I GASIORIAi For Infants and Children. CASmjffAlThe Kind You Have Always Bought I simtiatingfcefoodandneguia- ■ f ■. i ling the Stomachs and Dowels of g Bears the 7 . 1 Signature / /\v i j ness and Rest.Contains neither '£§ n J? Jf jf* Opium, Morphine norXineol. Jy 01 /\ fr j| M\\ if* Amp- of 01 J ArSAMUZL PtTCHKJi 9 Seeds' » IB 1 \ Mx.Senna. * J «sH li| ™~ liucktlU Saltt I M 1 I AautSftd* 1 Jg » I ft a&w. ( If\ iIP _'IH. }f6rrpSe«d>- I Jf| I 1 IJ | ClanfitdSaf& I Hi kA Wr V -. _ "'"^^=—2 l/ft J, S| e p Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- II f \I (V Uv v lion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea 91 l&X ! Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- 1§ I f A r \' ness and Loss OF SEaEF-P. J® \ J " ror utter- Facsimile Signature of ygggi Thirty Years niQTflPjl I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ffl SB M|gE BE igf 1 faSh tmi centaur iommny. vomk city. CORTRIGHTsE 26 years ago Don't put on that For Saie by F. B. Ingold, Hickory, N. C. I OAK XUMBER WANTED. I The Hickory Chair Manufactur ing Co. are now ready to buy your Oak Lumber. Call or write and get prices. Hickory Chair Manufacturing Co. HICKORY, N. C. I Our New Perfection Broiler Is pleasing many women. It enables the housewife to broil as well on the New Perfection Stove as over a coal fire. It uses all the heat And of cour,c you are famiUar * ith the I lt cooks evenly. NcW Per^CtlOß 5 It broils both sides at once. J33ZB— It doesn't smoke. Oil COOk"St©VC I 111 j) It is tuch a convenience all the year round. It will bake, broil, roast and toast I * juit as well as a regular coal range. _ A»k lo see the New Perfection Stove at your £ dealer*. It is handsomely finished in nicltel.wrth P cabi .et top, drop shelve*, towel racks, elc. It has §S NL-. —ljng, enameled, turquoise-b'ue chimneys. Made —| T with I, 2or 3 burners. Free Cook-800 It with -Q\ every ttove. also given to anyone | I sending 5 cents to cover mailing cost. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated in New Jersey) NEWARK. N. J. BALTIMORE. T?D. J If you want your hens to lay, feed them fresh ground K green bone, crushed oyster shells, mica grit, alfalfa meal, K 3 I I I I chicken wheat, cracked corn, beef scraps, chick meal. 6 1# A trial will convince you. Sold by v W. B. YODER SUNDAY SCHOOL.; Lesson IV.—Third Quarter, For ] July 28, 1912. I THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES.; Text of the Lesson, Matt, xiii, 24-30, 38- 43—Memory Verses, 37-39 —Golden Text, Matt, xiii, 30—Commentary Prepared by Rev. O- M. Stearns. Tbis is the second parable of the series of seven recorded by Matthew as one discourse spoken partly in pub lic to the multitudes and partly in private to the disciples on the same day. but all refen iuj: to this present a&e of Israel's rejection of her Mes siah and the consequent postponement of the kingdom. It is truly great and gracious condescension on the part of God to make known to us His purpose. "His eternal purpose which He has purposed iu Christ Jesus our Lord" (Eph. lii, 11). for "known unto (Jod are all His works from the beginning of the world," and all that comes to pass Is simply what His hand and counsel determined before to be done • Acts xv, 18; iv. 28). See also Acts 11. 23: Isa. xlvi, 9. 10; xlv, 24; Eph. i. 11. Because people who have the word of God. and therein His mind and pur ;)ose. do not agree with Him they become conceited, wise In their own estimation, and talk and act unwiseh and attempt to carry out plans never devised in heaven. Those who are appointed to teach the word of God are greatly to blame if instead of shaking His word faithfully they act like the false prophets in the days of Jeremiah and make people vain, speaking a vision of their own heart and not out of the mouth of the Lord. Accordiug to the words of our Lord In these parables during this present age up to the time of the harvest, only part of the seed sown will bear fruit. It will be as when Paul dwelt at Itome —some believed and some believed not (Acts xxviii. 24). Side by side with the children of the kingdom will flourish the children of the wicked one. Those unbelievers will be found within the professing church, as the birds in the branches, and the food of the church, that which preachers give to the peo ple. will be anything but sound doc trine, for that the people will not en dure. It will be and even now is as in the days of Isaiah when they said. "Prophesy not unto us right things; speak unto us smooth things; prophesy deceits; * * * cause the holy one of Israel to cease from before us" (Isa. ; Xxix, 10. 11). Our Lord elsewhere fore- \ told these things in Matt, x, IG-18; ! xxiv, 24. In these four parables, and ; notably In this one. we see the great ad versary, the devil. He hates the word of God. takes it or keeps it from peo ple, gets his followers into the pro fessing church aud Into -her pulpits, and yet the Lord Is working out His eternal purpose, aud He shall not fail not be discouraged (Isa. xiii, 4). The kingdom cannot come while the devil continues to be the prince of the power of the air, the prince or god of this world (Eph. li, 2; John xlv. 30; II Cor. Iv. 4). but wheu the stronger than he shall cast him out of the- air and off the earth into the bottomless pit (Rev xil, 9; xx. 1-3) then a king shall reign in righteousness, and the effect or service of righteousness shall be peace, and the nations shall learn war no more. All talk about winning the world for Christ in this age. or ex tending His kingdom, or uplifting the race, is without Scriptural authority, and all pride of church or denomina tion or mere human effort of any kind is not of God, but from him who would have men think that they are gods Note carefully our Lord's explanation of the parable of the tares. In the first parable the seed is the word of God, bnt in this the good seed are the children of the kingdom, those who have received the word of God (Johu i. 12). The tares are those who be lieve the devil and are therefore his children. There are just two great leaders, the Son of Man and the devil.- and the conflict is between them for man and his inheritance, the earth We must not think of tares as the openly ungodly, but as something so like the wheat that some cannot tell the difference. The tares represent re ligious philanthropic people of culture and refinement, people who are admir ed and esteemed and by many oonsid ered tbe very salt of the earth. There >s one very decided mark which distin guishes the wheat from the tares—true children of God confess themselves sinners and accept Jesus as (Jod and put all their trust iu bis precious blood tbe great sacrifice for sin. All other must be tares, for "be that hath not the Son of (iod hath not life" il John v, 12). The devil will tolerate as much religion as any one may desire._ and a beautiful character and abundance of philanthropy provided tbe sacrifice of Jesus Christ as tbe sinner's only plea is not mentioned. The Lord knoweth them that are his. Let us be sure that we are redeemed by precious blood and then ever and always without dis couragement sow the good seed of the word, ready as seed ourselves to fall into the ground and die that we may win others. I was greatly helped at one time by a remark of the late Dr. Arthur T. Pierson to this effect: Your parish Is not your field: tbe field is the world, and your parish is a force that God has given you to train that he may use you and them to work the field. Those who do not see the re sults they are looking for will be helped if they remember that when the devil sowed his tares he went his way. He knew that they would grow. If you are a housewife you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or i beautiful by washing dishes, sweep ling and doing housework all day and crawiing into bed dead tired at night You must go out i lto the op c n air ana sunlight. If vou do this every day and keep your stomach bowels in good order by taking Chamberlain's Tab lets when needed, you should become both healthy and beautiful. For sale 4y all dealers. A Prominent New York Politician Near Death Hon. H. N. Lansing, of Rensselaer, N. Y., Six Times a Membsr of the Assembly, Tells of Narrow Escape. "About fifteen years ago I was /H \ tr»ken with rheu -15 \ n: tism, which gO' I affected my heart JfM -rfiSi producing what '• was called val -1 j vula'r trouble. V M Three doctors j tclJ " nle 1 would ■:///\ j/ never do another /Mfi. day's work. •■HI While I haifmany \ r-'nicdies recom "'v'ir ""T.dt-4 to me I a bottle of nr. Miles' Heart ! wmedy and it me Inside v of 48 hours. At the end of the v; ■ I called on my doctor and askrd i to examine me. He said I was letter than he ever expeet-d to see me and asked if I was taking his medicine. IVhen I told him I was not, but was rr.king Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy, he 'Thank the Lord for Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy.' I continued to take -It.* and while I realized my heart w«'s damaged so 1 could not expect a permanent cure, for fifteen years I worked every day, not withstanding I had been told I would never work again. In July, 1911, I was taken with rheumatism again, and it went to my heart as before. I got so bad that one of the Albany papers wrote up my life and said I could not live but a few hours. I again took Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy with very satisfactory results, and have not missed a day at business or in the legislature since January. I feel that Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has saved my life and cannot recommend it too highly." Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy is sold and guaranteed by all druggists. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. 10 Building Materials. Sash, Glass, Doors, Bliods, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, Mantels, Framing, Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles, Sash Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shingles. Estimates made from plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in Stock. I Hickory Mfg. Co. I HICKORY, N. C. I WE OFFER, at a reduced price, two * number five, one number ten and one number twelve De Laval Separators. These have been slightly used but are practically as good as new. If interested, call and see us. : : : We buy all kinds of country produce and pay the highest market prices. Hickory Seed Co. HICKORY, N. C. (l( j&kJH \o\ yO)J PIEDMONT TRACTION CO. Between Gastonia and Charlotte, N. C. Effective Wednesday, July 3rd 1912. Leave Gastonia Arrive Gastonia No. 2 700 A. M. No. I—7 53 A. M. 4 8 15 3—9 15 6 9 30 s—lo 15 B—lo 25 7—ll 25 10—11 50 9—12 50 P.M. 12—130 P.M. 11—230 16— 3 20 15— 4 20 18— 4 40 17— 5 33 20— 5 35 19— 6 28 22 6 30 21— 7 40 24 7 50 23 8 45 26 9 10 25—10 10 28—10 55 27—11 55 Close connections at Mount Holly. N. C. with Set board Air Line, at Gastonia. N. C. with Southern Railway and C. & N-W. Railway t° and from all points. North, Soutii, East and West. The above schedule, figures and con. published only as informution and are not guaranteed. I E. THOMASON. C. V. PALMER, General Manager. General Passenger Art. PROFESSIONAL CARDS d^TX^T^idSTX DENTJST . Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at-residence, 1430 11th Avenue No. 94. DR. J. J. HICKS DENTIST * Will be in my office Fridays anc Saturdays Up Stairs in Club Eld'g., next door tf Slmford Hardware Co. Dr. George E. Flowers Office at the Campbell residence Long View. Calls answered night and day, rain or shine. Phone No. 5C6 A. \ DR. W. LB. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in all the courts of this State. Dr. H. P. FLOWE Veterinary Surgeon Office at Thomason's Livery Stable PHOFE 267 Calls answered day or night R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting and Shaving. PALM TREE CAFE Neat, Clean and Up-to-Date. Sunday Dinners a Specialty Palace Barber Shop. I 1 HIDES. Prices paid at the Hickory Tan nery: Green Hides 11c per pound. Partly cured hides 9c. Green SaitedHides 12c Dry Flint Hides 18c Dry Salted Hides 16c Tallow 5 l-2c per ~ Rye Straw 40c „ Carolina & North-Western R. R Schedule Effective July 13, 1912. Daily I ... Northbound. Pass. ixe i n No. _ 10>°- 60 Chester Lv 755 am 100pm Yorkville 8 42 j 2 30 Gastonia 9 30 t 4 30 Gastonia ! 5 40 Lincolnton 10 26 | 6 46 Newton 11 05 . j 740 Hickory 1215 pmj 820 Lenoir 130 Mortimer 2 53 Edgemont Ar. 305 j " Southbound. iNo. 9 No- 61 Edgemont Lv. 12 05 a m Mortimer 1213 Lenoir 133 1 Hickory 2 30 7 15 a m Newton 3 05 7 55 Lincolnton 3 43 8 45 Gastonia Ar. 440 lu 38 p m Gastonia Lv. 455 11 45 Yorkville 5 39 1 15 ( hester Ar. 625 320 CONNECTIONS. Chester. —Sou. Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C. Yorkville. —Southern Railway, aastonia. —Southern Railway. Lincolnton. —S. A L. Newton and Hickory.—Southern R. R. E. F. REID, G. P. Agt., Chester, S. C. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Schedule Effective Jan. 1, 1915 Leave Lincolnton, N. C. East Bound Train No. 46, 8:52 a. m., daily " 132, 5:53 p. m., «• West Bound Train No. 133, 11:20 a. m., daily " " 47, 5:55 p. m., " For further information apply: JAS KER, Jr., H. S. LEARD, T. P A. D. P. A. Charlotte N. C Raleigh, N. C CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND BRAND. A Ladles! Ant your Druggist for /A\ £i\ f I'tlU in Red and UsU * bones, sealed with Blue Ribbon. \/ Take DO other. Buy of yonr " 17 - nf OroMUt. AskforCin.Cin£B-TERS I W Jjf DIAMOND BRAND PILI.S, for C 5 if B known as Best. Safest. Always Reliable r SOld BY DRUGGISTS EVWYWHERfc A vanished thirst—a cool body and a refreshed one; the sure way —the only m way is via a glass or bottle of v I Ideally delicious —pure as purity—crisp and J A sparkling as frost. M % F Our new booklet, telling m A iCC of Coca-Cola vindication at Chattanooga, for the asking. Demand the Genuine as made by Whcncrcr THE COCA-COLA CO. y° u see . an ATLANTA, GA. Arrow think of Coca-Cola. FOR SALE! 1 New 8 Room House, water and lights,T)lock and half from square. 1 5-Room House, large lot, near Piedmont Wagon Shop. 1 6-Room House, 3 extra lots, Longview. 30 Acres, cleared land, 3 miles west of town, on railway. 10 Acres on Catawba Springs Road. Easy terms on part on any of the above. See me at once. I. L. LANIER. Your Sewing Machine can be fixed. If it drops stitches, breaks thread and needles; draws goods, feeds slow, chokes under foot; runs heavy, has knocking or loss motion, piece lost, broken or worn out. All parts for all makes. We duplicate and repair under guarantee. You do not live too far for us to come and repair it at your home. Address, SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SHOP. Phone 320. M. C. D. OWEN, Mgr., Hickory, N. C. Box 372. « Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio Railway AND Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio Railway of South Carolina THE NEW SHORT LINE BETWEEN Dante, St. Paul and Speer's Ferry, Va. Johnson City, Tenn., Altapass and Marion, N. C., and Spartanburg, S. C. "CLINCHFIELD ROUTE" EFFECTIVE MAY J2, 1912 SOUTH BOUND Eastern Standard Time g| S NORTHB'ND No 5 No. 3 # NOT2 No. 4 Mixed Pass Miles STATIONS 2, « g ? as s. Pass Daily Daily .S m Daily Daily P M A. M. Lv, Dante, Va. Ar. P. M, P. M. 11C 800 00 " St. Paul, Va. 44 1760 12 45 10 15 135 820 75 " Dungannon, Va. 44 1484 "12 17 946 221 851 21 9 44 Ft Blackmore, Va 44 1305 11 40 911 245 908 30 2 " Hill. Va. 44 1272 11 20 8 53' f3 01 f9 21 36 0 " Speer's Ferry, Va 44 1280 qi 01 f8 34 327 941 46 4 " Cameron, Va-Ten 44 1378 10 42 815 344 956 51 6 Kingsport, Ten " 1306 10 24 755 359 10 09 58 9 u Pactolus, Ten 44 1213 10 09 741 i f4lßf 10 20 62 B'* Fordtown. Ten 44 1295 9 5£- f7 30 44f 10 32 67 8 " Gray, Ten * 4 1434 942 718 f456f 10 43 72 6 44 Johnson City, Ten 44 1526 93Cf7 07 53411 15 85 1•• Unicoi, Ten 44 1624 901 635 63211 43 95 7 A.r. Erwin, Ten Lv, 1932 829 601 64711 55 101 I Lv. Erwin, Ten Ar 1662 811 548 654 12 02 101 1 44 Chestoa, Ten " 1662 81( 541 f7os f 12 12 104 3 " unaka Spgs., Ten 44 1703 8 Of, f5 32 f7oßf 12 15 105 3 44 Huntdale, NC ' 4 1703 f7 5£ f5 28 75912 47 117 9 44 Green Mtn., NC " 2058 72£ 459 824 105 124 9 44 Toecane, N C 44 2152 712 443 846 121 131 3 44 Boonford, NC 44 2256 6 f9 22 151 140 1' 4 Penland, N C ' 4 2401 635 404 {9 38 203 144 6 44 Spruce Pine,N C 44 2462 62c 353 f9 50 213 147 9 \ x , Altapass. NC Lv 2514 614 344 10 05 223 151 9 2629 605 334 P M P. M. " A. M. P. M. NoTl - No. 6 Mixed . Pass * * A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. 615 223 151 9 Lv. Altapass, N C Ar. 2629 805 334 f 6 22j 12 31 155 3 " C 44 2450 f 7 50 f3 19 ( 6 52j f2 58 161 3 44 Linville Falls, NC 4 4 1738 721f 248 726 315 175 1 44 Sevier, N C 44 1400 705 234 • 749 331 183 2 44 Marion, N C 44 1316 645 215 fß33f 401 197 8 4 4 Thermal, N C 44 984 f6lsf 146 855 416 205 5 44 Westminster,N C " 861 600 132 907f 425 209 6 44 BosticYard,N C 44 83 6 543f 123 911 430 211 0 44 Bostic, N C 44 845 533 120 91 7 43 4 213 0 44 Forest City, NC 4 4 867 529 113 955 502 226 8 44 Ch'esnee, S C 44 882 50212 43 10 09 5 12; 231 6 44 Mayo, SC 44 822 450 12 33' 10 45 5 40; 242 3 Ar. Spartanburg,S C Lv. 778 42512 10 A. M. ?. M.! (Union Pass. Station) P. M. P. M. The Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway, and the Carolina, Clinch field & Ohio Railwav, of South Carolina, "Clinchfield Route" reserve the right to vary from the time shown above without notice to the public. Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent for definite infor mation or to* . ' CHAS. T. MANDEL, J. J. CAMPION, T. P. A., In charge Pass. Dept. Vice-President & Traffic Manager, Johnson City, Tenn. Johnson City, Tenn. f—Flag Stop *Daily, except Sundy.

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