[One Dollar Given To Each New Baby I EVERY CHILD A PRIZE WINNER. | Until further notice, THE FIRST NATIONAL On the other hand, parents who have opened ; I BANK OF HICKORY will make a present of ONE . bank accounts for the children find it easy to add from 1 DOLLAR to every baby born in Hickory and the time to time until there is quite a sum drawing com- | I ! - surrounding neighborhood. pou " d in, f est - to credit of th f child - ~ . t Hereafter, to prevent such oversight, The First All parents have the interest of their children at National Bank of Hickory will deposit in the Savings j heart, and fully intend to provide for their future. Department ONE DOLLAR to the credit of each new That so few carry out their plans, makes us feel they white baby, and mail the Pass Book to its parents, to \ have only neglected to make a start. encourage them to follow it up, and make sure of an ; 1 They put off from day to day the starting of the education for the little depositor. j 1 little fund, and soon the whole thing is forgotten, e . ask the P arents to ( mal1 us the nam « of ea = h • m . . new baby, giving name of parents, with Street No. S 1 with the result that when some misfortune comes to o © * A U i n u i A t _ , f _ t . . . , t r or Rnral Route, and pass book will be mailed out at 1 the family, the little ones are unprovided for. once, with initial deposit of ONE DOLLAR. 9 - j | FIRST NATIONAL BANK, HICKORY, N. C. | CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $250,000.00. ■ Four Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Accounts, Compounded Quarterly. Money To Loan At All Times. I OFFICERS: J. D. ELLIOTT, President; - K. C. MENZIES, Vice President and Cashier; - J. L. CILLEY, Assistant Cashier. I DIRECTORS: J. D. Elliott, G. H. Geitner, G. N. Hutton, J. L. Riddle, A. M. Kistler, S. R. Collett, I Dr. W. H. Nicholson, W. B. Menzies, Chas. H. Geitner, J. W. Elliott, K. C. Menzies, A. A. Shuford, Jr. | 10 ORGANIZE Y. HI. c. ii. FOB nosy State Secretary Huntington Sent for to Get Work Started. A strong effort is being made in tnis city at the present time to organize a Young Mens Chris tian Association. The disband ment of the Hickory Club has emphasized the need of a place for young men to gather and have a place for resting, reading and writing—a home, especially for the young men who come from outside of the city to accept positions here. Dr. L. Lankford, in his recent address to men, strongly advised the establish ment of such an institution as a safeguard agains the temptations peculiar to the men and the boys. A number of the men of the city and the good women too are interested in this effoi t Several of the gentlemen who belonged to the Club have purchased the furniture and fittings of that institution and generously offer to donate the same to a Y. M. C, A. if it is organized. This will be a great help and will save a large expense. The furniture is quite hand&ome, too, and would give the interior of the rooms an elegant look. The pastors of the city are taking an active interest in the enterprise, and Secretary G. C. Huntington has been written to at Charlotte to come to Hickory at an early date to get this on its feet. The p'an is to go siowlv and grow. At first rooms will be secured, and later on, as the interest in the work grows a building can be secured. There is a pressing need here 'di the present for a Y. M. C. A., and the need is a call to the good people of the city to rally to the enterprise. Gopenhaver—Miller. The following cards have been received in this city: Reverend and Mrs Jefferson P. Miller request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Grace Virginia to Mr. Luther Marvin Copenhaver on Wednesday evening, June the twenty-sixth at forty-six minutes after five o'clock at Marion Lutheran Church, Marion, Vir ginia. Mrs. Taylor has gone to Blow ing Rock to take charge for the summer of her splendid hotel the Blowing Rock, and the indi-. actions are for a fine season. THE CATAWBA COUNTY HOOKWORM DISPENSARIES. They are Proving Very Popular,— Nearly a Thousand People Ex amined During the First Two Weeks. The attendance at each of the five points in the county where the state and county free hook worm dispensaries have been es tablished is rapidly increasing. During the first week 210 exami nations were made. During the second, last week, 599 were made, making a total of 809 ex aminations that have been made during the first two weeks of the dispensaries. Of which 25 and a fraction percent have proven to be infected with the worms. 338 were children of school age [6- 18, inclusive] Of these 38 and a fraction percent showed a hook worm infection. In addition to the above 31 have proven to be infected with the round worm, or eel worm; 24 infected with the dwarf tape worms; 7 infected with the seat worm; two infected with the whip worms, and two with the Strongyloides, a worm, lowing to its rarity, which has not been given a more com mon name. Judging from the number of containers that have been given out it is hardly probable that the number of examinations for each of the four remaining weeks will be under a thousand per week. Indicating that at least half of the people will take advantage of the opportunity that is now being given them by the county. And why not? The satisfaction in knowing that you do not harbor any of these in fections is certainly worth the trouble to find out, while on the other hand, should you prove to be infected, the medicines they will give you will certainly ben efit your health by ridding your self of these infections. It is interesting to visit the dispensaries and watch the crowds gather. Listening to their experiences, some seem sur prised on finding that they are infected with the various kinds of worms; others, disappointed on finding they are not infected, be lieving that their various ailments are due to such causes and that on taking treatment will be cured. Here and there we find those who have been treated saying that they feel better than they have felt for years and aie gaining weight rapidly. The following is the report giv en us by Dr. Covington showing the number of examinations \ made at the various points: At Hickory 97 examinations; art Claremont 137; at Ford-Whis nant's 144; at Maiden 207; at Newton 159. Here last Tuesday Dr. Coving ton had one of the local photog raphers to take pictures of his bad cases. In a few weeks these will be photographed again so that all might see the results. Connelly Springs Opening. The season at the Connelly Mineral Springs hotel has opened up with brighter prospects than ever in the history of the re sort, and it promises to be a ban ner year. The Orchestra will be direc ted by Miss Staton and Mis Williams from Washington, D. C. The opening ball will be Saturday night the 29 of June. Reservations for the season have been unusually heavy, and it goes without saying that the Connelly Springs Mineral Springs hotel is the best Dlace in the country to have a good time and to spend your vacation. Among the recent arrivals are: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Hiss, Charlotte, Mr. E. A. Smith, Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. W. Hugn Wray, Gastonia; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Vanstory, Greensboro; A. Blanton, Marion; Sam Toulin, Statesville; E. L. Cornelius, Mooresville; J. B. Craven, Le noir; R. G. Lea, Greensboro; Miss Katherine Ervin, Morganton, Miss Kate Claywell, Morganton, Miss Addie Rountree, Moigan ton; P. E. Wright, China Grove; Mr. M. L. Covington. Atlanta, Ga., Dr. and Mrs. W. H. McGal liard, Donaldsonville, La., Misses Eunice, Mattie, and Leese Mc- Galliard, .Donaldsonville, La.; Mrs. L. A. White, Richmond, Va.;F. M. Sally, Atlanta, Ga., Mr. R. N. Thompson, Carlile, Nev.; Mr. 0. F. Fidney, wife and sister, Wartrance, Tenn. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. J. H. Wannemaclier Pastor, Sunday School - -» 9:45 a. m Chief Service - 11 a. m. Junior League - - 2:30 p. m Evening Service 8:00 D. M. Baptism of infants 3:30 p. m At the morning service the pastor will have a message for the pasents and children of Holy Trinity. Evening subject: "Divine Zeal in the Kingdom of God." The public is cardially invited to attend hese services if not in attendance elsewhere. Subscribe to the Democrat. t COMMENT | Citizens of a highly respec table part of the city complain to the Democrat that there is a combined blind tiger and dis orderly house in their neighbor hood, where men are seen entering and departing both day and night. They have appealed to the city authorities to stop the nuisance, and they are entitled to protection. We hope the authorities will put their best detectives to work on the case. We realize that it is difficult to get definite evidence in a case like this but it can be done if gone.at in dead earnest. We are told that the neighbors are ready to testify what they know if called upon for evidence. This is a menace to the morals of the community that must be got rid of. By its recent contest the Democrat has added about 400 new names to its circulation, which now reaches 2,000, and to this fact we call the attention of advertisers, both local and foreign We congratulate the winners, and are sorry we could not give prizes to all who worked. We wish to thank the clever members of the Joyce syndicate for their efforts. We wish also to thank Messrs. P. C. Setzer, C. W. Ellington aid W. X. Reid for their kind offices in acting as judges at the windup. We wish also to thank our readers not interested in the contest for bearing with us, while, we were compelled to give so much space to this enterprise. In Social Circles. The U. D. C. met with Mrs. J. F. AJlen Saturday, eleven being present. The subject of the evening was the unveiling of the Wyatt monument at Raleigh last week. A new club —the Auction Bridge Club —was formed last Saturday at the home of Miss •Sallie Martin, Two tables were set, and ihe club meets once a week during the summer. The members are: Mrs. R. A. Grimes, Mrs. Jack Harper, Misses Hazel Elliot, Ruth Abernethy, Mar guerite Link, Annie Link, Sallie Martin and Lenoir Sourbeer The guest was Miss Emily Ken nedy, of Knoxville, Tenn. SUPPLYING CHARLOTTE WITH SCHOOL DESK! Hickory's Factory Won in Com petition With All Big Con cerns. The deficiency in school desk in four of Charlotte's fine graa ed school buildings has been sup plied by the Southern Desl Company, of this city, in compe tition with such concerns as Th American Seating Co., the Pea body Desk Co., and the,Staffore Desk Company, the largest con cerns of any kind in the country all of which presented severa different lines. Samples of al desks had to be submitted ant the Hickory Company, whici has been organized and running less than a year, was success ful. This order required 40( desks and a beautiful line it was The company gets its timbei from the heart of the Blue Ridge, where inexhaustible sup plies are still at hand. It oughi to be like a breath of mountsir air to the lowlander lads and lassies of Charlotte to work oul sums and con the First Reader on such desks as these. The Southern Desk Co. has a capacity of 15,000 desks a year. Its epigrammatic motto is: "A desk supplied by our own peo ple of our own material for ' our own children*' —an appropriate motto when it is remembered that it is the only concern in the South which makes school desks. The officers are G. F. Ivey, pres !A en T t ; vr- Flagler, vice president; W.H.Nicholson, secretiry and treasurer. hiid ren sry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R | A Mr. T. R. Walsh had ripe roast ing ears from his garden yester day. | Kf B.LtheC@UGHI |ANP CUREffltUmcgl |"> DR. KINGS] HlWDls£d™ M Coiolg^fj AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES^ ~ L ?£ / *iXtt e ZJ Ar/SFAcr o»'' I fc O/? MOA/jry HEFUMDED. I FOR SALE—House and lot on rooms and is nicely finished inside abundance of fruit. A bargain if MRS. GORDON H. CILLEY DEAD. Passes Away Suddenly in Philadel phia while her Husband was at Linviile. The city was distressed Wed nesday morning when the news came that Mrs. Gordon H. Cil ley, of Philadelphia, had died suddenly at 2 o'clock of acute Bright's disease. Jo add to the pathos of the case, Mr. Cilley was away from his home, hav ing reached Hickory last Satur day and left Monday, in com pany with his brother, Mr. J. L. Cilley, and Mr. A. M. West, for a fishing trip at Linviile Falls. His brother, Mr. J. C. L. Cilley and brother in-law, Mr. Bascom Blackwelder, left for Philadelphia to bring the remains home."" Mr. Cilley was located by wire at Linviile and reached here about one o'clock Wed lesday. Mr. J. L. Cilley had started home but turned back for his brother whin ne heard the distressing tidings. Cilley was Miss Maude bhuford.thewlniomeand cultured daughter of the late Mr. A. A. ohuford, and had but recently leltthe city to return to her Northern home after attending the iunerai of her father here in the early part of May. Besides Mr, Ulley, two little daughters a U JTC X irginia Harper and Adelaide Campbell. • Cilley have lived in Philadelphia for a number of years, Mr. Cilley being connec ted with Wanamaker's adver tising department. The funeral will be held at 10 a. m. tomorrow at the Reformed church. Children cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R 1 A Diarrhoea r U want ■ l uick cure without bvnolh A' T* and ° ne that f o"ow«d ojr no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It n «ver faUs and la pleasant to take. It Ja equally valuable for children. It la Sssaas- »•" - 22nd st. House contain eight and out. Lot 100x200 feet. An taken at once. Z. B. Buchanan. I ~r _ ZZ r^jO#* r JTROUSE 6 BROS 2 - - »ACTI V\QHg .——' r i IF YOU KNEW . How to get. better [ clothes without extra : cost, more becoming clothes, clothes that "look right when you buy them and stay right after you wear them" as a business j proposition you would buy these clothes. That's what we want to prove to you. Come in and let us show you how. ALL WOOL men's suits from SIO.OO up. We carry a com plete stock of fine shoes, hats, and furnishings. Moretz-Whitener j Clothing Co. "THE QUALITY SHOP." Miss Katie Lohr and Mr. Iyfy Setzer surprised their friends hy getting married in Thomasvilie yesterday,

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