KSjBASTORIA j! - ggggM or fafajits and Childre^. CASTOR|4 | The Kind You Have Sir AV-ecllbk i similatingtlieloodaiidßegula- ■ § a! L "^ lle S'.Q'Mictisandßowchof ||| t.hft / Promotes Digestion.CheerruMßj Signature M. ijj nessandßest.Confainsneilher 111 n W Jf (P Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. W 01 /j\ t F Not Narcotic. ! M\\ If* _ ■ . . . B.IT •II foifieafOUli-SmJELPtTCIUn 1 \f\fj f\myj;in Seed' ~ . 9 ft \ 4lx. Senna » 1 'J" IJS V Hocktiie SmUi— J jaj * a %&*.■} ir\ ..tv n MnpSfed- I Mil til QmtfM StiMr I M U mU ■ ' ' IM r jUp t! A perfect Remedy for Cons lipa- m i * IV UO U >j Ron, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea 9 I I&X 1 Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ■ 1 p ! ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. l| !■ fi j* 88 \jj 0 f \ Facsimile Signature of Thirty Years J§§BBKl| p ■ Aj« m. tAACT copy or wrapped J fi THB OEMTttUn IOMMNY. NEW YORK OrTT. IHBIMSfIHnHMHBHnnHi ' ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦««»*♦ $ A Dollar Goes 1 |if Invested in Our Store. 1 j| We carry a full line of Dry jl # Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes I | and everything handy in the j| | home. |■ ■ I $ Buy your groceries from. us. 2 * Housekeepers brag on our ■ - I flour. I | Setzet & Russell I ISNOW KING B A.KING POWDER The Housewife's Greatest Friend. You have but to I try it to convince you t'at it is the best on thf» market. For sale in Hickory by feiSl) Whitener & I art n | r E. C. Johnson J Harris & Little Bost & Newton i JiEGISTEPEO Shell Grocery Co. Your Sewing Machine can be Fixed H' it drops stitches, breaks thread and needles, draws goods ' mm ls slow, chokes under foot, runs heavy, has knocking o; iwss motion, piece lost, broken or worn out.- All parts for ah uakes. We duplicate and repair under guarantee, ion do not live too far for us to come and repair it at your home. Addres:—SEWlNG MACHINE REPAIR SHOP, M. C. D. Owen, Mgr., '•> x 372. Phone 320. Hickory,.N. 0. Now is the time and Poultry Dr. Le Gear's Stock Powder guaranteed to make your horse fat .and sleek. Dr. Le Gear's Poultry Powders guaranteed to make hens lay more tggs. „ f You can now obtain Dr. Le Gear's famous remedies from MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists Hickory, N, C» "Satisfaction or money back." Obiiuary Daniel Edwin Moose was born in Stanley County, N. C. May 20- 1854, and departed this life Mr y 81912, aged 58 years and lfr days. Jan. 13, 1876 he united in marriage with Miss Anna Eliza Link, and to this un on 9 children were born, three ot' whom pre ceded their father to the glorious teyond. He has been a resident of Hickory for 28 years and for 25 years a member of Holy Trin ity Lutheran church. As a citizen he identified him self with every movement for good and walked uprightly before his fel.owmen. As a christian and member of Holy Trinity he conducted himself as a Christian gentleman tnd took an active p&it in the affairs of the church so long as his health permitted. Like every one of us he had his faults, but also his virtues. For none of us that doeth good sin ueth not. ' About 5 years ago he became afficted with a complication ot oiseasts which baffled the best cf physicians. He sought recov ery in at least three well-known hospitals but foun only tempor arily relief. During -the last few months his suffering became more and were intense and his desire to de part this life and be with his Lord v\ as strong. On the morn ing of May Bth at 10:30 o'clock his Heavenly Pnysician closed him from all suffering and took him to his everlasting home and rest. His funeral occurred from HolyTrinityLuthern church in the presence ot a large assembly of relations and friends. The pastor preactyed the text Luke 2:29 32. His buuy was laid in the city ce metery to await the resurrection. Peace be to his ashes. There are lett to mourn hib loving;wife; three sons Marzaven, John Wesley, and Frank Lafay ette. Three daughters Carrie Ethel, Effie and Mary Edna, four brothers, Wi'liam J, Moose of Greensboro N. C., Henry D. Moose of Elkton, Va., Joseph W. Moose of Mooresville N. C , ano Rev. J. R. Moose of Seoul Korea. Also 5 grand children, ourchurch and hosts of kindred and fr ends. A Nervous Woman Finds Relief After Many Years Women who suffer from extreme nervousness, often endure much suffering before finding any relief. Mrs. Daniel Kintner, of Defiance, 0., had such an experience, regard ing which she says: t"I had' stomach trouble when I was eighteen years old that broke down my health, and for years I suffered with nervousness, headache, indiges tion and nervous spasms. The spasms got so Dad I would have them three or four times a week. After try ing nearly every remedy recom mended, I began taking Dr. Mile=' Nervine, and I must say it helped nr** wonderfully. I ha\-e had no severe nerv ousness for several years." MRS. DAN KINTNER. 1002 Pleasant St., Defiance, O. Many remedies are recommended for diseases of the nervous system that fail to produce results because they d % o not reach the seat of the trouble. Dr. Miles' Nervine proven its value in such cases sc many times that it is unnecessary to make claims for it. You can prove its merits for yourself by getting a bottle of your druggist, who will return the price if you receive no benefit. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. 2 Mr. A. C. Mowery of the coun ty leaves for Florida in a fev Jays to work in fruit raising. TRUTHFUL REPORTS. Hickory Reads? Them With Uncommon Interest. A Hickory citizen tells his experi ence in the following statement. No better evidence than this 9an be had. The truthful reports of friends and neighbors is ths best proof- in the world. Read and be convinced. Mrs. A. Wezen, 1443 Ninth Ave., Hickory; N. Car., says: "Doan's Kianey Pills proved beneficial to me and Ido not hesitate to recommend them. My kidneys were out of order, and I suffered from backache. I finally used Doan's Kidney Pills pro cured at Moser& Lutz Drug Store and they made me strong and well. This remedy gives quick relief." The above statement must carry cenviction to the mind of every read er. o n't simply ask for a kidney remedy —ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills,-the same that Mrs. We zen had —the remedy backed by home testimony. 50c all stores. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props. Buffalo, N. Y. "when your back is lame, remem ber the name." In the damage suit of Mrs. Hartsoe against the city, and the two local railroads, a non-suit was entered for f.he city. A healthy man is the king of his own right; an unhealthy man an un happy slave. For impure blood and sluggish liver, use Burdoch Blood Bit ters. On the market 35 years. SI.OO a bottle, the W. L. Gileson and a crew of surveyors have completed a prr liminaiy survey from Cooks Gap to Roone the proposed Watauga Railway. A most excellent grade has been obtained over this part of the route and the surveyors will begin work down the moun tain which will be the most diffcult part of the route. Wa tauga county will bessked to vote bonds to help build the road. • cry FOR FLETCHER'S OA3T O R 1 A CANDIDATES' CARDS Announcement Good morning, friends; liow are you all tliis morning? Friends, I hereby declare myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer, subject, however, to to the action of the Democratic primaries and county conyentiou soon to be held. Friends, I want your vote. Friends, I n«ed your vote. Friends, I will appreci ate your vote. Friends, will you give me your vote? Realizing that I "will neitliet have the time, opportunity nor money to wage a successful campaign, I shall be compelled to rest my candidacy mainly ujxjm its merits, but trusting that you wdl give me your support, and thanking you in advance for the same, I remain as ever, Yours for the plum,, GEORGE P. DRUM. For House of Representatives! 1 hereby announce myself canlidate for the House of Representatives, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention. Since Mr, Rabb has withdrawn, I earnestly solicit the support of the voters of Ca tawba County, assuring them that my best efforts will be exerted to merit their confidence and support. May Bth, 1912. W. B. GAIfHER, For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Erimaries and County convention. I ave served as a magistrate for thirty one years at a sacrifice to myself, and am a Confederate soldier. It you think I am worthy I will appreciate your votes S. E. KILLIAN. March 5 1912. W. L. Sherrill for county Treasure. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Treasur er, subject to the action to the Demo cratic Primary and County Convention. Respectfully.' Walter L. Sherrill. Catawba, N. C., Mtrch 27- 1912. Mr. Cline for Treasurer. To the Voters of Catawba County: Gentlemen: —I hereby announce m„ * self a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subjectto the action of the Democratic primaries and convention. Yours very truly, C. H. CLINE. E. D. Gamble for Register of Deeds. To the voters of Catawba county: I hereby announce myself candidate for renomination for the office of Regis ter of Deeds, subject however, to the primaries and convention. This Aprli 9th 1912. Newton, N. C. E. D. GAMBLE For Sheriff, I hereby aunounce myself a candidate for re-nomination for the office of Sheriff of Catawba County, subject to the Demo cratic primary and county convention. R. LEE HEWITT. Carolina & North-Western R. R. Schedule Effective Mar. 3, 1912. Daily Northbound. Pass. Mijcea No. 10 No- 60 Chester Lv 755 a m 1230 p m . Yorkville 8 42 1 55 Gaston ia 9 30 3 55 Gastonia 5 00 Liucolnton 10 26 7 00 Newton 11 05 7 55 Hickory 1215 p m 840 Lenoir 130 Mortimer 2 53 Edgemont Ar. 305 Southbound. No. 9 No, 61 Edgemont Lv.]lo 00 a m Mortimer 10 08 Lenoir 133 1 Hickory 2 30 8 15 a in Newton 305 . 900 Lincolnton 343 11 00 - Gastonia Ar. 4 40 12 35 p m Gastonia Lv. 455 200 Yorkville 5 39 3 30 Chester Ar. 625 525 CONNECTIONS. Chester.—Sou. Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C. Yorkville.—Southern Railway. Gastonia.—Southern Railway. Lincolnton.—S. A L. Newton and Hickory.—Southern R. R, E. F. REID, G, P. Agt, Chester, S. C. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Schedule Effective Jan. 1, 1912 Leave Lincolnton, N. C. East Bound * Train No. 46, 8:52 a. m., daily " 132, 5:53 p. m., • ' West Bound Train No. 133, 11:20 a. m., daily " 47, 5:55 p. m., " For further information apply: JAS KER, Jr., H. S. LEARD, T. P A. D. P. A. Charlotte N. C Raleigh, N. C BP If you want your hens to lay, feed them fresh ground M green bone, crushed oyster shells, mica grit, alfalfa meal, 11 11 chicken wheat, cracked corn, beef scraps, chick meal. A trial will convince you. Sold by h OO v W. B. YODER PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. JI. C. BIDDIX DENTIST Office: Over Singer Sowing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue 'PHONE No. 94. r DR. J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will be in ray office Fridays and Saturdays Up Stair's in Club Bld'g., next door to • Shuford Hardware Co, * Dr. George E. Flowers Office at the Campbell residence Long View. Calls answered night and day, rain or shine. Phone No. 506 A. DR. W. 5. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office: OVER POSfOFFICF. Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in all the courts of this State. Q. E. HERMAN Architect Stevenson Blds. HiGkory, N. o. Dr. H. P. FLOWE ■» Veterinary Surgeon Office at Thomason'a Livery Stable PHOFE 867 Calls answered day or night PALM TREE CAFE SUCCESSORS TO WILLIS CAFE. A Modern Sanitary Eating House. REGULAR MEALS 30c. In health, sickness or distress Our bread is easy to digest. Rhone 230 CITY BAKERY f I Palace Barber Shop. BUILDING MATERIALS. DOORS, SASH, . BLINDS, FRAMES. MOULDINGS, MANTELS. FLOORING CEILING, SIDINGS, FRAMING, FINISHED LUMBER, ; SHINGLES, JYPRESS SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATHS, SASH WEIGHTS. GLASS. Estimates made from Plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in stock. Hickory Manufacturing Company, HICKORY, - N. C. * Mr. Shuford Paid Out $40,000 Secu rity Money. Statesville Landmark. Within the past year the late A. A. Shuford, of Hickory, re marked to friends that he had paid out during: his business career about $40,000 "security money''—money paid for per sons for whom he had endorsed. Think of it! One man paid out in his life-time a good-sized for tune for others whom he had be friended. While the amount in this case is large, the payment of security money is common. It is i part of the toll levied on al most every business man. He must endorse for friends and ; ometimes he has to pay. The ! ate Hugh Reynolds, of Iredell, remarked on one • occasion by Road to A vanished thirst—a cool body and a" refreshed one; the sure way —the only K way is via a glass or bottle of , Ideally delicious —pure as purity—crisp and J \ sparkling as frost. C Our new booklet, telling .U E ICC of Coca-Cola vindication at Chattanooga, for the asking. Demand the Genuine as made by Whenever THE COCA-COLA CO. you see an ATLANTA, GA. of Coca-Cola. riictrir»t XTrk 1 Includes all territory within the A Corporate limits of Hickory. "NTn O AH territory outside of Hickory in i Catawba and counties. How the Gold will be distributed C 1 0 ® a .^ y receiving the highest vote, regardless of district, % 1 2, S To the Baby receiving the highest vote in the district opposite that in which the first prize winner resides jjj *IC To the Baby residing in the same district with the Ist / %J prize winner, receiving the second highest vote To the Baby residing in the same district with the 2nd prize winner receiving the next highest vote $ 100 I n Special Prizes to Be Announced Later. NOMINATION COUPON Good for 500 Votes In Hickory Democrat Baby Contest Baby's Name Parent's Name Address Use this Coupon and nominate some Baby. Mail or bring it to the contest office. Only one of these can be voted for each baby; GOOD FOR 25 VOTES IN THE Democrat Grand Baby Contest Baby's Name. Address You may send in as many of these coupons as you can get, and each one will count 25 Votes for your favorite, Burduco Liver Powder Natures Remedy For Billiousness Constipation Indi- N gestion and all Stomach Diseases. A Vegetable Preparation Better than CALOMEL and will not SALIVATE In screw top cans at 25c each. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You can do it by ap plying Chamberiain's Liniment and massaging the parts freely at each ap plication. For sale by all dealers. way of comforting himself, that t was "a d—n mean man who never lost any security money," 'nd certain it is that the man vvho signs many papers will sooner or later have to pay. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. His Kind You Have Always Bought

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