PAGE THREE SECURITY LIFE AND ANNUITY CO. ♦ GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA ===== * * Sanely Progressive—"A Conservative with a Move On" 1 - Semi-Annual Statement, June 30, 1912 ASSETS Guaranteed fund in approved securities deposited with Insurant Commissioner of North Carolina $ 100,000.00 Real estate 44,109.03 First Mortgage real estate loans 964,060. ft) Collateral loans on bonds and stocks 76,053.30 Policy loans and liens secured by legal reserve 329,583.65 Bonds and stocks 59,608.28 Interest-bearing certificates of deposit (4, 5 and 6 per cent) 31,669.67 Cash in bank and office not on interest 35,906.98 Furniture and fixtures 4,444,63 Agents'balances 13,576.51 Due from other companies for losses or claims on policies of this company re-insured 4,000.00 Interest due and accrued ; 17,235.74 Uncollected and deferred premiums (net) 30,013.31 Gross assets June 30, 1912 $1,710,261.60 Less assets not admitted, agents' balances, furniture and fixtures, and notes, liens and net premiums in excess of reserve 25,331.51 • ✓ Total admitted assets $1,684,930.09 J. VAN LINDLEY, President P. H. HANES, Vice-President G. A. GRIMSLEY, Secretary C. C. TAYLOR, Mgr. of Agents \ TT "T T T r T" V T V iF A /VQtl'f RALPH B. COIT, Actuary Dr. J. P. Turner, Medical Director l\ 9 JVJL/lJ A 1 XjCllGliil /VgtJIlX Agents Wanted in all Unoccupied Territory HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA « Hickory Manufacturing Company ~~ Manufacturers of - Sash, Doors, Blinds Mantels, Mouldings, Lumber, Etc. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY )l • • = = = • .... : • ... . . j SEND US YOUR PLANS FOR ESTIMATES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES Hickory, : : : North Carolina THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY, AIJGUSt ft, mi Says the Insur- J*- •*. r - ance Field:— The .Security Life and Annuity Company has been conducted with conspicuous suc cess by the present, officers. ———-~j { Home Course Road Making X. The Macadam Road. By LOGAN WALLER PAGE, Director Office of Public Roads, United States Department of Agriculture. Copyright by American Press Asso ciation, 1912. WHEN it is considered tbat a rise of one foot in a hun dred increases by about twenty pounds the amount of force required to haul a load of one ton tbe question of grades is one nut to be overlooked in road building. The character of the soil and natural drain age conditions have much to do with tbe cost of maintenance. Therefore too much consideration cannot be given to location. The main points to be dealt with are ill directness, (2» grade, (3> natural drainage and 4> character of tbe soil. The foundation to be built for any road sbould depend largely upon local conditions. Some soils of a gravelly na ture make the best foundations and will be sufficient without treatment other than grading upon which to con struct a macadam road. Soils that are of a clayey nature or that contain pockets of quicksand, un stable earth or organic matter are treacherous and require special treat , ' ~ x v ' 0-: " ■ ~ ~i £ ' '• THE MODERN MACADAM BOAD. i ment In such cases the unstable ma terial sbould be removed and replaced with gravel or sand, and wherever practicable the earth subgrade should be thoroughly rolled, preferably with a steam roller, and made to conform in crown or camber to the surface of the finished road. Sandy subgrades may be improved by the use of a thin layer of LIABILITIES Reserve on outstanding policies, less credit for re-insurance.. . .$1,163,830.00 Reserve for claims unpaid (no proof received) 12,000.00 Present value of supplementary contracts 29,887.00 Special renewal commission contracts... 8,687.00 Dividends declared but not yet due 3,435.63 Special reserve for annuity policies 179,502.54 All other liabilities » 7,818,74 $1,405,160.91 Admitted surplus to policyholders 379,769.18 Total. 1,684,930.09 Gross surplus to policyholders $ 305,100.69 Excess of income over expenditures ....... 185,145.37 Insurance issned first six months, paid-for basis 1,275,300.00 Deposited with Insurance Commissioner of North Carolina on ac count of registered policies 845,650.00 Increase in earned surplus first six months 63.270.70 Interest income first six months 39,762.33 Death losses first six months 20,84.0.75 ———C" I ciay or son. There are two forms of drainage es sential in road building. (1) surface drainage and (2) subdrainage. There are three essential points to be con sidered in connection with surface drainage. (1) The surface of the road should be of such a shape that water will Quickly drain from it to the side ditches; (2) the side ditches should be adequate in size to carry, without overflow, the maximum rainfall, and they should be of such depth and grade that water will travel easily to low points on the road, and (3) from tbe low points there should be suitable outlets to convey the water to tbe natural drainage of the country. Water should never be permitted to remain under a macadam road; con sequently subdrainage must be resort ed to at times. Water softens the foundation, allows the broken stone to be forced into it by the traffic, and In freezing it expands and dislodges tbe broken stone, destroying the bond. There are several ways of removing the subsurface water, (1) by raising tbe subgrade; (2) by side drains con sisting of narrow trenches filled with broken stone, with a pipe five or six inches in diameter near the bottom. A drain of this type sbould have fre quent side outlets. On hillsides a pipe or culvert Is carried under the road at suitable points. Another type of subdrain that is* much used in Massachusetts is the "V" drain. It consists in shaping the sub drain in the form of a "V," the angle being at the center of the road. This is filled with coarse stone up to the foundation grade and has frequent side outlets. This type is rather expensive and very frequently can be dispensed .with by raising the subgrade with suitable sand, gravel or clay. Another type of drain practical for side hill locations is > a subside drain, located on the upper side of tbe road to Intercept and provide an outlet for surface and ground water before It reaches the road proper. Great care sbould be used in properly grading a road. Tbe practice in America is generally to place tbe maximum grade at 5 per cent for important roads, as a horse can trot without difficulty up such a grade, and another Important consider ation in connection with grades is tbat a macadam surface can only be main tained at great cost on steep grades. In fixing the grades the engineer should so adjust tbe cuts and fills as to make tbe least possible waste of mate rial, and In this he must not overlook the fact that some materials shrink to a great extent when taken from the cuts and placed In the fills. This va ries with *»»« material, bnt sverHge* about 15 per cent. The careful engl neer will net his grade stakes not more than fifty feet apart, and in no case should they be over a hundred, and these will serve Ittfer for tbe macadam work, in grading ample material should be left to form the shoulders. Care sbould be used in properly slop ing cuts and fills to avoid as far as pos sible settlement of material. A slope of not less than one and one-half to one sbould be used. Care should also be taken to have tbe gutter erades so fixed mat tlieiv will IM» at least a fall of- six inches iu each hundred feet in order t> provide surface drainage. In general, any stone that is to be used in road building should be test ed for hardness, toughness, resistance to wear and binding or cementing val ue. The specific gravity, weight per cubic foot and water absorbed are also determined. With such data as this iu hand and a knowledge of the volume and character of traffic to which the road is subjected the engineer can make an intelligent selection of the best available material. While the dia bases, diorites and basalts, all com monly known as traprock, in general meet the conditions where macadam roads are necessary, yet it Is Unwise to select a rock by species alone, as t bev all vary greatly. There are two distinct types of bro ken stone road in use today, known as macadam and telford roads. The mac adam road of today is so different from the type specified by Macadam that the relation is hardly recognizable. I.y the best practices used this road consists in a foundation course of two and one half Inch stone of varying thick ness. This foundation should be thoroughly rolled with a steam roller and not more than a thickness of five or six inches rolled at a time. On top of this Is placed a three or four iui-h layer of one and one-half inch stone, and aftei tlior oughly rolling a layer of rock screen •ings below three-quarters of an inch in size is spread. This layer of screenings should be sufficient only to fill the sur face voids of the wearing course and should not be applied all in one layer Kach application of screenings should be rolled in before the next application is made. After the surface has been thoroughly tilled with screenings the road should be well sprinkled with a watering cart and rolled with a steam roller until it is thoroughly bonded This rolling should continue until the surface ceases to wave in front of the roller. Stone should never be dumped on the road, and If specially devised spread ing wagons are not used the stone should be dumped on boards and spread from them on to the road. The con tractor should be required to place about a hundred tons of No. 2 stone and screenings at a convenient place for each mile of road built for the pur pose of making future repairs. The telford road of today varies only from the macadam road in that it has a hand paved foundation course, con sisting of coarse stone eteht or nine inches iu its greatest dimensions. These stones are placed on edge in the subgrnrie by hand on their broadest bast* and at right angles to the line of the road, and all irregular portions are broken off with hammers. This type of road was first designed by a French engineer named Tresagnet forty years in advance of Telford. The roads built by Telford bad flat sub grades. but those constructed by Tre saguet had cambered subgrades. which are supposed to have the effect of a keystone arch, and this is the form in which they are constructed today, it is rather an interesting fact that In France practically all of the broken stone roads are of the Macadam type. wnne id ungiana tney are largely or tbe Tresaguet or Telford type. Experience has proved that tbe only way Id which roads can be kept in good condition and at reasonable cost Is by continuous and intelligent main tenance. It is a mistaken although un fortunately general impression that certain types of r«»ad are permanent No permanent road nas ever been con structed or ever can be. Gutters, catch basins and culverts ought by all means to be kept clean, iand small gullies in shoulders should be filled before they become too large. The loose stone which nearly always appears on the surface of a macadam road the first spring after it is built should be raked up and stacked for fu ture use. Small holes and incipient -t: - •' y * i >-• i ■■■ ■/ '■ L-Vf 1 %r4- ■ '« - «♦* '.T,,r ttf/ A POOBXiT OONBTBUOTKD HA CAD AM BOAJ>. ruts should be filled as soon as they appear with the same kind and size of stone as that used In tbe surface course. If small defects are attended to when they first appear it will be unnecessary to resurface the road until it is worn entirely through to tbe foundation course.. When the surface course is worn oat it ought to be spiked up with a steam roller or scarifier and this fol lowed by the spreading of a three inch layer of one and one-half inch rock. This Is rolled, bonded with screenings I and sprinkled In tbe same manner as the top course was originally construct ' ed, after which the road will be as '' good as new. Reinforced Compete of Old Rom«. Although concrete has been u&t I for many centuries, It Is generally sup posed that reinforced concrete is a modern invention. This, however, has been disproved, accordiny to Popular ; Mechanics by the finding of bronze II reinforcing rods In the concrete root ( it an ancient Roman tomb, and in the llscovery of reinforced concrete in the construction of one of the walla . >f the old palace erf the Louvre, Paris. The reinforced concrete In the lat ter dates back only 300 or 400 years, but created much comment because '.he walls were thought to consist en tirely of ashlar and quarry stone. The llscovery that the stone casing con cealed a core composed In part of i» aforced concrete waa made while /orkmen were piercing the wall tor u elevator Installation.