OOOCOOOCOOOCOOSOOOOOOOOOOO $ BUSINESS LOCALS goooooooooooooooooocoooooo GIRLS WANTED—Mender.. loopers, knitters, and oth r kinds of work. Apply Hickory Hosiery Mills, 7-11-t£ 12 Room house for rent in the town of B1 -wing Rock. N. C. Suitable for a boarding house or rooms to rent. Apply to S. E. Killian, Hickory, N. C. , Want all the wheat I cm get if it is 15000 or 20000 bushels of eood milling wheat, cash for same. W. I Caldwell. WANTED —Bids on new Lu theran church, Granite Falls, N. C. Brick construction. Apply to P. L. Cline or W. E. Coon. Bids in not later than July 20. 6 27 3t. WANTED— Men of ability to learn cotton business in our sam ple room. Only 2 weeks requir ed to complete the course. Good prospects. Charlotte Cotton School, Charlotte, N. C. Autos for hire. Anywhere Vvou want to go. \ C. T. Morrison, \ 'Phone No. 145. \ring your wheat to me. Want 1,)W0 or 20000 bushels of good milling wheat, and will give the Is ighest cash price. W. 1. Cald well. - Are you needing a trunk or a suit case? You can have a large stock to select from here, and at right prices. J. A. Bowles. . WANTED—To buy from the farmer cabbage, garden peas, onions and other vegetables. Call and see us. Merchants Provision Co. FOR SALE— Twelve Barred Rock yearling hens, 75c each. H. E. McComb. 6 20 'l2. WHITE PIQUE for skirts and suits at J. A. Bowles. H. H. Townsend has bought the old Gus Hahn eating place and is now serving nice lunches as follows: Soup and crackers sc, fried fish rolls 5c and 10c, chicken and rolls 5c and 10c. ~FOR SALE, a $5OO stock of Mdse. or will exchange for close in Property. Box 232. 627 tf. For Sale- Old papers at 10c par hu ldred. Hickory Dem erat. FOR SALE— Mosler Iron fire proof safe, 36 inches high. Good as new 7 . Less than half price. Address box 309, Hickory, N. C. WANTED—lnexperienced persons to a >ply for following positions: Stenog rapher, 540; bookkeeper, $3O; salesman, $->3; civil engineer, $100; electrical en gineer, $9O; Draftsman, $80: structural engineer, $100; bridge engineer, $lOO. S. E. Bureau, 829 9th ave. Hickory, N. C. JUST IN— Couch covers, hall curtains and window curtains. Bowles & Martin. " CAMBRIC and gauze under wear at J A. Bowles. WANTED— You to ship your chickens, eggs and all ether pro duce to Rand & Sons, commission merchants, Asheville, N. C. 6 20-st. See H. H, Townsend at the old (iiis Hahn place for fresh fish riirect from Nortolk. You will find these fish something extra. A NICE farm of 21 3-4 acres 5 miles from Hickory on public road route. Tract containing 5 seres of good bottom land, 4 acres of cleared-up land and balance in timber. Price reasonable to any one who will reply soon. P. L. YOUNT, f> 13-6t. Hickory, N. C., R. 1 WANTED—Take a thirty-day course in our sample rooms, and enter the cotton business. High salaried positions. Write for endorsements. Carolina Cot ton Schools, Dept. X, 31 East Fourth street, Charlotte, N. C. I SHOES I F° r kittle Men • men! In fact we have 4 fcJwtf shoes * or ever yt>ody 0 * %,Tlfr /fifty every age, sex or condition. iTUL Walking shoes, dress shoes, * house shoes, business I shoes and just plain shoes. Shoes to fit your feet, you* pride in your personal appearance and your pocket DOOK. | BOYS SHOES ARE NOT A I SIDE ISSUE i with us. We pay as much attention to them as any other I department. In addition to wear resisting qualities and | good looks our boys' shoes have a feature which [the 1 youngsters appreciate. .. , . They don't make their feet look so big and clumsy j as the ordinary footwear for growing boys. We carry tne j best $2.00 boys shoes made. Just received a shipment 01 i Boy Scout Shoes, number 2 to 6s, $2.00 to $2.25. Big reductions on all men's low shoes. I Thompson-West Co. Reformed Church Joseph L. Murphy, pastor. Holy Communion next Sunday at the morning services. Special preparatory services on Saturday at 4, p. m. Baptism of children and con firmation on Saturday. Services Sunday night, at 8, p. m. Special music at night service. Tile Reformed people picniced at Catawba* Sparkling Springs last Tuesday and report a good t me. Mesdames G. H. and C. H. Geitner spent last Sunday in Asheville, returning home Mo: - day. What Makes a Woman?, One hundred and twenty pounds, more or less, of bone and muscle don't make a woman. It is a good foundation. Put into it health and strength and she may rule a kingdom. But that's just what Electric Biiters give her. Thous ands bless them for overcoming faint ing and dizzy spells and for dispelling weakness, nervousness, backache and tired, listless, worn out feeling. "Elec trie Bitters have done me wonderful of good," writes Eliza Pool, Depew. Okla., "and 1 thank you for making such a good medicine •' Only 50c. Guaranteed by C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Store. JThe Catawba County Farmer's Union met Saturday in Newton and considered plans for building a cotton ware house in Newton. Messrs. R. L. Shuford, M. M. Smyre and James Propst were made a committe to confer with Newton business men in the matter. They will report next Saturday what can be done. A man in each local will canvass to see how much cotton his com munity will store. The Union will meet hereafter the first Saturday in each month. Makes The Nation Gasp The awful list of injuries on a fourth of July staggers humanity. Set over against it, however, is the won derful healing, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of thousands, who suffered from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explosions. Its thfc quick healer of boils, ulcers, eczema, sore lips or piles. 25cts. at C, M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. The Reformed Church Sunday School had a delightful picnic at Catawba Springs Monday. There was a full turn out of children, teachers and friends, and a de lightful day enjoyed by all. For sale- field peas for plant ing purposes. Harris & Little. MRS. D. M. ATKIN, trained nurse, of Charlotte, N. C., has located in Hickory and will be at doctors' services at any time. Phone 252. Street No. 1417, 12th St. 7 4 2t pd. COLORED LAWNS for mid summer dresses at J. A. Bowles. FOR SALE—IO acres 21-3 miles from depot, on Catawba Springs road. 4-18-tf. Box 232. Furnished room for rent, close in. Apply to Box 334. 5-2-tf. Get your field peas for planting purposes from Harris & Little. CANVASS for wall papering at J. A. Bowles. FOR SALE At Less Than Cost. Two desirable building lots, in good community, near graded school. Size 167 feet front by 200 feet back. Will sell out right or exchange for out-of town land. Call at the Demo crat office or 'phone 37. HIS SISTER NOT DEAD. But Dr. Murphy Rushed to see Her Summoned by Erroneous Wire? Monday morning Dr. J. L. Murphy received a wire saying that his sister, Mrs. - Dora Darr, who lives near Thomasville, and who has been very ill was dead Dr. Murphy caught No. 36 on his way to the home of his sister She had been quite ill »nd he was prepared to hear bad news. When he reached Thomasville the railroad agent met him, and asked him if he had received a second telegram before leaving Hickory! He said he had nor and learned that a second mes sage had been sent informing , him that Mrs. Darr was still alive. The unfortunate error occured this way. Mrs. Darr became v;orse and her brother went to see her. While away he was called up by his son over the phone and was asked: "How is aunt?" "Your aunt is bad," was the reply, and the young man understood it: "Your aunt is dead", and at once telephoned other relatives. One of these had promised to keep Dr. Mur phy posted about his sister's condition and at once sent him the hasty message. Mrs. Darr was surprised to see Dr. Murphy but he had a de lightful day with her, and found 1 her rejoicing in the Christian ! hoDe as her end approaches. Are Holy Rollers a Religious De nomination. i Newton correspondence Observer, Btli. ' The July term of Catawba su perior court for the trial of crim- i inal and civil cases opened this 1 morning with Judge Lyon pre- 1 riding. The dockets are not very 1 heavy. One of the state cases promises to be interesting. Sev- , eral men stand indicating for raising a disturbance at a "Holy j Roller" service out in the coun- ( try and it is said that the defense will raise the question as to whether this sort of service is really a religious service. The Holy Roller sect has been operating at several points in the country for months, and a com pany is now in Newton. Wonder- , ful stories are told of their "un known tongue," "holy dance" and "holy rolling" ceremonies, The service here last night was characterized by astounding do ings, and whatever the courts 1 may decide the majority of the people have already passed judg ment and in their minds it is neither religious nor a "service". Seized with the spirit, men and ; women dance, roll about on the ground, and babble meaningless , words. Sick people are prayed over, doctors being forbidden, the Lord is asked to remove the grass from the crops, it is said, and those who have had occasion to observe the goings on, have many a story to tell of this truly remaikable people. ' Resolutions of Sympathy. Resolutions of sympathy passed by the Chamber of Commerce in session assembled for our friend and co-worker, Mr. A. K. Joy, in the death of his beloved wife: Resolved: First, That we ex tend to him ou*- tender sympathy in his great loss, and do assure him of the earnest solicitude of his many friends in this com munity. Second. That we bow in rever ence and humility to Him who has called her from her earthly cares to the bliss of the heavenly home, and that we thank our Heavenly Father for the gift of this noble Christian life in Our midst. Third: That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, and one be printed in the town papers. W. B. Ramsay 1 J, H. Patrick > Com. . J. L. Riddle J Granite as a County Seat. Granite Falls correspondence Greens boro News. A movement is on foot to form the new county of Granite by taking a part of Caldwell and Burke counties. The county seat would be Granite Falls, which will be the centre of the new county. It is understood that a large number of people in the boundry that the new county would take in are in favor of it as no part of the county would be over ten miles from Granite Falls the county seat, while it is 20 miles to Lenoir and Morgan ton, the present county seats. Both political parties have agreed not to support any candidate for representative that was not in favor of forming the new coun ty. * Deaths. The child of Mr. R. D. Fisher, of Brookford, died on Juiy 4th. and was buried on July sth. The infant of Albert Frazier» of Brookford, died luly 8. Bessie Perkins died July 9 and waslmried July 10 at Friend ship. She was 14 years old. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA + • + LOCAL AND PERSONAL. + ♦ ♦ + +4 , + , 5 , + + +i' ++ + , l , + + '{"s' + , 5' + Miss Alice Anderson, of Rock Hill, is the guest of Miss Annie Killian. Miss Carrie Anderson, of Rock Hill, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Killian. Miss Greta Wezen entertained tonight in honor of her fifteenth birthday, Mrs. E. L Shuford delightfully entertained the Do-as-you-please club Tuesday ni«ht. Mrs. Speagle, of Greenville, S. C, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Re-chard. Mrs. John Sindlin, of Old Fort, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Menzies and children spent the best part of the week at Wrightsville Beach. Miss Gladys Reid gave a dance Wednesday night in honor of Miss Miriam Reynolds, of Ashe ville. Attention is called to the ad of the First Building & Loan Asso ciation opening a new series of stock. Norma Stevenson suffered something like a relapse in her illness but is rallving from it nicely. Mr. Elon Albert Abernethy, the gifted son of our townsman, Dr. Hen y Abernethy, is now hard at work jrosecuting his studies at West Point. Capt. Peter M. Mull, of New- ( x>n. is celebrating his 80th anni fersity today. He.- was one of ( ;he bravest men Catawba sent , to the war. Mr. Thos. Edwards calls a neeting of farmers for Saturday, August 20, at Newton at 3 p. m., ;o pledge cows for the proposed creamery there. - * 1 Hickory's splendid military ;ompany, Capt. George Lyerly in 1 :ommand, leaves Monday for Vlorehead City for its annual en campment. -- Attention is called to the ad of Zerden's Underselling Store in this issue offering spe ial bargains at his sale which goes on Saturday. MissCarlotta Mewborn,of Kin 3ton, arrived today to visit Mrs. j Wesley Martin. Mrs Martin I will entertain in her honor to morrow evening. Ex-Congressman A. Craig Shu ford and George Cochran i held a convention on the streets I of Newton the other day and; agreed to elect Woodrow Wilson president by acclamation. Mr. Noah Whitener has a. let ter from his second cousin, Miss Minnie Killian, of Kansas City, who enquires particularly about old friends in thi-. section, which she left some years ago. She is well and doing well. The annual picnic of the Methodist Sunday school will be held at Edge mont July 16. Those who are not members are required to pay $l.OO for a round trip ticket, as there are nearly 350 members of the school, all of whom are to go free. A iarge | crowd is insured. The Young Peoples Aid Society of Holy Trinity Lutheran church met Monday evening at the home of Mrs J. C. Moser with Miss Virginia Moser as hostess. All present enjoyed the evening. The next meeting will be held in the country with Miss Emma Suttlemyre. Refreshments were serv ed. Friends of the young ladies will be glad to know that Misses Emma Pitts and Novella Leonard of Catawba, both of whom have been suffering from appendicitis, are recovering. Miss Pitts is in the sanitarium at Salisbury, and Miss Leonard is at her home in Catawba. —Newton News. The Greensboro Advocate states that a letter from Rev, C. P. Moore, Oakland, Cal., conveys the intelligence that Mrs. G. W. Callahan, wife of Rev. G. W. Callahan, died at Berkley, Cal., on the 23rd of June at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. B. Fry. Mrs. Callahan was a daugh ter, of the late Alex. Summit of Newton, and was an aunt of Mrs. W. C. Feimster. Mr. Callahan is in very poor health. Mr. James Shuford, Mrs. Shu ford, nurse and child took a de lightful automobile tour on July 4in Mr. Shuford's Buick. He ran around by Gastonia, Spartan burg and Greenville, over the Central Highway, and then made for Hendersonville via Saluda, reaching there that evening, and spending the night. He ran over to Asheville and Chimney Rock before returning home. He found the roads generally in splendid condition, and greatly enjoyed the outing. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. J. H. Wannemaclier Pastor, Sunday School - - 9:45 a. m Chief Service - - 11 a. m. Junior League - - 2:30 p. m. Evening Service 8:00 d. m. Catechising every Saturday at 6 a. ra. All are welcome. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A Leonard May Run Against Sherrill. wewton News. Ex-Sheriff Leonard of Hickory has been" here this week, ming ling with tie cou t crowd?. "What are you doing down here?" he was asked, "on business or just electioneering?" "Both," he replied, paused, and then sair*, "No, just 'lectioneering." The former sheriff is very Jikely to be the republican candidate for treasurer. His democratic op ponent is Mr. Walter L. Sherrill, of Catawba. Both are nice men but this being democratic year, of course Mr. Sherrill will have to put one over on Mr. Leonard. Mr. Alley Gabriel and Mr Arthur Drum are spoken of fcr register of deeds on the repub lican ticket. A Marshall Wires Marshall. Charlotte Observer. Now we know the Democratic nominee for the vice presidency is all right. The Wadesbo*o Messenger and Intelligencer says: - Yesterday morning Mr. J. C. Marshall, one of Wadesboro's best citizens, sent the following telegram of congratulations to Gov. Thomas R. Marshall, who was nominated for Vice Presi dent late Tuesday night by the Democrats at Baltimore: "Wadesboro, N. C., July 3, 1912. "Gov. Thomas R. Marshall: "Congratulations for my kins man. Know now the family name will be perpetuated." "JAMES C. MARSHALL.'' For sourness of *he muscles, wheth sr induced by violent exercise or in jury, there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. This lini nent also relieves rheumatic pains. For sale by all dealers. Presbyterian Church Notes. | The communion service at 11 ( D' clock Sunday. Collection for the ieacons' fund at close of service. Preparatory services on Thursday 1 md Friday nights. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together, and until the last few yeais was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease ard pre scribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local treat ment pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitu- \ tional disease, and therefore requires | constitutional treatment. Hall's j Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & CQ., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggist, 75c, Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Mr. Douglas B Taylor, of I Hickory, is foreman of the grand i jury this term and Mr. J. N. Arndt is officer in char e. Other members are: L. L. Sher rill, B, B. Corpening, J. P. Clon inger, A. A. Barger, A. M. Reinhardt, H. L. Herman, J. S.j Reep, P. A. Cline, W. H, Huff man, C. C. Coulter, H. L. Cline, i Burton Hildebrand, C. L. Baker, j J. J. Ratchford, K. A. Klutz, M. M. Gabriel, M. E. Hewitt. Buy it now. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera md Dirrhoea Remedy is al most certain to be needed before the summer is over. But it now and be prepared for such an emergency. For sale by all dealers. Mrs. J. G. Garth entertained a number of ladies at dinner yesterday to meet her mother, Mrs. Voorhees, of Tennessee. HAVE YOU A HIGH TEM PER? Answer Before Reading This. Some people have worms and often don't know it. The doctor is too po lite to- tell them. Here are some of the symptoms: A sick feeling in chest, choakig cough with tendency to gag, .sudden uneasiness and pains in stom ach, itching arounl corners of nose. All these, and more, indicate worms. An irratable temper is one of the surest signs of Worms in adults and children. King's Vermifuge is the cure, and it is sure. For very young children give King's worm candy, which is pleasant——tastes good. Children like it. The price for each is 25 cents. Mr. Pound, of the Alcahest Lyceum bureau, is in the city to arrange with Mr. J. Lee Stone, of the Gaety Theatre, for putting in a fine course of high class at tractions this winter. Dysentery is always serious and often a dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remely has cured it even when malignant and epidemic. For sale by all deaiers. The close of Will Dellinger, colored, for killing Beam Cost ner, colored, in Hickory is being tried today at Newton, Messrs. Self and Moose and W. C. Feim ster defending. "Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock •Blood Bitters reached the cause."- | J. H, Walker, Sunbury, Ohio. Fall Opening Friday and Saturday July 12 and 13. An expert cutter will dis play Strouse & Bros, line of High Art Clothing at our store on the above dates. You are i cordially invited to come in and look over one of the best lines that will be shown in the city this season. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Co. "The Quality Shop." »66c00»6600005000000090% "Swat the Fly" I~ 1 S To avoid the spreading of disease kill fi the fly. To avoid poverty and misery V , when you are old deposit your money in OUR bank where it will grow while K V you sleep, earning four per cent com- A © pounded quarterly. We have some fly swatters, which we will be glad to give our friends while they last. Call and get one. V . 8 Hickory Banking & Trust Co. fill Summer Baking The slavis|i toil of baking lutely unnecessary forour BREAD AND PASIRY wholesome as the finest Why, then, dear Madam, do your baking when we can supply you so perfectly? We solicit but the trial to convince. Our Motto is Quality. 'Phone 235. Ice Cream. Our Velvet Kind has no equal. CITV BAKERY, C. W. ELLINGTON, Proprietor. $ Connelly Mineral Springs Hotel u Vj Connelly Springs, N. C. fT U Now open for the Summer season. Thoroughly U J) modern in all of its appointments, the very best f* rt service and attention. All amusements. _ Good fV orchestra. A delightful, health giving climate, /T jj and the very finest mineral water to be. found, for \K nervousness, a run down system and all blood N A) diseases. Reasonable rates. Write for illus- LL tl trated booklet and information. t Dances every D ▼V Tuesday and Friday evenings. Good train |! M service from Hickory, u Connelly Mineral Springs Hotel (I Connelly Springs, N. C. . ' ■■ If you want your hens to lay, feed them fresh ground green bone, crushed oyster shells, mica grit, alfalfa meal, ■i IT IT chicken wheat, cracked corn, beef scraps, chick meal. A trial will convince you. Sold by W. B. YODER

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