" ::l ,;!l! I ill AVcgefablc;PreparalionforAs- jji : similating ihelood andUcguia ling the Stomachs andßc\vv:3 || ' Promotes Diges'don.Cheerfuh | || ness and Rest.Contains neither 1 | Opium.Morpliine nor>lineral. 1$ j >OT^\HCOTIC. PncifK of (>M DrSAHUELPtTCHEII I Pump/cui Sced>~ . jilx.Sen/M * 1 Rotktile SaUt I Vlij Jbue , W * I /hfVtmmt - i Bl \crb(»wJrSeda-*' }KnpSet>d.~ Clarified .tiujar | ig Miriny/twt Plover. f j A perfect Remedy for Cons tipa- a I tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea m Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- || ncssanJ Loss OF SLEEP, |f Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK 1 1 M lijli; EXACT COPY OF WRAPPr«. W m *tW IB HI ' 111!!!!! I Pains All Over! I "You are welcome," says Mrs. Nora Guffey, of Broken I g| Arrow, Okla., "to use my letter in any way you want to, r\ if it will induce some suffering woman to try Cardui. I had j j| pains all over, and suffered with an abscess. Three phy- I | sicians failed to relieve me. Since taking Cardui, I am in B f| better health than ever before, and that means much to me, I yj because I suffered many years with womanly troubles, of I H different kinds. What other treatments 1 tried, helped me I || for a few days only." 1/*, .TAKE TL fl I ICARDUI Woman's Tonic I t * •' Don't wait, until you are taken down sick, before tak- II jjg| ing care of yourself. The small aches and pains, and other L §1 symptoms of womanly weakness and disease, always mean I jgji worse to follow, unless given quick treatment You would always keep Cardui handy, if you knew I §1 what quick and permanent relief it gives, where weakness I p and disease of the womanly system makes life seem hard I § to bear. Cardui has helped over a million women. Try it I Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept. Chattanooga, Medicine Co.. Chattanooea, Tenn., H jg[| for Special Instructions, and 64-pae book. ' i iome Treatment for Women," sent free. Jsl I I ! | SNOW KING BAKING I POWDER 1 I The Housewife's Greatest Friend. You have but to r" try it to convince you t'\at it is the best on th* market. ! §For sale in Hickory by A. J. Payne & Sor. • Whitener & Martin E. C. Johnson Harris & Little Bost & Newton | Shell Grocery Co. I * ft£GlST£f)EO K For Saie by F. B. Ingold, Hicko -y, N. C. Elf you want your hens to lay, feed them fresh ground M green bone, crushed oyster shells, mica grit, alfalfa mea , ;f U chicken wheat, cracked corn, beef scraps, chick meal. A trial will convince you. Sold by ,55 1 W. B. VODER I The Kind You Have 1 Always Bought I Bears the . I Signature /%W jf\ Jfv Id !/» y' Use For Over | Thirty Years ▼MS OENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. Richard Little as a College Strong .Man. New York Suu. Hickory people will be delight ed to see the superb record our young fellow-townsman, Mr. Richard Little, has made as a college athlete. The following is from the New York Sun: "In the recent athletic record gotten out of the fifty strongest college men in the United States under twenty years of age, Rich ard Little of North Carolina stands preeminen in percentage. He represented Cornell. Although he was not a student, his having marticulated made him eligible for the contest. His percentage was 97. the three percent being taken off for weak eyes caused from over reading. Third from Little came Roland • Harriman of Harvard, son of tfte late E. H, Harriman. Harvard was elated last year at the wonderful record of San ford, the Harvard strong man. falls back to second place giving his first place to Little. Little bettered Sanford's records a'most double in chin , ning and dipping. A few of the things that Little did in the Difford system were, — chinned himself 43 times, dipped 36 times, lifted 826 lbs. with his legs and pushed up over his head with one hand 126 lbs. I ittle's measurements are as follows: Actual weight 140 lbs., j biceps 15 in., calf 16 in., chest | expansion 9 1-2 in., breathing ! capacity 405 cu. in. It is no in signicant fact, when Little's new sparring partner has to weigh 169 pounds in order to overcome his strength and have anything like a showing, r Little has twice refused to en ter the Olympic team which wil jgo to Stockton this month, hit ! parents having refused to allow his entry, nevertheless he stand? ! amiost unprecedented in the milt run. Deafness Cannot Be Cured jby local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Thete is only one way to cure deaf ness, and toat is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachisn Tube. When this tube is inflamed you hava a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, vandwhenitis entirely closed, Deaf ness is the result, and unless the in carnation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal conditfon, hearing will de destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con ' dition of the mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Dsafness (caused by catarr.i) tha cannot be cured byHhll s Catar h Cure. Send for circulars, free F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, 0 Sold by all Druggist;-. 75c. | Take Hall's Family Pills for con • stipatiod. Howard Council, David Taylor and Dr. Councill Boyden, of . Hickory, visited in Boone last week. The Democrat says the last named may practice medi cine in Watauga this summer. Pain Pill, Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills will help you, as they have helped others. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Head ache, Nervousness, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, Backache, Stomachache, Carsickness, Irri tability and for pain in any part of the body. "I have always been subject to neuralgia and have suffered from It for years. While visiting my son and suffering from one of the old attacks, he brought me a box of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. I used them as directed and after taking them it was the first time in years the neuralgia ceased from the use of medicine." MRS. E. C. HOWARD, 402 Greene St., Dowagiac, Mich. At all druggists. 25 doses 25c. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. I WE OFFER, at a reduced price, two number five, one number ten and one number twelve De Laval Separators. These have been slightly used but are practically as good as new. If interested, call and see us. : : : We buy all kinds of ! country produce and pay i the highest market prices. Hickory Seed Co. HICKORY, N. C. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the estate of A. A. Sliuford, deceased, late of Catawba County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit tliem to the undersigned at Hick ory, N. C., on or before the 30tli day of May, 1913. or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 30th day of May, 1912. Mrs. Alda V. Sliuford, ) G. H. Geitner, > Executors. K. C. Menzies, ) Bagby & Blackwelder, Attorneys. 5-50-41. jFacts I You don't know agents who try to sell you pianos and you don't know the piano offered I but you do know the time honored name of CHAS. M. STIEFF I and you run no risk | in dealing with Stieff or his representatives. Seventy-five years in business has taught us what a piano should be if sold by our house. Chas. M. Stieff Southern Wareroom 15 West Trade Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. Stieff Building, 219 South Tryon St., opposite Academy of Music, after June 15, 1912, al k) \o\ JO)J PIEDMONT TRACTION CO. Between Gastonia and Charlotte, N. C. Effective Monday, May 20, 1912. Temporary Station Air Line Avenue and Southern Underpass, Gastonia, N. C. Leave Gastonia Arrive Gastonia No, 2 700 A. M. No. I—7 55 A. M. 4 8 00 3 8 55 6 9 05 s—lo 10 B—lo 20 7—ll 25 10—11 30 9—12 25 P.M. 12—12 30 P.M. 11—125 14— 1 30 15— 2 25 16— 2 30 17— 3 25 18— 3 30 19— 4 25 20— 4 30 21— 5 30 22 5 35 23 6 25 24 6 30 25 7 35 26 9 30 27—10 25 . 27—10 50 29—11 30 Close connections made at Gastonia, N. C. with Southern Railway and C. & N-W, Railway. The above schedule, figures and con. published only as informution and are not guaranteed. E. THOMASON, C. V. PALMER, General Manager. General Passenger Agt. Carolina & North-Western R. R. Schedule Effective Mar. 3, 1912. Daily I Northbound. Pass. L"" xe * No L Chester Lv 755 a m 12 30 p m Yorkville 8 42 1 55 Gastonia 9 30 3 55 Gastonia 5 00 Lincolnton 10 26 7 00 Newton 11 05 7 55 Hickory 1215 p m 840 Lenoir 130 Mortimer 2 53 Edgemont Ar. 305 Southbound. No. 9 No. 61 EdgemontJ||Lv. 10 00 a m Mortimer 10 08 Lenoir 133 1 Hickory 230 815 an> Newton 3 05 9 0U Lincolnton 3 43 11 00 Gastonia Ar. 440 12 35 p m Gastonia Lv. 455 200 Yorkyille 5 39 3 30 Chester Ar. 625 525 CONNECTIONS. Chester. —Sou. Ry., S. A L. and L. & C. Yorkville.—Southern Railway. Gastonia.—Southern Railway. Lincolnton.—S. A L. Newton and Hickory.—Southern R. R. E. F. REID, G. P. Agt., Chester, S. C. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Schedule Effective Jan. 1, 1912 Leave Lincolnton, N. C. East Bound Train No. 46, 8:52 a. m., daily " " 132, 5:53 p. m., 4 * West Bound Train No. 133, 11:20 a. m., daily " " 47, 5:55 p. m., " For further information apply: JAS KER, Jr., H. S. LEARD, T. P A. D. P. A. CnarJotte, N. C. Raleigh, N. C PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. J. C. BIDDIX DENTJSJ Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY, N. C. Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue, •PHONE No. 94. DR. .1. «J. HICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays anc Saturdays Up Btairs in Club Bld'g., next door t Sliuford Hardware Co, Dr. George E. Flowers Office at the Campbell residence Lont View. Calls answered night and day, rain or shine. > Phone No. 506 A. DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist- Office Over Postoffice. Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. D. L. RUSSELL ATrORNEY-AT-LAW Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in all the courts of this State. Q. E. HERMAN Architect Stevenson Bld£. Hickory, N. G Dr. H. P. FLOWE Veterinary Surgeon Office atThomason's Livery Stable PHOFE 267 Calls answered day or night R. W. WOLF'S VETERINNARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. PALM TREE CAFE Neat, Clean and Up-to-Date. Sunday Dinners a Specialty In health, sickness or distress, Our Bread is easy to digest. Phone 235 CITV BAKERY Palace Barber Shop. Building Materials. 1 Sash, Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, Mantels, Framing, Flooriag, Mouldings, Pine Shingles, Sash Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shingles. Estimates made from plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co. HICKORY, N. C. PBIfP 1 Jlnai! Ibis? ALL THAT ELEGANCE and lasting quality that silver should have will be found in our table silver. The well selected stock at this store enables you to make a choice that not only satisfies you but also those friends and acquaintances who see your table and home. Come in at- once. It is our pleasure to show you our goods. GEO. E. BISANAR JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST. Watch Inspector for So. and C. & N-W. IT—— ■ 5 « Perfection Per/ection iiiw i r Jri I I I Oil Cook-stove She will not burn the toast, and she will not burn her fingers either, if she uses the New Perfection Toaster. For toast or roasts tli « re is no °^ eT stove that is as / quick and as handy as the New For boil Or broil / Perfection Cook-stove the _ „ _ _ \ convenient stove for all purposes, For fry or bake I all the year round. Every dealer has it. Handsomely finished in nickel, with cabinet top, drop shelves, towel racks, etc. Long chimneys, enameled tur quoise-blue. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners. Free Cook-Book with every stove. Cook-Book also given to anyone sending 5 cents to cover mailing cost STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated in New Jersey) NEWARK. N. J. BALTIMORE. MP. The Old V ' Oaken Bucket Filled to the brim with cold,clearpurity—no such water nowadays. Bring back the old days with ~ a glass or bottle of * P^/TwrSFJP f iSMwcm It makes one think of everything that's pure I and wholesome and delightful. Bright, spark* ■ ling, teeming with palate joy—it's ■ your soda fountain old oaken bucket, rjjj FVOO ur new k°°ki et » Cola vindication at-Chatta- COCA-COLA^^^^^^ Solemn Warning to Parents. The season for bowel trouble is fast approaching and you should at once provide your home with Kings Diarrhoea Cordial. A guaranteed remedy for Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Flux, Cholera Infantum and all kindred diseases. Numerous testimonials on our files telling of marvelous cures can be had by request. Notice the following: I have used in my family King's Diarrhoea and Dysenter Cordial in bowel affections. It is the best medicine of the kind I ever saw—J,A.Leslie, M.D. Mr. Robert Yount, who is employed by me at Fullers. N. C., was quite ill recently with a stubborn attack of dysentery. He was treated by phy sicians without benefit* and continued to grow weaker. Half a bottle of King's Diarrhoea apd Dysentery Cordial completely cared him, and he said unless he knew where more could be obtained he would not take ten dollars for the other half of the bottle. —A W. Fuller. For sale by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents the bottle. The Hickory Democrat, SI.OO a year|