— " >mmm CfISTQRIA For Infants and Children PSTQR|J| jThe Kind YQU Have -Always Bought similaimgiheFoodandßegula- ■ § ling the Stomachs andßowclscr N BGCLFS tllo J[ ill ■ f /\^ ii ncss and Rest .Contains neither jS o W f If' Opium.Morphine nor Mineral, m 01 wA #yf r >'OTNARCOTIC. I #\\ IK i 9 Aw :j /bap? of OM LrSAMUELPtTCHKR 9 Pumiikin SeeJL- . ffl ■ B Mx St/imt * 1 IJS ™ RtcktiL, fU*- I J 1/1 m Am.v Seed * V «■ - a I n ( 1(\ iP l " (ian/itd Sugmr I tW WT B 'H'inUrytwi flavor. / ; jg| ® i ' A perfect Remedy forConstipa- fl f )1 /!» UwU |j Ron, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea $» I 1 Worms .Convulsions, Feveris- S 1 p ness and Loss OF Sleep, JJ \J9 K- Q ft" liuor Facsimile Signature oP Thirt y i. —1 CfISTQRIA TUB OCNTAUR COHMNT. NCW VQRK CITY. adollar! •'» Goes a Lon§ Way if m $ invested in our store S ? VTI7 A F U " LINE of Dry J£ Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes I and everything handy in the S home. jE| K Buy your groceries from us. Sj Housekeepers brag on our ft _____ Flour. I |Setzer & Russell, i SNOW KING BAKING POWDER The Housewife's Greatest Friend. You have but to | try it to convince you t'iat it is the best on the market. m |J For sale in Hickory by MM / Whitener & Martin I iV E. C. Johnson {up Harris & Little % j|| Bost & Newton fiEGISTCRED Shell Grocery Co. our Sewing Machine can be Fixed ■'it 'irops stitches, breaks thread and needles, draws goods. ! Is slow, chokes under foot, runs heavy, -has knocking 01 I motion, piece lost, broken or worn out. All parts for all !--s. We duplicate and repair under guarantee. You do II 1 live too far for us to come and repair it at your.home. Addres: —SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SHOP, . M. C. D. Owen, Mgr., 11 v 372. Phone 320. Hickory, N. C. Vozv is the time to feed Stock and Poultry Dr. Le Gear's Siock Powder guaranteed to make your horse fat and -Dr. Le Gear's Poultry Powders guaranteed to make hens lay more -ISJfS, - _ _ You can now obtain Dr. Le Gear's famous remedies from MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists Hick cry, N, C, "Satisfaction or money back/' Catawba's Trustees Meeting. A Newton special to the Ob server says: The trustees of Catawba Col lege in their annual session re elected President J F. Buchheit, accepted the resignation of Dr. J. A. Foil as vice president, i.l health having forced him to re tire, discontinued the office of vice president and made Dr. Foil profesor emeritus. Prof. W. R, Weaver was re-elected and made dean and will have charge of the library, assisted by Mrs. Ashley, who will also teach English and the common branches. Profs. Smith, Ashley and Sessions, Miss Cook and Miss Fillingim were re-elected, and professoi Grover C, Koffman of Jackson, Tenn., was elected to succeed Mr. Nixon as teacher of mathe matics, physics and astronomy. Miss Annie Van Dyke Deaderick of Swainsboro, Ga,, was elected to succeed Miss Easterday. as teacher of expression and English literature. Miss Easterday and Prof. Nixon were not candidates for re-election. Send a Picture of Your Baby to the Democrat. Would you like to see your little baby sweetheart peering at you from the columns of this paper? If you have a good picture of your baby, one that is satisfactory to you just send it in to the contest office and we will reproduce it in the paper. We will return the photo to you in as good condition as we receive it. It will be best to get in as soon as possible as it is to be a case of "first come, first served" in this matter. If you haven't a picture of your baby that is satisfactory, come to the office and get an order to have one made— without cost to you. Mr, C.M. Hardin, Hickory's able photographer, has been appointed official photograper of The Democrat Baby con test and will take pictures of all the contestants free of charge. Come to the contest office and get an order. i i For Ladies Only, You have spent day after day, during hot, stifling July and August stewing and sealing fruits and vege tables, in air-tight jars, and stewing yourselves at the same time. We bring you relief. King's Fruit Preserving Powder (Large boxes and low price) will pre serve fruit and vegetables without air tight jars, with surer results and at one-fou»th the price. A 25c. box puts up 40 prunds of fruit. Note the great advantage in caste and expense. Get of all dea'.ers Wilbur Wright, the great fly ing pioneer, died at his home tt Dayton, 0., of typhoid. For a mild, easy action of the bowels, try Doans Regulets, a modern laxative. 25c at all stores. Roosevelt has been refused 150 tickets for his friends to the Chicago Convention. "Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil is the oest - remedy for that often fatal disease —croup. It has been usea with success in our family for eigh years." —Mrs. L. Whiteacre, Buffalo, REMEMBER That the Yellow Slips must be returned to the contest office the last week of the contest. Please do not lose them. This is important! Heart Disease Almost Fatal to Young Girl "My daughter, when thirteen years old, was stricken with heart trouble. She was so bad we had to place her bed near a window §so she could get her breath. One doctor said, 'Poor child, she is likely to fall dead any time.* A friend told me Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy had cured her father, so I tried it, and day, a fat, rosy cheeked girl. No one can imagine the confidence I have in Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy.'' A. R. CANON, Worth, Mo. The unbounded confidence Mr. Canon, has in Dr. Miles' Heart Rem edy is shared by thousands of others who know its value from experience. Many heart disorders yield to treatment, if the treatment is right. If you are bothered with short breath, fainting spells, swell ing of feet or ankles, pains about the heart and shoulder blades, pal pitation, weak and hungry spells, you should begin using Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy at once. Profit by the experience of others while you may. Dr. Mlies' Heart Remedy I* sold and guaranteed by all drugs'**** MILCB MEDICAL Elkhart, Ind. The Republican Contests. Chicago Dispatch., When the Republican national committee meets' in Chicago, June 6, it will be called on to de cide 204 contests of which 177 are presented by the Roosevelt faction and 27 by Taft adher ents. The list is: Alabama 14, Arkansas 16, Dis trict of Columbia —, Florida 12, Georgia 28, Indiana 10, Kentucky 4, Lousiana 20, Michigan 6, Minnesota 2, Mississippi 18, Missouri 14, Morth Carolina 2, Oklahoma 4, South Carolina 2, Tennesse 2, Texas 16, Washing ton 14. Total delegates contests 204, contests 222. RoDsevelt's Chicago managers claim their candidate will have 581 votes on the first ballot or more than enough to nominate. They give Taft 191. LaFollette 36, Cunnins 10 and class the other delegates as uninstructed. New York's 90 delegates are divided as follows in the claim: Roosevelt 32, Taft 2, unin structed 56. "For any itching skin trouble, piles, eczeema, salt rheum, .hives, itch, scald head, herpes, scabies. Doans Ointment is highly recommended. 50c a box at all stores. Yellow Jackets Held Steeply ' A contractor and three carpenters were painfully stung when they climbed to the top of the First Bap tist church, in New Castle, Del., re cently, to make repairs to the roofs. Thousands of yellow jackets had naude their home in the belfry, and they re sented the intrusion and drove the men to the ground. One of the men* made his way to the belfry and with tar paper closed all fexits by which the insects could escape. Then he placed Four sulphur candles under the cupola and lighted them. After the candle? aad burned out enough dead insects were found to fill a peach basket to overflowing, and the carpenters then resumed work on the church roof. WIFE'S HEALTH RESTORED Husband Declared Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Would Re store Her Health, And It Did. Ashland, Ky. "Four years ago I seemed to have everything the matter ■. ~, ii with me. I had fe s male and kidney trou hie and was so bad off IgfjH I could hardly rest If '*% 2t\ /rH day or night. I doc |p|K ~ * J|||§ tored with all the Pit Jfll* best doctors in town and took many kinds °f medicine but noth- M ing did g°°d un- I WIW/ 111 { I tried your won- I >'//••• '/ derful remedy, Lydia ' i———l Pinkham's Vege table Compound. My husband said it would restore my health and it has."— Mrs. MAY WYATT, Ashland, Ky. There are probably hundreds of thou sands of women in the United States who have been benefitted by this famous old remedy, which was produced from i*oots and herbs over thirty years ago by 1 a woman to relieve woman's suffering. Read What Another Woman says: Camden, N. J. —"I had female trou ble and a serious displacement and was tired and discouraged and unable to do my work. My doctors told me I never could be cured without an operation, but thanks to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I am cured of that affliction >.nd have recommended it to more than one of my friends with the best results." —Mrs. ELLA JOHNSTON, 324 Vine St. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence* Carolina & North-Western R. R. Schedule Effective Mar. 3, 1912. Daily Northbound. Pass. „M lxe( * No. 10 No - 60 Chester Lv 755 a m 12 30 p m Yorkville 8 42 1 55 Gastonia 9 30* 3 55 Gastonia 5 00 Lincolnton 10 26 7 00 Newton 11 05 7 55 Hickory 1215 p m 840 Lenoir 1 30 Mortimer 2 53 Edgemont Ar. 305 Southbound. No. 9 No. 61 Edgemontj£Lv. 10 00 a m Mortimer 10 08 Lenoir 133 1 Hickory 2 30 8 15 a ro Newton 3 05 9 0U Lincolnton 3 43 11 00 Gastonia Ar. 4 40 12 35 p m Gastonia Lv. 455 200 Yorkville 5 39 3 30 Chester Ar. 625 525 CONNECTIONS. Chester.—Sou. Ry., S. A L. and L. &C. Yorkville.—Southern Railway. Gastonia. —Southern Railway. Lincolnton.—S: A L. Newton and Hickory.—Southern R. R, E. F. REID, G. P. Agt., Chester, S. C. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Schedule Effective Jan. 1, 1912 Leave Lincolnton, N. C. East Bound Train No. 46, 8:52 a. m., daily " " 132, 5:53 p. m., «• West Bound Train No. 133, 11:20 a. m., daily " 47, 5:55 p. m., " For further information apply: , JAS KER, Jr., H. S. LEARJD, T. P A. D. P. A. I Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N, C PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Dr. V I. C. BIDDIX DENTIST Office: Over Singer Sowing Machine Office. \ HICKORY. N. C. - Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue. 'PHONE No. 94, DR. J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and Saturdays Up Stairs in Club Bld'g., next door to Sliuford Hardware Co, Dr. George E. Flowers Office at the Campbell residence Long View. Calls answered night and day, rain or shine. N Phone No. 506 A. DR. W. 5. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office: OVER POSf OFFICE. Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST [ Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in all the courts of this State. Q. E. HERMAN Architect Stevenson Blds. Hickory, N. C. Dr. H. P. FLOWE Veterinary Surgeon Office at Thomason's Livery Stable PHOFE 267 Calls answered day or night R. W. WOLF'S VETERINNARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. PALM TREE CAFE SUCCESSORS TO WILLIS CAFE. A Modern Sanitary Eating House. REGULAR MEALS 30c. In health, sickness or Our bread is easy to digest. Phone 235 CITY BAKERY Palace Barber Shop. "1 Building Materials. • Sash, Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, Geiling, - Frames, Mantels, Framing, Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles, Sash Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shingles. » Estimates made from plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co. HICKORY, N. C. ■ Annual Report of the Town of West Hickory, N. C., the Year Ending April 30, 1912. Cash on hand May 1, 1911, $ 244.54 On interest bearing note,' 200.00 Poll and general tsx received 343.45 Street tax received 219.85 Beef tax received, 35.00 Dog tax received, 9.50 Interest on note took up, 10.90 Total 1,063.24 DISBURS 3MEMTS. Police and tax collecting 248.81 Attorney fee, 25.00 Paid out for material and labor on streets 293.10 Paid half on expense on town and school well, 32.72 P%id but for general expenses, 117.23 Cash on hand April 30, 1912, 346.38 Total 1,063.24 John P. Huffman, Sec. & Treas., • West Hickory, N. C. was a ' thirst that Coca-Cola // couldn't satisfy. »// It goes, straight as an ar satisfies to a T the call for - something purely delicious ] and deliciously pure— and \ Delicious Thirst-Quenching Demand the Genuine as made by i tiE COCA-COLA CO., ATLANTA, GA. r* . Our new booklet, telling of Coca-Cola JP jTCG vindication at Chattanooga, for the & asking. U P> If you want your hens to lay, feed them fresh ground green bone, crushed oyster shells, mica grit, alfalfa meal, ■i 11 11 chicken wheat, cracked corn, beef scraps, chick meal. A trial will convince you. Sold by b OD w W. B. YODER How the Gold will be distributed 1 CQ To the Baby receiving the highest vote, regardless of district, % 1 2 S receiving the highest vote in the district opposite that in which the first prize winner resides H C To the Baby residing in the same district with the Ist j prize winner, receiving the second highest vote To the Baby residing in the same district with the vf 2nd prize winner receiving the next highest vote ' $ 100 Special Prizes to Be Announced Later. NOMINATION COUPON Good for 500 Votes In Hickory Democrat Baby Contest Baby's Name Parent's Name Address Use this Coupon and nominate some Baby. Mail or bring it to the contest office. Only one of these can be voted for each baby; GOOD FOR 25 VOTES IN THE Democrat Grand Baby Contest ! _ Baby's Name Address You may send in as many of these coupons as you can get, and each one will count 25 Votes for your favorite, Burduco Liver Powder Natures Remedy For Billiousness Constipation Indi gestion and all Stomach Diseases. A Vegetable Preparation Better than CAIX>MEL and will not SALIVATE In screw top cans at 25c each.

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