EI. MELLON CD. Clothing. Shoes Hats, Men's Furnisnings Trunks, Leather Goods BOYS' AND CHILDKE DEPT., SECOND FLOSON Largest and best equipped Clothing and Furnishing Goods store in the Carolinas. When in the city make our store headquarters 8 and 10 West Trade Slree Chorlotte, N. C. Some people don't think it pays to repair Shoes. Perhaps it doesn't the way the other fellow does it, but the way I do it, with the best material that money can buy and with machinery to do it with, I can do you a job that will pay. F. M. THOMPSON, Phone 106. 1001 14th St., BASEMENT STROUP BUILDING. ■V?,. -IJIIU—W—W| I Alexandria, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, and all Louisiana points. Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, Vickiburg, and all Mississippi points. all points North, East, South and West REACHED BY THE THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THE QUEEIV & CRESCENT ROUTE FOR RATES AND FULL INFORMATION, CALL ON OR WRITE • J. C. CONN, Division Passenger Agent, Read House, CHATTANOOGA. TENN. Your Sewing Machine can be fixed If it drops stitches, breaks thread and needles; draws goods, feeds slow, chokes under foot; runs heavy, has knocking or loss motion, piece lost, broken or worn out. All parts for all makes. We duplicate and repair under guarantee. You do not live too far for us to and repair it at your home. Address, SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SHOP. Phone 320. M. C. D. OWEN, Mgr., Hickory, N. C. Box 372. IT'S TIME You get our quotations on your needs. MILL WORK. For that extension to the f^ v | J 111 P, house, porch, veranda or I AX new building you plan, you'll find we can quote you k est on t * ie J y ™ M ' SASH, DOORS, { 1 || MANTLES, MOULDINGS, v You save money when |X|r"jyy | you patronize home indust | > » Try—let us show you. HICKORY NOVELTY CO. STATE NEWS Miss Lottie Pool Walton, daughter of the late Rev. W. H. Pool, died in Mansfield, Tex , May 27. She was a native ot Taylorsville. R. C. Chapman died in little River township, Alexander coun ty, on the Bth, aged 81. The Snow Camp Woollen Mills in Alamance county were de stroyed by fire on the 10th. Ine i loss is about $40,000. Hon. R. L. Doughton was nominated for a second term in Congress by the Salisbury con vention. Mr. N- Gemayel, a Spencer barber, has been delivered of a tapeworm 45 feet long fro™ which he has suffered for 20 years. Sheriff J. A Laughridge, with Deputies F. A. Curtis and J. P. Ray and Deputy Collector Har kins. made a raid on North Fork Monday and destroyed a large illicit distillery outfit. No arrests were made. The distillery had a 90 gallon equipment. The still was located about four miles from Hankins near the Burke county line.— Marion Progress. The Summer Book Club met Wednesday with Mrs. W. B. Councill. The books were dis cussed and exchanged, and "The Ministers Vacation" from "Susan Clegg and Her Neigh bors" was read by Mrs. Bost. Light refreshments were served. Wesley Edwards, another of the Allen Gang, has been cap tured at Clay City, Ky. The Armour Packing Com pany, of Chicago, is to erect a great fertilizer factory near Greensboro to cost in the neigh orhood of $250,000. SOUND PLATFORM Continued from first page. * I furnish better preparation for more profitable farming and more comfortable liviag in the country. The supervision and control of public service corporations is a well recognized ' right of the State and national governments, j and we pledge ourselves to the enforcement of this right in the interest of the people of the State, consistent with fair and just treatment to the public serv ice corporations and no public service corporations shall grant any special privileges, or other favor, to any person or corpora tion. We are opposed to, and de mand the suppression of trusts and monopolies, and favor the enactment of such laws in both State and nation, with such nec cessary machinery and powers as will make their existence im possible. We believe that guilt is personal, as well as corporate, and we demand that all anti trust laws be enforced both by the civil and criminal procesess of our courts. We denounce protection as a robbery of the many to enrich tne few, and we favor a tariff limited to the needs of the KOV ernment, economically adminis tered, and so levied as not to dis criminate against any industry, class or section, to the end that the burdens of taxation shall be distributed as equally as possible. We favor a revision and reduc tion of the tariff to a revenue basis by the friends of the masses and for the common weal, and not by the friends of its abuses, its extortions and its discrimina tions, keeping in view the ulti mate "equality of burdens and equality of opportunities" and the constitutional purpose of raising a revenue by taxation, to-wit: the support of the Federal government in all of its integrity and virility but in simplicity. We heartily endorre the record of our Senators and Representa tives in the Congress of the United States, and the adminis tration of our State's affairs by our Governor and other State officers. We have faith and confidence in the intelligence and patriotism of the people of the State, and in the ultimate develf pment of our unrivaled natural resources, and we call upon all North Carolinians to unite in one common effort to continue in power the adminis tration of the party under whose government the State has made such rapid strides and develop ments since its advent to power. Makes The Nation Gasp The awful list' of injuries on a fourth of July staggers humanity. Set over against it, however, is the won derful healing, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of thousands, who suffered from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explosions. Its the quick healer of boils, ulcers, eczema, sore lips or piles. 25cts. at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. HIKORY MARKET. Quoted weekly by Whitener & Martin Hens, per lb 11c Eggs, per doz 17c Butter per lb 20 Cooking butter 17 Creamery Butter 35c Apples, eating 2.00 Cooking Apples 50c. Sweet Potatoes 1,00 per bu Irish Potatoes $1.25 a bu. Cabbage, per lb 01 Dried Beans, per bushel $3.00 Green Beans 60c. Beets Bunch 03c Cherries gal 30c HIDES. Prices paid at the Hickory Tan nery: Green Hides 11c per pound. Partly cured hides 9c. . 44 Green Salted Hides 12c Dry Flint Hides 18c 44 Dry Salted Hides 16c - 44 Tallow 5 l-2c per ~ Rye Straw 40c „ National Democratic Convention Bal timore, Md., June 25th-27th, 1912, via Seaboard Air Line Railway. The Seaboard Air Line Railway will operate special sleeping cars Ruther for iton-Shelby-Lincolnton & Charlotte to the National Democratic Convention in Baltimore. Cars will lea e these points on afternoon of June 24i.' We have arranged to Dark these cars at Baltimore so that passengers can oc cupy in Baltimore, thus avoiding the great expense of Hotel bills while in this city. The rate for the round trip from Rutherfordton $15.85, Shelby $15.45, Lincolnton $14.80, Char lotte $14.20. This does not include Pullman. These cars will be charter ed for $45.00 per dav and $5.00 per dayparkage charge; counting twenty five people to the car it will make it cost each occupant $2 00 per day. The trip will consist of about five days making your total sleeping car both ways, and occupancy while in Balti more just SIO.OO. This is far cheap er than you could get it otherwise. For reservation in these cars write. J. M. Carson, Rutherfordton or the un dersigned, James Ker Jr. T. P, A. S, A. L.; Charlotte, N. C. John R, Gibbes, a white man living: near Bath, N. C., called his little two year old son to him one day last week and cut his throat. He came home from his work late and entered his rooffh saying to the child: "Come here, honey; daddy wants you- ' The child went to him ana his mother a few minutes later found him gasping his life out The father calmly walked out on the porch and sat down. He said that he had a reason for killing the child, but would not give it. He was taken to Washington, in Beaufort county, for safe-keep ing, as the people of Bath were very much stirred up over the crime. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of IjLaSyZ/'CUc/U/M SEE ME NOW FOR Mantles and Cedar Chests. Special Prices for 30 Days. G. A. CRITCHER, Care of Hickory Milling Co. Now is the time to feed Stock and Poultry Dr. Le Gear's Siock Powder guaranteed to make your horse fat ard sleek. Dr. Le Gear's Poultry Powders guaranteed to make hens lay moie eggs. You can now obtain Dr. Le Gear's famous remedies from MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists Hickory, N. C. "Satisfaction .or money back." Announcement! If you use lubricating oils, grease, house paints or any kind of liquid or dry paints, see me, the manufacturer's agent, and buy direct and save middlemen's profits. Quality guaranteed. See or write me and I will be pleased to quote you prices and show you samples. We have a special guaranteed automobile oil. A. F. SETZER, Agent for Victor Oil Co., Cleveland, O. HICKORY, N. C., Box No. 309. —^^- - ' ~ i ■ —' —* ' ' In Announcing the Opening of My New Store I want to ask you to visit my FURNITURE SHOW ROOMS, in the Lanier Mercantile Co. building. The advantages offered in savings, you can readily see when you investigate the line, which includes Chamber Suits, Chif foniers, |odd Dressers, Iron Beds, Cribs, Wire Springs, Mattresses, Kitchen Safes, Chairs and Rockers of all kinds. My rug line every requirement, they are trade makers and business builders. Look them over. I have many things that will add Ito the home. Respectfully, J. C. MARTIN, Hickory, N. C. Mrs. Belle C. McKown, of Pitts-1 burg, Pa., is visiting her sister, Mrs. i A K. Joy. Mrs. Joy has returned home from the Richa d Baker Hospi tal but expects to return to the hospi table soon. Man Coughs and Breaks Ribs After a frightful coughing spell a man in Neenah, Wis., felt terrible pains in his side and his doctor found two ribs had been broken. What agony Dr, Kings New Discovery would have saved him. A few teaspoo- sful ends a late cough, while persistent ase routs obstinate coughs, *xpelF stubborn colds or heals weak, sore lungs. "I feel sure iis a Godsend to humanity," writes Mrs. Effie Morton. Columbia, Mo. for L believe I would have consumption to-day, if I had not used this great remedy." Its guaranteed to satisfy, and you en get a free trial bottle or 50-cent or SI.OO size at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miller have returned from their bridal trip to North ern cities. ra'Mwg' NYAL'S I | HAIR-TONIC | iHIIC | Is the peer of them all—it positively frees your stain of dandruff, supplies the proper nourishment to scalp ami hair—stimulates growth and gradually restores gray ht.ir to its natural color. Keep your hair healthy and fine—get the Nyal habit. MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists. ' "ON THE CORNER." THE WORLD'S 'J/j BEST PIANO /// THE KNABE piano is famed universally for its delicate sweetness of tone. For three generations it has had no peer. Will you not inspect our complete stock of these time honored instruments? PARKER-GARDNER CO. : CHARLOTTE, N. C. Selling Agents " ' aa^" aagga " gßro , 1 . y |l,r ' Why waste good dollars in big-car travel when the Ford will get you there as quickly, as comfortably, as safely— and at a fraction of the cost? Thousands of owners of more i expensive cars are buying Fords this year—because of their maximum economy and time-tested efficiency. Seventy-five thousand new Fords go into service this season —proof of their unequal ed merit. The price is $590 for the roads ter, $690 for the five passenger car, and S7OO for the deiivery car—complete with all equipment, f. o. b. Detroit. C. T. Morrison, Hickory, N. C SOLID Deering CAR Binders Just received a solid car of Deering Binders. Come and get one as now is the time to bu y your binder for harvest. Get one in time and don't put it off until too late. We are agents for the Deering, McCormick, and Piano binders and mowers. We carry a complete line of repairs for above make bin ders and mowers. Make out your list of re pairs and come and see us for them. Also agents for the famous Planet Jr. Riding Cul tivator. ——^_____________ .w, Shuford Hardware Co.

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