PAGE SIX REFUND We will not only refund 5 per cent in cash or merchandise on all purchases to out-of-town and in town customers, but will place on sale many seasonable goods at 20 to 25°| 0 off I Lawns, Flaxons, etc. All 10 and 12 l-2c Lawns at -8c All 15c Cotton Foulards at IJJc All 15c Linaires at |J C All 25c white Flaxons at 19c All 20c white Flaxons at Jsc All 18c colored Flaxons at Ijjc All 25c Suesine'Silks at 19c THOMPSON-WEST COMPANY "The Ladies' Store" Embroideries and Laces 1 lot 50c 27-inch Flouncing at 39c 1 lot 85c 42-inch Flouncing at 60c 1 lot $1 27-inch Baby Irish Flouncing at 75c 1 lot $1.25 45-inch Baby Irish Flouncing at 90c 1 lot $2 45-inch Baby Irish Flouncing at $1.50 1 lot 25c Insertion and Gallons at 19c 1 lot 35c Insertion and Gallons at 25c THOMPSON-WEST COMPANY "The Ladies' Store" ■■■MBMP■■■■^■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■Hl■■■ —m Muslin Underwear 1 lot 50 and 75c Pants at l__3sc 1 lot $1 Pants at £9c 1 lot 50 and 75c Corset Covers at 35c 1 lot 75c Gowns at 50c 1 lot $1 Gowns at 75c ljot $1.50 Gowns at -$1 llot 50c Knit Combination Suits at 39c 1 Jot 25c Knit Combination Suits at 19c THOMPSON-WEST COMPANY ~ "The Ladies' Store" DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM * . (Continued from page five.) power in its control of the federal go\*. eminent, iB rent into factions, it is opportune to point to the record of accomplishment of the Democratic house of representatives In the Sixty second congress. We indorse its ac tion, and we challenge comparison of its record with that of any congress which has been controlled by our op ponents. We call the attention of the patriotic citizens of our country to. its record of efficiency, economy aad con structive legislation. It has among other achievements re vised the rules of the house of repre* fcentatives so as to. give to the repre sentatives of the American people freedom of speech and of action in ad vocating, proposing and perfecting remedial legislation. It has passed bills for the relief of the people ami the development of our country. It has endeavored to revise the tariff taxes downward in the in terest of the consuming masses and thus to reduce the high cost of living. It has proposed an amendment to the federal constitution* providing for the election of United States senators by the direct vote of the people. It has secured the admission of Ari zona and New Mexico as two sover eign states. It has required the publicity of cam paign expenses both before and after election and fixed a limit upon the election expenses of United States sen ators and representatives. It has passed a bill to prevent tb» a'iuse of the writ of injunction. It has p.iSoed a law establishing an ei&ht hour d, y for workmen on all national pab lic work. It has passed a resolution *which forced the president to takQ immediate ■tcps to abrogate the Russian treaty. And it has passed the great supply b!tls which lessen waste and extrava gance and which reduce the annual ex penses of the government by many mil, lions of dollars. We approve the measure reported by the Democratic leaders in 'the house of representatives for the creation of a cunncil of uational defense which will determine a definite naval program [With a view to increased efficiency and. economy. The party that proclaimed and has always enforced the Monroe doctrine P-J was sponsor .for the new navy will continue faithfully to ob serve the constitutional requirements to provide and maintain an adequate and well proportioned navy sufficient to defend American policies, prota?U our citizens and uphold the honaujffl dignity of the nation. Merchants' Trade Week August 10th to August 17th (Saturday to Saturday) THOMPSON-WEST COMPANY Offer Many Special Bargains for This Week , Railroads, Express Companies, Tele graph and Telephone Lines. We favor the efficient supervision and rate regulation of railroads, ex press companies, telegraph, and tele phone lines engaged In interstate com merce. To this end we recommetid the valuation of railroads, express compa nies, telegraph and telephone lines by the interstate commerce commission, such valuation to take into considera tion the physical value of the property, the original cost, the cost of the pro duction and any element of value that will render the valuation fair and just. We favor such legislation as will ef fectually prohibit the railroads, ex press, j:'id telephone compa nies from engaging in business which brings tfeem into competition with shippers or patrons; also legislation preventing overissue of stocks and bonds by interstate railroads, express companies, telegraph and teflephone lines and legislation which will assure such reduction in transportation rates .is conditions will permit, care being taken to a*void reductions that would compel a Deduction of wages, prevent adequate service or do injustice to legitimate investments. Banking Legislation. We oppose the so called Aldrich bill or the establishment of a central bank, and we belierve our country will be largely freed from panics and con sequent irnemployment and business depression, by such a systematic revi sion of our banking laws as will render temporary relief in localities in which such relief is needed, with protection from control or dominion by -what is known as the money trust Banks exist for the accommoiatlon of the public and not for the control of business. All legislation on the sub ject of banking and currency should have for its purpose the securing of these accommodations oa terms of ab solute security to the pablic and of complete protection from the misuse of the power that wealth gSres to those who possess it. We condemn the (present methods oi 'lepositing government funds la a few favored banks, largely situate*! in or controlled by Wall street, in jeturn if or political favors, pledge our party to provide by law for their' de posit by competitive bidding in ttit banking institutions of the country, national and state, without discrimina tion as to locality, upon approved se curities and subject to call by the gov eminent. Rural Credits. Of -ekjual importance with the ques- currency reform is the question agricultural finance. that an in Itural credit so 'tries be lined whether =* be de 'ons in the favor legis banks of 'onal r'n- THEIHICKORY DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 *>■ | SH O E WEEK We are going to make this a special shoe week. We must make room for Fall stocks and it is not our policy to carry shoes over. Our present stock is new, clean and stylish. Big reductions on every pair. -They must go. It vyili pay you to see what we can give you for so little money. FOR MEN »|-5# L ° w s, :. oes ' $ J jj $4.50 Low Shoes, $3.50 jj 350 " " les FOR CHILDREN 300 " " 2.35 $2.50 Low Shoes, $1.85 150 " - 1-85 2.00 « « 1.60 FOR WOMEN | j;i " - 1 .To $4.00 Low Shoes, $3.00 1.00 " " .75 3.50 " " 2.65 .75 " " .50 3.00 " " 2.35 .50 " " .40 We will give 50c per pair off of all ladies' and men's high shoes this week. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS for "Red Cross", "Utz & Dunn", bherwood", "Meade's" and "Monogram" Shoes; "Buster Brown" hosiery, "Royal Worcester" and "Bon Ton" corsets; "Warner's Brassieres", "Centimei" gloves, "Empress" and "Styleright" suits, cloaks, ect. Waterways We renew the declaration in our last platform relating to the conservation of our natural resources and the de velopment of our waterways. The present devastation of the lower Mis sissippi valley accentuates the move ment for the regulation of river flow ly addition®! bank and levee protec tion below and the diversion, storage and control of the flood waters above and their utilization for beneficial pur poses in the reclamation of arid and 6wamp lands and the development of water power instead of permitting the floods to continue, as heretofore, agents of destruction. We hold that the control of the Mississippi river is a national prob lem. The preservation of the depth of its water for the purpose of navigation, the building of levees to maintain the integrity of its cbr.nnel and the pre vention of the overflow of the land and its consequent devastation, result ing in the interruption of interstate commerce, tbe disorganization of the mail service and the enormous loss of life and property, Impose au obligation which alone can be discharged by the general government. To maintain an adequate depth of water the entire year and thereby en courage water transportation is a con summation worthy of legislative atten tion and presents an issue national in its character. It calls for prompt ac tion on the part of congress, and the Democratic party pledges itself to the euactment of legislation leading to that end. We favor the co-operation of the United States and the respective states in plans for the comprehensive treat ment of all waterways, with a view of co-ordinating plans for channel im provement, with plans for drainage of swamp and overflowed lands, and to this end we favor the appropriation by the federal government of sufficient funds to make surveys of such lands, to develop plans for draining the same and to supervise the work of con struction. We favor the adoption of a liberal and comprehensive plan for the devel opment and improvement of our Inland waterways with economy and efficien cy so as to permit their navigation by vessels of stffidard draft. Post Roads. We favor national aid to state and local authorities in the construction and maintenance of post roads. Rights of Labor. We repeat our declarations of the platform of 1008 as follows: The courts of justice are the bulwark of our liberties, and we yield to none in our purpose to maintain their dignity. Our party has given to the bench a long line of distinguished justices, who have added to the respect and confidence in which this department must be jealously maintained We resent the attempt of the Republican party to raise a false issue respecting the judiciary, an unjust reflection upon a great body of our citizens to assume that they lack respect for the courts. It is the function of the courts to inter pret the laws which the people enact, and If the laws appear to work economic, so cial or political injustice it is our duty to change them. The only basis upon W |J' C the Integrity of our courts can stand is that of unswerving justice and protection of life, personal liberty «nd property- AS tudicial processes may be abused we hmUd aruard thtm P*a.innt »bu«k Experience has proved the necessity ot a modification of the present law relating to Injunction, and we reiterate the pledge? of our platform of IS9o and 19UI in favor of a measure which passed the United State? senate in 1596 relating to contempt in fed eral courts and providing for trial by jury in cases of indirect contempt. Questons of judicial practice have aris en, especially in connection with industrial disputes. We believe that th? parties to all judicial proceedings should be treated with rigid impartiality and that injunc tions should not be issued in any case in which an injunction would not issue if no industrial dispute were involved. The expanding organization of industry makes it essential that there should be no abridgment of the right of wage earners and producers to organize for the protec tion of wages and the improvement of la bor conditions to the end that such labor organizations and their members should not be regarded as illegal combinations in restraint of trade. We pledge the Democratic party to the enactment of a law creating a department of labor represented separately in the president's cabinet, in which department shall be Included the subject of mines and mining. We pledge the Democratic party, so far as the federal jurisdiction exteuds, to an employees' compensation law providing adequate indemnity for in Jury to body or loss of life. Conservation. We believe in the conservation and the development for the use of all the people of the natural resources of the country. Our forests, our sources of water supply, out- arable and out mineral lands, oair navigable streams and all the other material resources with which our country has been so lavishly endowed constitute the fouu dation of our national wealth. Such additional legislation as may be nec essary to prevent their being wasted or absorbed by special or privileged interests should be enacted, and the policy of their conservation should be rigidly adhered to. The public domain should be admin istered and disposed of with due re gard to the -general welfare. Reserva tions should be limited to the purposes which they purport to serve and not extended to include land wholly un suited therefor. The unnecessary withdrawal from sale and settlement of enormous tracts of public land upon which tree growth never existed and cannot be promoted tends only to re tard development, create discontent and bring reproach upon thj policy of conservation. The public land laws should be ad ministered in a spirit of the broadest liberality toward the settler exhibiting a bona fide purpose to comply there with to the end that the invitation of this government to the landless should be as attractive as possible, and the plain provisions of the forest reserve act permitting homestead entries to be made within the national forests should not be nullified by administra tive regulations, which amouut to a withdrawal of great areas of the game from settlement. Immediate action should be taken by congress to make available the vast and valuable coal deposits of Alaskc Avder conditions that will be a perfect guaranty against their falling into tne bands of monopolizing corporations, as sociations or interests We rejoice in the inheritance of min **ra) resources nnooimlpd in extent, va (Continued on page twelve.) I Diamonds, Mlglfr . Watches aicnes, i == j I mmm = Jewelry ' The Store where you always get unquestionable quality and style, and know that the price is the lowest. New goods received every few days, which are products of the best factories in the country. WATCHES Cut Glass and Silverware This is headquarters for watches. Cut Glass of the richest cutting and You have one of the largest stocks quality, sold at nearly one-half the in the State t6 select from, and know ugual ke Don , { m to see the that they are reliable. Every watch is sold under a positive guarantee, new pieces and designs. Eye Glasses and Spectacles Take advantage of the opportunity to have your eyes examined by one who is registered and licensed under the State laws and* graduate Optom etrist. I have one of the best equipped and most modern optical rooms. Also repair and duplicate broken lenses of alt kinds. The place where -you are always welcome whether you buy or not. x The reputation of the Bisanar Line and the reliable methods of doing business iQ; are well known. i4-> jij Geo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Optometrist I 7I "] Watch Inspector for Southern &C. & N.-W. Rys. ' - A 15c Table j We will place a large variety of odd! lots in all kinds of useful merchandise! on one table which sold at 25c and 35 c l and let you take your choice at 15 Cents I THOMPSON-WEST COMPANY | "The Ladies' Store" Special Values I In Shirt Waists, Middy Blouses, Ladies' Neck-1 wear, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Stamped Em broidery Goods, Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Curtain Goods, Piques, Corduroys, and many other things too numerous to mention. THOMPSON-WEST COMPANY "The Ladies' Store" At Cost All Summer Parasols All Ladies' Handbags All Children's Dresses All Ladies' Dresses All Embroidered Robes All Long Silk Gloves All Men's Shirts All Wool Dress Skiits THOMPSON-WEST COMPANY "The Ladies' Store" To the LadiA We have a lad J parlor and toij room up stairs a J| • a rest room do 3 stairs for your Co M venience. AlsoplJ ty of fans and i] water. Make OUM store YOUR S t ore l