ooococo-oooc OOOOOOOOOODOOO 8 BUSINESS LOCALS *5 goocoooooooooooooooooojood "Genuine cotton mattress, good tick, only $4 50. Bowles & Mai - tin. Autos for hire. Anywhere vou want to go. C. T. Morrison. 'Phone No. 145. Big celebration at Granite Falls July 4 h.. FOR SALE—IS acres 2 1-2 miles northeast of Hickory. Fn e spring. Small orchard. Apply to Mrs. Adly Huffman, Hickory, N. C. 6 6 4c jUST IN—A big lot of mat tings, rugs, 30X60. only 50 cents. Bowles & Martin. FOR SALE-10 ao,res 213 miles from depot, on Catawta Springs road. 4-IS-tf. Box 232. FOR SALE—S grade Jersey cows. 1 gray horse, 5000 ceiety plants, 100,000 sweet nota o plants. W.J S'nuford. 6-13-2 C WANTED—To buy from t .e farmer cabbage, garden pe*>», onions and other vege*'-'h)**. Call and see us. Merchants Provision Co. Furnished room for rent, close in. Apply to Box 334, 5-2-tf. Speeches by noted speakers; free dinner for old soldiers and manv other attractions at Granite Falls July 4th. New patterns in mat ing, druepets, 9X12, only $4.00. Bow les & Martin. See H. H. Townsend at the ol\ Gus Hahn place for fresh fish direct from Nortolk. You will find these fish something extra. K. H. Townsend has bought the old Gus Hahn eating place and is now serving nice lunches as follows: Soup and crackers sc, fried fish rolls 5c and 10c, chicken and rolls 5c and 10c. Spend July 4th at Granite Falls, plenty doing. 613-&28 FOR SALE—A good 5-room cottage, water works complete. Located in good neighborhood, one block from public square & 2 blocks from 5 of our churches & our Graded School. J. T. JOHNSON. 1130-15 st. Hickory N. C. 5-23-4tf. FOR RENT—6 room house and on acre of ground, conven ient to furniture factories. 15 minutes walk from square. W. J. Snuford. 6-13-2t, BEST YET—A 4 1-2 inch Roll Foot Bed. 6 1-2 feet high. 24X30 inches in bevel plate mirror on dresser. Wash stand 12X20 bev el plate glass. All for only 522 50. Bowles & Martin. A NICE farm of 21 3-4 acres 5 miles from Hickory on public road route. Tract containing 5 acres of good bottom land, 4 acres of cleared-up land and balance in timber. Price reasonable to any one who will reply soon. P. L. YOUNT, 6-13-6t. Hickory, N. C., R. 1 WANTED—Take a thirty-day course in our sample rooms, and enter the cotton business. salaried positions. Write for endorsements. Carolina Cot ton Schools, Dept. X, 31 East Fourth street, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED—Bookkeeper, sten ographer, salesman, electrical engineer, civil engineer, plumber, structural engineer, surveyor, concrete engineer. Experience unnecessary. Box 242, Hickory, N. C. I FOR SALE. 15 registered Jersey cattle. John Robinson. 6-13-2t. Newton, N. C, SIR ARE D--Two Jersey calves o?.ncr may have same by paying ex peri eo: feeding and for this ad. P. M, Sel.. June 12. Dr. Peterson The Specialist W ill be in Hickory, Saturday, June 16, at the Piedmont Hotel. Call to See Him. A FARMER ON TICKET Catawba and Burke Make Dautgh nages Nomination Possable The endorsement of the National and Mate officials of North Carolina, which included an endorsement of Senator v. iramons general record in Congress; the endorsement of Woodvow Wilson as t ie most available candidate for the presidency, and the election of an al most solid Wilson delegation-at-large to Baltimore Convention, June 26, w htre the most sensational incidents of the State Democratic • convention at Raleigh last Thursday. Because each required a fight. I'rancis D. Winston presided ably over the convention, which made a picturesque sight in the grand new au ditorium at Raleigh. The capitol city entertained the immense crowd splen didly. The committee arrangements for housing delegates were perfect. The convention began at 12 o'clock Thursday and after one hour for din ner sat continously till 6:30 a. m. Fri day morning. It meant business and good naturedly but persistently howled down nearly all speeches over five minutes long. Glenn, who sounded the keynote of the fighting this fall, and C J aig, who was nominated for Governor by acclimination, the only Tar Heel ex cept Ayoock ever so honored, were the only two men whom the conven tion was willing to hear. Both made able speeches, Craig's effort being the best of his life. I here were two reports from the com mittee on resolutions, the majority to heartily endorse all the representatives in Congress and in the State; the other merely to briefly mention these offi cials. The crux of the matter was that the majority resolution meant endorse ment of Simmons. Congressman Claude Kitchin and two more of the nine men on the committee introduced and fought for the minority paper, but it was tabled. Cam Morrison championed Simmons and Ex-Judge Manning Kitchin. The vote may be an index finger, pointing out that Simmons is the strongest can didate for the Senate, although such a fight was not anticipated when counties chose delegates. The Wilson endorsement however is certainly indicative of the fact that he is North Carolina's choice for the presi dency. The Underwood men, led by Var ner, his State manager, tried to howl down, for at least five minutes, Ex- Judge Biggs when he introduced a Wil son resolution but he waited smilingly and the convention slowly went ahead and put the steam roller over Under wood. Catawba hand-in-glover with Burke, is responsible for the nomination of Daughtridge of Edgecombe for Lieu tenant Governor. He is a farmer and supports his wife and seven children from the soil. On the the third ballot Daniels was within about 30 votes of the nomination, when the tide turned un der our leadership, and Daughtridge won on the sth ballot. The delegates-at-large are W, Dowd, R. B. Glenn, E. J. Justice, J. S. Carr, E. J. Hale, A. W. McLean, W. C. Hammer, W. C. Newland, all Wil son men, and W. T. Dortch, an Under wood man. F* D. Winston, of Beartie, and Ellis Gardner, of Yancey, were ehosen elec tors at large. M iss Little Entertains. Miss Lucile Little entertained the Just For Fun club Monday evening, June 10. After the guests had arrived the girls were given cards with the boys names on them and the boys were given hearts and spades. Each girl talked to each boy five minutes and during this talk she proposed and if the boy said yes he put a heart on the girl's card, and if he said no he put a spade on her card. Miss Elizabeth Holbrook won the prize for receiving the greatest number of hearts. The following boys and girls were voted for and accepted as new mem bers: Miss Adeie Kirkpatrick, Lucile Liiaker, Bertha Bradshaw, Annie Lowe, and Messrs. John Geitner, William MoComb, Frank McComb, Sherrod Menzies, Frauk Elliott and Harold Shu ford. Refreshments were served, and the evening was a delightful one. Holv Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. J. H. Wannemacher Pastor, Sunday School - - 9:45 a. m Chief Service - - Ha. m. Junior League - - 2:30 p. m Evening Service SIOO p. m. Morning theme. ' The Resurrection of ihe Dead." Evening subject. "Make Sure of Salvation". The sermon at the morning service will be in memory of our beloved dead. Also notice that those havine money barrels for parsonage are requested to bring them in. The 212 money bar rels brought the neat sum of $1450.00, there are yet 140 barrels to hear from. Please bring them with you, put your pledge in. Wade H. Harris succeeds Hemphill as editor of the Char lotte Observer. For Ladies Only, You have spent day after day, during hot, stifling July and August stewing and sealing fruits and v gr tables, in air-tight jars, and stewing vourselves at the same time. We bring you relief. King's Fruit Preserving Powder (Large boxes and low price) will pre serve fruit and vegetables without air tight jars, with surer results and at one-fouah the price. A 25c. box puts up 40 prunds 01 fruit. Note the great advantage in taste and expanse. Get of all dealers 4* a|t * LOCAL AND PERSONAL. + + Mrs. F. M. Seagle of Ga=tonia. is visiting Mrs. J). H. Witherspoon. Mr. A. P. Applegate and family have moved to Island Heights, N. J. A fire, catching from a flue in Mr. S. P. Bisanar's house yester day was quickly put out. Mrs. E. B. Jones and Miss Louise are visiting in Fredericks burg, Va. Mr. A. A. Whitener and fami ly are in Wrightsville this week. Dr. Peterson, of Morganton, will be at the Piedmont Hotel Saturday. Mrs. Ernest Herman left Tues day for Kinston to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hern don. A wreck of 14 cars Tuesday near Hildebran scattered coal all over the woods and obstructed railroad traffic all day. * Miss Sigmon has sold her house and lot on 13th ave. across from the Presbyter an church for SISOO to Mr. W. B. Menzies. Miss Annie Caldwell and Mr, Carl Wagner, of Newton, were secretly married in Charlotte April 29. Mrs. Geo. Killian is visiting in Rock Hill. Master George Kii lain nad a serious hurt there by running a nail in his foot, neces sitating hospital attention. The farm house and granerv of Mr. D. P. Hudson was destroyed by fire Sunday near Connelly Springs. There was SSOO insur ance. Miss Addie Mae Mitchell, who has been in school at Salem Col lege, has returned to her home in Hickory after spending a few days with relatives and friends in Lexington. Mrs. J. C. Moser assisted by Mrs. C. Moser, entertained the Ladies Guild last week. An interesting program was rendered by members of the so ciety. Light refreshments were serv ed. Mr. 0. E. Yoder went to Lenoir Tuesday to sell the forthcoming Life of Aycock. He is taking names in Hickory and the Democrat hopes the book will have a great sale here. Mr. Clarence Clapp, Jr. of New ton, and Miss Mary Abernethy, of this city, were successfully operated on by Dr. Shuford at the rtichard Baker hospital this week. Mr. Buckner, the wreck victim, gains ground slowly. The satisfactory saie of 42 town lots at Conover Tuesday by the Southern Auction and Realty Co. reached a total of SI3OO, the lowest bringing $22 and the high est $66. The largest buyers were Jonas Hunsucker, Thos. Hewitt, Ed Little, A. L. Bolick and Mr. Isenhour. The Young Peoples Aid Society of Holy Trinity Lutheran church spent a pleasant social evening at the home of Mrs. Postell Clorini>er. Forty young people were present. In the near future they will give a sacred contata entitled "King David". Deiicous refreshments were served. Mr. Herbert Miller, popular railroad agent, won a prize last night when he was married to Miss Linda A. White, charming daughter of Mr. Robt. L. White, Rev. J, D. Harte officiating. Mrs. Harte sang "Daises wont Tell," and Miss Lena Boatright rendered the music. Wayside Chapel, Mendelssohn's Wedding March and Hearts and Flowers. Only a few friends witnessed the pretty home ceremony, and the young tolks caught No. 16 for a Northern honeymoon. Dr. Livius Lankford, the distin guished Norfolk physician, made a splendid address along the lines of personal purity, to a crowded congre gation of men at the Baptist church Sunday aiternoon. He drew from a val uable store of personal experience, a well as from the latest scientific study of this subject. His warnings against some of the pitfalls into whidh boys fall was timely, and were spoken sol emnly, with the speaker's character istic earnestness and power. Dr. Lankford took a four months course with Lord Lister, the greatest surgeon in England, and the speaker's story of Lister's tribute to Gladstone's white life was worth every man's hearing in America. Every town in North Caro lina ought to try to get Dr. Lankford to give this lecture to its young men. It is an invaluable lesson. jhildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A3 T O R I A Mrs. Hall, mother of Mrs. M. C. D. Owen, died at Yorkville last week. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AST OR ! A Mr. B. L. Prevette preacher 1 two helpful sermons at Marvin and Fair Grove churches last Sunday. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Thi Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the SI? Signature of 4Uc*UM How the Vote Stands. DISTRICT NO. 1. (Including all territory within the corporate limits of Hickory.) Mary Helen Flowers 60,000 Ruth Lanier 31,650 John F. Price 60,000 George Killian Bost 26;450 Henry R. Klliott 10,600 Ruby Elizabeth Smith 10,865 Hfrry Gwin 19,200 Robert Lee Harris 59,175 Mary Belle Gwin 19,200 Bernice Morton 22.450 Andrew Rudasill 59,200 Thomas Strieker Shuford 1,000 James Stanley Crouch 50,050 James Oliver Mosteller 40,125 Amelia Stirewalt 19,900 Elia Marguerite Self 30,700 Prentiss L. Ketchie 10,100 Barrie Blackwelder 1,000 Irene Eel: art 1,000 Katherineß. Whitener 10.850 Donald A. Cilley . 4,450 Thomas L. Cilley 1,000 Jack Hatcher 10.775 Katherine Harper 19,625 Bobby Grimes 10,725 Leonard Moretz 60,000 Gwendoline Buchanan 57,750 Adrian Shuford 63,500 DISTRICT NO. 2, (Including all territory outside of Hickory in Catawba and ad joining counties.) Newton. Fred L. Sites R. 1. 47,050 Lallie Summerow 42,250 Vivian Drum. 1,050 Nell Wilkinson 15,00 Christine Sherrill 1,000 Martha Elizabeth Hewitt 1,000 France? Lutz 21,825 Conover. Celia Margaret Isenhower 10,800 Claude Hubert Cline 1,000 Helen Smith, R. 7,725 McDewey Hunsucker, R, 1,000 Myrtle Smith 1,000 Claremont. Mary Rose Moser 19,550 Crage Miller Setzer 1,000 Catawba. Frances Sherrill 1,000 Edwina Carpenter 1,000 Evelyn Little 22,200 Helen Davis Long 1,000 Granite Falls. Sherrill twins George Wiley Sherrill 56,350 Margaret Rebecca Coon 21,225 Sue Warlick 1,000 Edward Ray Sherrill 10,000 Ralph Kiziah 19,150 Hickory R. R. Luther Huffman R. 2 57,300 Clyde Yount R. 1. 10,050 Margaret Campbell R. 1 60,650 Frankie Houston R 2. 19,175 Conrad Lee Brittaln R5. 7,425 Virginia Lee Hefner R 2 50,350 Thelma Bowman, 34,125 Nathan Harrison 10,550 West Hickory. Marsell Tolbert 4 f 3>o Beulah Eckart 20,800 Rath Griffin 46,800 Highland. Virginia Wilson Clark 74,425 Valdry Adeline Fox 1,000 Connelly Springs. Coit Wilson, R. 2 42,775 Hudson. Jessie May Herman 73.450 Claude Greer 1,000 Brookford. Elizabeth Pitts 1,000 Carl Shuford 4,650 Reepsvilie Yates Warlick Havnaer 10,675 Rhodhiss Mary Teague 46,000 Paul Duray Poovey 1,000 Morganton. Henry Bridges 19,700 Williams twins 1,000 Three Children ed. In the early summer of last year an emergency arose to which Mr. R. Monroe, of Marion, S. C., was equal. He writes: "Dr. King's Diarrhoea and Dysentery Cordial is the best medi cine for bowel trouble I ever saw. I saved the lives of three children in my neighborhood in the last few days, after the doctor haa given them up to die." It's the best and surest on earth. 25c. the price. Sold by all dealers. National Democratic Convention Bal timore, Md., June 25th-27th, 1912, via Seaboard Air Line Railway. The Seaboard Air Line Railway will operate special sleeping cars Ruther foroton-Shelby-Lincolnton & Charlotte to the National Democratic Convention in Baltimore. Cars will leave these points on afternoon of June 24th. We have arranged to park these cars at Baltimore so that passengers can oc cupy in Baltimore, thus avoiding the great expense of Hotel bills while in this city. The rate for the round trip from Rutherfordton $15.85, Shelby $15.45, Lincolnton $14.80, Char lotte $14.20. This does not include Pullman. These cars will be charter ed foi $45.00 per dav and $5.00 per day parkage charge; counting twenty five people to the car it will make it cost each occupant $2 00 per day. The trip will consist of about five days making your total sleeping car both ways, and occupancy while in Balti more just SIO.OO. This is far cheap er than you could get it otherwise. For reservation in these cars write. J. M. Carson, Rutherfordton or the un dersigned, James Ker Jr. T. P. A, S. A. L.; Charlotte, N. C. (Continued from first page.) The Democrat's Grand SSOO Baby Contest Will Come to an End at Nine O'clock Saturday Night, June 15. Keep up an earnest striving for sub scriptions. Do not overlook anything that may mean votes for you. Every body is eager and anxious to win and they realize only too well, now that the race is so near an end, that they must leave absolutely no stone unturned if success is to crown their efforts. Drop everything else if need be to make baby a winner. How proud you will be if your baby can capture that title of "The Most Popular Baby in Catawba and adjoining counties." Besides that, there are those prizes of $l5O, $125, $75, and SSO, which are to be distributed in each of the two districts, making four little tots who are to profit as the result of this race. Do not let vain regrets possess you after the judges have announced their decision because you did not do this or that. Your baby may now lead his district for all you know, but if you do not work your very best between now and Satur. day night he may be crowded out by others and may not finish among the winners at all. On the other hand you may feel that your baby has no hope of winning. There is no baby even at this late date that cannot be brought to the very front of the race if you will but do all you can for him. No cause is hope less while there is life. Once again the contest manager wants to urge you to make your report as early as possible. Do not wait until the last day in the afternoon. If you get any more subscriptions you can turn them in Saturday evening. Do not leave it until the last minute. The funerals of Mr. Doss Fry and Mr. Guy Ward Hawn of Ok lahoma City, brother of Mr. Ed Hahn, were conducted at Houck's Chapel last Sunday. Ends Hunt For Rich Girl Often the hunt for a rich wife ends when the man meets a woman that uses Electric Bitters. Her strong nerves tell in a bright brain and even temper. Her peach-bloora complex ion and ruby lips result from ner pure blood; her bright eyes from restful sleep; her elastic step from firm, free muscles, all telling of health and strength Electric Bitters gives a woman, and the freedom from indi gestion, backache, headache, fainting and dizzy spells they promote. Every where they are woman's favorite reme dy. If weak or ailing try them. 50c at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. 1,000 Attention is called to the at tractive ad. of the Hickory Bank ing & Trust Co. in this issue, with a cut of its commodious building. This instiiution is one of the potent factors in the de velopment of Hickory, and its usefulness and popularity is con stantly increasing. WORDS FROM HOME. Statements That May Be In vestigated. Testimony of Hickory Citizens. When a Hickory citizen comes to the front, telling his friends and neighbors of his experience, you can rely on his sincerity. The statements of people residing in far away places do not command your confidence. Home endorsement is the kind that backs Loan's Kidney Pills. Such tes timony is convincing. Investigation proves it true. Below is a statement of a Hickory resident. No stronger proof of merit can be had. Mrs. J. W. Neil, 423 Tenth Ave , Hickory, N. C., says: "No remedy could be better than Dean's Kidney Pills and I willingly praise them again as I did some time ago when I gave a public statement recommending them. My back ached and there were pains across my loins. My kidneys did not act regularly and I felt miserable. Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Moser & Lutz's Drug Store acted as a tonic to my entire system and made me strong and well.'' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name —Doans —and take no other. The Republican national com mittee has given Taft practically all the contested seats in the Chicago convention of June 18, including all from the Southern states, 101 in all. Roosevelt calls it "thelt." Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Thete is only one way to cure deaf ness, and toat is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachisn Tube. When this tube is inflamed you hava a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf ness is the result, and unless the in fiamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal conditfon, hearing will de destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Dsafness (caused by catarrh) tha cannot be cured byHhll's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggist, 75c. lake Hall's Family Fills for con stipatiod. THE JUDGES WHO WILL SERVE SATURDAY NIGHT. The following well known and high ly esteemed gentlemen have kindly consented to serve as judges in the Grand Baby Contest of The Democrat which comes to a close Saturday night: Messrs. P. C. Setzer, W. X. Reid and C. W. Ellington. My daughter had been bown a week with Flux, and was very sick [ procured Dr. King's Diarrhoea and Dysentery Cordial and cured her with four doses. GEORGE HICKS. Handy to have for sudden attacks. 25c., sold by all dealers. Revival Services at the Methodist Church. On next Sunday revival ser vices are to begin at the Method ist church. Services each night of the week at 8 o'clock with day service to be announced la ter. A good supply of new re vival song books have been re ceived, and singing is to have a large place in the meetings. The public is invited to ail services. Makes The Nation Gasp The awful list of injuries on a fourth of July staggers humanity. Set over against it, however, is the won derful healing, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of thousands, who suffered from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explosions. Its the quick healer of boils, ulcers, eczema, sore lips or piles. 25cts. at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. HIKORY MARKET. Quoted weekly by Whitener & Martin. Hens, per lb 11c. Eggs, per doz 17c. Butter 'per lb 20 Cooking butter 17 Creamery Butter 35c Apples, eating 2.00 Cooking Apples 50c. Sweet Potatoes 1,00 per bu. Irish Potatoes $1.25 a bu. Cabbage, per lb ... .01 Dried Beans, per bushel $3.00 Green Beans 60c. Beets Bunch 03c Cherries gal 30c FUR SALE—Pare bred Duroc Jersey Pigs. H. L. Seitz, 5-23-4t. Hickory, N. C. R. 1. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the estate of A. A. Shuford, deceased, late of Catawba County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Hick ory, N. C., on or before the 30tli day of May, 1913. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons 1 indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 30th day of May, 19 12. Mrs. Alda V. Shuford, i G. H. Geitner, - Executors. K. C. Menzies, j Bagby & Blackwelder, Attorneys. 5-30-4t. PALM TREE CAFE Neat, Clean and Up-to-Date. Sunday Dinners a Specialty SEE ME NOW FOR Mantles and Cedar Chests. Special Prices for 30 Days. G. A. CRITCHER, Care of Hickory Milling Co. Dates and Places of Hookworm Dispensaries. Everyone in the county should take advantage of the opportunity the county is giving to be ex amined and treated free for these diseases. No medicine makes such a wonderful improvement in ones health as does this when given to those who have the hookworm disease. The first week following the treatment they gain in weight many pounds. Hickory, on Tuesdays, June 18th, 25th, July 2nd and 9th. Claremont, on Wednesdays, June 12th, 19th, 26th, July 3rd, 10th. Ford and Whisnant's Store, on Thursdays, June 13th, 20th,27th, July 4th and 11th. Maiden, on Fridays, June 14th, 21st, 28th, July sth and 12th.' Newton, on Saturdays, June 15th, 22nd, 29th, July 6th and 13th. There is no real need of anyone be ing troubled with constipation. Chamberlain'# Tablets will cause an agreeaple m°vement of the bowels without any unpleasant effect. Give them a trial. For sale by all dealers. There was a meeting to con sider a Creamery at Newton last Saturday and it will result in a canvass for the needed number of cows. Move On Now! says a policeman to a sfeet crowd, and whacks head if it don't. "Move on now." says the big harsh mineral pills to bowel congestion and suffering foUowp. Dr. King's New Life Pills don't bulldoze the bowels. They gently persuade them to right action, and health follows. 25c at C. M, Shuford. Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Notice of Sale. Under and'by virtue of an order of the Superior court of Catawba County, made in the special proceeding entitled Dora .'lale, administratrix of Miriam Daley, deceased, vs W. R. Hale, Wm. Hale. Henrietta Hale and Hamp ton Hale, heirs of Miriam Daley, de ceased, now pending in said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, the 22nd day of July, 1912, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the steps of the First National Bank, in the city of Hickory, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that cer tain tract or lot of land lying and being in the city of Hickory. Catawba coun ty, North Carolina, adjoining J. N. Patton's lot and others, bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stake on the north-east corner of J. N. Patton's lot and runs East 40 feet to a stake. Murphy's south-west corner; thence North 60 feet to a stake; thence west 40 feet to a stake on J. N. Patton's line; thence with Patton's line south 60 feet to the beginning, on which is situated a small building. This prop erty is being sold to make assets to pay debts. This June 10th, 1912. DORA HALE, Commissioner W. B. Gaither, Atty. 6 H 4t Diarrhoea When you want a quick cure without any loss qf time, and one that is followed bjr no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never foils and Is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It is Eunous for its cures owi a large part el 4* warlA KILLTHE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS ■aDRJQNCS NEW DISCOVERY FGRf° u . c "J [# c£ 50»a*i.oo AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES ~l 'APAAfTEED SAT/SFACTORS L MONEY REFUNDED.

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