t )4 jOOQCKAJOOOOOOJOOOOOQQJOOO § BUSINESS LOCALS £ 0000 0000 0000 0000 oopooo 3ooo WAN TED-Position as steno grapher, good reference furnish ed. Add e?s Mary Bollinger, care of Kings Business College, Charlotte, N C. MR. Will G. Kirkman piano tuner of Charlotte is in town for f ew days. Orders mav be4eft at Moser's Book Store. T e Hickory Chair Co. will buy n at_ 1 cent a WANTED— Men of ability to learn cotton business in our sam ple room. Only 2 weeks requir ed to complete the course. Good orospects. Charlotte Cotton g -}iool, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED— to buy a good horre cheap. J. E. Cloninger, Cioningers' mil). It IF YOU have veal calves to cell see Harris & Little or phone 243.' 815 3t That choice business lo 83 1-2 feet front on 9th Avenu*. right at Charter house. Haith cock. Halthcock is out with list of vacant iots, business lots and dwellings lots. Call and see him. VEAL calves wanted. Phone 245 or write or cali on Harris & Little. 8 15 3c. IF YCU want to buy an auto cheap, see I. L. Lanier. He's sick. Haithcock is out with new list dwellings in various parts of the town from $650. to $45000. Gall and see him. LOST:- -A gold watch and fob, double face, with a diamond in the back. Lost between 19-10t'n Ave. and the C. &N. W. shops. A liberal reward if returned to Mrs. John Callanan. A depository for the sale of the State adopted school hooks has been established at Grimes Drug Co 's. Ali books uses in graced schools also in public sco Is on sale at contract prices. 8 29-2t Haitheock is out with new list of farms. One 14 acres, one at $650 others $1650. *to S4OO. Call and see him. A large line of school books, tablets, crayons, pencils, inks etc. at Grimes Drug Co. (The Rexall Store.) 29-2t WANTED —Inexperienced persons to apply for following positions: Stenog rapher, $-!•>; bookkeeper, S6O; salesman, JSu; civil engineer, $100; electrical en gineer, S9O; "Draftsman, $80; structural engineer, *100; bridge engineer, SIOO. S. E. Bureau, 829 9th ave. Hickory, N. C. for hire. Anywhere want to go. C. T. Morrison, 'Phone No. 145. The exchange period on school books expires on fl>ec. Ist, 1912. Books can be exchanged before that date at Grimes Drug Co's store. 8-29- 2t WANTED—White girl, age 12 to 15, to stay in family of two with one child. Or would give good home to orphan. Apply #29 Nineth Ave. Save your sight have your eyes t?sted, satisfaction assured at Hisht Hospital for same. 1316- 10th Ave.-Hickoiy, N. C. Office, Singer Sewing Machine Co 8-22-4t. LOST-Near Lenoir College a large amethyst heart. Reward if returned to Democrat office. A NICE farm of 21 3 4 acres 5 miles from Hickory on public road route. Tract containing 5 acres of good bottom land, 4 acres of cleared-up land and balance in timber Price reasonable to any one who will reply soon. f. L. J r 'unt, Hickory, N. C.. R. 1. o 29-tf. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the will and testament of D. E. Moose, leased, late of Catawba County, or tn Carolina, this is to notify all Persons having claims against the es te °f saici deceased to exhibit them w the undersigned at Hickory, N. C., •g ° r before the 16 day of August, • • or this notice will be pleaded in a r of their recovery. All persons in e oted to said estate will please make I mrno diat e payment. [ s the 12 day of August, 1912. «. JOHN V'. MOOSE, Executor 3^ jen you want a quick cure without s o. and one that i* followed lb ad results, use Chamberlain's l!,c > Cholera and arrhoea Remedy fails and U pleasant to take valuable tor children. It it " ft* oj-e* artt • f>sm *■ + + * + **i»i>++* + + + +it» + l»*«l> * 4. + LOCAL AND PERSONAL. * + 4> Miss Frances Infold is in Mon treat this veek. Mr. Dick Hutchins, of Ban dy's, was'in the city yesterday. Miss Lucile Litaker is in Char lotte visiting Mrs. J, H. Mayes. Miss Jean Robinson, of Char lotte, is visiting Miss Margaret Bost, Mr. Arthur Ingold of Morgan ton. spent Sunday here with his mother. St. Andrews Lutheran church had its picnic at Bakers Moun tain Tuesday. Mr. A bee has gone to B*uc field, W. Va. to finish a contract of laying streets. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Frye and James spent last Sunday at Hendersonville. Class No. ten of the Methodist Sunday School are having a pic nic at the Cliffs today. A good many wagon loads of Piedmont wagons pass the Dem ocrat's window going to the freight depot. M»*. W. T Sledge left Monday for Baltimore where he will pur chase his fall st )ck of dry goods and milinery. Miss Bessie Thomason has returned from a two weeks comping trip to Blowing Rock, Linville and Edgemont. Mrs. Barker and her daughter, of Durham, who are visiting re latives here, spent a day at Edgemont this week. Miss Cora Clark, of Gastonia, spent Wednesday night with Miss Bessie Thomason on her way home from Dandridge, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Shu ford and Mrs. Chas. H. Geitner, returned yesterday from the funeral of Mrs. Shu ford's father at Waynes boro, Pa. Mr. Henessy, his wife and his wife's mother, passed through the city Wednesday returning to Salisbury after a visit to the Blowing Rock section. I ighting struck trees in *he yard of Henry Webb near Col lettsville recently and shocked the entire family, also making furrows in the yard like a plow. Lock Craig opened his cam paign for Governor at Laurin burg, Aug. 23, and emphasized the need of carrying out Ay cock's policies, especially on edu cation. John Ross, the alleged Cleve land county murderer of the Dixon family, has been repriev ed unt'l Sept. 22, and may have his sentence commuted to life imprisonment. Members of the South Hickory Precinct Fxecutive Committee are called to meet at the office of chairman, W. A. Self 1220 Ninth Avenue. Saturday, August 31, at 3 o'clock, p. m. Miss Lula Matheson of Taylors yille is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. F. Stevenson, here. Misses Mabel and Gertrude Cooper, who have been visiting here, -have returned to Taylorsville. Rev. J. G. Garth preached here last Sunday and went to Quaker Meadows to conduct a protracted meeting for Rev, Mr. Higden, who will preach here next Sun day in the Presbyterian church. Prof. M. L. Stirewalt, of Le noir college preached the sermon ion last Sunday morning before Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary society of the N. C. Lutheran Synod at Mt. Pleasant. President Fritz, Prof. M. L. Stirewalt, Rev. Enoch Hite and others v. ere among the speakers at the Piedmont Association meeting ol Lenoir College stu dents held at Dallas last Satur day. The Rowan Baptist Associa tion, after holding very interest ing sessions in Pastor Gore's church, adjourned last Saturday All the colored .churches Satur day were filled with visiting preachers who remained over. Mrs. Edwiria Chadwick, the Democrat's versatile reporter of women's club events, has re tured fromMorehead City, where she enjoyed a delightful summer. Nobody has so many friends and they are all glad to see her back. Mr. Elliott having charged M " J H. Willis with the embez zlement of $175, the case was tried Wednesday afternoon but Recorder Yount quickly founa the defendant not guilty. The plantiff charged that Mr. Willis has retained all but 25 cents of a $5 00 meal ticket, while Elliott and Will's were partners for a short time a while back. Mr. Elliott came here from fcenoir. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /JK Signature of J&CG+U&Z The fall term of Mrs. James B. Beard's school opens on the 2nd of September, 1912. 822 3;. Misses Lizxie and Amelia Mc- Comb have returned from Mon treat The Book Store is advertising school book supplies this week. See the ad.^ Mr. Kirkman, the piano tuner, was in the city this week. Read his card in this paper. Attention is called to the ad of the Thornton Academy of Music in this issue and its opening for the winter with three new reels of pictures every night. A depository for the sale of State adopted school books has been established at Grimes Drug Store, and all graded school cooks ean be had there. See their local ads. Mrs. H, D. Abernethy's kinder gartan children are celebrating their annual picnic today in Car olina Park, it having been delay ed by absent pupils, rainy weath er and the like, but being none the less enjoyable for the wait. Miss Ollie Hoyle is spending two weeks in New York and other Northern Cities buying Miss Michael's fall millinery goods. She will soon have on display a very large line of the latest and most up to date styles. The boiler room of the Elliott knitting mills caught on fire a bout 1 o'clock Monday night and was pretty well burned up. The excellent work of the firemen kept the flames from extending further. Chief Claud Moser is nursing some ugly sores on his hands. Miss Era Sigmon, daughter of Mr. Alf Sigmon, of Catawba county, and Mr. T. ft. Shell, of Iredell county, were united in marriage at the home of the brides father, Tuesday night about 9 o'clock, Rev. F. K. Roof, of St. Timothy, performing the ceremony. Mr. Calvin L. Hawn has an nounced his candadacy fot county treasurer in the Republican pri maries. He says in his announce ment. I am an old Confeder ate soldier of Co. K. 35th Reg. N. C. Troops. I would not ask it but am in need of the office. I will promise, if elected, to serve you to the best of my ability,etc. Mrs, A. Bourbonnais enter tained delightfully last Tuesday the Ladies Dinner Club. Her hosDitality is always lavish, and she had as special guests, be sides the club members, Mes dames Hanna, Voorhees, Thomp son, Ericsson, Wezen and Banks, and Miss Sallie Alexander of Charlotte. A • The Lawrence-Cline Co. has purchased the old Parker restau rant on 9th avenue, and have moved their stock of groceries into it. Willis, the restaurant man, has rented the whole front of the Campbell block, and in addition to his excellent restau rant, will use the remainder as a hotel on the European plan. At the Methodist church last Sunday Rev. D. M. Litaker an nounced that on next Sunday afternoon at 4:30 he would hold a service in the church for the bap tism of infants. The whole ser vice will not last over 30 min utes. ' All parents who wish the children baptized by this pastor are requested to bring them to this service. "Bradshaw, photog.," ha 3 es tablished himself in the second story of the elegant Blackwelder and Riddle block, where he has his hands full with commercial photography. He does the pho tography work for all the local furniture making plants and for the most of those in near by cities. He also finishes up kodak work. Miss Lera Hilton is his useful assistant. The California Fruit Co. have added to the decorations in their attractive ice cream parlor by hanging on the walls patriotic Greek pictures. Several are battle scenes, showing Greek victories over the Turks. There are also pictures of the King of Greece and the Premier. The Greeks are the most patriotic people in the world, and Mr. Lazos and the local colony are no exception to the rule. Rev. L. P. Propst and youngest son, Ceoi}, of Laurel, Md., are in this vicinity visiting Mr. Propst's father, Mr. William Propst. Mr. Propst will attend the District Synod meeting at Claremont the 11th of September continuing for one week. The Democrat appreciated a visit from Mr. Propst. Mr. J. P. Rawley, circulation manager of the Greensboro Daily News, spent Tuesday in the city making arrangements to have the News served to its patrons Sunday morning. Arrange ments were made with Moser. & Lutz Drug Co. to handle for sale and distribute to subscribers, their Sunday papers. Mr. Raw ley said the subscribers of the News will receive their Sunday papers regardless of the new pos tal closing law, if he has to have his Sunday papers delivered b> carriers in the towns that are affected by this no Sunday mail law. * . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA3TORIA BLEASE PROBftBLt BEHTED mm Biggest Vote in South Caro lina's History—Charges of Fraud Made. Blease was probably nominated for Governor in the Sputh Caro lina primaries yesterday. In f total vote of 133,000, the largest ever cast in the State, Bieast. this morning had a majority o 1 1000 over Jones and Duncan, ano a plurality of 3,000 over Jones, but 75 precincts are yet to hear from. Blease got 67,225 votes. There are many charges of fraud. It is said that Anderson county reports 8,000 votes polled, while there are only 6000 voters. The executive committee will look into the fraud charges. The Legislature is anti-Blease. A.U Democratic congressional incumbents are renominated, ex cept that Ragsdale defeats filler be in the 6th district. Tillman goes back to the Senate. _ A supberb band was the fea ture of the cowboy show here last Saturday. It played sever al airs on the streets, one being a m.dley in which a musical ear detected Schubert's serenade, Wiliiam Tell and other familiar compositions. It attracted many to the night concert. Mrs* Ericsson, of Biltmore, brought her daughter, Mildred Jennette, to Dr. J. H. Shuford at the Richard Baker Hospital this week to have her tonsils re moved. Mr. G. W. Lail, who lives near Hildebrand, suffered an accident in which when his gun exploded a piece a brass pen etrated his eye, althougn it did not seriously injure the eyesight. Dr. Shuford removod it. The Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. have this week got in four car loads of beautiful stock, two of mules and two of horses. They attracted much attention as they were being unloaded here. A carload of each was sent on to Lenoir. They are offering this stock-at reasonable prices and on easy terms to the public. Newton News; Thursday morning while at the barn at her home in Claremont. Mrs. Patsy Setzer, mother of Mr. George E. Setzer, merchant of Claremont, was paralyzed and died at about 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon. She was about 75 years old. Mr. E. C. Johnson has written relatives here that after going to Sfcatte he continued to Portland, Oregon, and secured a good po sition. He asked that his father and father-in-law, Mr. Henley, take care of his business and sec tie up the best way they could. He said he could not make it pay, and did not wish to stay and face the failure. He declared his in tention of working until he had made the money to pay every debt he owed. Meantime Mr. Wade Caldwell as receiver is taking steps to wind up the busi-_ ness. Mr. Harris, who used to run the store at Lenoir college, is now in charge of the store. On the evening of Aug. 20th, Misses Frank and Rose Martin entertained a business meet ing of the Do as You Please Club. An unique "camping" trip was decided on, A com fortable house on Fifteenth Street, in the very heart of town, with all conveniences tempoiarily vacant was selected for the out ing. Wednesday evening -the campers took possession for a three-days' stay. The party was composed of the following young ladies: Misses Hilda Field, Kate Elliott, Mary Allen," Louise Jones. Frances Geitner, Effie Johnson, Virginia Sellers, Ade lyn McComb, Constance Bost, Millie Kate McComb, Frank and Rose Martin, Gladys Reid, and Emma Bonner. Chaper ones, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elliott. The Democrat took a look over the nwe J. W. Blackwelder stores the other day, and does not be lieve they can be excelled for durability and arrangement by any town in the State. The Hickory Grocery Co. building is practically completed, and this hurtling and up-to-date jobbing house, with its enormous stock of goods, has taken possession of the first floor and basement. Up-stairs Mr. Bradshaw has es tablished bis quarters for com mercial photography and devel ping work. The remainder of the up-stairs is being divided up in to double rooms suitable for of fices. The picture show theatre building, next to Stevenson's store, is being rushed to comple tion for Mr. Stone, and will be the neatest of its kind in the State. The front of these stores is exceptionally attractive and makes an architectual ornament for the city. Mr. Q. E. Herman did the archicectural work and Mr. Lester, of Catawba, the con tracting worlr. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Road Work in Newton Township. The road work in Newton township is being rapidly push ed. Last Friday in Newxon, Air. W. C. Feimster, -who is a progressive in business, went to the pains to get a buggy and take the editor of the Demo crat out to the scene of the lo cal road work which is under the supervision of Mr. Summey, who learned how on the Cleveland county roads under Mr. Eddie man. Mr. Sumrhey made a good roads talk in Hickory once. He is working 16 superb mules. Fheir shoulders are just a littl* render now, and he is not allow ;ng them to be overworked until they are used to this work The force is now engaged in making three fills. The first one is a 700 foot stretch not quite a mile from the court house on the Newton Hickory road. The second fill just be yond, is- probably a little over 300 feet, with a depth at the lowest point of 16 or 18 feet. A third shorter fill will end the difficult grade work for the rest of the road Mr. Summey says there is plenty of top soil availa ble. Mr. Feimster was raised on a farm and he is a good judge of a mule. He owns a lovely home place, and we wound up with a visit to shoulder high corn, plant ed in a patch of his on July 4, with nothing under it but rye straw. Mr. Feimster has a splen did orchard started and the most prolific vineyard of Concord grapes we ever saw. Children Cry FOR FLEtCHER'S CASTO R I A Sale of Property for Taxes. By virtue of the power invested in me, and "By orde£ of the Board of County Commissioners," I hereby ad vertise the following real estate for sale for 1911 taxes. Sale to be held Saturday, August 31, 1912, at the Court House door in Newton, at 10 o'clock a. m. Any one seeing his or her property advertised and finding any error tnere n, is respectfully requested to com municate the fact to the undersigned at once. You can get your" receipt by mailing me the amount opposite your name am! 22 cents extra for cost of advertising and postage. J. P. BURNS, D. S., Tax Collector for Hickory Township. Mrs. M. A. Dietz 15 acres, 37c Mrs. J. C. Downs 1 lot, 4.33 John Gilbert 48 acres, 2 80 J Morgan Hawn I lot, 6.85 J. W. Keever 1 lot, 3.02 G. W. Setzer 8 acres, 4.05 W. A. Sherrill 10 acres, 12.35 P. L. Sides 1 lot. 3.31 R. E. L. Ward 32 a. 3.09 Robt. M. Yotler 32 acres, 5.39 N. A. Leatherman 24 acres, " 1.31 S. M. Bryant 3 lots, 87c F. L. Ful bright 24 acre?, 1.73 J. P. Miller 36 acres, 2.16 Carrie B. Adams 1 lot, 2.57 COLORED. Clias. Bost 1 lot, 3.73 R. L. Brown 1 lot. 44c Rev. A. H. Newsome 1 lot. 31c Avery Wilfong 111-2 acres, 5.04 Robt. Wilfong 1 lot, 87c 8-8-4t. Col. Thornton ran down to Charlotte today. A vast amount of ill health is due to impaired digestion. When the stomach fails to perform its functions properly the whole system becomes deranged. A few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets is all you need. They will strengthen your digestion, invigorate your liver, regulate your bowels, entirely doing away with that miserable feelitfg due to faulty digestion. Try it, Many others have been permanently cured—why not you? For sale by all dealers. St. Mathews annual protracted meeting will begin Friday of this week and continue over Sunday. This is held at the noted St. Mathews camp ground in Lin coln county and several hundred people attend each year. It is the gathering place for the Re formed people in this part of the State. Dr. Murphy will attend and his pulpit in the city will be filled by the Rev. C. A. Munroe in the morning. There will be no services at night. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for much sickness and suffering, P therefore, if kidney trouble is permitted to continue, serious re sults are most likely to follow. Your other organs may need at tention, but your kid neys. most, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when jour kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your en tire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con vince you of its great merit. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distress ing cases. If you need a medicxn£ you ■ 6hould have the best. i Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dol- fesßCSti featgSß lar sizes. You may have/ a sample bottle 1 by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you Hon» how to find out if you have kidney pr bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any take, but remember the name, Root, and don't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root—if. you do you wiu be disappointed. Building Materials. Sash, . Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, Mantels, - Framing, Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles. Sash Weights, | Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shingles. Estimates made from plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co. | HICKORY, N. C. I I BOYS' I 'SCHOOL SUITS! % We are showing a ' strong line of boys' GOOD CLOTHING for fall in all the NEW SHADES AND CUTS. Bring your boy in and let us fit him with aa "EXTRAGOOD" I Suit this fall. ■ 1 A fine knife free with each I I Moretz-Whitener Clothing Co. I S "THE QUALITY SHOP" I 8 Splendid Live Stock 8 O We have just received at 0 8 our Stables in Hickory, 8 8 One Car load of young 8 v Horses and Mares. Sc. x One Car load of Mules. X X Several Nice. Saddle and X Q Driving Horses. x x Come quick,before they all go. X § HENKEL=CRAIG g © LIVE STOCK CO. Q FOUNDED 1842. Stief f Pianos "Sing Their Own Praise" The beautiful sing ing tone, perfectly balanced action and touch,combined with unequaled durability, is the REASON, and the ONLY REASON for tfie high esteem in which the Artistic Stieff is held in exclu sive musical circles, and those who are interested in higher musical education. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the Artistic Stieff, Shaw and Stieff Self Player Pianos. Southern Wareroom 5 WEST TRADE ST. 219 South Tryon St., C. H. WILMOTH,Mgr.

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