perhaps of the improvements to that home, y°"ve promised yourself many times that you would m them; been wondering how much money-outlay would be required to make the home have that air of new ness, so refreshing. Yes, we know your requirements ought to by this time; been studying to please this long time. That accounts for our elegant spring dis play. More than this it accounts for the very low price of new furniture, rugs, bedding, etc. We knew you were considering the cost and just waiting to see how much we would save you. We are prepared fully. Lubin Furniture Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Leave your orders for Ice Cream Saturday and they will be delivered any time Sun day in any quantity from a quart up. You Can't Afford to Miss Our Pure Cream. California Fruit Company. The Old Oaken Bucket Filled to the brim with cold, clear purity—no such *"% water nowadays. Bring back the old days with - a glass or bottle of HMS? It makes one think of everything that's pure and wholesome and delightful. Bright, spark- K ling, teeming with palate joy—it's H your soda fountain old oaken bucket, fflj Free 0ur _ new booklet ' COCA-COLAC^^^^^ Refrigerators! - 1 Refrigerators! We Carry the Best on the Market Buy A LEONARD "CLEANABLE" With Round Corners and you need not have any fear of hot weather. CALL IN AND SEE IT. Shuford Hardware Co. The Hand That Rocks The Craddle Is The Hand That Rules The World. INTEREST IN THE CONTEST GROWS FROM DAY TO DAY. Contest Has Only Seen Its Prelimi nary Stage—it Is Never Too Late To Nominate Your Favorite Baby —Never Get The Impression That Your Chances Are Not As Good As Any Others—Vote Schedule Remaining The Same Through out The Contest. In view of the immense amount of interest which has been engen dered in this contest, the manage ment has decided upon offering more special prizes. In District No. 1, for the larg est number of new yearly subscriptions that are turned in by Saturday night, May 18. 1912, we will give a ten dollar gold piece. For the second larg est number we will give a five dollar gold.piece. You may take new subscriptions for one year each and they will apply on the prize. In District No. 2, for the largest number of new yearly subscriptions turned in we will give a ten dollar gold piece, and for the second largest number of new yearly subscriptions we will give a five-dollar gold piece. It is very important that you turn your subscriptions in as soon as possible so that the peo ple who subscribe for the paper will be able to get it right away, and this cannot be done if you hold your subscriptions until the last minute. Now is the time, if ever, to summon al! your resources, all of your determination, and all of your energy. There are some people concerned in this race who haven't exhausted their list of kinfolks in their search for subscriptions and the accompa nying votes, to say nothing a bout getting out among their friends and acquaintances, But then, again, there are some who have, so it behooves you to hur ry up all around. Don't be a lag gard in this race, and above all don't be a quitter. Will you be able to look your little darling in the eyes if you do not do everything in your power to make her a winner? This contest has only seen its preliminary stages: there is still plenty of time to win or lose. It is not too late to start in the race by any means, but you should not delay it much longer, get a book, get subscriptions, get the advice of the Contest Mana ger, come out vigorously and energetically for your favorite and you will be a hard one to beat if indeed you are beaten at all. If you worked hard on the last special prizes, work just twice as hard tfl win the ten dollar gold piece this week. There were a number who came very close to winning last week, and if they show the same de gree of activity this week and and next they will surely nrt be disappointed the 18th of May. Put lorth your very strongest efforts, those dear little honey bunches are deserving of no less, to say nothing of the gratifica tion which it will give you per sonally to know that your efforts have resulted in putting your darling in the blue ribbon class. Of course if you are at the top of the heap it does not signify that you may be at the bottom next week. It takes sustained •fforts to maintain a place at the top. It is the everlasting plod ir who has chances in this race iot the one who gets out and stops. Never get the impression hat vour chances are not as rood as any others. They are f you apply yourself to the task hat is cut out for you. WINNERS OF THE $5.00 GOLD PIECES. For the Largest Number of Subscriptions Sent in Up to Saturday Night, May 4th, 1912. - DISTRICT NO. 1. Robert Lee Harris 00 Master Andrew Rudisill qq Miss Mary Helen Flowers qq Ruth Lanier DISTRICT NO. 2. Master George Wiley Sherrill - qq Master Luther Huffman Miss Lallie Summerrow . Seven dear little babies profited as a result of the race fo* special prizes the last two weeks. The race was very close and aroused much interest. So great was the rivalry that some of ther babies ran particularly neck and neck. A. number in both districts just missed reaching the the coveted goal and the esult was in doubt up to the last mo ment. In district No. 1 Miss Mary Helen Flowers and Miss Ruth Lanier tied for third place. The management decided to give each baby a $5.00 gold piece. We desire to take this opportunity to congratulate the parents and friends of the winners of their respective vic tories and at the same time to felicitate the babies who missed being winners by such narrow margins. Just a little activity on the part of their friend* would have meant victory for them. The prizes are ready for you at the Contest Office. " - * • In Memoriam • It is seldom that the Historian of a Chapter of The Daughter, of the Confederacy is called upon to record the death of! the g man for whom her named, but such is my sorrowful dU On May Third, 1912, Mr. Abel A. Shut'ord, as in a vision, saw God's beckoning smile and his soui returned to Him who gave over our Chapter loss and trying to understand , a story of a great singer came to mind. The husband of the sin ger said of her, '"Yes, she has a wonderful voice of surpassing sweetness but there is something missing. She needs to sutler, must break her heart, I must break her heart to make her song perfect.And I thought, Perhaps The Master saw that in our Beloved Order something was lacking, something missing and that our hearts would have to be broken before our sweet labor of love could become full and nprfprt " From youth to manhood's prime, Mr. Shuford was a man who pressed forward, a man who builded. In his youth, one by one, he laid the foundation stones of a character and step by step, day by day, he added to the wonderful building of his life until the completed structure stands before us a gleaming tower, cheering, helping, point ing the way. To his own heart he ssemed to say: Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul, As the swift seasons roll, Leave the low-vaulted past, Let each new temple nobler than the last, - Shut thee from Heaven with a dome more vast Till thou at lencth art free Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea. Will we take the lesson home? Dies not this sorrow implant an abiding desire to become Archi tects of lives standing as his ever will, for truth and riehtous ness? Not many of us perhaps will reach his tower-like height or his perfection of proportion in character building but we can follow in simplicity the straight lines in the day's duty. In offer ing this memorial, I follow his example of giving encourage ment to you in our Chapter and like him, I bid you, "Build, sisters, build, for be ye sure, Ye build far better than ye know. "The thing ye build - will grandly grow and like the truth itself endure. What Texans Admire is heavy, vigo r ous life, according to Hugh Tallman, of Sanantonio. "We find he writes," "that Dr, King's New Life Pills surely puts new life and en ergy into a person. Wife and I be lieve that they are the best made " Excellent for stomach, liver or kidney troubles, 25 cts. at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drue Co. Miss Ada Schenck has gone to Wadesboro to spend part o! her vacation in a visit to her father and sister. There was never a time when people appreciated the real ments of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy more than now. This is shown by the increase in sales and volunteerly testimonials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and become acquainted with its good qualities. For sale by all deal ers. ' Escapes An Awful Fate, A thousand tongues could not ex press the gratitude of Mrs. J. F. Cox, of Joliet, 111., for her wonderful deliv erance from an awful fate. "Typhoid pneumonia had left me with a dread ful cough," she writes. "Sometimes I ha: such awful coughinp spells I thought I would die. I could get no help from doctor's treatment or oiher medicines till I used Dr. Kings New Discovery. But I owe my life to this wonderful remedy for I scarcely cough at all now." Quick and safe, its the most reliable of all throat and lung medicines. Every bottle guaranteed. 50c. and $l.OO. Trial bottle free at C, M. Shufcd, Moser & Lutz and Gr mes Drug Co. Mrs. Ferguson has returned to Waynesville after a long visit to her daughter, Mrs. A. A. Shutord, Jr. What To Do —FOR — Sickly Children Letters from Mothers "I wish I could induce every mother, who has a. delicate, sickly child,to try your delicious Cod Liver and Iron Tonic VINOL. It re stored our little daughter to health and strength after everything else had failed."— MßS. C. W. STUMF Canton, Ohio. Mrs. F. P. Skonnard, of Minne apolis, Minn., writes, "I wint to recommend VINOL to every moth er who has a weak or sickly child. Mv little bov was sickly, pale, and had no appetite for two yeats, I tried different medicines and doc tors without benefit, but thanks to VINOL, he is a well and healthy boy to-day." C. Allen, of New Bedford, Mass., writes,"Mytwo punychildrengained rapidly in flesh .ind strength in a very short time after taking VINOL." We positively know VINOL will build up lfitle ones and make them healthy, strong and robust. Try one bottle, and if you are not satis* fied. \:s will return your money. For sale by Moser & Lutz. Rev. Mr. Sill, of New York, but who is now assisting Rev. Mr. Lobdell. at Rutherfordton, preached most acceptably at the Episcopal church Sunday. Bish op Horner will be here on the evening of the 19th. Good Advice. Learn to hide your troubles. Your friends has troubles of his own to hide, help him by example. This is good advice, but wheu a man walke? in the morning with a raging, splitting head ache, not enough energy to get up, constipated, bad taste in the mouth, tired legs, ft's not advice that a man needs It's a good dose of Dr. King's Blood and Liver Pills. Purity the blood and send it bounding, coursing through the veins, and make the liver live. No purging, griping or nauseat ing. 25c box at all medicine deal ers. The Rev. J. K. E. Hunt, oi Chicago, son of Mr. Peter Hun", of Hickory, will preach at St. Andrews Ev. Lutheran church in East Hickory next Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. A cordial invi tation is extended to the public. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mothers' day will be observec at the Ist Baptist church next Sunday. Special service at tht Sunday school hour, and at tht morning service the pastor will preach a special sermon. Now is the time to get rid of youi rheumatism. You can do it by ap plying Chamberlain's Liniment and massag ng the parts freely at each ap plication. For sale by all dealers. George Abernethy is home for vaca tion from the Baltimore College o Dental Surgery. Lame back is usually caused bj rheumatism of the muscles of the back, for which you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. Mr. P. G. Kiser has received a care from Dr. Livius Lankford, the brillian: young surgeon of Norfolk, Va., wlo spoke at the Laymen's Convention which states that he will be here oi Sunday afternoon, June 9, to delivei a lecture on "Secret Sins and the Power of Habit.This will be i union meeting for mei only and if under the auspices of the city Ba racas. Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and p ij -p. bladder remedy, be — ! cause of its .remark- JJ l I a k* e health restoring D tfrfS-j.) li properties. Swamp ~ I . Root fulfills almost - (Hi I InS evei 7 wish in over \M_ ||f coming rheumatism, Pain in the back, kid rf'E ueys ' liver > bladder p and every part of the ' * Uf inary passage. It iTTT , , corrects inability to lold water and scalding pain in passing it or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often Lirough the day, and to get up many times during the night. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver 3r bladder trouble, it will be found just Llie remedy you need. It has been thor aughly tested in private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kid« ney or bladder trouble, m When writing mention reading this generous. offer in this paper and send your address tofsg Dr. Kilmer & Co" Binghamton N.Y. The and one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Bughamtoa,». Y„ on every bottle. Would you go to a Druggist for a corn planter? Sure not, then come to a tailor for your made-to measure clothes. Saving and service are assured in every garment you buy. No clerk hire, low rent, makes a saving to you. To build up a business I must give service. Now take one chance with a man who devotes his entire time to good clothe?. Maybe in the past you have missed some comfort and lost a dollar or two.' Try me once and be con vinced. : . : : : 4 . W. H. CLINKSCALES, THE TAILOR. I DO PRESSING. § IS YOUR MONEY IDLE? f s = | X IDLE MONEY IS LIKE SEED X N THAT IS NOT PLANTED; X » IT WILL NOT YIELD A ft Q HARVEST. 0 X H Deposit Your Funds With Us. | Q YOUR MONEY WILL THEN I & WORK STEADILY; TAKE £ 0 NO HOLIDAYS, AND BE § X ABSOLUTELY SAFE. V $ WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST, k | ====== | | Hickory Banking & Trust Co. | W Bother doing your ow.i baking especially in wariH weather when you can get the best— the most 1 Til B wholesome baking by g| g| ordering here? Fresh daily—mac!e as only our up-to-date bake shop can turn them out—pure, wholesome and delicious. We ask a trial. CITY BAKERY, C. w. ELLINGTON. Frc priet r. BUILDING , ft p Let Us S? H ve y° u our p" ces on 1 ¥s/ gg MILL WORK. p For the trim, sash, mantles, door, moulding, etc. you'll need, you'jl find we can give you best quality— immediate delivery—lowest prices. • You pay no excessive freight charges-buy from catalog see what you're getting-assured of the best, here. Hickory Novelty Company Your Favorite for President Following is a blank straw ballot which the Democrat would be phased to have all its readers, whether * soibers or not. sign, and return. Your name will not published or shown to any body. If you do not wish to ?ig . simply mark an X over against the name of your ** vur candidate for President of the U. S., and mail to us at on WILSON TAFT UNDERWOOD ROOSEVELT CLARK LA FOLLETTE HARMON # Vo f pr. The Democrat is $l. per year. I ft