Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Nsver Suspect it How to find Out. rill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a brick dust sedi- AkH ment, or settling, f-X ' J Strin sy or milky appearance of ten \ tj-X ) indicates an uu / healthy condi ~n \\ [T tiou oftlie kid neys; -too fre- Tquent desire to -- pass it or palu in the back are also symptoms that tell yoo the kidneys and bladder are out of order and need attention. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. KiLfter's sw.itup-Root, the great kidney remedy, f-.lulls almost every wish in correcting rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, 1 i.r, bladder and every part of tlieuriuary v :ssag«.\ Corrects inability/ to hold water tl: d scalding pain in passing it, or bad eM'ects following use of liquor, wine or b. cr. and overcomes that unpleasant ne ccssitv of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many u-.::es during the night. The mild and ii .mediate effect of Swamp-Root is st on realized. It stands the highest be er.use of its remarkable 4 ernes! 1 If you S need l a medicine you aiui one-dollar sizes. Home ut awunji.Koi l i. You may have a sample bottle sent free Address Dr. Kilmerik.Co., Bing h.niton, N. Y. Mention this paper and remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Sws?i :p- R>ot, and the address, Binghamton. v., on every bottle. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Bv virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage deed, made by C. M. Yodei, to A. P. Whitner (default having been made in the terms of said mortgage Joed Recorded in Book No. 92 page ; .*vt, in the office of Register of Deeds of Catawba County, I will between the kurs ut' 12 A. M. and 2P.M. on Satur day the 15th day of June 1912 in front of the Post office door, in Hickory N. C. offer for sale at public auction, for r\sh. to the highest bidder, the follow ing described land. Lying and being in Catawba County, North Carolina, in lli.-kory Township aad beginning at a stone Laben Whitner's corner and runs N. 1,1 4" W. 20.4-5 poles to anironpin: thence S. 851-2" W. 71 4 5 poles to an iron pin thence S. 3" W. 20. 4-5 poles to a stone ihenceN.Bs" E. 73 1-3 poles to th beginning. Containing 9 and 2-5 This the 15th day of May 1912. A. P. WHITENER, Mortgagee. C. L Whitener, Atty. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the e-tate of A. A. Sliuford, deceas«-d, late of Catawba County, Isortli Carolina, tliis is to netifv all persons having claims _r in»t the estate of said deceased to ex* I.TI it them to the undersigned at Hick i 'v. N\ C.. on or before the 30tli day of M' \ 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in 'tar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 30th day of May, 1912. Mrs. Alda V. Sliuford, i (t. H. Cieitner, - Executors. K. C. Menzies, ) Biglv Blackwelder, Attorneys. 5-30-4 1 - REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION i Auction Sale of Choice Lots at Conover, N. C., 1 TUESDAY, JUNE 11, AT 10:30 A. M. These are the beautiful lots lying This is on a high, dry, healthy ridge, the I 1! between Maple Ave. and the Railroad way the town is destined to grow. This sale I I near the Bolick Sons Co. factory, front- means a start for the up-building and growth of I i ing on the national highway, and Conover, and should be attended by every one I j known as the C. S. Coyner property. interested in the growth of the town. Come out I j Being convenient to schools, churches and hear the two auctioneers sell as one man. I P and business, and an ideal place for Music will be furnished by a concert brass band, I I homes, makes it a very attractive prop- and many valuable silver souvenirs given away I ii osition. Now is your time to buy free at time of sale. I I these lots at your own price, either for EASY TERMS, only 1-3 cash, balance in 6 and I homes or for speculation, as we sell to 12 months with interest on deferred payments. I j; the highest bidder. Remember the date, Tuesday, June 11, and the time, 10:30 A. M. I I Southern Realty & Auction Company, j E. M. ANDREWS, Manager., I GREENSBORO, - - - N. C. || WATAUGA CHERRIES. Mr. Ray Will Can the Product of 300 Trees. Mr, D. S. Ray, "of Watuaga, was here Saturday to lay in a Home Canner outfit. He is the biggest cherry raiser in Watuaga, having 1 over 300 trees of everv kind. They will be ripe in three weeks, and he has one of the largest crops in his history. He *ill can and sell on the market. Mr. Ray says the peaeh crop in the mountains this year will be one of the best ever raised. The co!d winds have caused a good many appl-s to fall off but the blight, which Mr. Ray noticed in fruit trees from the foot of the mountains on down, has not yet struck the mountain fruit. Watauga raises also the fines". potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables in the c unt*y, and celery grows prolifically there and has a flover surpassing Kalamaz >o. If Watauga only had a railroad she would be the commissory of the State. Mr. Ray says that work starts on the Yadkin & Watauga R. R. at Wilkesboro June 4th. It nns to Elkville, through the Grandin, lumber lands, to Boone and probably to Butler. Tenn. Ir. will be an expensive road. For instance at Cook's Gap 5 mile-? from Boone, it requires 13 1-2 miles of curve grades to go 1 1-2 miles. But Watauga is minded to vote bonds for the road, for she knows what she could do if she had it. She believes in her self. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot 1 reach the diseased portion of the ear. Thete is only one way to cure deaf ness, and toat is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachisn Tube. When this tube is inflamed you hava a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf ness is the result, and unless the in* flamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal conditfon, hearing will de destroyed forevsr; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Dsafness (caused by catarrh) tha cannot be cured byHhll's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggist, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipatiod. Mrs. C. L. Mosteller went to Granite Falls Monday for a few days visit. Ivey Dots. West Hickory, June 4. —The new machinery in the spinning depart ment at the Ivey mill has all been started up amd the mill is running regular with plenty of help. J. W. Clay is now master machin ist at the Ivey mill, he has taken tne place of C. A. Tolbert who left here a few days ago. Jeff Holler who had been running the hotel at the Ivey mill for some time left here last week and moved into a house near the C. & N. W. railroad shops. ♦No one has taken his place at the Ivey hotel yet. Misses Etta and Fannie Smith, of Rhodhiss, were here Saturday and Sunday visiting Miss Agnes Davis. Rom, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Abee, list Monday, a fine baby boy. There was an ice cream supper at C E Hahn's Saturday evening, with a large crowd present to partake of the ice cream. Mich Church, of Granite Falls, was here Saturday night visiting his father, J. W. Church. Mrs. S. J. Lowman sold 18 acres of land that she owned in the town of Longview to W. M. Hicks one day last week, the consideration beinp SBSO. The kid basebell t?am of the Ivey mill crossed bats witn the kid team of Brookford here last Saturday evening and at the close of the game the sc »re was 11 and 13 in favor of the Ivey kids. J. W. Blackwelder was here Thurs day and Friday listing taxes. Married in West Hickory Sunday evening, June 2, 1912, at the resi dence of Mr. Claud- Griffin, Miss Beulah Poovey and Mr. Roscoe Heff ner, T. J, Leonard, J. P., officiating. R. Fowler and family moved here from Brookford a few days ago and are working in the mill here. Rev. J. W. Watts preached here in the Graded School house several nights last week. Childrens day service was held here at Bethany Lutheran church Sunday evening. There was a large congre gation present and the exercises were fine. Miss Anna Johnson, from Rhod hiss, was here Friday and Saturday visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee Ellraore. IOTA. Auburn H. Setzer, who recent ly returned from Nasheville. Tenn., where he has been at tending school has accepted a position with the Victor Safe & Lock Co., of Cincinnati. 0. He will spend part of the summer here in the interest of this com pany and the remainder of the the time he will spend upon the road as traveling salesman. Dr. Livius Lankford, the dis tinguished Norfolk surgeon, will speak to men and boys at the Baptist church next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p. m. "The sins Youth and the Power of Habit", is his subject. Dr. Lank ford is a brilliant speaker, and one of the ablest surgeons in the country. His address at the lavmens conven tion here was thrilling, and he will have a crowd-that fills the church no doubt. Ends Hunt For Rich Girl Often the hunt for a rich wife ends when the man meets a roman that uses Electric Bitters. Her strong nerves tell in a bright brain and even temper. Her peach-bloom complex ion and ruby lips result from ner pure blood; her bright eyes from restful sleep; her clastic step from firm, free muscles, all telling of health and strength Electric BiUers gives a woman, and the freedom from indi gestion, backache, headache, fainting and dizzy spells they promote. Every where they are woman's favorite reme dy If weak or ailing try them. 50c at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Mr. John A. Herndon. who was formerly a resident of this city, and who left this place several years ago and is now the general manager and superintendent of agencies of the North State Life Insurance Co., with home offices at Kinston, was in the city Monday and Tuesday. Makes The Nation Gasp The awful list of injuries on a fourth of July staggers humanity. Set over against it, however, is the won derful healing, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of thousands, who suffered from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explosions. Its the quick healer of boils, ulcers, eczema, sore lips or piles. 25cts. at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. The work of improving the Lenoir & Blowing Rock Turn pike road is going ori constantly, as the company has the funds to do the work with. A substan tial bridge is about .finished over the creek just nortH of town and another is being built over the creek near the Cold Spring two miles out In addition to these other work is being done, a re cent very great improvement having been made near the Methodist church at Patterson. — Lenoir News. There is no real need of anyone be ing troubled with constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets will cause an agreeaple m°vement of the bowels without any unpleasant effect. Give them a trial. For sale by all dealers. Reformed Church Joseph L. Murpliy, Pastor. Sunday School - - 9:45 a. m. Preaching - - 11:00 a ir. Preaching - - 8:00 D. m. Pastor will preach morning and night. The paster assisted by the blind boy preacher, Macon Huffman, will con duct services in East Hickory during next week. Miss Lucile Litaker returned last week from Greensboro Fe male College where she gradua ted this year. _ Notice of Sale Under Execu r-- tion. North Carolina, Catawba County. In the Superior Court. J. F. McGuire, vs. Otis Vanderburg. Notice of sale under execution. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Conrt of Catawba County in the above entitled action, I will on Saturday, the sixth day of .July, 1912, at 12:30; o'clock, p. m., at the Court House door in Catawba County, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said exe cution, all the right, title and interest which the said Otis Vanderburg, the defendant, has in the following de scribed real estate, to wit. A certain brick dwelling, formerly occupied by the defendant as a dwelling, and located on Highland Avenue, in the eastern portion of the city of Hickory, in Hick ory Township, Catawba County, N. C., apjoining the lands of James H. Sig mon, Walter Hahn, Mrs. A. Y. Sigmon and others, containing between one and two acres, and very beautifully located, and is very desirable property. This the 4th day of June 1912, R. L. HEWITT, Sheriff, per, J. P. Burns, Deputy shff. D. L. Russell, Atty. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the estate of J. M. Shuford, deceased, late of Catawba County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exibit them to the under signed Bt Hickory N. C., on or before the 6th day of June, 1913, or this no tice will be pleaded in bir of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 6th day of June 1912. C. M. SHUFORD, Executor. 6-6-6t. Notice of Mortgage Sale. By virtue of a mortgage deed exe cuted to R. P. Abernethy by C. S. Rein hart and wife, Ella Reinliardt, on the 22 day of January, 1907, and transfered to me with power £to collect December 16, 1907, and registered in book 79, Dage 254, in Register's office in Cataw ba county, N. C. the following tract of land joining Moses Whitener, David Abernethy and others, as recorded will fully show, and containing 24 acres known as C. S. Reinhardt's home place. I will sell saia land to the highest bid der for cash at Newton, Catawba coun ty, on Saturday, the 29th day of June, 1912, at 12 m. to satisfy said mortgage. This the 28 day of May 1912. D. S. FRY, 5 30 4t. Morgagee. Keep your dßte LAWN.S^M If you want an easy-driving, self sharpening and practically noiseless lawn mower—one that is best for every class of work —one that will last longer and one that will do more work with less labor than any other kinds —you shjuld buy your lawn mower here. The workmanship on every mower in our store is as perfect as the best skilled mechanics and improved machineTv can produce. And yet the price is no more than you pay for an inferior machine, We also handle sickles, scythes, lawn shears, rollers, and many other things you need for keeping your lawn attractiye and beautiful. Let us plan with you for permanently beautiful lawns. ABERNETHY HARDWARE CO. asoeeeseeesssGseegasegesa 8 IS YOUR MONEY IDLE? £ — I X IDLE MONEY IS LIKE SEED K N THAT IS NOT PLANTED; Q Q IT WILL NOT YIELD A Q HARVEST. Deposit Your Funds With Us. K a YOUR MONEY WILL THEN 0 © WORK STEADILY; TAKE 0 SNO HOLIDAYS, AND BE V ABSOLUTELY SAFE. X X WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST. N | | x Hickory Banking & Trust Co. K %000606000Q000900000006Q^