO before May Ist. will be required by law to work four days on the public roads. You can pay this to S- E. Killian or the undersigned. J. W. ROBINSON, 4, 4, tf. Road Supei visor. J A Rug Has Many Advantages over a carpet It is easier to clean—it can be moved more readily—it will match with your furniture and wall paper quick er. The selection carried at this store has been chosen to suit the most critical taste— your taste. The prices are so moderate . that you simply have no excus£ for re fusing to buy. Come in anyway and look over th«'s beautiful stock—to day* * • INGRAIN $4.00 TAPESTRY $lO.OO CREX $B.OO, VELVET $lB.OO, WOOL FIBRE $lO.OO, AXMINSTER $20.00. Shuford Furniture Store. Whole Family Benefited By Wonderful Remedy There are many little things to annoy us, under present conditions of life. The hurry, hard work, noise and strain all tell on us and tend to provoke nervousness and irritability.. We are frequently so worn out # we can neither eat, sleep nor work with any comfort. We are out of line with ourselves and others as well. A good thing to do under such circumstances is to take something like Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills to relieve the strain on the nerves. Mrs. J. B. Hartsfield, 33 Corput St., Atlanta Ga., writes: "I have on several occasions been vastly relieved by the use of your med icines, eppecially the Anti-Pain Pills, which I keep constantly on hand for the use of myself, husband and two sons. Nothing in the world equals them as a headache remedy. Often I am enabled by the use of one or two of the Pills to continue my housework when otherwise I would be in bed. My husband joins me in my praise of the Anti-Pain Pills and Nervine." Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are relied upon relieve pain, nervousness and irritability in thou sands of households. Of proven merit after twenty years' use, you can have no reason for being longer without them. At all Druggists, 25 doses 25 cents. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. 11 Carolina & North-Western R. R. Schedule Effective Mar. 3, 1912. Uaily ~ Northbound. Pass. Mixed No. 10 No. 60 Chester Lv 755 a m 12 30 p m Yorkville 8 42 1 55 Gastonia 9 30 3 55 Gastonia 5 00 Lincolnton 10 26 7 00 Newton 11 05 7 55 Hickory 1215 p m 840 Lenoir 130 Mortimer 2 53 Edgemont Ar. 305 n ' Southbound. No. 9No 61 Edgemont ' Lv. 10 00 a m Mortimer 10 08 Lenoir 133 1 Hickory 2 30 8 15 a m Newton - 305 900 Lincolnton 3 43 11 00 Gastonia Ar. 4 40 12 35 p m Gastonia Lv. 455 200 Yorkville 5 39 3 30 Chester Ar. 625 525 CONNECTIONS. Chester.—Sou. Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C. Yorkville. —Southern Railway. Gastonia. —Southern Railway. Lincolnton. —S. A L. Newton and Hickory.—Southern R. R, E. F. REID, G, P. Agt., Chester, S. C. Seaboard Air Line Railway. 9ehedule Effective Jan. 1, 1912 Leave Lincolnton, N. C. East Bound Train No. 46, 8:52 a. m., daily " " 132, 5:53 p. m., «• West Bound Train No. 133, 11:20 a. m., daily " " 47, 5:55 p. m., " For further information aDDIv: JAS KER, Jr., H. S. LEA&D, T. P A. D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N, C Catawba Items. Mrs, J, 11. Pitts and Master Kenneth Little are visitinj? re latives in Hickory. Mr. Harry Little of Hickory spent Sunday with his father, Mr. J. D. Little. Mr. Ross Smith of Newton was among the Sunday visitois Mr. J. H. Coulter received b a telegram Monday stating that his sister, Mrs. Miller, who is visiting relatives in Greenwood, S. C., had suffered a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Coulter left for Greenwood Monday morning. Mr. John J. Coulter of Bergen field, N. J., arrived here Mon day morning and is now a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Coulter. Mr Cleveland Little of New ton and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hewitt of Clanmont were guests of their mother, Mrs. Eva Little, Saturday night and Sunday. Dr. P. B. Pate, of Gibson, hi s located here for the purpose o practicing dentistry. He has his office upstairs in the People's Bank. BUILDING MATERIALS. DOORS, SASH r BLINDS, FRAMES. MOULDINGS, MANTELS. ♦ FLOORING CEILING, SIDINGS, „ * i f FRAMING, FINISHED LUMBER, ■»INfc£SHINGLES, JYPRESS SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATHS, SASH WEIGHTS. GLASS. Estimates made from Plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in stock. Hickory Manufacturing Company, HICKORY, - N. C. . PROFESSIONAL CARDS! In health, sickness or distress Our bread is easy to digest. Phone 235 CITY BAKERY DR. W. 5. RAMSAY Dentist. Office: OVER POSfOFFK I ]- Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store Hickory, N. C. Q. E. HERMAN Architect Stevenson Blds. Hickory, N. C. District XTn 1 Includes all territory within the ± Corporate limits of Hickory. District NV* 0 All territory outside of Hickory in ** Catawba and adjoining counties. How the Gold will be distributed $ 1 50 Baby receiving the highest vote, regardless w of district, $ I 25 receiving the highest vote in the district opposite that in which the first prize winner resides $ 7 5 residing in the same district with the Ist prize winner, receiving the second highest vote $5O To the Baby residing: in the same district with the 2nd prize winner receiving the next highest vote $ 100 1° Special Prizes to Be Announced Later. NOMINATION COUPON Good for 1,000 Votes In Hickory Democrat Baby Contest Baby's Name Parent's Name Address Use this Coupon and nominate some Baby. Mail , or bring it to the contest office. Only one of these can be voted for each baby. . GOOD FOR FIFTY VOTES IN THE t Democrat Grand Baby Contest Baby's Name Address You may send in as many of these coupons as you can get, and each one will count Fifty-Votes for your favorite. Void Mry 11, 1912. Burduco Liver Powder Natures Remedy For Billiousness Constipation Indi gestion and all Stomach Diseases. A Vegetable Preparation Better than CALOMEL and will not SALIVATE In screw top cans at 25c each. mgg| '' • I 1 They interlock and overlap each other in such a way th*it the I hardest driving rain or snow cannot sift under them. Won t pulsate or rattle in wind-storms. They're also fire-proof, will I | last as long as the building, and never need repairs. For Sale by F. B. Ingold, Hickory, N. C. Alexandria, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, and all Louisiana points. Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, Vicksburg, and all Mississippi points. all points North, East, South and Wost REACHED BY THE THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THE QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE FOR RATES AND FULL INFORMATION, CALL ON OR WRITE J. C. CONN, Division Passenger Agent, Read House, CHATTANOOQA. TENN. Dr. J. G. BIDDIX DENTIST )ffice: Over Sin, Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dr. K. A. Price. I'HYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Jfficett residence, 1430 11th Avenue. 'PHONE No. 94. DR. J 9 J. HICKS DEN 11ST '/ill be in my office Fridays and Saturdays 'p Stairs in Club Bld'g., next door to Sliuford Hardware Co, Mr. A. W. Cline, who has been vith the Democrat for 6 months, las accepted a position with the .iome Canner Co. The Demo crat regrets to part with him, .hough he will still lend it an iccasional helping hand.

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