I ATLANTA EXQPISrra Njcr GSANDIES FREE DEMONSTRATION NO RR IS ' EXQUISI.TE CANDY You just must try some of NORRIS' Exquisite Candies, in order to appreciate how wonderfully good they are. On next Saturday, July 27, we will conduct a free demonstration and cordially invite you to visit our establishment and sample these delicious confections. This candy for which v. e have the agency is the product of America's Ma* Ler candy-maker and in ad dition to being far bey and any candy produced in America, it is packed in boxes so beautiful that they offer a feast for the eyes not soon forgotten. Price, eighty cents and one dollar per pound. Your inspection is solicited without any oblioation on your part to purchase. MOSER & LUTZ, "ON THE CORNER" Exclusive - - - - Agents. t | Don't Build Your | | 1 HOUSE 1 W Until You Have Consulted With Sty vf/ $ Hutton & Bourbonnais Co. $ They have the Material \s/ SI/ you want. It will pay you to Sj/ Sflf see them and get their prices Vf/ W on Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, W W Moulding, Casings, etc. Ex- V 5K amine the Quality and Work- X manship of their Lumber. We know it will please you, \|/ and the prices are right. All W Orders filled Promptly. Sjj/ Founded 1838 Chartered 1859 TRINITY COLLEGE ITS STRENGTH LIES IN A large, well-trained Faculty; excellent Buildings and Equipment; full, well arrainged Courses; earnest, high-minded Students; a large and loyal body o Alumni and Friends; noble Ideals and Traditions; an inspiring History of Achieve = ments and Service. - Next Session Begins September 11. 1912. For, Catalogue and Illustrated Booklet, address R. L. FLOWERS, SECRETARY. DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA. Norfolk Southern Railroad Route of the "Night Express" Travel via Raleigh (Union Station) and Norfolk Southern Railroad, to and from all points in Eastern North Caro lina. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MARCH 3, 1912. N. B. The following schedule figures Published as information ONLY and _are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH. 9:15 p. m. Daily, "Night Express'' Pullman SleeDing Cars for Norfolk 6:00 a. m. Daily, for Wilson, Washing ton and Norfolk. Broiler Parlor Car Service, 6:00 a. m, Daily, except Sunday, for New Bern via Crocowinity. Parlor Car Service. 2:40 p. m. Daily, except Sunday, for Wilson, Greenville and Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE RALEIGH. 7:15 a. m. Daily, 11:20 a. m.Daily ex cept Sunday, and B:S*p. m. Daily. TRAINS LEAVE GOLDSBORO 10:15 p. m. Daily, "Night Express" Pullman Sleeping Cars for Norfolk via New Bern. 7:05 a. m. Daily, for Beaufort and Norfolk. Parlor Car between Wash ington and Norfolk. 3:10 p. m. Daily, for New Bern, Oriental and Beaufort. For further information and reserva tion of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to D. V. Conn, Gen'l Agent., Raleigh, N.. C., or F. W. Tatem, Gen 1 Agent, Goldsboro, N. C. ( W. R. HUDSON, W. W. CROXTON Gen 1 Supt. Gen'l Pass. Agt. NORFOLK, VA. Vacation Outing The Glorious Mountains of WESTERN ..NORTH.. CAROLINA "The Land of the Sky" "The Sapphire Country" "The Balsams" Where There is Health in Every Breath The Climate is Perfect the Year Round In Spring and Summer the Region is Ideal —Reached By— Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South Solid Through Train, including Parlor Car, between Goldsboro, Asheville and Waynesville, via Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury. Other convenient through car arrangements. Summer Tourist Tickets on Sale Until September 30, 1912 Let Your Ideas and Wishes be Known J.H.WOOD, R. H. DeBUTTS, J.O.JONES, D - P- A D. P. A. T. p. A. Asheville, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh. N. C. CHICHESTER S PILLS . T i ,E DIAMOND BKAMT A /V ftQv *L 81 your Druggist for A w «mond JL an * meuiliAv^ fl f ? V 11 ! \ fir.CM* Alwmys RellaM * " SOU! Iff DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Avery Rowe, says the News, was cited to appear next court and show why he shouldn't be marked prosecutor in the case against DolphP. Jarrett, charg ing: false pretense, the grand jury finding not a true bill. Alonzo Bynum and Homer Del linger were tried for an affray rising out of the Rowe school house trouble. Bynum was found guilty of simple assault and taxed with the costs; Del linger was acquitted of a charge of assault with deadly weapon. He broke Bynurn's arm with a base ball bat, but the evidence was that Bynum was advancing on him. Old Sickles Said the Wrong Thing. One of Col. Roosevelt's fool friends was about to get him in hot water. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, of New York, at the meeting for .organizing the new Progressive party in New York, said that Woodrow Wilson was "born amid rebel surroundings, and that we of the North have never been disposed to put such a man in the White House." ! The Colonel promptly repudiated > any such sentiment. He said he did I not care whether a man's ancestors I wore the Blue or the Cray, so he was ! the right type of citizen. He added: i "I feel very strongly that we have now reached the point where all of us alike wherever we dwell, can treat the memory of the great deeds of the men who wore the Blue and the great deeds of the men who wore the Gray and of the high valor and lofty adherence to the right, as each side saw the right, shown by both sides as making a com mon prestige of honor for all our people, in which all our people should shafe." ''Mama," said the editor's baby, as he lay in the hammock on the ~ porch preparatory to jumping into bed, "come out here. I'm lonesome with nobody out here but me and God." — —mm •• - - THE BEST PROOF ✓ i Given by a Hickory citizen, Doan's Kidney Pills were used—they ! brought benefit. The story was told to Hickory resi -1 dents. j Time has strengthened the evi ! dence. Has proven the result lasting. The testimony is home testimony— The proof convincing. It can be investigates by Hffckory ! Residents. * H. W. Minga, 801 Twelfth St., Hickory, N. C., says: *'l have taken Doan's Kidney Pills with splendid le sults and it affords me great pleasure to recommend them. For several months I had a severe pain in the small of my back and if I stopped I could hardly straighten. In the morn ing I was lame and sore. Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Moser & Lutz's Drug Store, helped me at once. By the time I had used two boxes I was entirely cured." (Statement given February 18, 1911.) RE-ENDORSEMENT. On March 6, 1912, Mr. Minga said: "I gladly confirm the public state ment I gave last year recommending Doan's Kidney Pills. They, did me more good than any other remedy I ever took," For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name —Doans —and take no other. Mr. Gordon H. Cilley, of Phila delphia spent Saturday and Sun day in the city to see his children. Insect Bite Costs Leg. t . A Boston Man lost his leg from the bite of an insect two years before. To avert such calamities from stings and bites of insects use Bucklen's Arnica Salve promptly to kill the poison and prevent inflammation, swelling and pain. Heals burns, boils, ulcers, piles, eczema, cuts, bruises. Only 25 cents at C. M. Shuford Moser & Lutz Grimes Drug Store. Three cows of Mr. G. W. Wil son were killed by lightening •July 11 on Mr. 0. E. Poovey's farm, says the News. One cow was eating through a wire fence at the time.*— HAVE YOU, A HIGH TEM PER? Answer Before Reading This. Some people have worms and often don't know it. The doctor is too po lite to tell them. Here are some of the symptoms: A sick feeling in chest, choakig cough with tendency to gag, sudden uneasiness and pains in stom ach, itching aroun l corners of nose. All these, and more, indicate worms. An irratable temper is one of the surest signs of Worms in adults and children. King's Vermifuge is the cure, and it is sure. For very young children give King's worm candy, which is pleasant-— tastes good. Children like it. The price for each is 25 cents. By the will of John ArmstrongChano ler, of Richmond, the University of North Carolina will get $500,000 and the A. &M. College, SIO,OOO, when Mr. Chanoler dies. He gives all his wealth to education. There will be a bitter fight to break the will. Dysentery is always serious and often a dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it even when malignant and epidemic. For sale by all dealers. 1912 "C" Series I Is Now Open If you are contemplating borrowing mohey from us to buy, build or improve a home, we would advise that you at once come and take out stock in this series and make your application. First Come, First Served in our Loan Department Something New to Offer in the way of a Lump Sum Investment Call at our office and let us explain the new issue of stock known as the s°lo Dividend-Bearing Advance Payment Stock First Building and Loan Ass'n OF HICKORY, N. C. x G. H. GEITNER, President ' J. D. ELLIOTT, V.-President G. R. WOOTTEN, Sec and Treas. IHATS OUR ITTO an( * t * iats reason wc JmHRI h ave so many satisfied custo- Hllillillk kllllllllllH mers 011 our books. We F/\ gi\ e you finest materials ob- I QUALITYJI tainable at the very lowest pjjpgg commensurate with that quality and treat you When you build get our estimates on the sash, doors, moulding, lumber and mill work for we are certain we can give you the most favorable figures. HICKORY NOVELTY CO. ■ Alexandria, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, and all Louisiana points. Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, Vicksburg, and all Mississippi points. all points North, East, South and West 4mh&> BY THE THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THE QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE FOR RATES AND FULL INFORMATION, CALL ON OR WRITE 4. C. CONN, Division Passenger Agent, Read House, CHATTANOOGA. TENN. ITDOTLATI Goes a Long Way if II invested in our store ■ | "IT7 E carry a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes jj and everything handy in the Buy your groceries from us. Housekeepers brag on' our jjSetzer & Russell. 1 —i ———— _____ ■ Solemn Warning to Parents. The season for bowel trouble is fast approaching and you should at once provide your home with Kings Diarrhoea Cordial. A guaranteed 'remedy for Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Flux, Cholera Infantum and all kindred diseases. Numerous testimonials on our fiies telling of marvelous cures can be had by request. Notice the following: I have used ii my family King's Diarrhoea and Dysenter Cordial in bowel affections. It is the best medicine of the kind I eversaw--J.A Leslie,M.D. Mr. Robert Yount, who is employed by me at Fullers. N. C., was quite ill recently with a stubborn attack of dysentery. He was treated by phy sicians without benefit, and continued to grow weaker. Half a bottle of King's Diarrhoea and Dysentery Cordial completely cured him, and he said unless he knew where more could be obtained he would not take ten dollars for the other half of the bottle.—A W. Fuller. For sale by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents the bottle. . In no other profession is j— accuracy and experience g more necessary than that Ag the Pharmacist. Your physician exercises [ t V his skill and experience to / the utmost in prescribing the right medicine—don't offset his efforts by having l the prescription put up by / | careless hands and with, perhaps, drugs not of the right quality. Bring the prescription HERE and have it properly, cor rectly compounded. MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists, "ON THE CORNER." THE WORLD'S 'JJJ BEST PIANO ( THE KNABE piano is famed universally for its delicate _ sweetness of tone. For three generations it has had no peer. Will you not inspect our complete stock of these time honored instruments? PARKER-GARDNER CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ~ Selling, Agents To-day's Ford is to-morrow's car. The buying world has , come to understand that ex cessive weight in an auto | mobile spells danger—and needless expense. Vana dium steel has solved the \ problem. To-day's ligh, * j strong, Vanadium-built Ford 1 is to-morrow's car. More than 75,000 new Fords into service this season—proof that they mast be right. Three passenger Roadster 5290 passenger touring car s69o—delivery car S7O0 — f. o. b. Detroit, with all equip ment. Catalogue from C. T. Morri»on, Hickory, N. C. SNOW KING BAKING POWDER The Housewife's Greatest Friend. You have but to try it to convince you t'rnt it is the best on th* market. * tFor sale in Hickory by A. J. Payne & Son. Whitener & Martin E. C. Johnson Harris & Little Bost & Newton #£GI3TEREO • Shell Grocery Co.