your # 1 It does not require | a big capital to establish your credit here. Hone ty and the capacity to | handle yourself an i your business satis- | factorily, count fo * a great deal. Open an account at this bank, maintain your reputation ar> a man of character and your credit will soon be established as firmly as the Rock of Gibraltar. Young men are especially invited to open accounts. Come ir today and talk it over. ; MONEY TO LOAN AT ALL TIMES. First National Bank.! Hickory, N. C. Capital and Surplus $250,000.00. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE GREAT SALE AT The Underselling Store m _ Which Will Begin On Saturday Morning, July 13th, And Will Last!ls Days Only. LOOK FOR BIG CIRCULARS. ——^ The Underselling Store. L. E. ZERDEN, Proprietor. OAK LUMBER WANTED. # The Hickory Chair Manufactur ing Co. are now ready to buy your Oak Lumber. Call or write and get prices. Hickory Chair Manufacturing Co. HICKORY, N. C. JUDGE PUPS JULY FOIIRTI SPEECH. n He and Prof. Woltz Orators at J Granite Falls Celebration _ v BIG DINNER FOR 60 VETERANS l i 11 Hustling Little Burg in Lower Cald- 1 well Draws Big Crowds on its c Gala Day—Big Crowds De- t lighted With Speeches and Races—The Winners * Granite Falls is not only the most hustling little business burg for its size in the State but it is one of the most patriotic towns under the Stars and 1 Stripes, It celebrated the Fourth ' with a grand jubilee, and many 1 people from Hickorv, Lenoir and other near-by places attended. Anybody would know that if Granite Falls is ambitious enough 1 to aspire to be the county seat of 1 a new county made out of Cald- 1 well and Burke, she would do up an Independence Day jubilation in fine style, and that is what 'she did. There were two splendid j speeches by Judge Jeter C. Prit chard, of Asheville, and Prof. | -Woltz, of Chapel Hill, in which | they took the Glorious Fourth for their texts. About 60 old Soldiers were present to partake of the splen did free dinner served for them by the good ladies. The yeterans and secret societies previously participated in an imposing parade. There was great amusement ! for the immense crowd present in the races, which were won as follows: Sam Musgroves, of Hickory, fat man. Charles Sherrill, horse. Dr. 0. G. Corpening, motor cycle. R. G. Icard, bicycle. Pink Coulter, sack. Mr. Farthing, of Lenoir, wheel barrow. Drum boy, of Saw Mills, $2-00 off top of greased pole. COME DOWN, TAFT AND T. R. Republicans Scared Over Wilson and Want a New Leader. A movement has developed within the Republican party to get both a Taft and Roosevelt to withdraw, as Wilson's candidacy is considered to greatly endanger Republican success this year. The movement appears to origi nate among office-holders from Congressmen on down to post masters and revenue officers. ! Petitions for the resignations are to be circulated in each state. When Taft and T. R. step down, a Republican who can win is to be put up. | Mr. Roosevelt laughs to scorn the proposition. He says for him to yield to the petitioners would be to condone the steaHng of the Chicago convention. During the summer months mothers of young children should watch for apy unnatural looseness of the bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trovble may be avoided. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended upon. "For sale by all deal ers. - County Commissioners. Newton News, 9UI. The board of commissioners met yesterday with the county assessors, as the board of equali zation, and passed on a few ob | jections to the valuation of I property as listed. I The commissioners relieved G. I E. Bollinger of tax on $4OO of P property on the 1911 list; D. P. I, Killian was relieved of poll and g road tax for 1911. The report of I the jury in the Dick Hutchinson I road case was accepted. I Ie was recommended by the k board that the committee in each p special school tax district furnish s the register of deeds with a list \ of all persons owning property j and paying poll. | The assistant assessors were j paid off. I Mail Carriers Will Fly This is an age of great discoveries. Progress rides on the air. Soon we may see Uncle Sam's mail carriers flying in all directions, transporting mail. People take a great benefit in a \ discovery that benefits them. That's •j why Dr. King's New Discovery for 1 Caughs, Colds, and other throat and lung diseases is the most popular med icine in America, "it cured me of a dreadful cough,'' writes Mrs. J. F. Davis, Stickney Corner, Me., "after doctor's treatment and all other reme dies had tailed." For coughs, colds or any bronchial affection it is une qualled. Price 50c and $l.OO. Trial bottle free at C. M, Shuford, E Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. The Logical Candidate. Elizabeth City Advance. The fight at Baltimore was 1 ron by the progressives. No nan who was a reactionary could tave had a shadow of a chanc* >efore that convention, and n vas only one who was unequiv »cally and unmistakably proj ; fressive, without any dodging OJ ■ ssues, that was able to win the lomination. And there is every 'eason to believe that the Demo cratic nominee will be the next ,resident of the United States. But before the fight to restore ;he government to the people an be fought to a finish, we nust have a progressive senate, [ndeed the upper house of our lational legislature is to be the aattle ground where the interests will make their iast stand. North Carolina voted for Woodrow Wilson at Baltimore, rhere is no doubt that sentiment in the old North State is over whelmingly progressive. This being true to every tnoughtlul man Judge Walter Clark is the logical choice of the people for United States Senate from North Carolina. If Josephus Daniels and the News and Observer were right in their effective fight to win the State for Wilson, the "Old Reliable" owes the same hearty support to the candidacy of Chief Justice Clark. For one uf the other candidates is an out and out reactionary and on the otheis's progressiveness rests the shawow of a doubt. — THE BEST PROOF Given by a Hickory citizen, Doan's Kidney Pills were used—they brought benefit. The story was told to Hickory resi dents. Time has strengthened the evi dence. Has proven the result lasting. The testimony is home testimony— The proof convincing. It can be investigates by Hickory Residents. H. W. Minga, 801 Twelfth St., Hickory, N. C., says: "i have taken Doan's Kidney Pills with splendid le sults and it affords me great pleasure to recommend them. For several months I had a severe pain in the small of my back and if I stopped I could hardly straighten. In the morn ing I was lame and sore. Doan's "ICidney Pills, procured at Moser & Lutz's Drug Store, helped me at once. By the time I had used two boxes I was entirely cured." (Statement given February 18, 1911.) RE-ENDORSEMENT. On March 6, 1912, Mr. Minga said: "I gladly confirm the public state ment I gave last year recommending Doan's Kidney Pills. They did me more good than any other remedy I ever took," For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name —Doans —and take no other. Webb State Chairman. Mr. C. A. Webb, of Asheville, has been chcsen State chairwan of the Democratic party. He was the choice of candidate for Governor, Locke Craig, and Mr. Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, there fore got out of his way. Insect Bite Costs Leg. . A Boston Man lost his leg from the bite of an insect two years before. To avert such calamities from stings and bites of insects use Bucklen's Arnica Salve promptly to kill the poison and prevent inflammation, swelling and pain. Heals burns, boils, ulcers, piles, eczema, cuts, bruises. Only 25 cents at C. M. Shu ford Moser & Lutz Grimes Drug Store. Mr. Julius Abernethy, former ly of Hickory, is in charge of a big slaughter sale of general merchandise at Lenoir, which began yesterday and will con tinue until July 27. ) Never can you tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Thousands re lay on Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Your druggist sells it. 25c and 50c. Mr. L. E. Zerden has returned from his sisters marriage in Baltimore. *•4. The Choice of a Husband is too important to be handicaped by weakness, bad blood or foul breatn. Avo d these kill-hopes Oy taking Dr 4 King's Life Pills. New strength, fine complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits—things that win men-follow their use. Easy, safe, sure. 25 c. C. M. Shuford, Moser and Lutz and Grimes Drug Store. Judge E. B. Cline is indir posed, though not seriously, at his home in this city. Constipation causes headache, indi gestion, dizziness, drowsiness._ For a mild, opening medicine, use Doan's Regulets. 25c a box at all stores. HIDES. Prices paid at the Hickory Tan nery: Green Hides 11c per pound. Partly cured hides 9c. 44 Green Salted Hides 12c " Dry Flint Hides 18c " Dry Salted Hides 16c " Tallow 5 l-2c per ~ Rye Straw 40c ~ HiKORY MARKET Quoted weekly by Whitener & Martin. Hens, per lb Fggs,.per doz 13 •' Batter per lb 1 Cooking butter... •-y Creamery Butter - 35 c Cooking Apples. • • s^c. Sweet Potatoes 1,00 per bu. Irish Potatoes $l.OO a bu. Cabbage, per 1b...... Dried Beans, per bushel Gretn Beans 4 y c Beets Bunch The Lutheran Sunday schooi wili ha ve their annual excursion to Asheville on July 25. I You Can Always j I Tell a Cheap Piano 1 IBy The Method | I Used in Selling It. 1 Pianos sold by agents I I begging to place them I • I in your home on trial I or to save storage or I forcing them in your 1 home without your | consent. "Coupon Schemes," "Guessing Schemes," [ i "Club Schemes" "Spe- | ! cial Sale Schemes," g j "Special Introductory I - Sale Schemes," etc., are I fake methods pure and simple, for unloading pianos on people who don't realize the differ ence between a fine piano and a cheap one, jj and don't know that j high grade pianos are , I not sold through fake i schemes. You had better call on the old *j reliable firm of Chas. , M. Stieff before buying. I —" 1 ' Chas. M. Stieff 5 1 Southern Wareroom 219 South Tryon St., : I CHARLOTTE, N. C. SEMI-ANNUAL CLEANING UP SALE t| Beginning Saturday, July 6, and continuing to and including Satur day, July 20, 1912, we - will sell all summer clothing at a reduction of 1-3 off the regular price. All boys and child - rens clothing will be ' cut half. All mens and boys odd pants half price. We have a few ... short lots we will sell at even greater reduc- Rl tion. All sales posi tively cash, no goods ♦ charged. Martin & Clark Clothing Co. N. W. CLARK, Manager. ■ ■■■■■■ i ■■■ i i-fT** And you are probably planning right now a fishing or hunting trip—going to take things easy for a few days? You cannot find a more complete assortment of fishing tackle, li;:es, rods, reels, pMes, sanJfug nets, artificial minnows, silk lines, and bait of all kinds tha.i you will find here. And if our prices and ways of selling don't prove that this is the right place to buy, yonr money is yours again in a i: inute. We can completely equip hunting or camping parties in the most inex pensive way, and for tennis, golf, and other recreations, we have everything you may need. Call and see us. We can help make your vacation pleasanter than ever bef J re. ABERNETHY HARDWARE CO. Think OUti! , | If you want a fruit Canner for $6.50 and pay for it when you can your fruit, see Bowles & Sellers