t LOCAL AND PERSONAL. * + * Miss Lucile Walters is visiting Miss Grace Patrick. Mr. A. W. Cline spent Sunday with his parents near Conover. Mr. Arthur Flowers,of Downs ville, was in the city Tuesday. John Henderson, • of Marion spent Sunday in the city, Mr. Weston Clinard, of Yadkin Valley, is visiting friends in the city. Postmaster Chas. F. McKisson, of Morganton, was in town Monday. The Lightbearers cleared S2O last Friday night on the ice cream supper. Miss Mary Shelburn, of Green ville, S. C., is visiting Miss Ruth Abernethy. Mr. Hunt Gwyn, of Murphy, has been visiting friends m the city. Miss Martha Riddle, of Clove)-, S. C., is visiting Miss Elizabeth Hoi brook at Brook ford. 1 1 ' h . I Be Happy! i Happy the girl, or woman, who has never suffered from J I any of the diseases of womanhood! Or, if she has been a I sufferer, happy is she if she has learned of the wonderful I benefits of Cardui, the woman's tonic! Cardui is a gentle, tonic remedy, for women's ailments. lltis a natural medicine— safe, harmless, purely vegetable, I It has been in successful use for more than 50 years. It I has cured thousands. It should do the same for you, | CARDU E WomaifcTenx' Mrs. Mary Neely, of Denver, Ter.n., says, ( 'l ih! * I there is no tonic on earth, as good as Cardui. I used I'. B with the very best results. I had backache and nearly ■ everything a woman could suffer with, until I took Cardi:". I Now, I feel better than I have for two years. I slicv- I always recommend Cardui to other women. ! '•'l can't praise it too highly. As a medicine for weak, tired, I wora-oiit women, Cardui is safe and reliable. Try it, today. Wrttt tot Ladies' Adviion Dept. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Ton-'.. I tor Sptcial Instructions, and 64-page book. "Heme Treatment ior Women," J IT'S vitally important to you n> that you secure our esti- ITS mate on the lumber, sash, ' """" doors, mill work, etc., that is \ necessare for the erection of \\ that new building before you 7 ? place you order elsewhere,for our figures are always ex- *\\ # ceptionally low and the qual- • ity of our products unexcelled J for excellence. ***-& - ' • Allow us to impress upon you that 3ou place yourself under no obligation in ask ing us for figures—we are only too glat to submit them. HICKORY NOVELTY CO. Paint Your Houses, For the greatest paint you ever heard of, write or call at my store. Get all the information you want, and see color cards. 60c per gallon. One gallon covers 300 square feet, one coat equal to two coats of other paints. Weather proof, fire proof, sanitary,' will not peel or crack off. A great saving in paint when you buy from me. W. T. SLEDGE, HICKORY, N. C. i " | iiIfWPS Dallas, Fort Worth, Galvestc I and all Texas poisb. I fta—M ■ ■ - f _ Alexandria, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, and all Louisiana points. Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, Vicksbyi g ; and all Mississippi points. ALL POINTS North, East, South and WlBSt REACHED • I BY THE THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THE QUEBIV & CRESCENT ROUTE) FOR RATES AND FULL INFORMATION, CALL ON OR WRITE J. C. CONN, Division Passenger Agent, Read House, CHATTANOOGA. r F' Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bost, Oi. ; Hickory, visited relatives neat j Startown Sunday. Messrs. Stanly Crouch a..'- George Dietz spent Situro v night in Charlotte. Miss Gladys Reid has return from Asheville, where she visu m • her friend, Miss Reynolas. Mr. W, S. Stailings, of ville, is visiting his sister iW. D. H. Witherspoon. Mrs. Jim Hefner went tu Ir ' mother's bedside Tuesday ov ing. Prof, and Mrs. Oscai Rar;tu» : > ; of Mooresville, are visiting iv; = Randolph's mother, Mrs. Sav.\ •. Patronize home ir.dustr Hickory made goods anu eaUH •- - are good enough for any one. Miss Katie Baker, ot Winat • Salem, is visiting several we i with her parents, Mr. and ;Vi. . Calvin Baker. Mabel Brandon of Clover, C., Victor Coulter ot - tor-, P, Henderson of Lineoinu . Errol and Mamie Henders • ; 1 Gastonia are guetl oi M>s -M Knox Henderson. | • Mrs. C. S. Little left for her j home Sunday, after spending I several days with her daughter, • Mrs. Walter A. [lahn. j Chief firemirj Deal, W-irren and Ciire ore home from iiie firemen's tournament at j Fayetteville, i Miss Anr'.e Lon£, who has b. vifiitiii}/ aer cousin, Mrs. J. ;F. peterf-on, b-is returned to her home in G aham. "Erring W.-.tren. from Cor- I bet*", who has. been vising her j eoi n, Miss Frances Peterson, ; h,is retTjrnel I\T? s. N. Martin, and lVilss Olie L. Mar f in, has gone to Car-ton *to "'isit Air. and Mrs. Walter S. | M Art-lii. i Me?.'-vs. Lee Iselson, Andrew n, Geo. Bf*rnhr.r-!t and ' Charlie Rob bins,- of Lenoir, were lin the city lask week. . | John A. Boyden, of Salisbury, Idied last week at Morgariton. j He v;ns well known in this part 0: I•ie stale, ; Jysr. E. J S; x Was returned ; from WHa a i:. : ehe built ' . v);-.:.' ee-«'"i (•• japivs:-. etc., for ..Alexander Oi- .'ft c;- ov •• .. I . i: w\ M; jp has beer, { ; fc d i-v nr. f G. Wor.d as 'i .r.-jru-:. . •-e i! »f the South * .•?:• &, v. ith headquart ; i ?rs at'Aahtviiie. Rev. L. Stirevdt will 4 pret -h at Sc. Andrews E. L cbarch, Bast Hickory "Sunday C ii' ; -1.-? Ai! .-1 ' • 11 oVIoi-k*, a I. - X ~ ••r\ ■ ■ v; lit x i f 4 • to .•i i. i ' I>o Co>:, of Richfends ;•; S 1.. i *V 'f-yV.}- CofljM tof Uatherme u :ir , ■ ' ) Iar ! ; w-.ek v. it'. is I. 1\ ".V1: € ler, feft Mon v -\a ! 'evv wfoks sojourn in Asheyiiie. P. P. .Tone "■ i' a . ' cauxj sign club and \ ; 1 y pi-;"' r 250 Ri«m -- j j lie n. ii:»t it shall-b-.: . > biggest in the state, aud it 's - 5 ili adj! than AshevilleV. r, • Miss Susan Sis; more sras n:ar - 1 -. it mer near • i okf* r Squire & X. A. Wh tener performing tft| s ' n Yi.' cr of L ; '..oo'ni.or , . -;i Miiter, o! Airemap e: ! \j Mar .• - ith, of Washington, D, ■ i C.; Mrs. Frank Sha ; ferand Miss ay i *.I '! p ■.' klfS. Johll • 13 \ . % ■ • •:* sr« ' .(I u * W u. • ; \ *it.. . • v. I i- [.\ m • \ * v t M.l ?• V % * i.C Hi i: • • • c ' Mrs. Jl, A ; i?•. , r,/\F ;i n ' \ i! Hp ti\«3 r. I•. .11 A K • 1 - *J I J A « » .I I » V_ ; : 1 I ' li> « ' * '- • • -1 V*"> _» -*■ t\) iVU\ [I ti Kennon Smith, a native of • 'c t Ca ; L--Mt v.r o j- ; now f. 1 * i^ccts^}i.ul btiimess MoHtr6fil, | | an saa, where they \iii mane i their home. Miss Rainey expect f •{ to visit friends ir. Hickory till . . v •"» v-» vv .-i >--»•»- v f c rO l > C«. C f*' ! f. I 4 ! ;■ . -*• " : i " ' it -rf />.- A - .. it T | • •» v>* • i ">1 ---v >\ vVW I Mi? Little entertained he jfi&t For Fun C!ub on Fridav I j .. j ? v ' t -. main feature. ; /ark«is pastimes were engaged, M*d it wai aitogether a deiisht • n ic a 9 fid sandwiches war* :e-i V-.«! in a mo.«i t« mpting. rtyle. Gu« st»of the •'. I'-'h wtrc Misses ■ ie Walters, of feoafte^ce; Li .«'• and Mamie Henderson, o* '■ (iastoniai l-ii;iie and 2\ann:eAbter iethy, of Charlotte; Lottie Bf.r . or. of - : bei*'s Junction, *s. Joe iiunter ef Charlotte ind Weston Giinard, of Yadkjn i Valley. Ought to Paint. I ought to have pa:n';:d Lst ye.ir, out I haled to pny . c p2.25 a gallon. v_ I've £ol o p-- : -';t this year: '.i ? ll ttke j t litth* xr.of: p.-"v-t: 7 suppose 1 gallon .j in 10: an i a Jittle raora work. I sup-- : )Dse 1 c'ay in 10, {•j My job ■ h- . c cost h&t year : ■ Bijtit 50: it is to cost this | _/e" r ---57.73. ;' '■}- 2Z : ' .e. I suppose it'll be the sa:uc in, i; I vait again. Whit if paint goes down to $2 a gallon? :-3.50 on the job. I shan't wait; whr.t a fool I was! ! DEVOE * F.. B. Ingold' selln it. Mr. Bhkeney Harris won the •; ir~> in gold pi v l av;ay by . lor iz- I "VViiitoner C-otiiiiig Co. 'or the 1 best guess on the time the big ; candle -would burn. The candle ; i burned 205 h-ur , 44 minutes, and 40 seconds. Eis was i 207 hours. "I was cured of (karnioea by one ! .dose oi Chatnberlain's Colic, Cholera ; and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes M. 1 E. Gebhardt, Oriole, Pa. There is ' : nothing better. For sale by ail deal - j ers. This BANK! larval Stands Back of | The Farmer Hfl Hypophosphitcs —— 1111 j| which will make your blood rich and red, better your appe The farmer and the bank are connected by the | • tite, brace up your nerves and fcuild up and strengthen iow _ ' i \*ritv»r»iit tV»p I entire system. Try a bottle, costs $1 and notice closest ties. One would be impossibl 1 buoyant vitality and life that it will bring. other. This bank therefore specializes in helping :■ M • . > MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists. If. you have any trouble or financial ambitions "ON THE CORNER." come in and let us talk it over. Several heads are • ' - better than one, and we can probably help you. ~ Every accommodation is afforded farmers and i you are cordially invited to .make this bank your I v\l\ I || |A \ headquarters when you come to town. |' First National Bank.! . I - Hickory, N. 0. | toe worlds /)j CAPITAL $200,000. SURPLUS $50,000. I ~ BEST PIANO f/J OFFICERS: ~ I ' J. D. Elliott, Pres., K. C. Menries, Cashier, J. L. Cilley, Asst. Cashier. £ -5 ' ■ I - ' | 'HE KNABE piano is famed , v t- !i I universally for its delicate sweetness of tone. For jf 7 ¥ k -.C* C* three generations it has had no 1 \ I ! 1 , : ;1 j • peer. Will you not inspect our II T complete stock of these time * W(\rrhonored instruments? THE BEST FACTORIES HAVE c £ J R A? U T £, u r ,11, O V£ PARKER-GARDNER CO. SP..ENDID . SELECTION OF j CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' i>EAL lIFUL CUT GLASS. 1 Selling Agents The collection will please your critical taste—every piece I and set lias been bought to suit your desire. Come in I Jl )L i rri fn>.KCt—you will he pleased with the excellent | ~-■■■ ==^J. • Quality and low price. —— * | • ... -■■ ■■ ■ fc g —————— 1 1 GEO. B. BiSAINAR I j - ■ JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST. W r :ttch Insnectcr for Southern and C. & N-W. Railways. w.- V-XX -V-X-V -V >r ,V «■"_ • k - /^■LllJuwlkllMßiSUaK&bW^ J* Iff " To-day's Ford is to-morrow's — k|> car. The buying world has D !1 j come to understand that ex e 1 Hon I Build Y Olir f cessive weight in an auto _ \f/ mobile spells danger—and , LJATTCI? vli needless expense. Vana , L ~ OUUOL j dium steel has solved the f W. problem. To-day's ligh, ? Until You Have Consulted With y/. * strong, Vanadium-built Ford \|/ is to-morrow s car. button do T More than 75,000 new Fords into service V;> kX. LSUUI UUllliCild \J\J. this season-proof that they must be r ' - ;I. right. Three passenger Roadster 5290 ' SAi five passenger touring car $690— delivery ) They have the Material \f/ ••' ment. Catalogue from C. T. Morrison, Ijjfl ■ } you want. It will pay you to $ Hickory, n. c. || ? see them and get their prices I'' ton Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, ▼ j xioitf ; I Moulding, Casings, etc. Ex- 5K j I amine the Quality and Work- tf DOLLAR | .•* manship of their Lumber. i >We know it will please you, | Goes a Long Way if | - and the P rices are ri^ht - All vf/ | invested in our store I fOrders filled Promptly. « , > I jr.str. 4-Utl £ WJ E carr y a f uH line of Dry I _ S " v Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes g T~T ' _ M an d everything handy in the m Solemn Warning to Parents. The season for bowel trouble is fast approaching and you should at once w home. '■ rovide your home with Kings Diarrhoea Cordial. A guaranteed remedy $ r Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Flux, Cholera Infantum and all kindred 2 Buy your groceries from US. I ■ iseases. Numerous testimonials on our files telling of marvelous cures a j tan be had by request. Notice the following: ; TT „ i i Itl j I hr.ve used in my family King's Diarrhoea and Dysenter Cordial in bowel sj] OUSekeepers brag - j .'lections. It is the best medicine of the kind I eversaw--J.A Leslie,M.DC Tj| Flour Mr. Robert Younl, who is employed by me at Fullers. N. C., was quite I——.—J t'lOUr. j 1 recently with a stubborn attack of dysentery. He was treated by phy- ' |£ ;b' cians without benefit, and continued to grow weaker. Half a bottle of M ifj jj I ":ng's-Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Cordial completely cared him, and he S j A I I jg i .\id unless he knew where more could be obtained he would not take ten $ A| f #• 11 QCp 1 | J i dollars for the other half of the bottle. —A W. Fuller. |l V/ L£/V J.. i % j For sale by ait medicine dea!er,, Price 25 cents the bottle. |l^

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