'fin® Over Motion to In- Woodrow Wilson :R COMPROMISED. for £ isirict ; ,ho Baltimore Con sotofßcso- County Conven n at Newton. treasurer of Catawba be Mr. Walter feher taffba station who f t .d on the ninth b*l on Saturday by the county convention, don was thrown into ; on bv the signed the candidates to ,b e done Jhis was canvassers did not to count the second . jn the preferential j the vote had sscd up that it was to make heads or the returns. s S an animated dis e in the a (tern* o it many of the dr it one home to instruct Wilson for t j ie Underwood men motion and finally lV jt on the table, jndly agreed to tai'e able after Mr. Geo. ts mover, had agreed r it. is ?ai.l that offered earlier in the , u ld have carried, 'eimster was absolute hi.s Handling of the a« its chairman, and uously fair in parlia igle over the Wilson fight. Messrs, Mc liams, Self, Dr. Wil- Shuford and others Wilson, and Mr. Clarence Whitener. rby, F. Yoder, Zeb and others Under- k. Self was heartily ir district delegate to ore convention. All who will attend will to be delegates to the ntion at Raleigh June wing resolutions were adopted; ESOLUTIOXS. xocrats of Catawba coun ion assembled do adopt resolutions: st. We view with satis patriotic coarse of the aity through its chosen :s in state and nation, its ird of legislation in the e people and congratulate rerywhere on the cheering an overwhelming victor; g presidential election. 2nd. Believing the pay- I salaries to public officials in principle and a demon inn in practical administra uest that the representative lounty in the next Legisla te:}'effort to have a just tem of salaries for the va oilicialsenacted in the law, at the pjople of Catawba lave the most efficient ser the waste of funds. I.rd That our legislators are vestigate and support any fstem to symplify the res ind titles. 14. Believing that i ( nof our children is lost importance, we ask oaeal as liberally as i order that we may months term, ere a number of elo ichts in behalf of ed- Messrs. W. J. Shu n Yoder, Henry Lutz 5. The townships were take measures to co ith the Hickory and wnships in road build- use referring to land a substitute in com- 1 the Torrens system. 1 r as another resolution ' voiced one of the bot es of the convention. is; d» that we have a state kzed primary for both 'art:es to be held on the and instruct our mem * Legislature and Sen fk for the enactment of iw, e ° McCorkle said we ft tell Republicans how uif i elect and Mr. Bagby 1 a primary shut the door m an out. There was Uo ° to the word "in "r. McCorkle offered tltute; that, this conven in lavor of the princi ttrimary but are not in forcing it upon any in Party." Russell then made u Pon any compromise . an l Mr, McCorkle, ts ! e secretary's -ea up his slip of paper n £ it in two, shouted: draw ,t." Mr. W. J. ttered a motion to send L ol f l ' s in a referendum ' day but it was final county committee THE TREASURERSHIP. - The first vote for treasurer was c£.si according to t e pri mary inst; uctions, and it was a most anybody's prize for the fi st twolor three ballots. Then Sherrill began to develop strength, with the smaller pre cincts, The big votes from Newton North and South Hickory see-sawed. Hickory was handicapped by having two can didates, and it is said that New con once offered to cast her solid vote for Hickory if she would consolidate upon one man. Kil iian ran as high as thirty odd votes once, it requiring only 40 to nominate. Hickory must learn the lesson of combination if she would pyill honors out of future conventions. Two new county commission ers, S. L. Whitener and M. Caleb Setzer, were nominated, S. L. RhyneandJ. F. Abernethy de clining renomination, and Com missioners Gabriel, Yoder and Little were renominated. Judge Councill lor the senate, W. B. Gaither for the house, R. L. Hewitt for sheriff, E. D. Gamble for register, R. L. Hoke for cor orner and Enioe Yuder for sur veyor, were all renominated with out opposition. The vote on state officers who are unopposed was likewise unanimous, and in the contests for corporation commis sioners and lieutenant gavernor. the incomplete returns are: Short term commissioner: Travis 3i>o; Daniels 206; Bagwell 120; iong term: Pell 281; Maxwell 114; Arendeli 35; Justice 275; lieuten ant-governor: Daniel 201; Boush all 76; Shaw 7 96; Daughtridge 188. The following resolution offer ed by W. Self was unanimous ly adopted: Resolved by the Democrats of Catawba county in convention assembled, that in the death of A.. A. Shuford the party has lost a splendid counsellor and leader and tne state of North Carolina has been bereft of one of her best and most loyal sons The convention was well -at tended and while animated there was no ill-feeling or lack of har mony. Mr. W. B. Gaither made an excellent speech while a vote v\ as being counted. Miss Pearl Miller Entertains. At the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F Miller, on Bth ! Avenue, Miss Elizabeth Pearl Miller has had, as her guests at a house party, the following young ladies: Misses Chloe and Katherine Adderholdt, Eugenia Rudisill, Nanette Rudisill and Matel Link. On Friday night, j Mrs. Miller and daughter re-! ceived a number of the latter's j young friends, in honor of her I house guests and her fifteenth birthday. The handsome resi-! dence was prettily decorated with the roses that are now in their j glorious prime. In the dinning j room, the color scheme was old ! golJ, the decorations, the candles in the elegant candelabra, the exquisitely embroidered center pieces, etc., carried out the rich hues. To amuse the guests, a flower conte t was held, in which Miss Emma Bonner won the prize, a box of stationery. A salad course was then served, followed by cream and cake. . About seventy guests enjoyed the hospi tality of the Miller home, and departed at a late hour, wishing their young hostess "Many happy returns of the day," and that they might be there to help keep them. Mrs. Miller was assisted in receiving by Mrs. B. F. Camp bell. Fraud Paint The worst mistake one is likely to make in painting is wrong paint; it is easy to make this year when paint is so high. We all say "Ours is the best;'' and there are 1000 of us. One is best; but a dozen are so near on the level that no one knows. The worst paints are the worst liars; they know what they are, put-on a bold face, and brazen it out. Their pwn true argument is low price; but low price paint is always, must be, a fraud; it is made to cheat cheatable people. DEVOE F. B. Ingold sells it. In a second piimary in Florida Tuesday Underwood delegates were elected to the con vention. A healthy man is the king of his own right; an unhealthy man an und happy slave. For impure blood an sluggish liver, use Burdoch Blood Bit ters. On the market 35 years. $l.OO a bottle, the IMPORTANT We want it distinctly un derstood that there will be no change in the voting on subscriptions. YOJ can get just as much for your mon ey today as you can through out the life of the contest. Turn in your subscriptions, gef- the paper started, and take out a SPECIAL receipt -The Hickory Democrat. JhTidTen Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA Mr. Harte's Father Injured. Rev. J. D. Harte's father who lives near Knoxville, Tenn., fell from a barn loft early Monday morning and sustained severe in ternal injuries. His kidneys were paralyzed and Bright's dis ease is feared. It is also thought his spine is injured. No bones were broken, he having fell in a sitting position. Rev. Mr. Harte left on train No. 11 to attend on his father. A letter from Rev. Mr. Harte last evening states that his father is still delirious. Roosevelt Carries New Jersey. • In a presidential primary Tuesday in New Jersey Theo dore Roosevelt carried the State in opposition to Taft on the Republican ticket. Woodrow Wilson received the highest vote on tte Democratic nomination. The' Demons Of The Swamp are mosquitoes. As they sting they put deadly malaria germs in the blood. Then follow the icy chills and fires cf fever. The appetite flies and the strength fails; also malaria often paves the way for deadly But Elec tric Bitlers kill and cast out the ma laria germs from the blood; give you a gives you a fine appetite and renew your strength. "After long suffering," wrte Wm. Fretwell, of Lucama, N. C., "three bottles drove all the ma laria from my system, and I've had good Health ever since." Best for all stomach, liver and kidney ills. 50 cts. at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Notice. To the members of Hickory Lodge, No. 343, A. F. and A. M., please remember Monday night, June 3rd., is annual election, and your presence is desired. I. L, LANIER, Sec'y. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to cany out any obligation made by bis firm, NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Rev. L. D. Thompson and fam ily are visiting Mr. W. C. Thomp son. He also enjoyed a visit last Friday from Rev. Mr. Hardin, of Rock Hill, who was on his way to preach the sermon at Brevard Institute commencement What Texans Admire is heavy, vigo r ous life, according to Hugh Tallman, of Sanantonio. "We find he writes," "that Dr. King's New Life Pills surely puts new "life and en ergy into a person. Wife and I be lieve that they are the best made " Excellent for stomach, liver or kidney troubles, 25 cts. at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drue Co. Mr. S. G. Lohr, who resigned as bursar at Lenoir College, left Tuesday for Lexington, from after a visit of several weeks, he will return to his old home in Mulberry, Ind. Hickory regrets to lose him and Mrs. Lohr. WOMEN SHOULD BE PROTECTED ~ Against So Many Surgical Op erations* How Mrs. Bethune and Mrs. Moore Escaped. Sikeston, Mo.—"For seven years I suf- I was in bed for four oor0 or five days at a time every month, and so weak I could hardly walk. I cramped and had backache and headache, and was so nervous and weak that I dreaded to see anyone or have any one move in the room. The doctors gave me medicine to ease me 1 said that I ought tc have an operation. I would not listen to that, and when a friend of my husband told him about Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was willing to take it. Now I look the picture of health and fee! like it, too. I can do my own housework, hoe my garden, and milk a cow. I can entertain company and enjoy them. I can visit when I choose, and walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day in the month. I wish I could talk to every suffering woman and girl." —Mrs. DEMA BETHUNE, Sikeston, Mo. » Murrayville, 111.—"I have taken Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a very bad case of female trouble and it made me a well woman. My health was all broken down, the doctors said I must have an operation, and I was ready to go to the hospital, but dreaded it so that I began taking your Compound. I got along so well that I gave up the doctors and was saved from the opera tion."—Mrs. CHARLES MOORE, R. R. i No. 3, Murrayville, 111 2" m ' ' » COMMENT LMUIMItnUIIIIMIIItf Mr. W. A. Self is by all means the proper man for delegate to Baltimore. Let the Lincolnton convention on June 5, select him. Mr. W. J. Shuford is due the praise for the splendid resolu tions adopted at the county con vention. Poor appetite is a sign of impaired digestion. A few doses of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets wili strengthen your digestion and improve your appetite. Thousands have been benefited by taking these Tablets. Sold by All dealers. J Mrs. ,0. M. SherriU gave a heart dice party Tuesday in hon or of Mrs. W. S. Martin, of Canton. There were 6 tables. Mrs. Bourbonnais won the first prize, Mrs. E. L. Shuford the consolidation, and the guest of honor was given a prize. There were just loads and loads of sweet peas for decorations and a delightful salad course was serv ed by Misses Hazel Elliott and Hilda Field. I suffered for many years with ner vous and sick headache. Tried many medicines and several doctors. Noth ing cured me until I got Lee's Head ache and Neuralgia Remedy. It is simply worth its weighi in gold. MRS. JNO. W. SPRINKLE, Charlotte, N. C. The prioe is 25c. at all medicine dealers. Speaker Champ Clark car ried Arizona in yesterday's primary by a vote of at least three to one over Governor Wilson. Children cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST O R ! A The Construction Co-, of Worcester, Mass., are building the new $300,000 cotton mill at Rhod hiss. of which Mr. E. A. Smith is to be manager. Mr. Hawley, a New Englander, is superintending the work, for which a great mass of material has been collected. Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, will lea'l to chronic constipa tion. Doan's Regulets operate easily 25c a box at all stores. > District of Columbia Demo crats yesterday split into three factions as a result of an attempt to hold a convention to nomi nate delegates to the Baltimore rational convention. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the estate of A. A. Shuford, deceased, late of Catawba County, North Carolina, this is to nctify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Hick ory, N. C., 011 or before the 30tli day of May, 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 30th day of May, 1912. Mrs. Alda V. Slmford, i G. H. Geitner, - Executors. K. C. Menzies, ) • Bagbv & Blackwelder, Attorneys. 5*30-41. oooooooooooc 00000000000000 I BUSINESS LOCALS jj 000c0000000000000000000000 THE NICEST stair carpet you have seen. Bowles & Martin. It you wish to rent pasture, see Lloyd A. Whitener. ' 5, 23, 2t. KINDERGARTEN suiting, guaranteed to wash and not fade at J. A, Bowles. WANTED:—Men and boys to learn Automobile business. Good position for competent men. Al want agents for Pullman cars. Carolina Auto School, Charlotte, N. C Fine pastures for grazing. Will rent reasonably. Lloyd A. Whitener. PICTURES! the nicest you have seen and easels also, Bowles & Martin. NOTHING will wear like Burrojap. In many styles in Oxfords, lace and button shoes, for men at J. A. Bowles. THINK of a roll foot bed 7 ft. high, bevel plate mirror 22x28 ! on dresser, wash stand to match ; all for $83.00, Bowles & Martin. r j CHILDRENS rompers that ? will wash— the things for your 1 children to play in at J. A. Bow les. Autos for hire. Anywhere ® you want to go. I C. T. Morrison, a 'Phone No. 145. t L A FEW porch rockers left the * $2.50 kind for $2.00 while they last. *[. ' Bowles & Martin. I Watt, Doxey & Watt. I I Wash Dresses, $4.98 I Splendid showing of Lawn, Linen and Voile Dresses and Shirt Waist Dresses. We in vite your inspection of these special values, styles that are new and classy, with the latest trimmings that give tone to the garment. Special ,- $4.98 I Shirt Waist Dresses. I One Piece Dress, center opening with group of 1-inch and 1-8-inch tucks each side, back to match, pointed sailor collar, three-quarter sleeves and gauntlet cuffs, skirt is ■ H four gored with side front opening, material of English Poplin, white collars and cuffs trimmed in color to match dress $3.75 I Special Showing of Another Corset Sale I f*Cl 1 T jnpil New longhip model with extra strong hose supporters at tached, trimmed in pretty Val Lace with draw string, Suitable for Skirts, one piece Dresses regular $1 50 value and Auto Coats. ' 89 CENTS 36-mch medium weight 19c 36-inch close firm weave, 25c —^^. 36-inch fine twisted thread, 37 l-2c H. &. W. B/aSSierS 36-inch heavy Scotch Linen, 39c _ , , „ , . , _ 36-inch heavy Crash, 37 l-2c boned Corset Cover, can be worn in place of Corset or Natural,light blue.CopenhaFen,and white, with corset. 50 CENTS Motor Linen , , TT 0 __ T . We want you to see this linen bargain, 1111(11*011 S Xx. Ot W • WBIStS words fail to express the value you are The sensible, serviceable Underwaist for children; cool and getting for a very small price. The width comfortable, buttons are taped on (not sewed) and cannot is 48 inches, the color is biscuit, the price tear off; with or without hose supporters, should be 75c and you will say it is worth 25 CENTS it when you see it, suitable for ladies and men's suits. I Extra Special 39c. Middy Ties firi • A TTfc # Good heavy quality, Navy, Biack or Red. White Pique 50 CENTS You try and match this Pique in any ——————— wrb^3?f 2 o o'l9o\"e'we^i e s Foreign and Domestic French Percales as perfect as the loom oao make it, and it Mlrting Beautiful designs on a is as white as the width 27 inches. We show a very large assort- White Ground, mostly ment of these goods in a stripes in black, helio and p 17* *1 tremendous variety of beauti- blue, 36 inches wide, very .rftlicy Voiles ful patterns. Come in and fine quality. These cotton voiles are very popular look these over. You will v or r p n fc this season, pink, helio, light blue and not ur S t 0 buy. black stripe on a white ground. „ . J 12 1-2 cents. Scotch Thistle Madras Pawtucket Madras n| a __ r 36 inch Madras in pretty Yard wide, small figures Dld-LEY v>4lOlll Shirting designs. and neat stripe designs. For the new Blazer Jackets,- plain „ r , a* \ bright red, 52 inches wide, 98 cents. 25 Cents 12 1-2 Cents I Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns. I 209-11 West Trade St. 9 CHARLOTTE, N. C. I PASTURE lands to rent in the country. Lloyd A. Whitener. 5, 23, 2t. FOR SALE—IO acres 213 miles from depot, on Catawba Springs road. 4-18-tf. Box 232. NEW LOT of parasols in many different patterns at J. A. Bowles. FOR SALE—9SO-pound horse, 7 years old, perfect. See 4-17-tf. I. L. Lanier. • THE NEWEST thing out in umbrella stands'. Bowles & Martin. WANTED—To buy from the farmer cabbage, garden peas, onions and other vegetables. Call and see us. Merchants I Provision Co. Furnished room for rent, close in. Apply to Box 334, 5-2-tf. THE NEW rugs and druggetts are beauties. Bowles & Martin. WHITE corduroy for skirts at J. A. Bowles. See H. H, Townsend at the old Gus Hahn place for fresh fish direct from Nortolk. You will find these fish something extra. H. H. Townsend has bought the old Gus Hahn eating place and is now serving nice lunches as follows: Soup and crackers sc, fried fish rolls 5c antj.oc, chicken and rolls 5c and 10J. A FEW hair mocks left at the special price. Bowles & Martin. FOR SALE—Pure bred Duroc Jersey Pigs. H. L. Seitz, 5-23-4t. Hickory, N. C. R. I. Mrs. James B. Beard's School will open for the fall term the first Monday in September. 5, 23, 2t. If you want a Canner we have just eleven to close out at $6,50,' they are the three doz. size and sell regular for $12.50. Bowles & Martin. FOR SALE—A good 5-room cottage, water works complete. Located in good neighborhood, one block from public square & 2 blocks from sof our churches i & our Graded School. J J. T. JOHNSON. 1130-15 st. Hickory N. C. 5-23-4tf. The = Great White Season. This is the greatest white season' that has been known in years. We are prepared for it and beg to mention a few of the good things that we have for you. Silk Marquisettes 60c to $l.OO per yard. Wash Silks 25c per yd. Costume welts, piques, etc., 20c to 35c per yd. Batiste, all widths, 12 l-2c to 50c per yd. Linens and Linenes 10c to $l.OO per yd. Flaxons and Linaires 12 l-2c to 50c per yd. Voils 25c to 50c per yd. 40 inch Lawns 10c to 25c per yd. Special Voile Robes at $5.00 worth $8.50. Embroideries, all widths and cloths, 25c to $2.00. New Macrame and Ratine Bands 20c to $l.OO per yd. Lace Collars and Jabots 10c to $2.50. / Silk Hosiery 50c to $1.50 per pair. Lisle Hosiery 25c to 50c per pair. Silk Hose and Socks for children 25c per pair. Muslin Underwear, new styles, 25c to $2.00. Special, 12 New Shirt Waists, at $l.OO each. Wash Hand Bags, 25c to $l.OO. Parasols, good values, at $l.OO. And many other things in the white goods line. THOMPSON-WEST CO., "THE LADIES STORE." SAVE YOUR CASH CHECKS. A BIG REDUCTION IN MILLINERY At Miss M. E. Michael's, beginning May 25th. 25 to 50 per cent off. Get your Hat before the best ones are sold. : : : ' : 1 1

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