COOKING BY= ELECTRICITY. THE THORNTON LIGHT AND POWER CO. will give an exhibition of cooking automatically without an> trouble by one of those just-finished COPEMAN ELECTRIC STOVES. at the Palm-Tree Cafe, Monday morning, July b ®° n y' 9 o'clock. The cafe dinner will be cooked that day on a man Electric Stove. This stove is a modern miracle of utility an f nZrosary is to place the meal in the Stove set the thermome^ ter at the figure 'or the proper heat and set the cbck at the time want it to commence cooking, and the stove will have the m X when you want it. On Sunday go to church and come back and find your dinner ready—if the current is on that day. If not, cook your din ner before 7 o'clock—the time they commence work repairing on bun days. The Stove retains the heat and keeps the meal hot and fresh unt you want it. . The current for it will nQt cost at much as wood or coal. There will be a foice of electricians in Hickory at an early date for Thornton Light & Power Co., who will wire eyery residence and house in the city to be wired for electric ligh s. # _ . Easy terms and low prices will b. made for the wiring and material, in Thornton Light and" Power Co. being the agent will make you special prices on the stove, which c m be had in three sizes to accommo date large or small families, or establishments. If you wul buy your own meter the Thornton Light and Powtr Co. will sell you the current for run ning the stove only, or the stove and one of their Electnc Irons, at 5 cents per killowatt hour. _ j. . THE ASHEVILLE 171 ■ BUSINESS COLLEGE ■ I FALL TERM BEGINS MONDAY, AUGUST 19,1912. Full book-keeping and general business course, including all necessary branches, time unlimited regular price $50.00. Full shorthand and typewriter course, including all neces sary branches, time unlimited, regular price $50.00. We will include one months board free in either scholarship you buy. We will include two months board free if you buy both scholarships. Only fifty scholarships will include board. Write for Catalog and rates without board. SITUATIONS SECURED on any scholarship. Young men and women attend here every year from Catawba County. Address, Henry S ; Shockley, - Asheville, N. C. Connelly Mineral Springs Hotel u M Connelly Springs, N. C. tf yL Now cpen for the Summer season. Thoroughly R *1 modern in all of its appointments, the very best /T « service and attention. All amusements. Good YL ▼V orchestra. A delightful, health giving climate, ' ff At and the very finest mineral water to be found, for \A nervousness, a run down system and all blood Jj if diseases. Reasonable rates. Write for illus- (T H trated booklet and information. Dances every lA M Tuesday and Friday evenings. Good train N service from Hickory, yk v Connelly Mineral Springs Hotel u Connelly Springs, N. C. Your Sewing Machine can be fixed. If it drops stitches, breaks thread and needles; draws goods, feeds slow, chokes under foot: runs heavy, has knocking or loss motion, piece lost broken or worn out. All parts for all makes. We duplicate and repair under guarantee. You do not live too far for us to come and repair it at your home. Address, SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SHOP Phone32(> - M. C. D. OWEN, Mgr., Hickory, N. C. Box 372 STATE NEWS iKHKHKHKKKHKHKHKHKHKKKHKHKi Early yesterday morning rob bers rifled the postoffice safe at Sneeds Ferry, Onslow county, escaping with but one dollar, robbers haying visited Saturday night, taking all the cash, and Postmaster Sheppard having taken out all cash the night previous. Several .stores were also entered. Fire destroyed the plant of the Guilford Manufacturing Co. at Troy early Wednesday morning. Loss $25,000 to $50,000. Their plant at Greensboro was de stroyed last winter, Rev. Jas. B. Reid, of Colletts ville, died of typhoid fever Tuesday at the hospital in Lenoir, where he had been ill about two weeks. Miss Mary Aycock, daughter of former Gov. Aycock, who sustained serious injuries in a street car accident in Raleigh Monday night is improving. Charlotte will vote SIOOO,OOO to $3000,000 street bonds. Series "B" of Iredell bonds, amounting to $150,000 were sold Monday at a premium of $5,701. The Salisbury Post, whose plant was burned in May, has made its appearance from a new plant, having changed size and management. State militia were ordered from Charleston to Peytona. Va., Wednesday to settle a coal miners' strike. Strikers fatally shot a deputy sheriff. Several coaches of Mecklen burg young men left Charlotte ■ Monday for Western wheat I fields where the Great Northern Railroad promises to give good positions to some of them. Those who do not stay will return in i September. i Three boys were drowned while swimming in Tar river, Fitt county, Friday. - The Southern Railway will build a $30,000 depot at Gastonia. Governor W. W. Kitchin will speak in Gastonia Saturday. During the summer months mothers of young children should watch for any unnatural looseness of the bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trovble may b2 avoided. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de . pended upon. Yor sale by all deal ers. Grand Seashore Excursion to Norfolk and Virginia Seashore Resorts August Ist, 1912, Via Southern Railway. Charlotte, N. C., July 16th, 1912 — Special train consisting of first class day coaches and standard Pullman Sleeping Cars, will leave Marion, N. C., at 3:30 p. m., Thursday, August Ist, arriving at Norfolk about 7:00 a. | m., August 2nd aud returning special ; train will leave Norfolk at 6:30 p. m., ; Saturday, August 3rd. Two whole j days and one night at the seashore, , allowing ample time to visit Viiginia Beach, Ocean View, Newport News, [ Old Point Comfort, Hampton Roads, ; and many other points of interest in and around Norfolk. This train will be operated via Salisbury, Greensboro and Danville, and will be accompanied 1 by a special representative to see that ! everything is handled in first class The following round trip rates a ill apply from stations named: Marion $5.00 Bridgewater 5.00 Glen Alpine 5.00 Morganton 5.00 Connelly Springs 5.00 Hildebran 5.00 Hickory 5.00 Conover 5 00 i Newton 5.00 Claremont 5.00 Catawba 5.00 Statesville 5.00 | Taylorsville 5.25 Stony Point 5.25 Hiddenite 5.25 Mocksville 5.00 , Norwood 5.25 ' Albemarle 5.25 Rockwell 5.00 \ This train will handle business from all points Marion to Barber, Also from branch line points between Marion and Salisbury, and from all points Norwood | to Salisbury. ' Low round trip rates from all other points on same basis. ) For Pullman reservation, or any information see your nearest agent, or, , write, R, H. DEBUTTS, Division Passenger Agent, I Charlotte, N. C. \ The Choice of a Husband f is too important to be handicaped by weakness, bad blood or foul breatn. Avo d these kill-hopes oy taking Dr. King's Life Pills. New strength, fine : complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits—things that win men-follcv I their use. Easy, safe, sure. 25c. C. M. ShUford, Moser and Lutz and Grimes Drug Store. Y. M. C. A. Meeting. A meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce Monday night by the repre sentative citizens of Hickory, the ways and njeans to organize a Y. M. C. A. \was talked over. A committee of five ■ was appointed to confer with - execu tive members of the Chamber of Com merce as regards the subject with i power to call a mass meeting. Lenoir College Notes. Prof. A. C. Lineberger has been elected Prqfessor of Eng lish to succeed Prof. Hartwig, who will spend three years in Iceland Stanford and; Harvard Universities. After graduating from Lenoir College, Prof. Line berger took the M. A. degree in one year at the University of _N C. t winning the prize in English, although in the hospital sick one month of the session. Dr. Min ims, head of the Department of English, said that Mr. Line berger was one of the very best, if not the best, students he had ever had. Prof. Lineberger has been very successful as a teach er. He is taking special courses in Harvard University this sum mer. Miss Esther V. Shultz, of Pittsburg, Pa., is our new teach er of voice and expression. She will be a most worthy successor ■ of Miss Stecher, of Chicago, who achieved such brilliant success as our teacher of these subjects during the last two years. Dr. Byron King, the noted teacher, lecturer, and entertainer, says: "Miss Shultz is fine, very fine!" She has exceptional talent, a fine voice, and has enjoyed the very best training. She has achieved flattering success as teacher, and as entertainer, reader, and soloist in churches, chatauqus, etc. Plans for the Dr. Yoder Science Building have been I adopted, and . the work of con struction will be pushed as rapidly as possible. Rev. M. L. Pence, who is in charge of the canvass for the Yoder Memorial Building fund will soon complete his work. He has been remarkably successful This building is a great step for i ward for Lenoir College. It will ; contain three much needed reci tation rooms, ample and well- I equipped laboratories for chem > istry, physics, geology, and biology, also offices, etc, This will place our college abreast with the best colleges in the South in science. Complete courses leading to the B. S. de gree will now bo given. This buDding and equipment is a contribution of the constituency of our college to the memory of Dr. Yoder and to the needs of their institution —no tainted money here! Any decent church - or people should furnish ample j facilities for the education of its ; children! Our people are finding their college! No college is giving more for .each dollar invested than is Lenoir College! This fact is gaining wide publicity! The outlook for the opening is fine. -I R. L. FRITZ. Gall for Meeting Democratic Execu tive Committee Monday. August sth, at the Court House, Newton, N. C. Each member of the Executive Committee is requested to meet at Newton, N. C,, Monday, August sth, 1912, at eleven o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of organization, the election of Chairman, Secretary, and other im portant business. A full attendance is earnestly desired. Woodrow Wilson will be the next Presidert and we want to give him the solid vote of Catawba. J. D. Elliott, Chairman. Never can you tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut. bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Thousands re lay on Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Your druggist sells it. 25c and 50c. Card of Thanks. I wish to return ray thanks and heartfelt gratitude to all of my friends j and neighbors, who were so kind and i attentive to my dear wife during her illness. The lecollection of their kindheartedness and sympathy will long be a comforting memory to me. Eugene Sigmon. Constipation" causes headache, indi gestion, dizziness, drowsiness. For a mild, opening medicine* use Doan's Regulets. 25c a box at all stores. The person holding No. 146 will please present same at Sledge's store and seoure the beautiful china cabinet free. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 1 A At the Methodist parsonage in Rutherford College, N. C., July 17, Miss Carrie Deal and Mr. John Glazebrooks were joined in matrimony, Rev. E. J. Poe officiating. Thirteen people were killed in a wreck on the Burlington route in the suburbs of Chicago. One train ran into the rear of another in a fog. The Thornton Light and Pow er Co. are today demonstrating the Copeman Electric Cooking Stove in the Academy of Music. This stove is a modern miracle of utility and economy. Next Monday at the Palm Tree Cafe this stove will cook the dinner at the cafe that day, and the pub lic is invited to see this demon stration also, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tin Kind You Have Always Bought eZwarTof Cd&trf&Zgu CWUOOWWUWWuwwww- L BUSINESS LOCALS g j GIRLS WANTED-Menders, , loopers, knitters, and other i kinds of work. Apply Hickory j Hosiery Mills. 7-11-tl ; WANTED—to buy a set of double harness, good as new. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Hick ory, N. C. - 7-25-4t. Real nice dwelling, large barn, good orchard, 5 acres fine land, right in town, price $3500.00. Nice cottage, large lot in one of the best neighborhoods, price $2500.00. Jno. E. Haithcock. BOWLES & SELLERS are closing out porch seats, porch rockers and hammocks at one third off. Better see them. See H. H, Townsend at the old Gus Hahn place for fresh fish direct from Nortolk. You will find these fish something extra. For S*!e- Old papers at 10. per hundred. Hickory Democratc 12 Room house for rent in the town of Blowing Rock, N. C. Suitable for a boarding house or rooms tOrent. Apply to S, E. Ki'lian, Hickory, N. C. Are you needing a trunk or a suit case? You can have a large stock to select from here, and at right prices. J. A. Bowles. » . WANTED—A salesman and collector to locate at Newton, N. C. Salary and commission. Sing er Sewing Machine Co., Hickory, N. C. 7-25-4t. FOR SALE—Mosler Iron fire proof safe, 36 inches high. Good as new. Less than half price. Address box 309, Hickory, N. C. WANTED—Good settled white woman for housekeeper ar.d maid. Hotel Huft'ry. H. H. Townsend has bought the old Gus Hahn eating place and is now serving nice lunches as follows: Soup and crackers sc, fried fi3h rolls 5c and 10c, chicken and rolls 5c and 10c. FOR SALE, a SSOO stock of Mdse. or will exchange for close in Property. Box 232. 627 tf. WANTED—A salesman to lo cate at Boone, N. C. Machines delivered at Boone free. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Hickory, N. C. 7 25-4t, 2 story, new dwelling, large lot, 21-2 blocks from business , square, $2100.00. Lot for dwell ing, close in at $425.00. J. E. Haithcock. CAMBRIC and gauze under' wear at J. A. Bowles. JUST RECEIVED a shipment of those guaranteed Feather Pillows at Umstead's. 7-18-2t, WHITE PIQUE for skirts and suits at J. A. Bowles. WANTED—Take a thirty-day course in our sample rooms, and enter the cotton business. High salaried positions. Write for endorsements. Carolina Cot ton Schools, Dept. X, 31 East Fourth street, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED—White girl, age 12 to 15, to stay in family of two with one child. Or would give good home to orphan. Apply 829 Ninth Ave. A GOOD FARM 6 miles out, 7 room dwelling, good orchard, price $1650. 70 acre farm good dwelling 5 miles out, $2250.00. 14 acres land 1 1-2 miles out, $650.00. See Haithcock, COLORED LAWNS for mid summer dresses at J. A. Bowles. FOR SALE—IO acres 21-3 miles from depot, on Catawba Springs road. 4-18-tf. Box 232. Furnished room for rent, close in. Apply to Box 334, 5-2-tf. WANTED—Men of ability to learn cotton business in our sam ple room. Only 2 weeks requir ed to complete the course. Good prospects. Charlotte . Cotton School, Charlotte, N. C. Autos for hire. Anywhere you want to go. C. T. Morrison, 'Phone No. 145. CANVASS for wall papering at J. A. Bowles. WANTED—lnexperienced persons to apply for following positions: Stenog rapher, S4O; bookkeeper, S6O; salesman, SSS; civil engineer, $100; electrical en gineer, S9O; Draftsman, $80; structural engineer, $100; bridge engineer, SIOO. S. E. Bureau, 829 9thave. Hickory, N. C. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY—A young or middle aged man who can devote part of time inside and the other part outside with about $700.00 cash can buy an interest in a profitable business already established here in Hick ory. I HAVE BEEN REQUEST ED BY THE OWNERS TO IN VESTIGATE. Those interested please CALL PERSONALLY and see me privately. John E. Eaitji cock. 36 NEW PATTERNS in drug jets to selfct from, just arrived. Bowles & Sellers. ONE ELEGANT, modern 8 -oom dwelling and lot, has elec :ric. lights, city water, sewer, 3ath and all improvements, price £4500.00. J. E. Haithcock. WANT ED — A good horse, sheap. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Hickory, N. C. 7-25-4t The Hickory Chair Co. will buy newspapers at 1 cent a pound. 7 18 tf 10 NEW PATTERNS in mat tings, 15 to 35 cts. Bowles & Sellers. W ANTE o—Renter. Will furnish, land, home, part or all of stock. C. J. Sigmon. R. I. LEFT at J. 0. Rhodes' Jewelry store, a nice umbrella, owner can get by calling at his place and paying for this ad. J. E. Haithcock, the real estate man, has been sick and unfit for business for weeks. He is back at his post again, is offering a number of new propositions in real estate. Farms close in & few miles out. Elegant dwell ings close in, cottages little way out. When in want of real es tate call & see him. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter on Eighth avenue is ill. lies lltmeoou g h1 ; AMDeUiaETHELIIii6S| ■■DR.KINCS NEWDtSCOVBM so«asi.ooS "* ' TRIALBOTTIEFREt 8 g AWD ALL THROAT AND LUHG TROUBLES jj ' IL'APAMTEED SAT/SFACTOftS f Or? MONEY REFUNDED. j Diarrhoea When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never foils and ia pleasant to tak* It ia equally valuable for children. It 1 'amous f>r its cures over ■ ocrt r aa& s©«c>9j | "Swat the Fly" f §' I " " 71 }k To avoid the spreading of disease kill \ X the fly. To avoid poverty and misery x when you are old deposit your money v in OUR bank where it will grow while O d V Syou sleep, earning four per cent corn- O \ 0 pounded quarterly. We have some k fly swatters, which we will be glad to Q give our friends while they last. Call k || and get one. X I 1 s | Hickory Banking & Trust Co. | IWe Thank The I General Public I For helping to make our Special Sale I a success. I Our Sale will continue to the 27th and we believe everybody should take j advantage of these special offerings, j Offerings like this only occur once in awhile. You come and be con vinced. Our goods are displayed I and marked in plain figures. The Underselling Store. L. E. ZERDEN, Proprietor. Look for the Big Posters in the Window. Mr. Kope Anthony, of B idt . water, who had friends her" died Friday night. He was boo keeper for Abernethy and Lx»~ ly. HIKORY MARKETS Quoted weekly by Whitener & Martin Hens, per lb Eggs, per doz 13^ Butter per lb Cooking butter , 5 Creamery Butter 35 Cooking Apples ' 4Uc Irish Potatoes 75 a bu Cabbage, per lb 0 Green Beans Beets Bunch Tomatoes bu." 75 c Corn 10c to 12 doz*n Peaches 50 l 0 75c Cantelopes Watermelons Rutherford College Accouncements 1912-13 Fall Term Begins August 28th. A healthy and bree/.v location among the hills of Western North Carolina. Good moral and religious surroundings Earnest a:id competent teachers. Tuition from $7 to $9 per Quarter, Board from $6 to $lO per month. Catalogues and other information sent on request. M. T. Hinshaw, - President. Rutherford College, N. C. " - —- r™ Drink Hires The Genuine Rootbeer I Absolutely pure. Refreshes you when thirsty, invigorates you when tired, delights you I at any time. Order a case ■ from the exclusive bottlers I Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.

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