| mmm J uflu I iijfllA For Infants and Children. (py&TOßijfi Tl,e Kind You Have IfiSSßfcggii *l«»ays Bought ! simiiatmg llierocdandP.ee: ula- pig S : g Bears the Promotes Signature ness and Rest.Conlains neither 1 11 o W Jf ||* Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. [lf 01 /(\ /\ fW rfi Mk \\ \j* of OU Dr SAMUEL RTGHSR » 1 A PumfJan. Seut~ . 9 t \ /ilx.Sfnna * 1 "31 1> £| ™ fUduiUSJ*- I J |/1 f ybiue Sard * 1 §1 _ * I H I |ft UP In gx ) | }a T II Apcrfecl Remedy forConslipa- §ll f \j Af # U \)G Ron, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea 1 I |*/ | Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ; #| 1 ness and Loss OF SJLEF.JP. J! \jr H0 T U¥6 T Facsimile Signature of ;S jgJlgllLjj Thirty Years SfCASTOMA TMI OENVAUR tOMMNV* NSW VOMK CITY, CORTRIGHT METAL. SHINGLES TO KNOW THE GENUINE^ ! SSLJ: LOOK FOR THE STAMP >WMI SW$3 "CORTRIGHT" Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. * ; : i accept no substitute, if you want a roof that - | will last as long as the Luilding, en ' never need '• ! ' Wpai** —never need attention of any l-ind, except j | ' an occasional coat of piint. .r"' S^TT*'V V"' 3. Fire-proof—Storm-proof—Lightning-proof For Sale by F. B. Ingold, Hickory, N. C. OAK LUMBER WANTED. The Hickory Chair Manufactur ing Co. are now. ready to buy your Oak Lumber. Call or write and get prices. Hickory Chair Manufacturing Co. HICKORY, N. C. DaHas - Fort Worth ' ' Galveston, Houston, 11 i and all Texas points. Alexandria, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, and all Louisiana points. Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, Vicksburg, and all Mississippi points. all points North, East, South and West REACHED BY THE THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THE QUEEIN & CRESCEINT ROUTE FOR RATES AND FULL INFORMATION, CALL ON OR WRITE I * J. C. CONN, Division Passenger Agent, Read House, CHATTANOOGA. TENN. j Solemn Warning to Parents. The season for bowel trouble is fast approaching and you should at once provide your home with Kings Diarrhoea Cordial, A guaranteed remedy for Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Flux, Cholera Infantum and all kindred diseases. Numerous testimonials on our fiies telling of marvelous cures can be had by request. Notice the following: I have u?:ed in my family King's Diarrhoea and Dysenter Cordial in bowel ' affections. It is the best medicine of the kind I ever saw -J. A Leslie,M.D. [ Mr. Robert Yount, who is employed by me at Fullers. N. C., was quite ; ill recently with a stubborn attack of dysentery. He was treated by phy- t sicians without benefit, and continued to grow weaker. Half a bottle of King's Diarrhoea and Dysentery Cordial completely cared him, and he said unless he knew where more could be obtained he would not take ten 1 dollars for the other half of the bottle. —A W. Fuller. Fo; sale by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents the bottle. ——- - . • av Good Holder for Safety Matches. Quite a Man. A holder for a box of safety Howell —"What sort of a fellow ifl matches, intended to be hung on a k e r' Powell —"He can make two lem wall, but which, can be folded for car- ons grow where only one grew before fyiug in the pocket, is the inyentior eD j then hand them both to you when 91 a New Yorker. ou are not looking."—Judge. SUNDAY WOOL Lesson IX.— Third Quarter, For Sept. 1, 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Taxt of th« Lesson, Mark vi, 14-29. Memory Versos, 27, 28—Golden Text, Rev. ii, 10 (R. V.) —Commentary Pre pared by rtov. D. M. Stearns. This lesson is a look backward to the murder of John the Baptist and the cause of it. Tidings of the mighty works done by Jesus and His follow ers had reached the ears of King Her od, aud he was perplexed and thought that John must be risen from the dead. Others said, "It Is Elijah," and still others said. "It is one of the old prophets risen again." Herod said. "John have I beheaded, but who if this of whom I hear such things?" (Luke lx. 7-9.) It Is said that he de sired to see Him, and when Just be fore His crucifixion Pilate sent Him to Herod, who was in Jerusalem at that time, it is written that he was exceedingly glad, for he was desirous to see Him of a long season, because he had heard many things o# Him. and he hoped to have seen some mira cle done by Him (Luke xxiii. 8). Her od's (j nest ion. "Who Is this?" is one of the greatest of all questions. We find it in Jer. xxx. 21. in connection with His becoming surety for His peo ple: In Isa. Ixiii, I; in connection with His coming in judgment; in Luke v. 21. in connection with His forgiving sins, and In Luke vii, 49. also; in Matt, xxl, 10. as He entered Jerusalem on the ass' colt. Blessed Indeed are all who know Him, not only as Israel's Messiah and the great head of the church, aud the King of kings and Lord of lords, but as their owu per sonal Saviour, who became surety for them, bore their sins in His own body and has assured them of the forgive ness of their sins. Apart from this personal knowledge of Him as the one who loved me and gave Himself for me (Gal. ii. 20). all else is as nothing. The record goes on to tell us why Herod had killed John. He had taken Herodias. his brother Philip's wife, to be his wife, and John had toid him that it was not lawful to do this Therefore Herodias had an inward ; grudge against John and would have killed him if she could (verse 19. mar gin). But Herod, knowing John to be i a Just and holy man, heard him glad ly and did many things and kept and saved him (verse 20, margin). Thus things went on, nerod knowing and admiring the right, yet doing the wrong, and Herodias a sort of Jezebel to help him In the wrong, and the devil controlling all. What a picture of real life It is, for the devil is still the god of this world, and the world lleth In the wicked one! Now we have an account of one of the devil's supreme occasions—Her od's birthday and a supper for hip lords, high captains and chief estates of Galilee. It must have been a great gathering of the notable people of the land, to which multitudes would con sider it an honor to be invited—a kind of Belshazzar's feast on a smaller scale, but with the same spirit of Im piety and disregard of God. Oh. how much there is of It today and even among those who are called Chris tians! But the world Is ever the same, whether the ungodly or the religious world, and "all that is In the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." •'The friendship of the world Is enmity with God" (I John 11, 15-17; Jas. Iv. 4). There would no doubt be royal wine In abnndance. according to the state of the king, and the eating and drink Ing would be according to every man's pleasure (Est i, 7, 8). There was some special dancing also, and the daughter of Herodias danced so well that the king said unto her with an oath, "Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me I will give it thee unto the half of my kingdom" (verses 22, 23). Being Instructed by her mother, she asked for the head of John the Baptist In a charger. The king's order must be obeyed, and immediately the execu tioner does his awful work, and the grudge of the wicked Herodias is gratified as she obtains possession of the head of him she so hated for dar ing to rebuke her sin. Naboth's death at the hands of Jezebel or by ner command was somewhat on the aame line of things, as far as the death of the Innocent and unoffending to please the wicked was concerned. But the great murderer has been at work ever since he caused the death of Abel, and he is not through yet Those who are willing to do his work cannot complain if some time they *tmre his doom in the lake of Are pre pared for the devil and his angels. It was a wretched birthday for Hercd. and we saw at the beginning of our lesson that he could not forget his part in the murder of John. He has not forgotten It yet. for we conclude from Luke xvi. 25. that memory plays a very important part In the torment of the lost. Although it seemed hard for John to be thus taken off the earth. It was In reality a good day for him, for he had the gain, the very far better of Phil. 1. 21, 23. and he has been well and happy ever since, and the glory of the kingdom still awaits him. His disciples burled his body, but John was not at the burial. It has long been a comfort to me to con sider that if the Lord does not come while 1 live and this mortal body stall some day be burled 1 will not be at the funeral, bnt absent from the body, present with the Lord. The American People. The National Disease is nervous prostration. What is to be the lesult of all this hurry, worry and work, some times over—sometimes under-eating, always under-sleeping— brain and brawn in constant state of agitation and unrest —sleeping badly, dreaming, tossing, waking? Dr. King has de vised a remedy if used aright. King's Iron Tonic Bitters steadies the nerves, builds up the waste, gives new start. Sold under guarantee by til medicine dealers. Guard Your Children Against Bowel Trouble Many children at an early age become constipated, and frequently seriobs consequences result. Not being able to realize his own con dition, a child's bowels should be constantly watched, and a gentle laxative given when necessary. Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets are especially well adapted to women and children. The Sisters of Christian Charity, 531 Charles St., Luzerne, Pa., who attend many cases of sickness say of them: "Some time Ago we began using Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets and find that we like them very much. Their action is excellent and we are grateful for having been made acquainted with them. We ha\ e had good results in every ease and the Sisters are very much pleased." The form and flavor of any medi cine is very important, no matter who is to take it. The taste and appearance are especially important when children are concerned. All parents know how hard it is to give the average child "medicine," even though the taste is partially dis guised. In using Dr. Miles' Lax ative Tablets, however, this diffi culty is overcome. The shape of the tablets, their appearance and candy-like ta.;te at once appeal to any child, with the result that they are taken without objection. The rich chocolate flavor and -absence of other taste, make Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets the ideal remedy for children. If the first box fails to benefit, the price is returned. Ask your druggist. A box of 25 doses costs only 25 cents. Never sold in bulk. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Or. .1. C. BIDDIX DENTJST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue, 'PHONE No. 94. DR. J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and Saturdays Up Stairs in Club Elrl'g., next door to Shuforil Hardware Co. Dr. George E. Flowers Office at the Campbell residence Long View. Calls answered night and day, rain or shine. Phone No. 506 A. DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. Dr. 1. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in all the courts of this State. Dr. H. P. FLOWE Veterinary Surgeon Office at Thomason's Livery Stable PHOFE 267 Calls answered day or night R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL \ - Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting and Shaving. PALM TREE CAFE Neat, Clean and Up-to-Date. Sunday Dinners a Specialty I Palace Barber Shop. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Schedule Effective Jan. 1, 1912 Leave Lincolnton, N. C. East Bound Train No. 46, 8:52 a. m., daily " " 132, 5:53 p. m., «• West Bound Train No. 133, 11:20 a. m., daily " " 47, 5:55 p. m., " For further information apply: JAS KER, Jr., H. S. LEAPD, T. P A. D. P. A. Charlotte N. C. Raleigh, N. C CHICHESTER 8 PILLS Wg. THE DIAMOND BRA NIK * y.iTUN LaiJifsl Ask your Drucwlat for A\ £S\ C!il-ch©§«tr , l Dlamoaa Braad/A\ CMoJmL I>in * in Ked and * ,old metail(e\V ' — ZjCSJ boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon, xf W Ttlit no other. Buy of your * I / ~ m bmmrlnt. Ask for Ciri-OlftiS-TEE 3 I Jr DIAMOND It RAND FILLS, for is V©* ■ B y r*is known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable A —r SOU) 8* DRUGGISTS EVERVWHERt Vacation Outing The Glorious Mountains of WESTERN ..NORTH.. CAROLINA "The Land of the Sky" "The Sapphire Country" "The Balsams" Where There is Health in Every Breath The Climate is Perfect the Year Rounf InSpringandSummer the Region is Idea —Reached By— . 'ST % Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South Solid Through Train, including Parlor Car, between Goldsboro, Asheville and Waynesville, via Raleigh, Greensboro Salisbury. Other convenient through car arrangements. Summer Tourist Tickets on Sale Until September 30, 1912 Let Your Ideas and Wishes be Known J. H. WOOD, R. H. DeBUTTS, J.O.JONES, D. P. A * * D. P. A. T. P. A. Asheville. N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh. N. C. Norfolk Southern Railroad Route of the "Night Express" Travel via Raleigh (Union Station) and Norfolk "Southern Railroad, to and from all points in Eastern North Caro lina. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MARCH 3, 1912. N. B. The following schedule figures ' Published as information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH. 9:15 p. m. Daily, "Night Express" Pullman SletDing Cars for Norfolk. 6:00 a. m. Daily, for Wilson, Washing h~ ton and Norfolk. Broiler Parlor Car , -Service, 6:00 a. m, Daily, except Sunday, for New Bern via Crocowinity. Parlor Car Service. 2:40 p. m. Daily, except Sunday, for Wilson, Greenville and Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE RALEIGH. 7:15 a. m. Daily, 11:20 a. m. Daily ex cept Sunda?, and 8:SO p. m. Daily. TRAINS LEAVE GOLDSBORO 10:15 p. m. Daily, "Night Express" Pullman Sleeping Cars for Norfojk via New Bern. 7:05 a. m. Daily, for Beaufort and Norfolk. Parlor Car between Wash ington and Norfolk. 3:10 p, m. Daily, for New Bern, Oriental and Beaufort. For further information and reserva tion of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to C.yy. Upchurch Gen'l Agt.. Raleigh, N. C M or F. W. Tatem, Gen 1 Agent, Goldsboro, N. C. B. L. BOGGS, W. Wi CROXTON Traffic Mgr. Gen'l Pass. Agt. NORFOLK, VA Carolina & North-Western R. R. Schedule Effective Julv 13. 1912. Daily I Northbound. Pass. ! Mixed No. 10 No. b0 Chester Lv 755 am 100pm Yorkville 8 42 2 30 Gastonia 9 30 i 4 30 Gastonia j 5 40 Lincolnton 10 26 j6 46 Newton 11 05 7 40 Hickory 1215 p m 820 Lenoir 130 Mortimer 2 53 Edgemonf Ar. 305 Southbound. No. 9 No. 61 Edgemont Lv.,1205 am! Mortimer 1213 I Lenoir 133 Hickory 2 30 7 15 a m Newton 3 05 7 55 Lincolnton 3 43 8 45 Gastonia Ar. 440 lu 38 p m Gastonia Lv. 455 11 45 Yorkville 5 39 1 15 Chester Ar. 625 320 CONNECTIONS. Chester.—Sou. Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C. Yorkville.—Southern Railway. Gastonia. —Southern Railway. Lincolnton.—S. A. L. Newton and Hickory.—Southern R. R. :E. F. REID, G. P. Agt., Chester. S. C. w y°y mnsi/' PIEDMONT TRACTION CO. Between Gastonia and Charlotte, N. C. Effective Wednesday, July 3rd 1912. Leave Gastonia Arrive Gastonia No, 2 700 A. M. No. I—7 53 A. M. 4 815 • 3 915 6 9 30 s—lo 15 B—lo 25 7—ll 25 10—11 50 9—12 50 P.M. 12—1 30 P. M, 11— 2 30 16— 3 20 15— 4 20 18— 4 40 17— 5 33 20— 5 35 19— 6 28 22 6 30 21— 7 40 24 7 50 23 8 45 26 9 10 25—10 10 28—10 55 27—11 55 Clo6e connections at Mount Holly, N, C. with Sea-i board Air Line, at Gastonia. N. C. with Southern Railway and C. & N-W. Railway to and from all points. North. South, East and West. The above schedule, figures and con. published only as informution and are not guaranteed. E. THOMASON. C.V. PALMER, General Manager. General Passenger Agt. THE WORLD'S 'JI BEST PIANO '// THE KNABE piano is famed universally for its delicate sweetness of tone. For three generations it has had no peer. Will you not inspect our complete stock of these time honored instruments? PARKER-GARDNER CO. I CHARI OTTE, N. C. Selling Agentsi *9s a# Connelly Mineral Springs Hotel u m Connelly Springs, N. C. Ff O Now open for the Summer season. Thoroughly L Yj ' modern in all of its appointments, the very best |T service and attention. All amusements. Good jfa ▼1 orchestra. A delightful, health giving climate, #▼ kJ and the very finest mineral water to be found, for uk nervousness, a run down system and all blood Mi kj diseases. Reasonable rates. Write for illus «]f trated booklet and information. Dances every jfl Tuesday and Friday evenings. Good train f /▼ Af service from Hickory, {Connelly Mineral Springs Hotel u Connelly Springs, N. C. . * Your Sewing Machine can be fixed. If it drops stitches, breaks thread and needles; draws goods, feeds slow, chokes under foot; runs heavy, has knocking or loss motion, piece lost, broken or worn out. All parts for all makes. We duplicate and repair under guarantee. You do not live too far for us to come and repair it at your home. Address, SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SHOP. Phone 320. M. C. D. OWEN, Mgr., Hickory, N. C. Box 372. CAROLINA, CLINCIIFIELD AND OHIO RAILWAY AND Carolina. Clinchfield and Ohio Raiway of South Carolina Till] NEW SHORT LINK BETWEEN Dante, St. Paul and Speer's Ferry, Va., Johnson City, Tenn.. Altapass and Marion, N. C., and Spartanburg, S. C. "Clinchfield Route" EFFECTIVE MAY 12, 1912. SOUTHBOUND | Eastern Standard Time j N'RTHB'D 1 | . a> _ 12 o > No.s| No. 3 ] No. 2 No. 4 Mixd| Pass. | Miles STATIONS | £ £ as Pass. Pass. D'ly | Daily | IS d m Daily Daily I I I P. M.j A. M. J |L v Dante, Va jAr. P. M. P. M. l.lOj 8.00 O.OjLv St. Paul, Va Ar. 1760 12.45 10.15 1.851 8.20 7.5 Lv Dungannon, Va Ar. 1484 12.17 9.40 2.21! 8.51 21.9jLv... .Ft. Blackmore, Va. ...Ar. 1305 11.40 9.11 2.45| 9.08 30.2iLv Hill, Va Ar. 1772 11.20 8.53 f3.01 jf 9.21 36. OjLv.... Speer's Ferry, Va....Ar. 1280 .fll.olf 8.34 3.27 9.41 46.4, Lv,. .Cameron, [Va.-Tenn.. .Ar. 1378 10.42 8.15 3.44 i' 9.56 51. 6jLv Kinsport, Tenn Ar. 1306 10.24 7.55 3.59| 10.09 58.9jLv Pactolus, Tenn Ar. 1213 10.09 7.41 i4.18jf10.20 62.8jLv Fordtown, Tenn Ar. 1295 9.55 f 7.30 4.40; 10.32 67.8|Lv Gray, Tenn Ar. 1434 9.42 7.18 f4.56jf10.43 72.6,Lv.. .Johnson City, Tenn...Ar. 1526 9.30 f 7.07 5.34! 11.15 85.1 Lv Unicoi, Tenn Ar. 1624 9.01 6.35 6.32 11.43 95.7 jAr Erwin, Tenn Lv. 1932 8.29 6.01 .6.47 11.55 lOl.ljLv Erwin, Tenn Ar. 1662 8.17 5.48 6.54 12.02 lOl.ljLv Chesota, Tenn Ar. 1662 „_B.IO 5.41 f7.05 12.121 104.3jLv.. .T'aaka Sprgs, Tenn.. .Ar.l 1703 8.00 f5.32 f7.08 f 12.15| 105.1,|Lv, .Hntdale, N. C Ar.f 1703 f7.58 f5.28 7.59 12.471 117.9jLv Green Mtn, N. C....Ar. 2058 7.28 4.59 8.24 1.05 124.9 i Lv Toecane, N. C Ar. 2152 7.12 4.43 f9.22 r.sl| 140.1|Lv Penland, N. C Ar. 2401 6.35 4.04 8.46 1.211 131.3|Lv Boonford, N. C Ar. 2256 6.57 4.28 f9.38 2.03) 114.6|Lv... Spruce Pine, N. C...Ar. 2462 6.32 3.53 P. M. P. M. J j A. M. | P. M. No. 1 1 No' 6 Mix'd • ; | Pass. * * A. M. P. M. | j T~ P. M. P. M. 6.15 2.231 154. .yjL/V Altapass, N. C Ar. 2629 8.05 3.34 f6.22 f2.311 155.3|Lv.. .Mt. Mitchell, N. C...Ar. 2450 7.50 f3.19 f 6.52 f2.58, 161.3j.Lv.. .Linville Falls, N. C...Ar. 1738 f 7.21 f 2.48 7.26 3.15! 175. ljLv Sevier. N. 0 Ar. 1400 7.05 2.34 7.49 3.31 i ISS.SJILv Marion, N. J Ar. 1316 6.45 2.15 f8.33 f4.01 197.8j1.iV,. Thermal, N. C Ar. 984 f6.15 f1.46 8.55 4.16 205.5 jLv.. .Westminster, N. C...Ar. 861 6.00 1.32 9.07 f4.25J 209.0jLv Bostic Yard, N. C Ar. 836 5.43 f1.23 9.11 4.30 211.OjLv Bostic, N. C Ar. 845 5.33 1.20 9.17 4.34 213. OjLv... .Forest City, N. C..*.Ar. 867 5.29 1.13 9.55 5.02 226.81 LV Chesnee, S. C Ar. 882 5.02 12.43 10.09 5.12 231.6jLv.C. Mayo, S. C Ar. 822 4.50 12.33 10.45 5.40 242.3jAr...Spartanburg, S. C...Lv. 778 4.25 12.10 A. M. P. M. | (Union Pass. Station) P. M. P. M. The Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway, and the Carolina, Clinch field & Ohio Railway,of South Carolina, "Clinchfield Route" reserve the right to vary from the time shown above without notice to the pub lic. Patrona.are requested to apply to nearest Agent for definite infor mation or Jo CHAS. T. MANDEL, J. J. CAMPION, T. P. A., in charge Pass. Dept. Vice-President & Traffic Manager, Johnson City, Tenn. Johnson City, Tenn. f —Flag Stop. ♦Daily, except Sunday

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