tOOSBI ORDERS ' J BOLT. AS TIFT SlfitM INCREASES President Wins Out in Two Test \ otes— Root Made Tempor ary Chairman of Chica go Convention. The Taft forces have won on two test votes at the Chicago c v.vvnt oi, which pfsemb e ) Tuesday at noon. Senator H >ot. raft candidate for tempj nuv chairman, was elected ove • llov. McGovern by a v ti o 5 8 to 502. Yesterday G >v. iiadley or Missouri, moved to oust th; 92 delegates, seated by the nationa; committee after hearing the con tests. Had ey made such a mas ter: v speech that he got a 42-min ute ovation. His motion was tabled, 564 to 510. Hadlty is having a boom now for Pj-s d nt himself. Kusivelt is in Chicago, U j coming throwing the Taft people You Can't Keep Cool, If You Haven't The Proper Clothing. Government experts say that this will be one of the hottest summers on record. Extra cold fST winters are balanced by extra hoi summers, so they tell us. Better get ready for sultry days / now, and be comfortable when gPf / y they come. One of our "extra thin" suits is what you need. M / / GET A SCHLOSS BALTIMORE AJT||B, Light-Weight Summer Suit. And know what it is to be com fortable, even though the ther mometer registers ninety odd for weeks on end. - it: V;;S| These "Schloss - Baltimore" Light-Weight Suits are about MB the only ones that are really P fl cool, and at the same time hold ll|3| llfc| their shape and stay good-look- W|jfi Vj|| Little prices; all styles and rj sizes; big values at $12.50, SI 5.00, SIB.OO, $20.00, $25.00. ' Martin & Clark Clothing Co. ELIZABETH COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CHARLOTTE, N. C. A high-grade institution for Women, with an established reputation for thorough work and good "health. FACULTY: Twenty experienced teachers, graduates of the best Amer ican and European universities and conservatories. EQUIPMENT: $250,000 plant. The building safe and modern in every respect. 20-acre park campus in fine residence suburb. College dairy. College laundry. Extensive athletic grounds. Gymnasium in charge of experienced director. , ENVIRONMENTS: Enjoys all the educational and rocial advantages of a progressive and cultured city. Prevaded by a cultured, homelike, Christian atmosphere. For catalogue apply to 6207 REV. CHAS. B. KING, p. D., President. STATEMENT. NATIONAL UNION. Toledo Ohio. Conditition December 31, 1911 as shown by statement filed. Amount of ledger assets December 31st of previous year, $1,935,766.04. Income —from policyholders, $2 559.360.52 Miscellaneous, $92 907.96, $2,559,360.52. Disbursements —to policyholders, $2 313.040.40, Miscellaneous. $210,314.18, $2,523,357.58. Benefit cetificates written or revived during the year No. 7289, $8,552,000 Benefit certificates in force December 31, 1911 No. 62623, $120,590 500 Claims unpaid December 31, 1910. —No. 100 $223,000. Claims incurred during the year —No. 986, , $2,307,000. Cia;rns paid during the year—'No. 989, $2,313,040 Cla.ins unpaid December 31, 1911 —No. 94, $210,000. ASSETS. Value of real estate, Value of bonds and stocks owned, $1,863,988. deposited in trust companies and banks on interest, $151.235.2». Interest amd rents due and accrued, $21,137.09. Assessments actually collected and held by subordinate bodies, not yet turned over to supreme body. Aii other assets, detailed in statement, $62,237 25. Total admitted assets $2,354,239.03 LIABILITIES. . Death claims due and unpaid, Salaries, rents, expenses, commission, etc., due and accrued, ' *7.13»./u. Tntal liabilities 5p217.130.7v/. BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1911 Benefit certificates written or revived in 1911—No. 129 SIBB.UUU, Benefit certificates in force December 31/1911 No 607, $1.003.000. Claims unpaid December 31, 1910—No. 1, sß*ooo Claims incurred during the year—No. 6, | nnn Claims paid during the year —No. 6, ft'nnn Claims unpaid December 31, 1911—No. 1,- «P Total amount premiums or assessments collected or secured, during the year in North Carolina, President, HENRY C. SMALL, Secretary, E. A. MYERs, Home office, Toledo, Ohio Attorney for service, Insurance Commission, Raleigh, N. U Business manager or organizer for North Carolina, Home office. of North Carolina, insurance department. .... Raleigh, March.s, 1912. I James R. Young, Insuance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the National a Fraternal *der of Toledo, Ohio, filed with this department, showing the condition of Order on the 31st day of December, 1911. Wnn.'Si my hand and official seal the day and date aboye wntten. JAS R YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. —— !^ a ? anic - , He may appear •■j h a' l asK for a hearing, ahovi em across the ropes " forees yS> speakm,t o£ the Tait seconcl test vote showing I ?il^ reasß tor laft > and ttle c «n tests tiavu g Oetn reierred to the credentials committee, ot which ia it had a majority, Roosevelt personally last mgnt arranged ior ins iorees to tolt at the prop er moment, either tins aiternoon or tomorrow, fne rump conven tion will be lield inside the hall it possible. To prevent this 500 ponce and 800 assistants to the &ergeant-at-arms are on hand. Ihe Kooseveit men on the cre dentials committee bolted at the meeting, saying the committee was gagging" tnem. it IUUKS like Tait on the first 0 .ii*. t xhe convention meets at noon. Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting and Shaving. + + + + + + + + + + +4.H« + 4* + + *i*H- + I + * + LOCAL AND PERSONAL. + + + Messrs. H. A. Fuimer and A. W. Cline spent Sunday in New ton. Miss Carrie Yount of Newton was a visitor in this city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. But er Martin spent Sunday in Newton. Mr. F. M. Seagle. of Gastonia spent Sunday with his wife who is visiting Mrs. D. H. Wither spoon. Editor H. C. Martin of the Le noir News was in town Tuesday, Postmaster W. E Starnes of Granite Falls was a business visitor in town Tuesday. Dr. R. W. Wolfe, and Mrs. M. E. htnkel visited relatives in Ttylorsville, Sunday. Messrs. Frank and Fred Cline, of Conover. R. 1, were welcome visitors in the eity Saturday. Mr. Lewis Philips, of Newton was in the city this week. Miss Sadie Peeler, who has been visiting in Salisbury has returned. Miss Beulah Sherrill, of Con cord. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sherrill. Mr. W. E. Tolbert has opened \ a general store at the Abee stand ' in Longveiw. Rev. T, R. Wolfe, of Bristol, Tenn., visited his parents in this city last week, Mrs. Ada C. Hawkins, of Mecklenburg, is visiting Mrs. W. K. Bradshaw. Miss Beatrice Cobb, of Mor gan ton, visited friends in the city a few days last week. Miss Theresa Foy of Green ville is - visiting Miss Bertha Bradshaw. Rev. Mr. Bradshaw has re turned from a very successful meeting at Lincolnton where he had 35 conversions. Mr. Walter G. Herman, of Charlotte, is spending a short vacation with his home people of this city. Rev. J. G. Garth has been con ducting a successful revival meet ingat the Presbyterian church of! Marion He came home Sunday to preach and returned to Marion Monday. I Missßoueche was shot andi killed Sunday night at Salisbury 1 by Frank Chunn, her jealous re- i jected lover, who then put a ball through his own brain. Mr. A. N. Lovelace, of Hollins, Va,, is spending a few days with his son, Mr. S. A. Lovelace, at Brookford. Mr. Lovelace is the electrician and j engineer at the Hollins College. Mrs. Chastain, of Montgomery Ala., is a popular arrival at the Huffry. She, will be joined by a party of friends in the next day or two and they will sum- j mer here, at C tawba Springs and near- J by points. Master Shuford Whitener and his mother have returned from Asheville where the former was taking a special treatment. His friends, of whom he has a host, are mighty glad to see the young man home again. The Carolina and North-Wes tern Railway will on and after j June Isth, operate its elegant! chair cars on Passenger Trains Nos. 9 ana 10, between Chester, S, C. and Edgemont, until fur ther notice, for the accomodation of its heavy summer travel. Mr. Wm. Tryon is organizing a company for the manufacture of proprietary medicines, of which he has the rights to some very excellent ones. The com pany will also manufacture per fumes. Already a good number of names have been signed. State vs. Leban Reece was a case tried before Recorder Yount Tuesday charging defendant with slander of Mrs. Alda Cloer. He was found guilty and fined $45. Mr, Self and Mr. Moose represented th 3 defendant and Mr. Russell the defendant. The First Building and Loan Association is having its building remodeled. Plate glass windows are being placed in the front of the building, and windows are being placed in the side of the building, making it possible to get a better ventilation. Inter nal changes will be made in order to enable Secretary Geo. R. Wooten to better accomplish his aims in making our home build ing organization the best in the State, Mr. Ouida Tyler has been se cured by the Abel A. Shuford chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy to train the child ren for a Baby Opera in the Academy of Music on Monday, June 24. The children are now practicing for this event, which promises to be equally as inter esting as Mrs. Abernethy's kindergarten's closing. Mr- Ty ler has been very successful with this entertainment at other places. No doubt a large crowd will see it hear and help to aid the U. D. C. s. There is no real need of anyone be ng troubled with constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets will cause an agreeaple m°vement of the bowels without any unpleasant effect. Give them a trial. For sile by all dealers. i ■ ■ i Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Robins, o* Cha iotte, who have been vis iting Mrs. Robin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. left yes terday for Asheville to spend a few days, after which they wil] go to Spartanourg, S. C., to visit Mr. Robins relatives. Mr. Goodman, of China Grove, is in the city to help in the Palace Barber shDp this summer. Mr. Smith is already taking his vacation, and Mr. Goodman has his chair* Mr. Cline has added a handsome improvement to the shop, entirely lining the walls with* plate glass. Gastonia is going to have a great day celebrating July Fourth. There will be aeroplane flights, a big sham battle by military companies from Shelby, Lincolnton, Gastonia and Char lotte, a baseball game between Charlotte and Anderson and a mammoth parade in which will be represented practically every business enterprise in Gastonia and Gaston county, A hearty welcome awaits eveiyone who goes. At the meeting of the Retail Merchants' Association Monday night Mr. Neal W. Clark was elected a delegate to the state meeting of retail merchants now in session at Raleigh, and left for the capitol city Tuesday af ternoon. A. J. Payne & Son were accepted as new members. At torney D. L. Russell, attoiney of the local association, was appoint ed chairman of the special com mittee to draw up new by-laws. Miss Pearl C. Dellinger was narried to Mr. Har y W. Hayes ast Wednesday at the home of ;he bride's father, Mr. W. D. Dellinger. Rev. Mr. Barb per 'orried the ceremony, which was witnessed by a large crowd of ? riends. Mr. Hayes has a position n the Brookford Cotton Mills. The Democrat extends congratu ations. An interisting and delightful lervice was the ordination and nstallment of the elders at the Reformed church Sunday morn ng. Messrs. A. A. Shufoid, Jr., ind Roy Abernethy were or lained and installed and Mr. D. M. Boyd installed as deacons. Mr. J. C. Fry was installed an elder ind Mr. C. M. Shuford ordained ind installed as an elder. Dr. Murphy preached from the text n Acts 6:3, where deacons were ?et apart by the early Church. My daughter had been bown a veek with Flux, and was very sick. [ procured Dr. King's Diarrhoea and Dysentery Cordial and cured her with our doses, GEORGE HICKS. Handy to have for sudden attacks 15c., sold by all dealers. f Miss Lenore Sourbeer, of Har-1 risburg, P?., is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. Roy Abernethy, For any itching skin trouble, piles, eczeema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald bead, herpes, scabies. Doans Ointment is highly recommended. 50c a box at ali stores. Mr. Chas. Thomasson left Monday for Fort Valley, Ga., where he will be for several months. For a mild, easy action of the bowels, try Doans Regulets, a modern laxative. 25c at all stores. Hickory seems to be having a perfect epidemic of scraps. Hot blood as the dog days approach. Move On Now! says a policeman to a st r eet crowd, and whacks head if it don't. "Move on now." says the big harsh mineral pills to bowel congestion and suffering follows. Dr. King's New life Pills don't bulldoze the bowels. They gently persuade them to right action, and health follows. 25c at C. M, Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Miss Jenkins of Asheville is expected soon to visit her sister, Mrs. J. V. Harper. "Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal disease —croup. It has been used with success in our family for eight years." —Mrs. L, Whiteacre, Buffalo, Miss Elvenie Barron of Shelby, spent last week with Miss Bess and Prue Thomasson. For Ladies Only, You have spent day after day, during hot, stifling July and August, stewing and sealing fruits and vege tables, in air-tight jars, and stewing yourselves at the same time. We bring you relief. King's Fruit Preserving Powder (Large boxes and low price) will pre serve fruit and vegetables without air tight jars, with surer results and at one-fouith the price. A 25c. box puts up 40 pounds of fruit. Note the great advantage in taste and expense. Get of all dealers. Taxes This is the last chance to pay with out cost. I will, be at Whitener & Martin s store June 15, 22 and 29 foi the purpose of collecting the re mainder of taxes. Please see me and get your receipt and save cost- You will find the books at Burns & White ner's store except Saturdays. J. P. BURNS, D. S. ■»—IHMMii T v Obituary. Eliz* Jane Jarrett was bom Octobe: 23, 1847, departed this life June 17 1912, aged 64 years, 7 mont s and 25 days. She was baptized in infancy and when a young girl she was con firmed in Grace Lutheran church b] Rev A. J. Fox, pastor of Grace churcl at that time. Later she transferrec her membership to Ho'.y Trinitj Lutheran church to which she remain ed faithful till death. December 6, 1866, she united in marriage to Calvin L. Hawn and to this anion two child ren were born, viz., Minnie Seaboch and Morgan Hawn. Besides the nusband and children, there remain to mourn 13 grand children, one brother and three sisters and many relations and friends. Tne funeral was conducfed from the home by her pastor Rev. J. H. Wana maker. For the past few years she was a great sufferer from cancer. All was done thot couli be done to .make her suffering easier Her body res'.s in peace. ' OOOCOOOCOOOCOODOOOOOOOOOOO JJ BUSINESS LOCALS |3 OOOGOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Autos for hire. Anywhere you want to go. C. T. Morrison, 'Phone No. 145. Bowles & Martin can save you five dollars on a canner. WANTED —5000 chickens at highest market price. We pay cash. Will buy your eggs high est cash price. H. L. Hallman & Co. at E. C. Johnson's store. 6-20-2t. FOR SALE —15 acres 2 1-2 miles northeast of Hickory. Fine spring. Small orchard. Apply to Mrs. Adly Huffman, Hickory, N. C. 6 6 4t FOR SALE—IO acres 21-3 miles from depot, on Catawba Springs road. 4-18-tf. Box 232. SEVERAL new patterns in side boards, something new. Bowles & Martin. FOR SALE—S grade Jersey cows, 1 gray horse, 5000 celery plants, 100,000 sweet potato plants. W. J. Shuford. 6-13-2t WANTED-To buy from the farmer cabbage, garden peas, onions and other - vegetables. Call and see us. Merchants Provision Co. FOR SALE —Twelve Barred Rock yearling hens, 75c each. H. E. McComb. 6 20 'l2. Get your field peas for planting purposes from Harris & Little. ONLY ONE Green fiber porch or reception hall suit left. A special price to close it out. Bowles & Martin. H. H. Townsend has bought the old Gus Hahn eating place and is now serving nice lunches as follows: Soup and crackers sc, fried fish rolls 5c and 10c, chicken and rolls 5c and 10c. JUST IN—Couch covers, hall curtains and window curtains. Bowles & Martin. For sale—field peas for plant ing purposes. Harris & Little. WANTED—You to ship your chickens, eggs and all other pro duce to Rand& Sons, commission merchants, Asheville, N. C. 6 20-st. - FOR SALE-A good 5-room cottage, water works complete. Located in good neighborhood, one block from public square & 2 blocks from 5 of cur churches & our Graded School. J. T. JOHNSON. 1130-15 st. Hickory N. C. 5-23-4tf • See H. H. Townsend at the old Gus Hahn place for fresh fish direct from Nortolk. You will find these fish something extra. ONLY a few more porch rockers at the special price $2.00 Bowles & Martin. FOR RENT—6 room house and on acre of ground, conven ient to furniture factories. 15 minutes walk from square. W. J. Shuford. 6-13-2t, A NICE farm of 21 3-4 acres 5 miles from Hickory on public road route. Tract containing 5 acres of good bottom land, 4 acres of cleared-up land and balance in timber. Price reasonable to any one who will reply soon. P. L. YOUNT, 6-13-6t. Hickory, N. C., R. 1 WANTED—Take a thirty-day course in our sample rooms, and enter the cotton business. High salaried positions. Write for endorsements. Carolina Cot ton Schools, Dept. X, 31 East Fourth street, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED—lnexperienced per sons to apply for stenographer, bookkeeper, salesman, electrical engineer, civil engineer, plumber, structural engineer, surveyor, concrete engineer, draughtsman. Box 242, Hickory, N. C. tf FOR SALE. 15 registered Jersey cattle. John Robinson. 6-13-2t. Newton, N. C. STRAYED—Two Jersey calves owner may have same by paying ex pense of feeding and for this ad. P. , M, Self. June 12. ■• 1 : . ——fc——a^—— mmm*mm —r ——— " » There must be something in our great assortment of hardware that you need. Think carefully. Is it a spade—ice tongs—air pump—hammer? No matter what it is, come to our store. Pick out what you need, and you will be surprised to learn how good an article we can sell you at small cost. Only one thing is better than our prices—our quality. We please the hard-to-please—our best customers are those who are the hardest to satisfy. No matter what you need in way of hardware, it will repay you to cal here and see our merchandise before deciding on your purchase. ABERNETHY HARDWARE COMPANY. The Presbyterian College Charlotte, N. C. _ A Modern Christian College For Women „ Letters, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, Philosophy and Religion. Faculty of experienced, university trained teachers; ideal location- Piedmont Carolina climate and pure water. Careful attention given to physical and moral training as well as to intellectual development of students. A high-class institution in every detail. For information, rates and catalog address (Aug29 JOHN L. CALDWELL, A. M., D. D., President. SEE T. S. KEEVER For all kinds of key-fitting, bicycles guns, locks, typewriters, sewing machines, talk ing machines REPAIRED For the next 30 days I will sell $35.00 Bicy cles for $27.00 Call and see me. T. S. KEEVER, Rear Post Office, HICKORY, N. C. Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio Railway AND Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio Railway of South Carolina THE NEW SHORT LINE BETWEEN Dante, St. Paul and Speer's Ferry, Va. Johnson City, Tenn., Altapass and Marion, N. C., and Spartanburg, S. C. "CLINCHFIELD ROUTE" EFFECTIVE MAY 12, 1912 SOUTH BOUND Eastern Standard Time g> « NORTHB'ND No. 5 No. 3 ~ 3 « 3 No. 2 No. 4 Mixed Pass Miles STATIONS JJ« G Pass. Pass Daily Daily W .g Daily Daily P M A. M. LV. Dante. Va. Ar. P. M. P. M. 110 800 00 44 St. Paul, Va. 44 1760 12 45 10 15 1 35- 820 75 " Dungannon, Va. " 1484 12 17 946 221 851 21 9 44 Ft Blackmore, Va " 1305 11 40 911 245 908 30 2 " Hill, Va. 44 1272 11 20 853 {3 01 f9 21 36 0 44 Speer's Ferry, Va " 1280 fll 01 f8 34 327 941 46 4 " Cameron,Va-Ten 44 1378 10 42 815 344 956 51 6 44 Kingsport, Ten 44 1306 10 24 755 359 10 09 58 9 41 Pactolus, Ten 44 1213 10 09 741 f 4 18f 10 20 62 8 " Fordtown, Ten 44 1295 955f 730 44010 32 67 B*' Gray, Ten " 1434 942 718 f456f 10 43 72 6 "Johnson Citv,Ten 44 1526 930f 707 53411 15 85 1•• Unicoi, Ten 44 1624 901 635 63211 43 95 7 At. Erwin, Ten Lv, 1932 829 601 64711 55 101 1 Lv. Erwin, Ten Ar. 1662 817 548 65412 02 101 1 " Chestoa, Ten 44 1662 810 541 17 05 fl2 12 104 3 ««unaka Spgs., Ten 44 1703 800f 532 f 7 08f 12 15 105 1 •• Huntdale, NC 14 1703 f7sßf 528 75912 47 117 9 " Green Mtn.,NC ,4 2058 728 459 824 105 124 9 " Toecane, N C 44 2152 712 443 846 121 131 3 " Boonford, NC 44 2256 657 428 F9 22 151 140 1•' Penland, NC " 2401 635 404 f9 38 203 144 6 » Spruce Pine,N C 44 2462 623 353 f9 50 213 147 9 Altapass. N C Lv. 2514 614 344 10 05 223 151 9 2629 605 334 P M P. M. A._M. P. M. No. 1 No. 6 Mixed Pass - * * A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. 615 223 151 9 Lv. Altapass, N C Ar. 2629 805 334 16 22 f2 31 155 3 " Mt.Mitchell,NC 44 2450 150F3 19 F652F2 58 161 3 " Linville Falls, NC 44 1738 F72lf 248 726 315 175 1 " Sevier, N C 44 1400 705 234 749 331 183 2 " Marion, N C 44 1316 645 215 fß33f 401 197 8 " Thermal, N C 44 984 f6lsf 146 855 416 205 5 " Westminster, N C 44 861 600 132 907F 425 209 6 " Bostic Yard, NC 44 836 543f 123 911 430 211 0" . Bostic, N C 44 845 533 120 917 434 213 0 " Forest City, NC 44 867 529 113 955 502 226- 8 " Chesnee, S C 44 882 50212 43 -10 09 512 231 6 " Mayo, SC 44 822 45012 33 ■lO 45 540 242 3Ar. Spartanburg, S C Lv. 778 42512 10 A. M. ?. M. (Union Pass. Station) P. M. P. M. The Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway, and the Carolina. Clinch field & Ohio Railway, of South Carolina, "Clinchfield Route" reserve the right to vary from the time shown above without notice to the public. Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent for definite infor mation or to CHAS. T. MANDEL, J. J. CAMPION, . T. P. A., In charge Pass. Dept. Vice-President & Traffic Manager, Johnson City, Tenn. Johnson City, Tenn. f—Flag Stop *Daily, except Sundy.

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