PART THREE ESTABLISHED 1899 i The Whole World i Sao Francisco -»i —■«— ■——*••— —Oo o By HAMILTON M. WRIGHT. TUB whole world Is Interested In j the opening of the Panama on- I nal and In thereat Interna tlonnl fete at which the United States will celebrate the completion o* llit! canal, the Panama Pacific Interna tloaal exposition, to he held In San Francisco in 1915. The proclamation of the president, ied by authority of congress, has l"vu delivered through the lustrumen t.r.ity of the department of state to ev o:*y quarter of the globe. Inquiries as to the exposition are pouring iu upon • the exposition management from all parts of the world. The nations of the world in recognition of America's! great SCENE IN GOLDEN GATE PARK, SITE OF THE PERMANENT FEATURES OF THE PANAMA PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION AT SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. complete with bed and seat, 500 lbs. sale grocery and retail hardware stores. It is strong, but light, and a convenient height. Capacity 1500 lbs. Weight 600 lbs. RFPAITQF they are built of the best wagon material ob- they are built right, built for light run- tainable—wrought steel hardware and white ning, but are strong and durable—that's oak and Hickory timber. . : : : : : : : : why we can afford to guarantee them. : : _ : : : Our location in the heart of the best white oak and principles, it is not the wagon you w r ant. Jf you want to see a wagon, whether you are thinking and hickory country and our equipment with The fancy attachments will break off, or be ' 0 f buy i„ g one j ust now or not> that is "all wagon" and the latest improved machinery assures uneq- thrown aside m six months. The first muddy ... . «# mtninmu* ualled advantages for the construction of farm day will put the pretty paint and finish out of notning eise, send ior catalogue. Wagons at the lowest minimum cost of pro- business. We have unequalled facilities. Our capacity is 10,000 wagons a year, dtiction TTT I -I J T»* J X J TT- I The main building, embracing Wood Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Paint We build Piedmont and Hickory wagons on Shop, Shipping and Storage Warehouses if 800 feet long by 120 If you buy a wagon that is not well built, you right principles. In our lumber yard are piles wide « three and four stories with floor space of eight acres, will spend more in repairs, in lost time, and in of timber, some of which have been standing The lumber yard covering 15 acres, contains the finest grades of wear on your team, than the wagon cost you there since 1904-6. After this is manufactured tVweathe? by shedTespeeiany constructed Pl for P the e pu e rpose o o™ . in the first place. No matter how pretty the into spokes, hubs, rims and beds it is seasoned "seasoning" by the process of air drying, paint, nor how fancy the attachments, unless in our Stock room for another year or two. The works and lumber yards combined cover 18 acres traversed by the wagon is built of absolutely honest thor- The wagons we are shipping out today are : OUghly Seasoned material, upon correct lines built OI parts manutactured two years ago. connected by switches thereby giving unsurpassed shipping facilities - - - Send for our large illustrated cata \l>> ez&mp log, our GUARANTEE (the best HHIk written today) and our "NINE I ' two horse * complete with bed, 890 lbs. Hickory, : North Carolina Weight, complete with bed and seat, 525 lbs. THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT Is to Participate Panama=Pacific 00 fV.*» . * ■■■■•■■ t Qo C , achievement at Panama are preparing ! for participation in the exposition upon a more comprehensive scale than at any of the greatest of former world's expositions. The foreign nations wilt be repre sented by the finest assemblage of d!s plays that the world has seen. T'je strange tri'oes ami peopies_i)f Pacific ! ocean countries will participate iu a ■ wonderful week's festival i'» which tUe i nations of the orient will take part j 1 he most marvelous parados ever wit- ' , Uessetl will be se;»n on ihe streets of ' San Francisco. The commonwealths of the United i States, each of which as a member of the Union has taken its nart iu tb c SPECIAL "TRADE WEEK" EDITION o 0......... —q T In the Great | Exposition In 19151 o o O** nnuaiug of the canal, will be repre sented by the most magnificent state displays ever assembled. -Qi iifomia has dedicated more than $20,000,000 to the nation's fair, and the city of San Fran cisco. the west and tlie nation are co operating to render the exposition one that will express In every way the pride j and patriotism of the American people. The Panama-Pacific International ex . position will be the greatest exposition |iu the history of the world A notable | commission of architects of national reputation is engaged upon the plans, and within a few weeks first construe tion work will begin, when grading of the site and the building of a sea wall, which will serve in part as the basis of a magnificent esplanade alone San HICKORY, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 f ramisco liaruor. comiuen es * Among the noted architects- who an designing the wonder city which wit rise from the shores of San Franciisc bay are Messrs Me Kim. Mead A White of New York. designers of Mad ison Square Garden. the Boston Publi* library, the Agricultural building a: the World's Columbia exposition Thomas Hastings, president of Car rere & Hastings, architects in ehiel > for the Pau-Americau exposition at Buffalo; Henry Bacon, designer of the Lincoln memorial; Willis Polk, assocl ated with D. II Rtirnbam of th* World's Columbian exposition at Chi -;igo These architects and their asso »iates pronounce the site of the expo sition as unsurpassed for a great mar itime celebration The exposition struc tures will be the largest and costliest ever erected for a world's ex posit if >• and will be visitVe In detail to passer gers on ships entering the Golden (Jute The site of the exposition takes ev ; ery advantage of the combination ol , harbor and biiis that giv«>s San Fran 1 Cisco its chief charm The main feu I tures ot the exposition will be locatec i at Uarb( r View, ou Sau Fran« isco ba;> i midway between the ferrv buildinp | and the Golden Gate, and the perma ; nent buildings to remain after the ex • position is over will be erected in the j west eud of Goldi-n Gate park, which : fronts on the Pacific ocean. These | sites and intermediate locations will be ! connected by a marine boulevard that | sweeps from Harbor View through the | Presidio to the Golden Gate and then j turns south to Golden Gate park. A trackless trolley will take visitors over this inaguificeut scenic boulevard from Harbor View through the military res ervation at the Presidio, where the gov ernment is planning a wonderful mili tary display, to Golden Gate park, and one admission will include entrance to both features. The site expresses the maritime character of the great cele brafion In harmony with the exposi Hon San Francisco itself will be an exposition city in 1915. - The parks and water front ot the city will be im proved at an expenditure of millions of dollars, and the ferry building, the main entrance to San Finn-.-isco. wili be adorned with a grand court of hon or. Market, street and Van Ness ave nue, the two main thoroughfares of San Francisco, each running from the bay and meeting in a V i» the heart of the city, will be decorated with huge Grecinu columns adorned with the flags of ail the nations of the world and surmounted at convenient inter, vals by classic arcades. At the June tion of these two streets will be erect ed a civic center The buildings in architectural srroun will cost close ——> 1 ~ PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION IN 1915. I iu «».uw.uui» i tie nucleus of the civic , center will be a new city hall to take . the place of the one destroyed in 1906 The exposition authorities have voted the sum of $1,000,000 for a great audi torium to accommodate visitors to con veutions during the exposition. A great opera house will be erected bj private capital at the civic center, and the famous singers of the world will bt heard in San Francisco In exposition days. Great saengerfests in which the choral societies of foreign countries participate will be held upon the expo sition grounds. The Panama Pacific International ex position will open with a pageant in San Francisco harbor of the battle Quite a Difference. "My wife still thinks I'm a treas re.". "I wish mine did; she thinki •au a treasury."—Satire. snips or tne navies of the world. The foreign vessels will first assemble at ! Hampton Roads, where. Joined by ships I of the American navy, the entire fleet ' will be reviewed by the president of I the United States and foreign digni- ' taries This fleet, the largest ever as ' sembled. will then proceed through the Panama canal to the harbor at San Francisco, where it will participate in the most spectacular naval demonstra tion ever witnessed San Francisco in 1915 will see the flags of more nations than have ever been brought together in one place at any one time. From unofficial assurances now received it is anticipated that 100 foreign b*tttlpsi»in«j Bad British Small Boys, j. In one year 33,000 offenders have B been brought -before the juvenile courts of England. Democrat and Press Consolidated 1905 in adaition to those of the United j States navy will be gathered In San j Francisco harbor. A huge commemorative edifice, In I purport like Bartboldi's statue of Lib ' crty, will welcome vessels from afar. ' The structure, to be known as the St. Francis Memorial tower, will be 850 feet In height, with a base 220 feet square. The shaft will be eighty-live feet square, with corners rounded, and of steel construction and terra cotta veneering. The approximate cost of the tower will be $1,000,000. From Its summit the sightseer will look almosc straight down upon the waters of the Golden Gate. 1.300 feet below. Storing of Eiectrio Heat. A method has been devised for 6tor« lug electric heat to be used for cook | lng purposes. , PAGES 13 TO 16