THE WORLD'S 'III BEST PIANO '/J THE KNABE piano is famed universally for its delicate j sweetness of tone. For three generations it has had no peer. Will you not inspect our complete stock of these time honored instruments? PARKER-GARDNER CO. CHARI OTTE, N. C. Selling Agents rrsoixni I Goes a Long Way if £ | invested in our store 1 i Uf E carry a full line of Dry H H| " Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes and everything handy in the a home. j|j Buy your groceries from us. Housekeepers brag on our te ___ Fl°ur. p |Setzer & Russell. | To-day's Ford is to-morrow's car. The buying world has come to understand that ex , cessive weight in an auto mobile spells danger—and needless expense. Vana dium steel has solved the problem. To-day's ligh, * i strong, Vanadium-built Ford I is to-morrow's car. More than 75,000 new Fords service this season—proof that they must be right. Three passenger Roadster 5290 passenger touring car $690— delivery car S7O0 —f. o. b. Detroit, with all equip ment Catalogue from C. T. Morrison, Hickory, N. C. i Paint Your Houses. ' For the greatest paint you ever heard of, write or call at my store. Get all the information you want, and see color carJs. 60c per gallon. One gallon covers 300 square feet, one coat equal to two coats of other paints. Weather proof, fire proof, sanitary, will not peel or crack off. A great saving in paint when you buy from me. 1 % _____ \V. T. SLEDGE, HICKORY, N. C. ' I w THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 Peculiar Scotch Mirage. The easterly wind is believed tc have been accountable for the curious mirage which was witnessed som« days ago over the eastern area ol the Firth of Forth in Scotland. The tower and upper portion of the Maj Island lighthouse had the appearand of floating in mid-air, and the rocks looked ap if they were surrounded bj trees. The spectacle attracted a goot deal of attention, and an attemp was even made to photograph it Elephant's Wonderful Trunk. The trunk of the elephant may just ly be considered as one of the mira cles of nature, being at once the or gan of respiration, as well as the in strument by which the animal sup plies Itself with food. Nearly elgh rest iu length, endowed with exquis ;ie sensibility, aud stout In propor tion to the massive size of the ani mal, this organ will uproot trees 01 gather grass, raise a piece of artillery or take up a nut, kill a man or brush aj!f a fly. The Letter of the Law. A mother led her six children to the apple-tree. It had borne but a single apple—no longer visible to the casual observer. "I told you not to pick that apple!" she said, sternly; "Wt didn't pick it!" the children answered in chorus. -And the oldest girl added in an injured tone, "You can see your self that it's still on the tree. I —l mean —the core is! We only climbed up an' —an' took a bite once in f. wlWl#>—wp didn't nick if!" Notifying the God. One of the odd things the visitor tc Burma will notice is the large num of bells about the pagodas. These i> e ps ire usually hung on sacred posU a f«—' feet above the ground". They sweet-toned, as all Burmese bellf »ro, brt they are not furnished witi tongues. Tl:e worshiper who come? to pray before the pagoda strikes one of these bells with a wooden mallet This is to attract the attention of tht god. Element of Decay. Indirect influence had its nearly per fect work in the Persian empire, where the Queen Mother was permit ted to exercise an injurious influence over the king, the court, and the em pire. It was one of the tendencies which leads Sayce, the historian, to say, after touching upon it: "In short, the empire contained within it from the first all the elements of de cay." Wisdom in Action. The times are waiting for men who ihall serve and not merely inquire: strive and not merely investigate; ?ive to their age and their kind not so nueh learning in bulk as wisdom in action; great doing as the only true fruitage of great thinking; the conse , oration to the uplifting of one's fellow | nen of one's best rather than the eon- I -serving by mere culture of one's self. —Henry Potter.. Limit to His Foolishness. Wife —You say I ought to practice economy, John. Now, what did your '.!!nner downtown cost you today? Hus band (a trifle weakly)— About three dollars. Wife —Heavens, John, three dollars just for a dinner? Husband (a trifle indignantly)— Well, that includ ed a bottle of wine, of course. (More indignantly) You don't s'pose I would pay three dollars just for food, do you?— New York Sun. Eyes Demand Repose. Many people cannot remain unoccu pied, and in their moments of leisure hasten to seize a book or a piece of embroidery. These are undoubtedly excellent means of distraction, but they are fatiguing for the eyes, upon which they impose continuous work without a break." One must know how to repose the eyes Just as one consid ers it quite natural Jto rest the muscles after a fatiguing walk. Sunshine a Cleanser. Sunshine is the best possible disin fectant. The rays of the sun pene trate and disintegrate all organic sub stances. Let it flood the-rooms which are occupied whenever it is possible. Lay the bedding in its direct rays for an-hour every bright morning. Dark corners that have a stuffy smell are dangerous to the health of the house hold. Never Repeat an Unkind Thing. Never repeat unkind things. But if you hear something kind and pleasant and sweet, then make it your business to repeat it. It may sound superior to say you do not care whether people like you or not, you must speak your mind. That isn't superiority. It IE supreme selfishness and surliness. The Best Way. A correspondent wants to know how to pronounce Chihuahua. The best way is to say Chy-hewa-hewa and then laugh as though you knew better. If it is done artistically you can get away with it nearly every time. The same 'treatment has been frequently applied to decollete with great success. Pelts Paid for Theft. A turkey which Edward Richardson had been fattening disappeared. Fos ; tracks led to a cave and Richardson set a charge of dynamite, which blew up the cave. In the ruins he found the carcasses of six foxes. Their peltE were worth S6O, far more than a tur key.—Brookfleld Courier. Its Only Purpose. "O Willie, Willie," cried a teacher to a hopelessly dull pupil, "whatever do your think your head is for?" Willie, who evidently thought this an other of the troublesome questions that teachers were always asking, pondered it deeply. "Please, miss,' he replied at length, "to keep my collar on!" Youth's Companion. Women Form Fire Brigade. The women of Idria, in the Aus trian province of Krain, were so dis satisfied with the fire-brigade tha they have formed one of their own consisting of 60 "firewomen," witl I Frau Marie Straos as their com mander. i His Grounds. I By a queer trick of politics an lg. ° ! norant and pomrous old darky waa elected judge of a minor court in a cer } ® tain western state. Iu the first case over which he presided he made a ruling so absurd that the lawyer whose g ease was affected by it said: "This is a very strange ruling, your honor L Upon what grounds do you make it?' "What grounds—does you say? Why dese yer' co'thouse grounds, of co'se!" replied the Judge.—Judge. Peculiar Case of Poisoning. t Metal poisoning from handling cop } per coins was the curious cause for r death recently assigned at West Ham, England. The deceased, afe twenty ■). seven, had been employed to collect ii coins from penny In-the-slot gas me 5 cerfj, and his physician testified thai p. the coins were ouen green with ver |. digris, which remained on the collec i- tor's hands and was absorbed through 5 his habit of curling his mustache with h his finger. Lacking Important Point. Can a woman be a successful "ma e ;ician?" A contemporary wizard says £ that she can, and that in London there i are many society women who have [j taken a course in wizardy as a means t of becoming proficient in some kind 3 of "parlor trick" by which to enter rain company. It does seem, though, that a magician without coat sleeves i to pull back, as a preliminary to do -3 ing his marvels, would be fatally de - flcient in paraphernalia. Got His -Knowledge First Hand. Benson J. Lossing, whose historical ■ collections were sold in New York city recently, was a historian of tha • old school, whose methods were yet in a way up to date, not to say journal istic. He traveled many thousands of miles in gathering, material for his books, conversing with old settlers and descendants of revolutionary he roes and making sketches on the spot of battlefields and scenes of historic interest. Silde Back! Backsliding, indeed! I can tell you on the ways of most of us go, the fast er we slide back the better. Slide back into the cradle, if going on is into the grave—back, I tell you; back —out of your long faces, and into your 1 long clothes. It is among children ' only and as children only that you will find medicine for your healing and true wisdom for your teaching.— Ruskin. Neither Meant Much. Grant Duff relates a conversation ■which prevents swearing in its most common light—the swearing for swear ng's sake. "Oh, Mr. , I wish you j would not use such dreadful language. ; it gives me real pain," was the pro ; est. And this the apology: "Pray, | ion't mind. I swear and you pray, but | neither of us mean much by it"— j London Chronicle. » Conditioned. "How's your 6on getting on in col lege?" "Not at all. Every time there are two men on bases and it's his turn | to bat, they bench him and give a , substitute hitter a chance." —Detroit Free Press. . No Hesitancy at All. As a matter of fact, a woman doesn't hesitate a minute between marrying for money or brains. She is always willing to furnish the brains. — Chicago News. 11l JT C% "IS"- a Hickory's Leading Drug Store Moser & Lutz j " SATISFACTION " That is our whole story—not a long one but an ex ceedingly important one. Satisfaction is what makes people like to deal with us, You get it every time I you enter our store, and you always find a clean, up-to-date stock of Drugs, Sundries, Patent Medicines I — ' I 7 1 ? \ PRESCRIPTIONS —We call your especial at- essary by summer demands: tention to this department. \ our prescrip- Soaps, Shaving Soaps, Shaving Powder and Cream tions when brought here are filled by registered shampoos dry andiwet ° Spiro Powder, for destroying the odor of perspiration n men—"men who know how. . Pure drugs are Perfumes, an the best odors x 1 the only kind we use. Tested for purity Toilet Waters, Violet Ammonia, for the bath n ■ , ff. • \\Ti- j Cold Cream for Tan and Sunburn * I Strength, efticiency. When we compound Stillman's Freckle Cream d I your prescriptions only the highest quality Menthoiatum, for insect Bites * I drugs and the most modern methods are used. many things to ° numerous to mention Whatever a good drug store ought to have and many things other drug stores don't keep * I SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS—Our stock you will find here. Come to us first and you " I is full of just the kind of goods made nec- will get what you want. 1 I .8 I r H — qr—■———i^—■—«—a————■■————tm I "WE'RE ON THE CORNER" "|\ >T T A hickorxnTg Moser OE -L/UtZ it ■ ' ..... n. I th | n- Jj ———— 1 ii i i I Trade Week • i Trade Week Discount * Discount j Clinkscales, The Tailor I Clothes Talk That Has No Come Back NOW LISTEN, in bnyiug your Fall Suit you want fit, wear, ■ shapeliness, style. You expect and must have your money's worth of value. Read this: WE TAKE ALL THE MEASURES. ; We alone are responsible for the fit. No one else on which to shift the blame. IT'S UP TO US. We guarantee not to send | your suit out of town for alterations. If it is that bad we call it a misfit and make a new one. We have no openings. We are open all the time, any day at any hour. We will show you 1500 patterns from three of the best exclusive tailors. Our tailoring is moderately priced. The Prices Range from sls to S4O a Suit We not only offer a $15.00 value for $15.00 in money, or a $25.00 value for I $25.00 in money, but perfect satisfaction as to fit and workmanship. Every suit we make is TAILORED ABSOLUTELY TO YOUR MEASURE. The style you desire at prices no higher than the "pulled from the pile" kind. Don't be conterfeit—be individual. Let us tailor your clothes to your order. c • i % I Why not come in and see what we mean when we say a sls value for sls, or S3O value for S3O? I Clinkscales, The Tailor IOVER EXPRESS OFFICE Trade Week HickOFY ,N,C. I Trade Week Discount Discount GET IT HERE Let us bid on your catalogues, books, pamphlets, statements, letter heads, bill heads, note heads, and indeed on all your printing of every description. We have just added a full equipment of New Type, and are prepared to do prompt ly any kind of high grade printing. PAGE FIFTEEN THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT