aiMiiOKITiC PLATFORM The Tariff Is Mads the Issue. FOB REVENUE ONLY. Republican Protection System Is Denounced. TAX DOES NOT RAISE WAGES. High Cost of Living Declared to Re sult From High Tariff—Declaration In Favor of Enforcing the Criminal as Well as Civil Law Against Trusts and Trust Officials—Favors Income Tax and Popular Election of Sena tors. Special Inducements Offered Visiting Buyers During Trade Week . - - \: ■ ~ * Great Reductions in all Summer Goods 5° 0 Railroad Fare Given with all Purchases J. A. BOWLE^^H We, the representatives of the Dem ocratic party of the United States in national convention assembled, reaf firm our dcvotiou to the principles of Democratic government formulated by Thomas Jefferson anil enforced by a long and illustrious line of Democratic presidents. Tariff Reform. We x-lare it to be a fundamental prln iple of the Democratic party that the federal government under the con stitution has no right or power to im pose or collect tariff duties except for the purpose of revenue, and we de mand that the collection of such taxes shall be limited to the necessities of government honestly and economically administered. The high Republican tariff is the principal cause of the unequal distri bution of wealth; it is a system of taxation which -lakes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Under its opera tions the American farmer and labor ing man are the chie. sufferers; it raises the cost of the necessaries of life to them, but does not protect tiieir product or wages. The farmer sells largely in free markets and buys a I most entirely in the protected mar kets. In the most highly protected in dustries such as cotton and wool, steel and iron the wages of the laiwrers are the lowest paid in any of our in dustries. We denounce the Republican pretense on that subject and assert that American wages are established by competitive conditions and. notr by the tariff. We favor the immediate downward revision of the existing bitrh and. in THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 Pfpp BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIRS hree FREE DULGE Beauty Aids FREE Each is a marvel of daintiness, both in package and contents. No other line we ever handled has been half so popular. Every one of them makes appeal to the most refined tastes—delights and fascinates the most refined senses. ThisquadruplePJateSilverSugar Each is as near perfection in every minute detail Spoon with the purchase of ' ff use °' I t^ie v . er y P"*®st and choicest ingredients, 73 cents* worth of ;?. e fa " est selected odors from fresh-cut Parma and A pair of these lovely Roman ... Victoria Violets, and the highest art of the perfumer gold Collar Pins with pur- ViOlot Dulce Toilet Articles can make them. Each is guaranteed to please— chase of 50c worth of __J or mone y back - Violet Dulce Toilet Articles FREE SEE these [ ~ ~ Qne of these beauti- ll' (i u ] 3SS SOUVENIRS gffi/S IN OUR WINDOWS You must se ® them ' FREE Dulce Toilet to properly appreciate Japanese Eggshell Cup and Saucer N Soap at 25 fhom with SI.OO worth of cents Violet Dulce Toilet Articles. Besides the above souvenirs, a beautiful Harrison Fisher girl fan will be given free to every purchaser of any Violet Dulce Toilet Dainty. Every one of these Elegant Violet Dulce Beauty Aids is a Marvel of Daintiness This Souvenir Sale is THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY—AUGUST 15, 16, 17. *— TAe QOHOJUL Store—— 1 W Woneom On account of the Special Sales Week we will give these souvenirs away, commencing August 10th on till the 12th, as long as they last GRIMES DRUG CO., "On The Square" many cases, prohibitive tariff duties, insisting that material reductions be speedily made upon the necessaries of life. Articles entering into competi tion with trust controlled products and articles of American manufacture which are sold abroad more cheaply than at home should be put upon the free list We recognize that our system of tar iff taxation is intimately connected with the business of the country, and we favor the ultimate attainment of the principles we advocate by legisla tion that will not injure or destroy le ultimate industry. We denounce the action of President Taft in vetoing the bills to reduce the tariff in the cotton, woolen, metals and chemical schedules and the farmers' free list bill, all of which were design ed to give Immediate relief to the masses from the exactions of the trusts. The Republican party, while promis ing tariff revision, has shown by its tariff legislation that such revision is not to be in the people's interest, and. having been faithless to its pledges of 1908, it should no longer enjoy the con fidence of the nation. We appeal to the American people to support us in our demand for a tariff for revenue only. High Cost of Living. The high cost of living is a serious problem in every American home. The Republican party in its platform at tempts to escape from responsibility for present conditions by denying that they are due to a protective tariff. We take issue with them on this subiect and charge that excessive prices result in a large measure from tbe high tariff laws enacted and maintained by the Republican party and from trusts and commercial conspiracies fostered and encouraged by such laws, and we as sert that no such substantial relief can be secured for the people until import duties on the necessaries of life are materially reduced and these criminal conspiracies broken up. Anti-trust Law. A private monopoly is indefensible and intolerable. We therefore favor the vigorous enforcement of the crim inal as well as the civil law against trusts and trust officials and demand the enactment of such additional leg islation as may be necessary to make it impossible for a private monojxdy to exist in the United States. We favor the declaration by law of the conditions upon which corpora tions shall be permitted to engage in interstate trade. Including among oth ers the prevention of holding compa nies of interlocking directorates, of stock watering, of discrimination in price and the coutrol by any one cor poration of so large n proportion of any Industry as to make it a menace to competitive conditions. We condemn the action of the Re publican administration in compromis ing with the Standard Oil company and tobacco trust and its failure to invoke the criminal provisions of the anti-trust law against the officers of those corporations after the court had declared that from the undisputed facts in the record thev had violated the criminal provisions of me law. We regret that the Sherman anti trust law has received a judicial COD struction depriving it of much of its efficiency, and we favor the enactment of legislation which will restore to the statute the strength of which it has been deprived by such interpretation. Rights of the State. We believe in the preservation and maintenance in their full strength aud integrity of tbe three co-ordiuate branches of the federal government— the executive, the legislative and the judicial—each keeping within its own bounds and not encroaching upon the just powers of either of the others. Believing that the most efficient re sults under our system of government are to be attained by the full exercise by the states of their reserved sover eign powers, we denounce as usurpa tion the efforts of our opponents to de prive the states of any of the rights reserved to them and to enlarge and magnify by indirection the powers of the federal government. We insist upon the full exercise of all the powers of government, both state and national. to protect the peo ple from injustice at the hands of those who seek to make the govern meut a private asset in business. There is no twilight zone between the nation and the state in which exploiting inter ests can take refuge from both. It is as necessary that the federal govern ment shall exercise the powers delegat ed to it as it is that the states shall ex ercise the powers reserved to them, but we insist that federal remedies for the regulation of interstate commerce and for the prevention of private mo nopoly shall be added to and no* sub stituted for state remedies. Income Tax and Popular Election of Senators. We congratulate the country upon the triumph of two important reforms demanded in the last national platform —namely, the amendment of the feder al constitution authorizing an income tax and tbe amendment providing for the popular election of senators—and we call upon the people of all the states to rally to the support of the pending propositions and secure theii ratification. We note with gratification the unani mous sentiment in favor of publicity before the election of campaign con tributions, a measure demanded in our national platform of 1908 and at that time opposed by the Republican party, and we commend the Democratic house of representatives for extending the doctrine of publicity to recom mendations, verbal and written, upon which presidential appointments art made, to the ownership and control of newspapers and to the expenditure? made by and in behalf of those who aspire to presidential nominations, and we point for additional justification for this legislation to the" enormous expenditures of money in behalf of the president and his predecessor in the recent contest for tbe Republican nomination for president. Presidential Primaries. The movement toward more popular government should be promoted throueh legislation in each state which will permit the expression of the pref erence of the electors for national can didates at presidential primaries. We direct that the national commit tee incorporate in the call for the next nominating convention a requirement' that all expressions of preference for presidential candidates shall be given an3l the selection of delegates and al ternates made through a primary elec tion conducted by the party organiza tion in each'state where such expres sion and election are not provided for by state law. Committeemen who are hereafter to constitute the member ship of the Democratic national com mittee and whose election is not pro vided for by law shall be chosen In each state at such primary elections, and the service and authority of com mitteemen, however chosen, shall be gin immediately upon the receipt n their credentials respectively. Campaign Contributions. We pledge the Democratic party b the enactment of a law prohibiting air corporation from contributing to i campaign fund and any individua from contributing any amount abov a reasonable maximum. Term of President. We favor a single presidential tern and to that end urge the adoption 01 an amendment to the constitution mak ing the president of the United States ineligible to re-election, and we pledge the candidate of this convention to this principle. • Democratic Congress. At this time, when Republican party, after a generation of unlimited PAGE FIVE

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