PAGE TWELVE BIG TRADE WEEK BARGAINS! ~~\ In Men's and Boys' High Grade Clothing You can buy cheap clothing at low prices anywhere but you can't often find HIGH GRADE, well tailored clothing at such low prices as we are offering for Trade Week. In Addition to our Bargain Prices we will pay your Railroad Fare . i\\ The clothes you get from us are as good as fine woolen, skill and brains can make them. jH» T Clothes that have individuality, style and service in them. Our prices have always yTfif been the lowest that good clothes could be sold for, but for Trade Week we are offer- |/ If unusual values. If S Choice of our $25.00 Men's Suits for $17.25 - Choice of our $20.00 Men's Suits for $14.75 Choice of our $15.00 Men's Suits for $11.25 Choice of our $12.50 Men's Suits for $8.75 Boy's Clothing in the best makes, serges and fancies at one-third off 'of our regular prices. Men's Oxfords in the best I makes, our $4.00 Grade, at $2.95 .i ' I It is always our aim to serve our customers well, if you are not already a customer we want I you to get acquainted with us Trade Week. I Moretz-Whitener Clothing Company j H. "THE QUALITY SHOP" x Ladies' and Misses' Hats AT ' ' . \ . EXACTLY HALFjPRICE ———-gg v Finest bargains ever offered in the history of the Millinery busi- JjH ness in Hickory. My entire stock of Ribbons I offer at exactly cost during "TRADE WEEK." j Miss Mary Rosebrough I ? Solemn Warning to Parents. I The season foi bowel trouble is fast approaching and you should at once provide your home with Kings Diarrhoea Cordial. A guaranteed remedy for Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Flux, Cholera Infantum and all kindred diseases. Numerous testimonials on our files telling of marvelous cures can be had by request. • Notice the following: I have used in my family King's Diarrhoea and Dysenter Cordial in bowel affections. It is the best medicine of the kind I ever saw—J.A.Leslie,M.D. Mr. Robert Yount, who is employed by me at Fullers. N. C., was quite ill recently with a stubborn attack of dysentery. He was treated by phy sicians without benefit, and continned to grow weaker. Half a bottle of King's Diarrhoea and Dysentery Cordial completely cared him, and he said unless he knew where more could be obtained he would not take" ten dollars for the other half of the bottle. —A W. Fuller. For sale by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents the bottle. - . X »- Named for General Wadsworth. Fort Wadsworth in New York har bor is not named for Capt. Joseph "Wadsworth, but for Gen. James Sam uel Wadsworth of Geneseo, N. Y. General Wadsworth raised a regiment when the Civil war broke out, served with distinction, and was killed in the battle of the Wilderness. In his mem ory the name of Fort Tompkins waa changed to Fort Wadsworth. 1 . -w Possible Career for Him. "Professor, I know my boy is rather alow, but in the two years that you !have had charge of his education he must have developed a tendency in some direction or other. What occu pation do you suggest as a possible 1 outlet for his energies, such as they are?" "Well, sir, I think he is ad •\tnirably fitted for taking moving pic tures of a glacier." THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM (Continued from page six.) j rieiy or value and iu the development { of a mining industry nnequaled in its I magnitude und importance. We honor the men who in their hazardous toil underground daily risk their lives in extracting and preparing for our use the products of the mine so essential to the industries, the commerce and the comfort of the people of this country. And we pledge ourselves to the exten sion of the work of the bureau of mines in every way appropriate for na tional legislation with a view to safe guarding the lives of miners, lessening (he waste of essential resources and promoting the economic development of mining, which, along with agricul ture, must iu the future even more than in the past serve as the very foun dation of our national prosperity anil welfare and our iuternal commerce. Agriculture. We believe in encouraging the devel opment of a modern system of agricul ture and a systematic effort to improve the conditions of trade in farm prod ucts so as to benefit both the consum ers and producers. And as an efficient means to this end we favor the enact ment by congress of legislation that will suppress the pernicious practice of gambling in agricultural products by organized exchanges or others. Merchant Marine. We believe iu fostering by constitu tional regulation of commerce the growth of a merchant marine which shall develop and strengthen the com mercial tic . which bind us to our sis er republic® of the south, but with out additional burdens upon the people nnd without imposing bounties or sub sidies from the public treasury. We urge upon congress the speedy enactment of laws for the greater se ■urity of life and property at sea. and we favor the repeal of all laws and be abrogation of so much of our reaties with other nations as piovide for the arrest and imprisonment of seamen charged with desertion or with violation of their contract of service. Such laws and treaties are un-Ameri can. and violate the spirit if not the letter of the constitution of the United States. We favor the exemption from tolls of American ships engaged in coast wise trade passing through the Pana ma canal. We also favor legislation forbidding the use of the Panama canal by ships owned or controlled by railroad car riers engaged in transportation com petitive with the canal. Pure Feod and Public Health. We reaffirm our previous declara tions advocating the union and strengthening of the various govern mental agencies relating to pure foods quarantine, vital statistics and human health. Thus lifted and administered without partiality to or discrimination against any school of medicine or sys tem of healing, they would constitute a single health service, not subordi nated to any commercial or financial Interests, but devoted exclusively to the conservation of human life and ef- ficiency. Moreover, this health servio should co-operate with the health agencies of our various states an' cities, without interference with theii prerogatives or with the freedom o* individuals to employ such medical or hygienic aid as they may see fit. Civil Service Law. The law pertaining to the civil serv ice should be honestly and rigidly en forced, to the end that merit and abil ity shall be the standard of appoint ment and promotion rather than serv ice rendered to a political party, and we favor a reorganization of the civils service, with adequate compensation > commensurate with the class of work performed, for all officers and eui ployees; we also favor the extension to all classes of civil service employees the benefits of the provisions of the employers' liability law. We also recognize the right of direct petition to congress by employees fot the redress of grievances.' Law Reform. We recognize the urgent need of re form in the administration of civil and criminal law in the United States, and we recommend the enactment of such legislation and the promotion of euck measures as will rid the-present legal system of the delays, expense and un certainties incident to the system as now administered. The Philippines. We reaffirm the position thrice an nounced by the Democracy in national convention assembled against a poliej of imperialism and colonial exploita tion in the Philippines or elsewhere We condemn the experiment in im perialism as an inexcusable blnndei which has involved us in enormou3 ex pense, bi-ought us weakness instead ot strength and laid our nation- ope*> to the charge of abandonment of the fun damental doctrine of self government We favor an immediate declaration of the nation's purpose to recognize the independence of the Philippine islands as soon as a stable government can be established, such independence to be guaranteed by us until the neutraliza tion of the islands can be secured b: treaty with other powers. In recog nizing the independence of the Phil ippines our government should retain such laud as may be necessary foi coaling stations and naval bases. Arizona and New Mexico. We welcome Arizona and New Mexi co to the sisterhood of states and heartily congratulate then; upon their auspicious beginning of great and glo rious careers. Alaska. We demand for the people of Alaska the full enjoyment of the rights and piivileges of y territorial form of gov ernment, and we believe that the offi cials appointed to administer the gov ernment of all our territories and the District of Columbia should be quali fied by previous bona fide residence. The Russian Treaty. We commend the patriotism of the Democratic members of the senate and house of representatives which com pelled the termination of the Russ'an treaty of 1832, and we pledge ourselves anew to preserve the sacred rights of American citizenship at home and abroad. No treaty should receive the , sanction or our government which does not recognize the equality of ail of our citizens irrespective of race or creed and which does not expressly guaran tee the fundamental right of expatria tion. The constitutional rights of Ameri can citizens should protect them on our borders and go with them throughout the world, and every American citizen residing or having property in any fo: eign country is entitled to and mus' be given the full protection of the Uuit ed States government, both for h;msel. and his property. Post and Rural Delivery. We favor the establishment of parcel post or postal express and als; i the extension of the rural delivery sys tem as rapidly as practicable. I Panama Canal Exposition. We hereby express our deep interest in the great Panama Canal exposition j to be held in San Francisco in 1913 anu favor such encouragement as can be properly given. Protection of National Uniform. We commend to the several states the adoption of a law making it an offense for the proprietors of places of public amusement and entertaii ment to discriminate against the uniform of the United States similar to the law passed by congress applicable to the District of Columbia and the territo ries in 1911. Pensions. We renew the declaration of our last platform relating to a generous pen =iion policy. Rule of the People. We call attention to the fact thnt th« Democratic party's demaud for a re rum to the rule of the people express ed in the national platform four years igo has now become the accepted doc trine of a large majority of the elee, :ors. We again remind the country hat only by a larger exercise oi' th« reserved power of the people can thev >rotect themselves from the misuse ot ielegated power and the usurpation oi governmental Instrumentalities by spe cial interests. For this reason the na tional convention insisted on the over throw of Cannonism and the inaugura tion of a system by which United States senators could be elected by di rect vote. The Democratic party of fers itself to the country as an agency through which the complete overthrow and extirpation of corruption, fraud and machine rule in American politics can be effected. . Conclusion. Our platform is one of principles which we believe to be essential to one national welfare. Our pledges are made to be kept when in office as well as relied upon during the campaign, and we invite the co-operation of all citizens, regardless of party, who be lieve In maintaining unimpaired the in stitutions and traditions of our try, I 11 Lota of 'Em. Howell —He never seems to get there. Powell— No, he is one of the kind who is always a favorite before the votes are cost. To the Man that is Going to Build We offer our services as to jffil "0$ 7I \ securing a dependable set of vgffl \ _\ff /#[\J figures on his materials. YTgj ®| For your lumber, sash, doors, \£f| mill work,; and kindred sup- pJUifcJifli""*" - plies you can't do better than to come here—both as to price and quality products. Ask us for figures on your needs to-day. HICKORY NOVELTY CO. r LADIES Bear in mind that —— —~" we have placed with the Elliott Nursery, of Pitts burg, Pa., a large import order for Dutch Bulbs, Hyacinths, Tulips, Nar cissi, etc. We will have a variety of the best selections from each, for -early forcing. Mr. Elliott claims that the Bulbs that they import are import are of superior quality, and we will save you money on them. The Bulbs will be shipped to us for arrival about Oct. 1 UMSTEAD'S i FOR SALE! • 1 New 8 Room House, water and lights, block and half from square. 1 5-Room House, large lot, near Piedmont Wagon Shop. 1 6-Room House, 3 extra lots, Longview. 30 Acres, cleared land, 3 miles west of town, on railway. 10 Acres on Catawba Springs Road. Easy terms on part on any of the above. See me at once. | I. L. LANIER. •r *

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