•n:rr,^v.niitgH i »niOTtmiM Hg H I M I mn. 11iiAw I UStlft ji For Infants and Children. f I The Kind You Have I: -- B Alwavs Bought jji AVe^etable Preparation For As- H * 0 ji sibilating ■ - M li! the Stomachs andßowc Is of Bears the / , 'iißWEniminM| c , ~ /Vtd' ill Promotes Digeskion.Cheerfuh S Signature //lb ! ness and Rest.Conlatns neither n p W W r [' opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. fg 01 /ft M 1/ | Not NARCOTIC. 1 [| /key*afOUiHrSAMUELPtTGtOCR 9 . PimxfJua Sent" v IB 1J( \ Jlx.Sen/ta * 1 I; j*l 1 M\ fUtMUSJI r- I iH Ml siiuxS*td*- \ j§B a. INI | Efl pz&u*+ | 9l\ iA * 111 I ' 1/5 X Use l! Apcrfect Remedy forConstipa- 1 [ V fV wv U |j Uon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea HI li^ [j Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- II |p f_ „ iV, . M r ness and Loss OF SLEEP. H \j9 (-Qf yy 6 f |j Facsimile Signature of 51 Thirty Years pS^iCASTOIiIA tw« omtwm nwmt, mm vmw cmr. 1 They interlock and overlap each other in such a way that the I hardest driving rain or snow cannot sift under them. Won't pulsate or rattle in wind-storms. They're also fire-proof, will I last as long as the building, and never need repairs. f For Sale by F. B. logold, Hickory, N. C. [ OAK LUMBER WANTED. I The Hickory Chair Manufactur fing Co. are now ready to buy I your Oak Lumber. Call or write I and get prices. I Hickory Chair Manufacturing Co. HICKORY, N. 2 | Don't Build Your I | HOUSE 1 $ Until You Have Consulted With $ W w Hutton & Bourbonnais Co. Vjj v*/ = = = = ====== = \t/ yi/ They have the Material \(/ vi/* you want. It will pay you to Sff see them and get their prices \|/ $ on Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, w M Moulding, Casings, etc. Ex- Jg it-, amine the Quality and Work- manship of their Lumber. % We know it will please you, 4/and the prices are right. All % Orders filled Promptly. Elf you want your hens to lay, feed them fresh grow fy green bone, crushed oyster shells, mica grit, alfalfa met J chicken wheat , cracked corn, beef scraps, chick u.et OU o\ A trial will convince you. Sold by &S W W. B. YODER SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson Vl.—Third Quarter, For Aug. 11,1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Mark iv. 35. to v, 20. Memory Verses, 38, 39—Golden Text, Pa. xlvi, 1, 2 (R. V.)— Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. It conies to me as I begin to write this lesson tbat we should always see \ Jesus in His life on eartb among men as God manifest in the flesh, revealing God to us. that we may know Htm personally and trust Him and let Him live in us, that others may know Htm. for the poor world knoweth Him not. We must also recognize always a great adversary, the devil, who hates God and man and would kill God if he could and take His throne. He would I'eep men In Ignorance of God and of Christ and possess them for bis own ends and turu 4hem against God. He has great power with God's permission and will exert it to the full against God before be is finally overthrown. In the two portions of today's lesson we see the Son of God crossing the jea of Galilee to deliver a man (or. according to Mat thew. two men* from the power of the devil, and ou the way it seems as if a great stoiun would sink the boat and drown all who were lu It. Did the devil know tbat he was about to lose a bit of his property, and did he seek by that storm to kill Christ and His disciples? Let those tell who kuow more than I do. but this we do know that he tried to kill Him as a babe In Bethlehem and Anally did kill Him by the Jewish rulers at the bands of tbe Romans._ Thank God He Is risen from the dead, is alive forevprmore, Is at the right band of tbe majesty on high, has all power in heaven and on eartb and Is waiting His time to put the devil In the bottomless pit and set up a king dom of peace and righteousness on earth. In this great storm on Galilee see Him peacefully sleeping on a pillow In the hinder part of the ship, though the waves t>eat into the ship and it was full of water, and recognize in Him a j weary man, a real man, partaker of j flesh and blood, but without sin, and rejoice that we have a High Priest who j ts touched with the feeling of our in- j flrmities (Heb. U, 14; iv, 15). He is in j tbe midst of trouble, as the disciples see It, and yet He is not troubled. And on tbe last night before His crucifixion ! He said to His disciples. "In the world i ye shall have tribulation, but In Me j peace; let not your heart be troubled, ' neither let it be afraid" (John xvi, 33; j xiv, 27). When one was discoursing on j the teaching of Christ a man who had ! never before beard such teaching said, j "Beautiful, beautiful, but can you do It?" Jesus Himself could do It, and He did It. He always did what He ; i taught (Acts i. 1). The ship could not ! sink, neither could the disciples perish. I with Christ In their midst, but they i I did not know Him and were therefore i filled with fear. They awoke Him ! [ with the cry "Lord, save us!" and with 1 the question "Master, carest Thou not that we perish?" His reply was: "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Where is your faith?" (Matt. viil. 26; Luke viU, 25.) They were troubled by what they saw. Faith endures by see ing the invisible. We are expected to walk by faith, not by sight (II Cor. v. 7). He rebuked the wind and tbe rag ing of the sea and said, "Peace, be still," and there was a great calm (verse 39; Luke viil. 24). The rebuking, compared with Zecb. 111, 2, and Jude 9. leads me to believe that the person re ferred to in those passages had some thing to do with this storm. As tin disciples saw the power of His won they feared and wondered and said "What manner of man is this tbat even the wind and the sea obey Him?" Our hearts exultingly cry, "Jesus is God!" ■ Tbe perfect man a little while ago so peacefully asleep has power over wind and sea and all the elements. He it If who walked In the furnace with Dan iel's friends and quenched the violence f of flre and spent the night with Daniel and shut the lions' mouths. To knov f Him is peace at all times. Now see Him meeting the tempest t tossed man of Gadara, possessed by » \ legion of demons, a naked wild man f exceeding fierce, whom no one could u bind or tame, for be broke all chain* f and fetters, and all men were afraid u of him. The poor demoniac seems t«. ' long for deliverance, for he ran to Je 'A sus. as if be knew that He could de * liver him. but tbe demons are strong ( within him. They knew Jesus and ' called Him Son of the Most High God j (verse 7). They knew the doom that ' awaited tbem and ask. "Art thou come A hither to torment us before the time?'' * (Matt, viil, 29.) They knew of the j place prepared for them and beg not " to be sent to tbe abyss or bottomless f pit (Luke viii, 31. R. V.). There la such a place, and there is a place called the lake of flre. everlasting flre prepared for tbe devil and his augels (Rev. xx. 14, 15; Matt. xxv. 41). All who deny this or make light of it are not for the time controlled by the spirit of truth. Al though there were sO many demons In ' the man, I bey are spoken of as one, for Jesus said, "Come out of the man. tbou unclean spirit" (verse 8). and. having received permission, they went into the swine, and tbe whole herd, about 2,000, were drowned In tbe sea. Behold tbe change In the man who had been the terror of the neighborhood! See him clothed and In bis right mind and long e lag to stay with Jesus. V The Ajnerican People. \ The National Disease is nervou! / prostration. What is to be the tesult o i all this hurry, worry and work, some • times over—sometimes under-eating always under-sleeping—brain am brawn in constant state of agitation am unrest—sleeping badly, dreaming tossing, waking? Dr. King has de D . vised a remedy if used aright. King' a |' Iron Tonic Bitters steadies the nerves builds up the waste, gives new stari . Sold under guarantee by all medicii] i dealers. "Clean Up the Bowels and ! Keep Them Clean" There are many remedies to be had for constipation, but the diffi culty is to procure one that acts without violence. A remedy that fdoes not perform b y force what should be accom plished by persua sion is Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets. After using them, Mr. N. A. Waddell, 3I 5 Washington St., Waco, Tex., "Almost all my life I have been troubled with constipation, and have tried many remedies, all of which seeiriPd to cause pi in without giving much relief. I finally tried Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets and found them ex cellent. Their action is pleasant and mild, and their chocolate taste makes them easy to take. I am more than glad to recommend them." "Clean up the bowels and keep them clean," is the advice of all physicians, because they realize the danger resulting from habitual con stipation. Do not delay too long, but begin proper curative measures. Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets area new remedy for this old complaint, and a great improvement over the Cathartics you have been using in the past. They taste like candy and work like "a eharro. A trial will convince you, Dr, Miles' Laxative Tablets are sold by all druggists, at 25 cents a box containing 25 doses. If not found satisfactory after triaj, re turn the box to your druggist and be will return your money. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. 12 PROFESSIONAL CARDS DENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered Djight and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue. 'PHONE No. 94. - DR. J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and Saturdays i Up Stairs in Club Eld'g., next door tc Shufortl Hardware Co, Dr. George E. Flowers i Office at the Campbell residence Long 1 View. Calls answered night and day, rain or shue. Phone No. 506 A. I DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. Dr. 1. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drag Store. Hickory, N. C. D. L. RUSSELL AT TORNEY-AT-L A W Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in all the courts of this State. Dr. H. P. FLOWE Veterinary Surgeon Office at Thomason's Livery Stable PHOFE 267 Calls answered day or night R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting and Shaving. PALM TREE CAFE Neat, Clean and Up-to-Date. Sunday Dinners a Specialty i Palace Barber Shop. i i |, * —— Seaboard Air Line Railway. i. Schedule Effective Jan. 1, 191! i i Leave Lincolnton, N. C. East Bound Train No. 46, 8:52 a. m., daily " 132, 5:53 p. m., '• West Bound Train No. 133, 11:20 a. m., daily 1S " " 47, 5:55 p. m., " For further information apply: JAS KER, Jr., H. S. LEARD, r I T. P A. D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N. t CHICHESTER S PILL? e- *"LK-V Tne DIAMOND BRAND, A . Ladlttl A>k}MrUrw|htftr^i • s Kku Chl-ebea-tcr'slNaßonlllrud/A, fI'IJITML l>Hl * lB Red «nd ttold meU?Uc\VJ >e TW —boie», sealed with Blue Ribbon. \ / ' W Tak» a* other- Buy of Tour V R- J ng VV B jr?*w known as Beat. Safest, Always Reliabl Wmfl BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERI Vacation Outing The Glorious Mountains of WESTERN ..NORTH.. CAROLINA "The Land of the Sky" "The Sapphire Country" "The Balsams" Where There is Health in Every Breati. The Climate is Perfect the Year Rounc: InSpring and Summer theßegion is Idea! —Reached By— Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South Solid Through Train, including Parlor Car, between Goldsboro, Asheville and Waynesville, via Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury. Other convenient through car arrangements. Summer Tourist Tickets on Sale Until September 3Q, 1912 Let Your Ideas and Wishes be Known J. H. WOOD, R, H. DeBUTTS, J.O.JONES. D. P. A D. P. A. T. P. K. Asheville, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Raleieh. N. C. Norfolk Southern Railroad Route of the "Night Express" Travel via Raleigh (Union Station) and Norfolk Southern Railroad, to and from all points in Eastern North Caro lina. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MARCH 3, 1912. N. B. The following schedule figures Published as information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH. 9:15 p. m. Daily, "Night Express*' Pullman Sleeoing Cars for Norfolk. 6:00 a.Tn. Daily, for Wilson, Washing ton and Norfolk. Broiler Parlor Car Service, 6:00 a. m. Daily, except Sunday, for New Bern via Crocowinity. Parlor Car Service. ! 2:40 p. m. Daily, except Sunday, for Wilson, Greenville and Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE RALEIGH, j 7:15 a. m. Daily, 11:20 a. m. Daily ex j cept Sunday, and p. m. Daily. r j TRAINS LEAVE GOLDSBORO ' 10:15 p. m. Daily, "Night Express" Pullman Sleeping Cars for Norfo k via New Bern. 7:05 a. m. Daily, for Beaufort and Norfolk. Parlcr Car between Wash ington and Norfolk. 3:10 p. m. Daily, for New Bern. Oriental and Beaufort. For further information and reserva tion of Pullman Sleeping Car space apply to D. V. Conn, Gen'l Agent., Raleigh, N. C., or F. W. Tavern, Gen 1 Agent, Goldsboro, N. C. W. R. HUDSON, W. W. CROXTON Gen'l Supt. Gen'l Pass. Agt. NORFOLK, VA Carolina & North-Western R. R. ' Schedule Effective Julv 13, 1912. I Daily r Northbound, j Pass. X .^ ixe^ n No. 10 No- 60 Chester Lv 755 a m 100 p m Yorkville 8 42 2 30 Gaston ia 9 30 4 30 Gastonia j 5 40 Lincolnton 10 26 6 46 Newton 11 05 7 40 Hickory 1215 p m 820 Lenoir 130 Mortimer 2 53 Edgemont Ar. 305 Southbound. No. 9 No. 61 Edgemont Lv. 12 05 a m Mortimer 1213 Lenoir 1 33 Hickory 2 30 7 15 a m Newton 3 05 7 55 Lincolnton 3 43 8 45 Gastonia Ar. 440 10 38 p m v Gastonia Lv. 455 1145 > Yorkville 539 115 Chester Ar. 625 320 CONNECTIONS. » Chester.—Sou. Ry., S. A. L. and L. &C. Yorkville.—Southern Railway. Gastonia. —Southern Railway. Lincolnton.—S. A L. > Newton and Hickory.—Southern R. R. E. F. REID, G. P. Agt., Chester. S. C. \6\ yo)J PIEDMONT TRACTION CO. Between GastonU and Charlotte, N. C. Effective Wednesday, July 3rd 1912. Leave Gastonia Arrive Gastonia No. 2 700 A. M. No. I—7 53 A. M. 4 8 15 3 9 15 6 9 30 s—lo 15 B—lo 25 7—ll 25 10—11 50 9—12 50 P.M. 12—1 30 P. M. 11— 2 30 . 16— 3 20 15— 4 20 18— 4 40 17— 5 33 20— 5 35 19— 6 28 r 22 630 x 21— 740 24 7 50 23 8 45 26 9 10 25—1010 # 28—10 55 27—11 55 Close inflections at Mount Holly, N, C. with Sea v board Air Line, at Gaatonia, N. C. with Southern \ Railway and C. & N-W. Railway t> and from all P | points. North, South, East and West. I The above schedule, figures and con. published 8 only as inform ution and are not guaranteed. 5 E. THOMASON. C.V. PALMER, £ 1 General Manager. General Passenger Agt- h T here h never was a v g° e s/straight as an ar- I satisfies to a T the call for Mplsomething purely delicious and deliciously pure— and j IpSbS Thirst-Quenching I Demand the Genuine as made by wr * THE COCA-COLA CO., ATLANTA, GA. Our new booklet, telling of Coca-Cola lroo vindication at Chattanooga, for the & asking. H v Connelly Mineral Springs Hotel u j Connelly Springs, N. C. fj U Now cpen for the Summer season. Thoroughly U Tl modern in all of its appointments, the very best IT Q service and attention. All amusements. Good ▼l orchestra. A delightful, health giving climate, #T kJ and the very finest mineral water to be found, for w nervousness, a run down system and all blood mi tj diseases. Reasonable rates. Write for illus- IA fjf trated booklet and information. Dances every H M Tuesday and Friday evenings. Good train /J mi service from Hickory, « Connelly Mineral Springs Hotel * Connelly Springs, N. C. H. Your Sewing Machine can be fixed. If it drops stitches, breaks thread and needles; draws goods, feeds slow, chokes under foot; runs heavy, has knocking or loss motion, piece lost, broken or worn out. All parts for all makes. We duplicate and repair under guarantee. You do not live too far for us to come and repair it at your home. Address, SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SHOP. | Phone 320. M. C. D. OWEN, Mgr., Hickory, N. C. Box 372. CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELD AND OHIO RAILWAY , AND Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio Raiway of South Carolina THE NEW SHORT LINE BETWEEN Dante, St. Paul and Speer's Ferry, Va., Johnson City, Tenn., Altapass and Marion, N. C., and Spartanburg, S. C. • "Clinchfield Route" EFFECTIVE MAY 12, 1912. SOUTHBOUND j Eastern Standard Time j N'RTHB'D 1 : i © I cJ > © , 12 i > No. 5| No. 3 J |3"3 3 No. 2 No. 4 Mixd| Pass. | Miles STATIONS | © £ as Pass. Pass. D'ly I Daily | 13.5 $ Daily Daily -U - P. M.i A. M. J L v Dante, Va jAr. P. M. P. M. I.lo| 8.00 o.o|Lv St. Paul, Va Ar. 1760 12.45 10.15 l.S5| 8.20 7.6] Lv Dungannon, Va Ar, 1484 12.17 9.40 2.21! 8.51 21.9|Lv... .Ft. Blackmore, Va. ...Ar. 1305 11.40 9.11 2.45} 9.08 30.2jLv Hill, Va Ar. 1772 11.20 8.53 !. f3.Oljf 9.21 36. OjLv.... Speer's Ferry, Va....Ar. 1280,f11.01f 8.34 3.27j 9.41 46.4|Lv.. .Cameron, tVa.-Tenn....Art 1378 10.42 8.15 3.44f 9.56 51.61 L.V Kinsport, Tenn.....Ar. 1306 10.24 7.55 3.59| 10 - 09 5879[Lv Pactolus, Tenn Ar. 1213 10.09 7.41 f 4.18 ; f 10.20 62.8 Lv Fordtown, Tenn.....Ar. 1295 9.55 f 7.30 4.401 10.32 67.8|Lv Gray, Tenn Ar. 1434 9.42 7.13 f4.56f10.43 72.6iLv.. .Johnson City, Tenn...Ar. 1526 9.30 f 7.07 5.34 11.15 85.1 L.V Unicoi, Tenn Ar. 1624 9.01 6.35 6.32 11.43 95.7!Ar Erwin, Tenn Lv. 1932 8.29! 6.01 .6.47 11.55 101.1 LV Erwin, Tenn Ar. 1662 8.17j 5.4S 6.54 12.02 101.1 |Lv.... -Chesota, Tenn Ar. 1662 8.101 5.41 f7.05 12.12 104.3|Lv.. .fnaka Sprgs, Tenn...Ar. 1703 8. OOj f5.32 f 7.08 f 12. 15 j 105.1|LV Hntdale, N. C.... .Ar. 1703 f7.58; f5.28 7.59 12.47j 117.9;Lv....Green Mtn, N. C....Ar. 2058 7.28j 4.59 8.24 1.05j 124.9 Lv Toecane, N. C Ar. 2152 7.12| 4.43 f9.22' 1.51! 140.1 Lv... . .Penland, N. C Ar. 2401 6.351 4.04 8.46 1.21| 131.3 Lv Boonford, N. C Ar.'l 2256 6.57 4.28 f9.38 2.03! 114.6 Lv.. .Spruce Pine, N. C.-.Ar.J 2462 6.32 3.53 P. M.| P. M. | | f A. M. P. M. No. 1 j i No. 6 Mix'd 'I | Pass. A. M. P. M. I P. M. P. M. 6.15 2.23 151.9 Lv Altapass, N. C Ar.[ 2629 8.05 3.34 f 6.22 f 2.31 155.3 Lv...Mt. Mitchell, N. C...Ar.| 2450 7.50 f3.19 f6.52 f2.58 161.31 LV.. .Linville Falls, N,C...Ar.| 1738 f7.21 f2.48 7.26 3.15 175.1 Lv Sevier, N. C Ar. 1400 j 7.05 2.34 7.49 3.31] 183.2 Lv Marion, N. C Ar. 1316 | 6.45 2.15 f8.33 f4.01 197.8 Ly Thermal, N. C Ar. 984 | f6.15 f1.46 , 8.55 4.16 205.5 Lv... Westminster, N. C...Ar. 861 ! 6.00 1.32 - 9.07 f 4.25, 209.6 Lv... .Bostic Yard, N. C....Ar. 836 i 5.43 f1.23 9.11 4.30| 211.0 Lv Bostic, N. C ..Ar. 845 | 5.33 1.20 9.17 4.34 213.0Lv....F0re5t City, N. C....Ar. 867 i 5.29 1.13 9.55 5.02 226.8 Lv Chesnee, S. C Ar. 882 , 5.021 12.43 10.09 5.12 231.6 Lv Mayo, S. C.. Ar. 822 j 4.50! 12.33 10.45 5.40 242.3 Ar.. .Spartanburg, S. C...Lv.| 778 | 4.25( 12.10 A. M. P. M. | (T" -n Pass. Station) | jP.M.j P. M. The Carolina, Clinchfitld & Ohio Railway, and the Carolina, Clinch field & Ohio Railway,of South Carolina, "Clinchfield Route" reserve the right to vary from the time shown above without notice to the pub lic. Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent for definite infor mation or to CHAS., T. MANDEL, d J. J. CAMPION, T. P. A., in charge Pass. Dept. Vice-President & Traffic Manager, Johnson City, Tenn. Johnson City, Tenn. f —Flag Stop. *Daily, except Sunday