tiiJbi HICKORI DEMOCRAT. Published Every Thursday HOWARD 4. BANKS,Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advauc® $ i.oc Six Months, " " 50 Three Months " " - 25 Advertising Rates on Application ■cHir. PAr'-.i ADVcRTJS..- . - -I ' '~■ GiNSRAL OrFJC NEW YORK AN'D C- 1.1Z.. RANCHES IN ALL TMF P--'. Entered at the Post Office at Hickory a ? second class matter. HICKORY. N. C., MAY 9, 1912. ABEL A. SHUFORD. In a speech in the court house at Newton some years ago, the late Romulus Z. Linney said: "Eliminate the influence of A. A. Shuford, and you darken even door in Hickory and Catiwba county." |What Mr. Linn«y meant was the personal, direct ing force of the man, for ir.fi i ence, of course, cannot be elin i r.ated, and lives on after dea h. Bat the shadow he referred to has fallen, and is lengthening every day across the thresholds, into the homes of the people of the Piedmont. In one of the crookeaest ages of the world's history, Abel Shuford was as straight as an arrow. Tr esacretsof his succas? were in his economy, his indus try, his thrift and his keen busi ness acumen. Every wobbling cotton mill or other enterprise that took refuge under the shel ter of his business judgment began to make money right away. It was amazing how he could hold the reins of so many industries, and he could not have done so had he not possessed the rare genius of discovering busi ness ability in yiung men, who could take their cue from him. In a day of multi-millionaires he built up an honest fortune of several hundred thousand dollars, a striking example of what a man can cleanly do in business in t! | Sjuth, apart from the ar tificial, hot house stimulus of protection, rebates, etc. The sincere modesty of the man covered up his thousands of benevolences and kindnesses. He put S5O every month in the hands of a certain business man here to be used where most need ed among the poor. His power to inspire confidence was remarkable, and it lay not in profession but in the life he lived and the scrupulous keeping of his word. It was as an earnest Christii n, nowever, that his life counted most, for "a man's life con sisteth not in the things that he possesseth." He was not too busy to teach a Sunday school class nor to serve his church as a dea cm during his whole life, There is little do ibt that the morality of this little city was ballasted bv A. A. Shuford's unflinching attitude for the right more than by any other agency. The Demo crat has always rejoiced in the assurance of his approval in every effort it hi s made for mor ality and right in the communi ty. His influence will live on, es personal in the lives •of others whom he touched. We may be pardonel for a personal reference, Mr. C, E. Gra ham, now of St uth Carolina, was one of the young rnen in whom Mr. Shuford invested, and but for the help of Mr. Graham, at a time of need, the editor of this paper would not have been able to secure a college education, in similar ways will his life flow on through various human channels, till it empties 'widely and grandly into Eternity's ocean. This learned I from the shadow of a Iree Thattoandfro swayed on a gar den wall, Our shadow selves, our influence, may fall Where we can never be. KINDERGARTEN. The value of Kindergarten is not generally realized. Mrs. Abernethy's Kindergarten enter tainment tomorrow evening will afford an opportunity which all parents in Hickory ought to wit ness. Our little boy, not yet 5, goes to that school, and is going to be a green grass-hopper in the play. He came home one I day and said: "D*ddy, how many fiat sides has a cube got?" Why, we didn't ki.ow wftat a cube was till we were« twelve years old. Did you? At the Kindergaiten he learned to sin?, and it is alone worth all the tui tion to see him look out of the window at bed time in his night ie and hear him recite: "Twinkle twinke, little star." And that the school developed the genuine poetry in his soul (which he in herits from his father) was shown when he picked out the beautifullest lassie there for his sweetheart. Two Tickets in West Hickory. West Hickory, May 6.—A second primary was held in West Hickory last Monday night and Q A. Hedrick was nominated for mayor and L. R. Fry, Ed Hahn and John Pierce for town alderman, we now have too full tickets out for town officers and I suppose we will have rath er a hot time at our election next Tuesday. J. E. Lovelace and family from Stomy Poiut moved to the Ivey one day last week and are, working in the mill. J. P. Burch bought a vacant lot from L. R. Fry in Long View a few days ago. He in tends on building a dwelling house on the lot in the near fu ture. J, W, Marshall recently bought Calvin Abee's storehouse and stock of goods in Long View. Mr. Marshall is going to move the store building off of Mr. Abee's land and put it up on a vacant lot that he bought a few weeks ago from G. L. Bolick. \t a meeting held last Thurs day night by the citizens of the town J. P. Downum was nomi nated for one of the school trus tees for the Graded school here. Mr. Downum is overseer of spin ning at the Ivey and will make a good trustee. Quite a number of young peo ple from the Ivey attended the carnival in Hickory last week. Capt. Cole says he was kept busy every evening duiing the week running his car carrying pas sengers to and from the show. While he had to lose consider able sleep by running his car at night, he says he made a nice sum of money. J. W. Church has been down a week or two with rheumatism but we are glad to see he is able to walk around again, There is a number of cases of whooping cough in West Hickory at present but SD far as I have heard the children who have it are getting along all right. L. E. Simms from King's Mountain was here last Saturday nd Sunday visiting the family of Miss Mary Arney. Mr. H. Coffey from Morgan ton was here last week visited the family of P. Berry. lOTA. IMPORTANT We want it distinctly un derstood that there will be no change in the voting on subscriptions. You can get just as much for your mon ey today as you can through out the life of the contest. Turn in your subscriptions, ge!" the paper started, and take out a SPECIAL receipt —The Hickory Democrat. Send a Picture of Your Baby to the Democrat, Would you like to see your little baby sweetheart peering at you from the columns of this paper? If you have a good picture of your baby, one that is satisfactory to you just send it in to the contest office and we will reproduce it in the paper. We will return the photo to you in as good condition as we receive it. It will be best to get in as soon as possible as it is to be a case of "first come, first served" in this matter. If you haven't a picture of your baby that is satisfactory, come to the office and get an order to have one made— without cost to you. Mr. C.M. Hardin, Hickory's able photographer, has been appointed official photograper of The Democrat Baby con test and will take pictures of all the contestants free of charge. Come to the contest office and get an order. REMEiN BER That the Pink Slips must be returned to the contest office the last week of the contest. Please do not lose th;m. This is important! A SPRING POEM IN LIVING VERSE An Hour's Exemplification of a Year of Delsarte and Froebel. The idea of making the Delsarte system, commonly known as physical culture, the vehicle of presenting and explaining the great problems of existence to children is a beautiful one; and if in the presentation, a deeper mean ing is not discovered, for the adult as well as for the child, either the poet has failed in his work, or the adult mind has become dtllled to the beauties of life. To illustrate how well such lessons have been learned by the Kindergarten class of Mrs. H. D. Abernethy, they will present a little play in the Academy of Music on the evening of May 10, to which admittance is free. The child ren, dressed as fairies, butter flies, etc., will impersonate the budding life, joy and beauty of the spring. How the Vote Stands. DISTRICT NO. 1. (Including all territory within the corporate limits of Hickory.) Mary Helen Flowers 40,000 Ruth Lanier 31,650 John F. Price 1,050 George Killian Bost 1 000 Henry R. bJlliott 1,000 Ruby Elizabeth Smith 1,000 Harry Gwin 1,050 Robert Lee Harris 33,750 Mary Belle Gwin 1,950 Bernice Morton 11,300 Andrew Rudesill 29,700 Thomas Strieker Shuford 1,000 James Stanley Crouch 34,000 James Oliver Mosteller 33,200 Amelia Stirewalt 10,100 Elia Marguerite Self 29,350 Prentiss L. Ketchie 1,100 Barrie Blackwelder 1,000! Irene Eckart 1,000 Katherine B. Whitener 1,000 Donald A. Cilley 1,000 j Thomas L. Cilley 1,000 1 Jack Hatcher I.ooo' Katherine Harper 1,0001 Bobby Grimes 1,000 Leonard Moretz 1,000 Gwendoline Buchanan 1,500 Adrian Shuford 1,700 DISTRICT NO. 2, (Including all territory outside of Hickory in Catawoa and ad- i joining counties.) Newton, Fred L. Sites R. 1. 40,000, Lallie Summerow 26.850; Vivian Drum. 1,050 Nell Wilkinson 12,00 Christine Sherrill 1,000 Martha Elizabeth Huitt 1,000 Frances Lutz 1,000 Conover. Celia Margaret Isenhower 1,000 Claude Hubert Cline 1,000 Helen Smith, R. 1,000 McDewey Hunsucker, R, 1,000 Myrtle Smith 1,000 Claremont. Mary Rose Moser 10,250 Crage Miller Setzer 1,000 Catawba. Frances Sherrill 1,000 Edwina Carpenter 1,000 Evelyn Little 10,000 Helen Davis Long - 1,000 Granite Falls. Sherrill twins 1.000 George Wiley Sherrill 3,300 Margaret Rebecca Coon 10,100 Sue Warlick 1,000 Edward Roy Sherrill 10,000 Hickory R. R. Luther Huffman R. 2 40,000 Clyde Yount R. 1. 1,050 Margaret Campbell R, 1 37,050 Frankie Houston R 2, 1,000 Conrad Lee Brittain R5. 1,000 Virginia Lee Hefner R 2 40,000 Thelma Bowman, 14,300 Nathan Harrison 1,000 West Hickory. Marsell Talbert 1,000 Beulah Eckart 1,700 Ruth Griffin 1,000 Highland. Virginia Wilson Clark 1,000 Valdry Adeline Fox 1,000 Connelly Springs. Coit Wilson, R. 2 21,550 Hudson. Jessie May Herman 28,550 Claude Greer 1,000 Brookford. Elizabeth Pitts 1,000 Carl Shuford 1,000 Reepsvilie Yates Warlick Havnaer 1,000 Rhodhiss Mary Teague 1,000 Paul Duray Poovey 1,000 Children cry FOR FLETCHER'S ' CASTORIA § BUSINESS LOCALS OOOCOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX} Ladies cambric and gauze un dervvare at J, A. Bowles. All kinds of poultry feeds at City Feed Co. Aiso blood meal and digester tankage for stock. 4-25-4t Phone 271. FOR RENT—S room house and one acre land, near Hickory Tan nery, Apply at the Democrat office. Autos for hire. Anywhere you want to go. C. T. Morrison, 'Phone No. 145. The "Korrect Shape" Oxfords for men in tan or black, button or lace at J. A. Bowles. FOR SALE-10 acres 21-3 miles from depot, on Catawba Springs road. 4-18-tf. Box 232. FOR SALE —950-pound horse, 7 years old, perfect. See 4-17-tf. I. L. Lanier. For fresh fish call on E. C. Johnson. See our new parasols and um brellas at J. A. Bowles. FOR SALE—A six room house and 4 acres in East Hickory, (Highland), fine water, good orchard and outhouses. For teims apply to Edw. N. Hahn, 4-18-4t. Tjastonia, N. C Summer silks for waists and dresses at J. A. Bowles TOMATO plants for sale in any quantity by Mrs. E. L. Springs. Furnished room for rent, close in. Apply to Box 334, 5-2-tf. Buy your cambrick underwear ready made and save the ex pense of making. To be had from J. A. Bowles. FOR SALE—Two large desir able building lots, plot 166 2-3 x 200; or would exchange for out of-town land. Phone 37 or ad dress Drawer G, Hickory, N. C. Piano Tuner: Mr. W. F, Senn of Charlotte, N. C„ one or the best piano tuners in the State will be in Hickory in about 10 days. If your piano needs tun ing leave your order by phone or otherwise at Hotel-Huffry. W. P. Huffman. WANTED- Some young white girls for service in dining room. Hotel Huffry. Trunks and suitcases at «J. A. Bowles. FOR SALE — Thoroughbred Berk shire and grade pigs. A. L. Baker, Duteh Dairy Farm, Newton, Route 4. 5, 9, 2t. | - - - - i Presbyterian Church Notes. The pastor will preach next Sunday morning to the children on the subject "L2nt to the Lord." There will be no service at night as we give way to Clare mont Commencement exercises at the the Reformed church. The officers of the church are planning for an every member canvas for one night next veek with Tuesday or Wednesday from 6 to 8 o'clock. . Rev, J. G. Garth will be ab sent at the General Assembly on May 19, and will probaly be in Morganton on May 26. On May 26, Rev. E. M. Monroe of Mil ford. Texas, will probably preach. Mr. Monroe, is a brother of Rev. C. A Monroe, and will attend the General Assembly at Bristol and come by to visit his brother here. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by bis firm, NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Favors Killian for Treasurer. To Uie Editor of the Democrat: Dont fail to go to the Democratic Primary May the 18th, 1912, and vote for S. E. Killiam for Treasurer. He is truly worthy of your support. He is an old Confederate soldier and served his country in many ways and any person going to him for advice or favors he never turns them away and always has been a true Democrat and a friend to the poor. Hickory township pays one third ol the taxes of the county and is certainly entitled to one full County office. A Democrat, April, 29, 1912. BON MARCHE | JSHS2& A Word About The Bon Marche's Efficient Mail Order Department > ln the3e progressive days ordering Dry Goods by mail is simplified. All that is neces sary is to sec jre one of our Handbooks, issued quarterly and therefore up-to-date in every particular. From the Handbooks you get a specific idea of the msrchandise sold here. The Summer Quarterly Handbook will be issued on June the tenth, and the items con tained therein are guaranteed to be the latest on the market. If your name is not already on our Mailing List, send it in at once. Even if you do not trade with us, it will keep you in close touch with the price of merchandise of the better kind. The Bon Marche is the largest and best known Departmant Store in North Carolina; catering exclusively to Women who know and appreciate Better Goods. We make cpecial prices to Hotel and Boarding House Keepsi-3, who buy Table Linens, Redding, Rugs or Curtains in quanities, Do the Hickory women read our Advertisements? For three weeks past we have been running advertisements in this paper. Have you read them? Hickory is one of the best towns in the State. There must be a con siderable number of women who dress in Metropolitan fashion, yet we are getting iess business from Hickory than from fourteen other towns much smaller. The only place to secure the very best quality, in the State, is at the Bon Marche. If you cannot come, write. Same day mail order service. Men's Shirts Never has it been our pleasure to show such a varied assort ment and such uni form high quality in skirts as we are showing this season. All styles soft at tached and detached collars, laundred de tached collars, and negligee shirts in every pattern. 50c to $2.00 Men's and-boys' underwear of every description. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Co. "THE QUALITY SHOP." WE OFFER, at a reduced price, two number five, one number ten and one number twelve Be Laval Separators. These have been slightly used but are practically as good as new. If interested, call and see us. : a : : We buy all kinds of country produce and pay the highest market prices. Hickory Seed Co. HICKORY, N. C. Notice! Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Whereas, on the 17th. day of June, 1908, B. L. Marlow and Beatrice L, Marlow, his wife, executed that certain deed of trust to C. M. Slierrill registered in Book 77 of Deeds, on page 351, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cataw bi County, to secure the payment of the j piiucipal and interest of a certain note that day give., to the First Bnilding & Loan Association of Hickory: And whereas, on the 22d. day of No vember, 1909, B. L. Marlow and Beatrice L, Marl »w, his wife, executed that cer tain deed of trust to G. R. Wootten reg istered in Book 77 of deeds, on page 582, in the office of Register of deeds for Catawba County, to secure the payment of the principal and interest of a certain note that day given to the First Building and Loan Association of Hick ory; BUY YOUR * Clothing FROM Martin & Clark. The One Price Clothiers. Hickory, N. C. I 5 r '.• ; 5 ' * : * Jfflß ■ \ 1 ''IS I *v* iiW .n • H^r ; BasSl : B OUR CANNING OUTFITS Are adopted, used and recommended by the United States Department in the Farmers Co-operative Demonstration Work. , - 1 Canning Outfits in all sizes and Send card today for free descriptive catalog. THE HOME CANNER CO. HICKORY, N.C. O R The Best Automobile on the Market Regardless of Price. One-third of all the Cars made in America in 1912 will be FORDS, and you can buy one for a Song and Sing it yourself. 5 Passenger Touring Car Delivered $735.00 Roadster two or three Passenger $635.00 C. T. MORRISON Hickory, N. C.

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