Withdraw in favor of Judge Councill, To the Voters of Catawba County We, the undersigned. Candidates for the Scate Senate for this, the thirt*, first Senatorial District, realizing that the District is close, and that the ''emo-. cratic party is greater than any individ ual, beg to thank each and every orn of our respective supporteis for their support and endorsement, and in thi interest of party harmony, we reccom mend to the Democratic Party that they nominate, and elect to the State Senate, that sterling Democrat, Judge Councill, and we pledge to Judgf Councill, and the Democratic Party our hearty support. J. D. ELLIOTT. J. U. LONG. Dr. H. P. FLOWE . Veterinary Surgeon Office at Thomason's Livery Stable PHOFE 267 Calls answered day or night mH■m Sg * i■* 'J gjp Cold Facts about Refriaerators Sanitation and purity is insured for our refrigerators by the constant circulation of pure, dry, cold air throughout the food chombers. Minimum melting of ice is insured by the air-tight, many walled con struction. You will be surprised to see how much your ice bills will shrink with ons of our refrigerators in the house. It is easy to keep this refrigerator spotlessly clean for its inside parts may be easily removed and you can get into the corners without any diff iculty. It is a masterpiece of refrigerator building. And still the price is no more than you pay for inferior makes. Abernethy Hardware Company REDUCTION IN MILLINERY AT MISS M. E. MICHAELS, Beginning May 15. Get your hat before the best ones are sold. 9-2t. E. C. JOHNSON DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries and Fresh Meats FEED AND COUNTRY PRODUCE HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA We have adopted a new plan at our store and one that was devised to make pleased customers and eliminate mistakes. With every cash purchase you will receive a receipt from our new National Cash Register. SAVE THESE RECEIPTS. For Every $lO in Cash Receipts Returned We Will Give 25 Gents in Cash or Trade, or if You Prefer We Will Redeem These Receipts With Beautiful China Ware on Exhibition in Our Window. 057 May 27 Tf y our We will give 25c. in Cut OUt an an( * save cash or trade money, for the return of every the Sample receipt Banks pay you $lO in cash receipts t •.« L P er cen * on g jQQ herewith shown, W h a t you save. „ We pay you E.C. JOHNSON It will J 1.2 taHLZ! count as $1 on your - " l "' "" —*■ ° to collection. 7* (OVER) (OVER) Front of Receipt. B .cl, ot Receipt. TRY THE CASH PLAN AND SAVE MONEY. E. C. JOHNSON. Contest Notice The Democrat Grand Baby C mtest will come to a close Satuiday, June 15, 1912 Th ; s on'y gives you six more weeks to gather subscriptions Some of the babies are going to win that $l5O, $125, $75 and $5O, in god and several other special prizes. Is your favorite coming in for its share? If not; why not? For House of Representatives I hereby announce myself candidate for the House of Representatives, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention. Since Mr, Rabb has withdrawn, I earnestly solicit the support of the voters o't Ca tawba County, assuring them that my best efforts will be exerted to merit their confidence and support. May Bth, 1912. W. B. GAITHER. WANTED-One good moulds man. Azalea Woodworking Co. Azalea, N. C. 5 9 3t. «|* J' LOCAL AND PERSONAL. * + j" 4. , 2**s**S , *s**s**s*^**' i * The firemen cleared over $2OO as their part of the carnival. Don't forget the live stock show at Henry Lutz's Saturday. A good batch of Catawba vet erans are attending the Macon reunion. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Bisanar and and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hall, each family a son. Commence uent at South Fork is on. The debate comes off to morrow and Mr. W. E. Brock delivers the address. Mr. J. B. Fry, of Penelope, was struck in his good eye by a grapevine, while plowing. Dr. Flowers thinks he can save it. Rev. Mr. Taylor, of th& Patter son School in the Yadkin Valley, paid the Democrat a pleasant call yesterday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bobbins, of Charlotte, a son. Mrs. Robbins was Miss Ivey Jones, of tnis city. Hickory people were very sor ry to hear of the paralyzing ot Col. Ashely Home at Greens- I oro on his way to the Macon reunion. Clarks landowners elected Geo. McC 'i Ke, D. E. Sigmon andL. H. Seitz as for another year. About $8,700 was spent last year. A com mittee is figuring on dredging the creek again. Prof. Staley was reelected president of the Library associa tion last week, Mr. Ivey vice president and Mrs. Watson sec retary-treasurer. These aie directors with two to be named hv the aldermen. There is mone on hand to buy the periodicols. While Recorder Russell does not care for renomination there is a petition in circulation in the hands of Frank Allen lor his re appointment, in the name of thr Merchants Association and oth ei s. The board cannot refuse t respect such a splendid en dorsement as he has. Henry F. Keever, the gun ana lock-smith, was found dead Sun day, lying by " the side of the road on the hill beyond Brook ford. His open knife and two flasks of liquor lay near by. He had evidently tried to cut a whip from an overhanging limb when he fell. His face was buried in the mud, and it is saio his neck was broken. Coroner Hoke came over from Catawba and the jury's verdict was acci dental death. Walter Jones, who was with Keever, was found drunk in a barn near by and knew nothing of the man ner of his death. The election passed oft' quiet-v Monday. There was great satis faction trie fi ie vote o* schools. Toe \>t- WH' I '' die r-'kiistniuo! , t e vote for i«- ing 426 «»n.i »u-ai"-t:'2; " to carry 278 M»j ,vlr Lentz won over M'" S 56 votes. J. H, P C. Bost, regulars, and R. 13- i l o> independent, wer.i elected alder men, and H. F. E liott and J. o Leonard, regulars, and fc>. Whitener, independent, schoo; trustees. W. S Stroup and E L Shuford, regulars for alderman and school trustee were deieat ed. The county commissioners Monday appointed K. C. Men zies commissioner at large lor Hickory tv.vnship. There were some warm discussions over the other Hicory commissioner, but finally t Hickory people agreed on Mr. N. S. Dasher for the place, as pr'dieted last week in the Democrat, rvi the board appointed him. There vvas strong opposition t » appo.nting any men who had op >sed the bond issue. It was j -Hded as the three county district c uiu not agree on their men o meetings at 2p. m. on M y 14 when the v ters the dist «cl could do t -. i (strict No. 1 meets at Hi ;i;!and; No. 2at tit City Hall, Hickory; No. 3 at Abernethys school house, In No. 2 both Messrs, John W Robinson and W. S. stroup were petitioned for hut it s now be lieved H. Ge tner will be the man, as he finally consented to take the place if offered to him: The tru.tee; of Rutheiford College iec did Tuesday not to have any n.o.e agitation for re moval. The college will sta where it is. The alumni at com mencem nt yesterday considertd plans fo • raising money for en largeme it. The campus may be moved a little farther frcm town, and two spUndid sites are being considered—one owned by Mr. Bradley and the other by Mr. Led better, Dr. T. F. Marr preached the baccalaureate Tuesday. The affirmative, on the recall of judg es, won in the debate, Messers. Burt and Smith contending against Messrs. Johnston and Williams. Prof. E. C. Brooks ot L'rinity made the address and Mr. D. P. Dellinger, of Gastonia, che alumni address. Deaths /*Mf, Daniel E. Moose, aged 58 died yesterday at 10 a. m.. atter a lingering and painful ill ness with gallstones and other complications. Three boys and three girls survive, and of four living brothers one is a Metho dist missionary in Korea. The funeral was held today at 3 o'clock at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, of which he was a devoted and consistant member. Mrs. Joseph P. Cline died of typhoid fever in the Sweetwater neighborhood May 7 and was buried Wednesday at Fairview. A husband and large family sur vive. Ate Everything inSight Dr. King's Chill and Tonic is without a doubt, the best medicine I have ever found for chills. All my family were in poor health last sum mer, and after several o:her chill ton ics failed we tried Dr. King's, and in a very few days we were all better, eating everything tn sight. N. S. McCORKLE, Sold by all de alers. Mr. Rabb Withdraws. To the voters of Catawba county: I have decided te withdraw my card as a candidate for re-elec tion to the House of Representa tive in the next legislature, and ask that the Democratic voters in the precinct primaries on May 18th., vote for some other can didate, I take this course after consultation with friends from different parts of the county at tending court this week. I thank the people for their generous vote that sent me to the Legislature last time and for their evident purpose to re-nom inate me, but feeling that a younger and more abled bodied man can serve the county better in the approaching campaign and in the Legislatuie, I give this notice in time for the people to select another candidate, and I pledge to him and all other Democratic candidates my hearty support. GEO W. RABB. I suffered for many years with ner vous and sick headache. Tried many medicines and several doctors. Noth ing cured me until I got Lee's Head ache and Neuralgia Remedy.- It is simply worth its weight in gold. 2 MRS. JNO. W. SPRINKLE, Charlotte, N. C The pnoe is 25c. at all medicine dealers. A NICE farm of a 113-4 acre? 5 miles Hickory on public road route 1. Tract containing 5 acres of good bottom land, 4 acres of cleared-up land and balance in timber. Price reasonable to any one who will reply soon. P. L. YOUNT, 5 9 Bt, Hickory, N, C., R. 1. A healthy man is the king of his own right; an unhealthy man an un happy slave. For impure blood and sluggish liver, use Burdoch Blocd Bit ters. On the market 35 years. $l.OO a bottle, the f COMMEINT | iS fl& KL N M•. C. H. Geitner .as trst asked to serve as ro.iJ commis rfionei in the covered bridge dis trict,' No. 2, but declined, How ever, under great pressuie he has said he would take it. Tne peo ple of the district are fortunate IO be able to get a man of his s jperb abilities to serve, and will of course not fail to make the b st if the chance. POLITICAL CHANGES As the columns of this paper show, both Messrs. J. D. Elliott and J. U. Long have retired from the State Senatorial race in favor of J«dge W. B. Coun cill. The rivalry betw ;tn them had waxed warm. We wish to commend both of the n f_r their seli'-iac/ itice in this, and especial ly Mr. EiiiLt r , as he had been in line for it ever since n;s last term and we . uppose had rather sjt his heart on it. Neither of these gentlemen, however, ..will lose anything personally in the long run by their generosity. We nay als> say the same for representative Rabb, who for good an i sufficient reasons has retired from the race for a second tern in the House in fa vo of Mr. W. B. Gaither. Mr. Rabb did the party genuine ser vice by his splendid run last lime. Mr. Gaither is one of our ablest and truest xnen, and will m ike a strong legisLt >r. REV. S. P. LONG COMING A Great Treat to Our Peo ple. A great treat in store for otr people. Rev. Simon P. Long, D. D., of Mansfield, Ohio, has been procured to preach the Baccalau reate sermon at Lenoir College on Sunday morning, May 19th. Those so fortunate to hear hi nr. will enjoy a treat. He will also ad dress the student's Missionary Society the same evening. The Democrat quotes a few clippings of what is said of him as a preacher. "Rev. Long preaches extempo raneously—with previous prepa ration —and in this volume are sermons whi«h are as fresh as fresh fri ha in the living lips by the living nd and now eiven to his par- Mr tmf v "i 11 i" * ! i lIBiMM ~ fa . dmi ishioners and the public as orig ionally cast." —The Lutheran. "The mau in whom there is united soundness in doctrine and lucid and homely force of state ment, has within himself the possibility of unusual effective ness as a preacher."—Dr. Baus lin in the Lutheran World. "His sermons are direct, search ing, fearless," —The Lutheran Observer. "This unique preacher -nd pastor might tell the sto.j of his life from the shoemaker's bench to the pulpit. There is simplici ty, sincerity, directness,earnest ness and unctiousnese runuing through these Scriptural, evan gelical,' practical and common sense sermons, which enchant the reader. Rev. Long preaches to the largest Lutheran congre gation in Ohio."—The Lutheran Evangelist. All his books are characterized by three things: 1. Simplicity or' language. He has an enviable gift iu this. 2. Directness in presentation. People mutt un derstand him. 3. ScripturalneBs of matter. His books set forth not human opiuion but the Bi ble." —L. H. Schuh, President of Capital University, Columbus, O Children cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R ! A THE WORLD S ! 'J/J BEST PIANO // _ H / W" ! V I THE KNABE piano is famed universally for its delicate sweetness of tone. For three generations it has had no peer. Will you not inspect our complete stock of these time honored instruments? : ' *> PARKER-GARDNER CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Sole Selling Agents Fifty (50) Head g -=o(-= $ Nice Horses&Mules | and several ponies now on hand J See them before you buy. $ The Best Makes v ness, Buggies x Henkel-Craig jj Live-Stock Co. jj XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^N The Best Quality for the Least Price We have built for a life time on this principle, and you know you never got anything shoddy here either in Dry Goods or Shoes. TWO STORES: Union Square and Fields Old Stand FRANK ALLEN be —caught What to Give—That's the Question We solved it long ago for people in 3 use such a position as you. Call and let us talk it over. Between us we will be able to pick a useful and agreeable gift, tint will give the greatest delight to the re cipient as well as yourself. GEO. E. BISANAR Jeweler and Optometrist The Democrat is $l. per year.